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Application of Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM), Six

knowledge areas and five perspectives of Business Analysis to SRF Ltd.


Deepali Deepti – 2027536

School of Business and Management

Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore

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SRF Limited is a chemical industry which is a multi-business entity established in
1970, as Shri Ram Fibers limited. SRF pursues passion adopted 'continuous
improvement' as a motto which shapes the plans and actions. It is located in Gurugram,
India and has its twelve manufacturing plants in India, one in South Africa, and two in
Thailand. The company exports its product to more than 75 countries. SRF has a diversified
product portfolio covering technical textiles, Fluorochemicals Specialty, Chemicals
Packaging Films and Engineering Plastics. SRF is also one of the companies which adopted
Total Quality Management (TQM) practice in the early days. In the year 2004, SRF was also
awarded the Deming Application Prize to the Industrial Synthetics Business and for
Chemicals Business in 2012 due to the initiative of corporate governance, Total quality
Management and professionalisation of management. The Company has also won the CII
Sustainability awards in 2008.

SRF has various lines of operations which includes Technical textile Business – Tyre
Cord fabrics, Belting fabrics, Coated fabrics, Fishnet twines; Chemical Business -
Fluorochemicals - refrigerants (CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22, HFC-134a and HFC-404a),
Fluorospecialties; Packaging Films Business; Engineering Plastics Business. The Business
model of SRF is based on the core value proposition with the ‘lowest cost provider’, an ‘easy
to work with partner’, and a ‘solutions provider’ in a range of product and services.

Key concepts of Business Analysis:

An organizational structure is essential for effective collaboration and
communication between company professionals and stakeholders, especially in business
analysis. BACCM, founded by IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis) and set out
in BABOK. The major purpose of the usage of BACCM is to provide a conceptual
framework to the business analysts and it helps the analyst to perform better by analysing and
evaluating the six core concepts – Change, need, Solution, stakeholder, value and context.
BABOK Knowledge Areas identify categories of relevant information and activities to be
understood and implemented by business analysts. The five perspectives reflecting the most
common views of Business Analysis are Agile, Business Intelligence (BI), Information
Technology (IT), Business Architecture (BA), Business Process Management (BPM).
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Fig: BACCM Model

The major problems faced by SRF are –

PROBLEM 1 – SRF lacked in the digital transformation and implementation of

manufacturing unit with existing IT system was a major issue.

BACCM Model –

Core Concept Description

CHANGE  To bring in the IoT-enabled digital transformation in
the SRF Ltd. by connecting various processes of the
manufacturing of packaging films and technical
NEEDS  To create an opportunity for the company to adapt
itself with its competitors in the field of digitalization.
 The main need is to improve quality by analysing
parameters critical to the manufacturing process,
optimization of fuel consumption in the day-to-day
business operations of the company.
SOLUTION  The company can use Datonis Digital Factory which
is a unified digital manufacturing platform which can
be used by the integration of IoT.
 To monitor, measure, analyse and predict outcomes
using Artificial Intelligence.
 The Company can implement IoT platform’s API
which was to leverage and integrate with all
dependent systems including ERP.
STAKEHOLDERS  Company’s consumers include MNC’s namely all the
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packaging industries basically PepsiCo, DuPont,

Toray, Mitsubishi; suppliers, investors, governments.
VALUE  Delivery of the packaging films by reducing the cost
value, optimising fuel consumption, reducing power
consumption, and improving the overall productivity
of the products and delivering the products to the
customers and stakeholders on time.
CONTEXT  A competitive factor of all the other company’s
adapting itself to digitalization and moving towards
the acceptability of Artificial Intelligence.

PROBLEM 2 – VUCA environment impacting the Technical Textiles Business.

BACCM Model-

Core Concept Description

CHANGE  Changes in government, policies, natural calamities,
changing customer needs, obsolescence, technological
changes and other factors that can contribute to the
volatility all over.
NEEDS  To realise the aspiration of SRF Chemicals Business
to become a global, highly customer-focused,
knowledge-based organisation that delivers quality
products at best prices.
 To identify and manage risks and challenges and
optimise opportunities.
SOLUTION  The company can manage its VUCA environment by
managing its operational risk by making a well-
documented policies and procedures.
 Use of predictive analytics to predict the uncertainty
in the customer demands and investment in the latest
technology is also essential to keep up with the global
STAKEHOLDERS  The stakeholders include government, customers,
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suppliers, sponsors, and customers.

