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By Fallon Foley
How do you envision your audience experiencing you sound piece?

I envision my audience to listen to this sound in their own privacy.

Does your sound art require a specific location, installation or additional

The location would be a dark room with headphones.

What three words could be used to describe your piece?

● Anxiety
● Fast
● Uncomforting
Describe how you sourced your sounds

● Kettle bowling
● Water running
● Blender
● Slicing strawberries
● CVS check out
● Train passing
● Cars going by on a bridge
● Blinds blowing
Is there a performance aspect?

No, I performed the acts of recording each individual sound. The performance piece
for an individual would be simply open the file, put in headphones and be able to
experience these sounds blended together as a whole and how it makes them feel
Is there a goal or outcome that you are working towards?

I wanted to create a sound that expresses anxiety and maybe if you are not someone
who experiences anxiety you will be more compassionate towards mental health after
hearing this audio.
What kind of feeling or thoughts do you hope the audience will experience?

I want someone to experience a state of stress after listening to this audio.

How did this piece evolve?

This piece evolved by recording natural/daily sounds within my life. I then followed
up with digital editing on the Garageband app.

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