VALUE  To be more competitive in terms of volume and faster
deliveries to cope up with the ever-changing fashion
in textiles.
CONTEXT  Geopolitical, social instability, policies, natural
calamities and competitive factor may lead to change
in the technical textile Business.

PROBLEM 3 – The emission of harmful gases from the SRF chemical and textile
manufacturing is impacting the community and environment.

BACCM Model-

Core Concept Description

CHANGE  Enhancing the use of nonconventional sources of
Renewable energy.
NEEDS  There is a need to meet climate change challenges.
 The gases like HFC-23, CFC coming out from the
manufacturing section is depleting the ozone layer and
affecting the environment condition.
SOLUTION  Phasing out of CFC & Carbon Tetrachloride &
developing in-house technologies for new generation
Refrigerants by strengthening R&D.
 Minimising the production of Carbon Tetrachloride by
converting it into environment friendly chemical.
STAKEHOLDERS  The stakeholders include government, Community
people, sustainability head, sponsors, UNFCCC, and
VALUE  This will increase yields, reduce environmental
pollution and lowers the amount of cleaning
chemicals, stabilization of greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere managing this
resource responsibly and reduce the impact of the
emission of gases in the environment.
CONTEXT  The company should deploy several action plans to
limit environmental impacts linked to the release of
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substances and also strive to control effluents, by

implementing various programs to monitor and reduce
at source the quantities discharged.

Six Knowledge areas of BABOK

1. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring: It is about planning and monitoring

the changes and needs of digitalization in the company. The company needs to
monitor the implementation of ERP system with the manufacturing of packaging
films and technical textile. The involvement of every stakeholder is important and it is
important for the company to be aligned with the goals and objectives of the
stakeholders. The analysis is to be done by looking into the manufacturing of different
products such as Tyre Cord fabrics, belting fabrics, Coated fabrics, Fishnet twines;
Chemical Business - Fluorochemicals – refrigerants and it is necessary to check
whether there is no inventory stocking.
2. Elicitation and Collaboration: It is important for the Company to seek information
from the stakeholders to abide by the need of the customers and also to implement AI
in their Company, it is very important to gather information from the IT industries
(stakeholders) which could help the company in the advancement of technology and
aligning with the manufacturing line. A small group interviews or a focus group
discussion can be conducted to extract the important information. The gathered
information will help the company to forecast the problems related to IT
implementation, uncertainty in the market structure, inventory management or
machinery monitoring.
3. Requirements Lifecycle Management: It describes the tasks the business analysts
perform and establishes relation between the requirement of stakeholders. This will be
benefitted by tracing a product through its manufacturing life cycle, and by deriving
insights about quality, condition and production data at every stage and also the
impact of digitalization on line productivity such as line rates, loss and quality
analysis at different levels of productivity. Once the information is gathered,
prioritization is done inorder to focus on the what is important for the Company. For
SRF Company, it is highly customer-focused, knowledge-based organisation that
delivers quality products at best prices.
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4. Strategy Analysis: The strategy is in accordance with the company’s culture, vision
and is quality-oriented. Optimization of digital engagement with customers and its
stakeholders to improve the productivity of packaging films and technical textiles,
affect of gases on the environment produce by the company and VUCA environment
creates a challenge for the company to strategies the steps to implement in their
5. Requirements analysis & Design Definition: The collected information is verified
by using techniques like group discussions, brainstorming etc. Once the verification is
done, SRF needs to work on the proposed solution such as IT solution,
automatization, working on the ERP system of the manufacturing line of the company
by using Altizon’s IoT platform. The collected data about the environmental impact
can also be verified and accordingly new design to reduce the emission of HFC-23,
CFC can be reduced.
6. Solution Evaluation: Digitalization and implementation of AI along with the
manufacturing line is highly recommended to increase the productivity and revenue of
the company.

Five Perspectives of Business Analysis

1. Agile- The agile perspective highlights the SRF to adapt to the changes with respect
to the changing market dynamics and external environmental factors. The Company
works on the four values of agile-
i. Individuals and interactions: The head of the Company need to regular interact
with the employees through daily management meetings, Area EHS meetings,
TIE groups, so that they could be given regular training and development to
employees to enhance their skills with respect to the company moving towards
digitalization and adaption of artificial intelligence in the manufacturing unit
of packaging films and technical textiles. The employees should be interacted
and given appropriate knowledge to adapt to the integration of ERP system
(Oracle) in the production of products. The employees should be trained to
adapt themselves to the uncertainty that may arise due to the fluctuations in
the demand or change in policies.
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ii. Working software: A proper documentation of all the policies and procedures
should be done. The software such as integration of ERP system in the
manufacturing unit of packaging films and technical textiles much be
iii. Customer collaboration: It should be done on the basis of contract negotiations
where regular meetings with OEM’s, dealers and suppliers.
2. Business Intelligence-
It is the perspective when transformation of data into value-added information. SRF
can undertake an enterprise-wide use of digitalization to empower employees with
knowledge to actionable insights. The data of the company should be clear and up to
the mark.
Mitigate climate change and aim for carbon neutrality, limiting the environmental
footprint and target circular solutions, improve the environmental profile of products
and to improve the organization's decision-making processes and to assess and evade
risks and its potential consequences.
3. Information Technology-
Business analysts translates business vision and needs to technology stakeholders.
The Company is dependent on IT solution and related infrastructure. Digitalization
and implementation of AI along with the manufacturing line is highly recommended
to increase the productivity and revenue of the company. The use of predictive
analytics to predict the uncertainty in the customer demands and investment in the
latest technology is also essential to keep up with the global standards.  The IT
solutions also help in risk mitigation in day-to-day operations of the company.
4. Business Architecture – Implementation of a business architecture tool which will
generate opportunities and improves market processes by increasing success and
workflow by achieving improvised security, risk management techniques and
reducing environmental wastage. It is the is the bridge between the enterprise business
model and the enterprise strategy on one side, and the business functionality of the
corporate business or organization on the other side. The solutions such as IoT
implementation, and use of predictive analytics can lead to changes in the company
such as business value streams, business capabilities etc.
5. Business Process Management-
BPM is a management discipline used to discover, model, analyse, measure, improve,
optimize, and automate business processes. The manufacturing section of the SRF is
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being automatized and is moving towards the adaptability of digitalization by IoT

implementation and AI in the Company. Using this innovative technology, the
company is willing to deliver the value-oriented product to the stakeholders.
Enhancing the use of nonconventional sources of Renewable energy and use of
ozone-friendly refrigerants such as F 134a and F 32. In the quest for sustainable
growth through total excellence, the company can ensure that the values are upheld at
all points of time. SRF need to maintain its sustainable growth and must continuously
strive for professional repute, customer advocacy, operational excellence and

Executive Summary -

APP an organization into the production of high precision machinery and equipment related
to the aerospace field whose customers were both the Military and Commercial aerospace
faced issues in Customer Satisfaction and Delivery time due to scrap and rework issues. The
organization shifted its focus towards the Continuous Process improvement started with
implementing in Alloy foundries where the scrap issues were severe. Seeing the results the
organization wanted the same implementation across the plant level by mid-2012

Problem Statement -
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Organization has to improve its scrap and rework issues which have resulted in Not expected
levels of Customer satisfaction and the organization is not able to maintain the promised
Delivery Time.

The quality issues have also drained organization of the critical resources and thus APP is
looking for the implementation of Sustainable and Continuous Process improvement across
the organization to address the above stated quality issues by Mid-2012.

Alternatives -

With organization sensing the tremendous potential of the Continuous Process Improvement
techniques deployed at the 9 foundries of the organization from different regions of the
world, APP now wanted the same to be replicated at the plant level with a specific time frame
of Half a year.

The various alternatives through which APP can successfully implement the success of the
Continuous Improvement Process are

A Centralized approach where the organization tasks the Heads of the Foundry division to
take charge of the Change Implementation in their respective region to where the Foundries
cater to and the responsibility and the authority of the outcome will be in the hands of the
Head of Foundry Division.

Another Approach would be a Decentralized approach where the Regional Operational Heads
are given the responsibility and accountability for the implementation.

The Top Management would first identify the cost centers where the actual production takes
place and the possibility of quality issues may be higher and thus forming a committee which
is holistically represented from different departments and regions and workers across
different levels.

Criteria for Evaluating Alternatives-

The criteria for evaluating the Alte rnatives are

Hassles the implementation of new process will bring in the day-to-day operations. (50%).

Ease of communicating to the last worker (25%).

The sustainability of the process by the Human Capital of that region or department (15%).

Will the implementation bring resistance from the Unions (10%).

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Evaluation of Alternatives -

The first Alternative will score good in the Sustainability part as the foundry division
who have already implemented the change will be heading and thus they can use their
experience to anticipate the problems and mitigate them effectively. This also makes sure that
the Hassle in the implementation will also be lower as the Foundry head will be knowing as
to how to maneuver without causing much disruption to daily operations. Even the resistance
from the union will be lower as the Union will be mainly present in Foundries and production
facilities and having implemented the change in Foundry at first hand itself is a sign that there
cannot be any union related problem. The problematic part would be communication as a
complete outsider will be heading and thus the communication flow will surely not be smooth
and this will lead to sustainability problem as the worker there wouldn't have received proper

The second Alternative will fairly do good on almost all factors but then the time of
implementation will be major issues as the more the decentralization, the more time it will
take for the implementation.

The third Alternative would score well in all the aspect and also take care of the
implementation within the specified time and thus the Third Approach should be the
preferred option of Implementation of Continuous Process Implementation.

Recommendation of Alternative -

The Third Alternative would be the best suited one as the third one is the nearest to the TQM
framework where the Top Management Involvement, the employees involvement is also
ensured and they are empowered with training on tools and techniques so that they can go
back to their respective parent unit and lead a quality circle team for further improvement and
thus lading to Continuous Improvement in real terms.

Contingency Plan-

The Top Management instead of going through carrots should adopt the stick approach where
the department have to adopt to change and show the overall reduction in COQ by whichever
way they deem fit.

This will ensure a timely implementation but sustainability of the new process take a
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My Learnings -

The importance of the employee involvement along with Top-Management focus is the prime
for successful implementation or change over of new quality goals or philosophy. The more
they are in tandem the less costlier it will be to implement the change and not to forget the
role of effective communication which plays in bridging the gap of perspective between the
employees and Top-management.

In the above process diagram, sample process map is used where the vendor receives the
order and if they accept it then depending on the availability, they process the order and
dispatch its product to the customers and if the product is not available, then it is first sent to
the purchase department where the documentation of product asked is prepared and then the
availability of the raw material is checked by the vendors and then it is further processed.
Purchase order & dispatch invoice is done at the accounting department. The processed order
is received at the receiving desk which is transferred via a truck to the receiving center. The
receipt of the product received is documented in the accounts department again. Finally, the
payment of the vendors is done via cheque for the products they offer to the customer.
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The issues observed in the business process is that for every step there is different
documentation process which is sent to the accounts department and then the department
reconciles all the documents and then verify it after which the cheque is received by the
vendors. The vendor himself is not sure whether they will receive the payment on time or not.
The step of purchase order also shows that if there is no availability of raw materials then it
goes to the purchase department and then availability of stock is checked, which increases the
delivery time of product. These steps, can be improved if the process is re-engineered as the
purchase requisition can be done which can bypasses the need and overhead of converting
from planned orders. If left unchanged, material planning may update or delete any MRP
planned purchase requisitions. Procurement process cannot occur until conversions to
purchase requisitions are made. Warehouse staff checks the current stock level and possibility
of ordering it from the production line or from overseas where the product is made. When the
product is ready, logistic department will deliver it to the warehouse. Account department
will be informed about the order and the delivery progress and supplier will be invoiced
simultaneously at the same time so that there is no delay in the delivery of the product.


Supplier lead time: Which say about, by what time the supplier will send the inventory which
company ordered.

On hand inventory: It says the inventory which the company has in their warehouse.

Current forecasting:

Work and machine capacity: This says that as per the customer requirement whether the
company can produce the adequate products by that time or not.

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Planned order receipts: This is the order receipt which company has planned to give to the
supplier, as per the requirements.

Planned order received: As per the order placed, these are the inventory received by the

Order rescheduling: If the order which company has placed was not on time or need extra
inventory, then order rescheduling will be made.

Enterprise Resource Planning which is often referred as ERP compromises of all the
softwares and systems which are used to plan, maintain and manage all the core business
activities such as the supply chain, manufacturing process, services, financial and so many
other services of an organization. ERP cannot be brought or it isn't ready available. It has to
be built and customized and tailored according to each organization.

An ERP system must be built taking into account of all the factors such as the Type of
business process which the organization are into, the required and the feasible software, the
information and the data required, the culture of the organization, the consultations, and the
exisiting and available technology which must have a future scope of development, and the
right people to do the research and development

Some of the Methods for implementation of ERP

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Big Bang approach; In this method the implementation goes on a complete full phase. Users
will move to the new system on a given specified date completely. It will be viewed as a
major event, once these activities are carried out then the old system will be turned off so the
new system can take over.

Phased approach- In this method the implementation occurs in phases in a divided manner
over the time. This actually takes a long time for the organization to completely change to the
new system. It usually happens at each department at time, each team at a time, each business
unit at a time and so on

Parallel approach- This is more like a trained programme where the people will be working
on both the old system and the new system in a parallel or simultaneous way. This help in
maintaining the production but at the same time adapting to the new platform

Process line approach- This is mostly limited to small scale process, this method mainly
focuses on a single process or only a few business units

Hybrid Transition Approach - This is one of the most customized and multi- dimensional
approaches as it includes a combination of both process line and parallel transition strategies.

A firm’s ERP system will be successful if it follows and maintains these factors such as

Proper planning and management of ERP

Clarity on the Business process and Implementation

Aligning the business process and the ERP model towards the goals of the org

Has the required data

Committed personnel

Pre-Planning, controlling and Monitoring the system

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a)Executive Summary -

ONGC operated with two systems one with newer ERP for Finance, HR and
Administrative module and one with legacy systems for core operations was left in the lurch
with a list of problems to face, which dragged down the operational efficiency of the
organization denting their profit margins.

CMD sensed this and made his mind to improve the current scenario by realizing the
importance of the role of Information plays in organizations like ONGC and thus
collaborated with SAP for the implementation of ERP.

ERP implementation gave ONGC shot in the arm and their performance improved with many
modules brought into the fold of ERP.

b) Problem Statement-
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ONGC in the late 2004s was working with two different systems. 1- ERP software for
Financial and HR functions andAdministration 2- Old ways of PC based working for core
operations such as Material Management, Project Planning and Maintenance Planning.

The absence of non-synchronization between the two systems was evident and ONGC was
left to face the following problems

Lack of Real-time information which acted as a barrier to Plant level decision making.

The Report generated, left the Top Management in dark as to how to plan their forecast,
which dented heavily, the critical decision making of the Company’s Leadership.

Information Duplicity which resulted in loss of productivity as the employees will be

burdened with the additional process of verifying and double checking whether the received
information is credible or not.

Due to this duplicity of information, many employees lost their valuable time and
productivity in repeating the already finished activity only to realize that the entire activity
turned a Non-value adding one.

On the Downstream, customers had to take pains to track their order and employees were left
with no help from the system to assist customers effectively and reduce their pains. Same was
the result in the upstream where the Suppliers relationship was affected due to delayed

All these problems made the CMD of ONGC realize the scope of improvement and thus he
came up with the idea of implementing a Project called “One Data- One System”.

c) Alternatives-

As seen from the above case the thought process of the ONGC that the less complex
process can be reformed using Technology enabled Reengineering. The company tasted
success too with the implementation to one of the supporting functions of Financial Module
in 1990s and thus extending it to other support functions such as HR and Administration in

This thought process of using legacy systems for the Core Business process and
Systemization of support function further Siloed the function.
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The company was finding ways to overcome the posed problem in the operation of core
processes and thus they found an alternative that instead of continuing with the Current old
legacy system of working with Individual PC systems they could go for ERP implementation
5 regions and for 8500 users.

The success of this was them passed on to larger employee base of 33000 with the
implementation of Employee Self-Service(ESS)

Though the above alternative was adopted, there would have been another alternative as
ONGC could have gone with an All-out implementation instead of going for 5 regions and
8500 employees.

d) Criteria for Evaluating of Alternatives-

Business Environment Analysis

Employee Aspect

Infrastructure Requirement.

Budgetary Constraints.

Data Migration

e) Evaluation of Alternatives-

The first alternative is best when working with limited resources of Infrastructure and
Budgetary constraints. When looked at the Employee aspect it fits perfectly as the employee
would have given time to adjust and adapt to the new regime of operating.

All these would make the implemented alternative look an ideal choice but then if one
evaluated the Business Environment ONGC was working then, then it could have been
logical too if the company would have gone for All-out implementation of ERP system across
the organization as the competition in the domestic market was negligible when coming to
petroleum products in those days.

The suppliers specific to these industries were also few in number and thus an all-out
implementation would have also appreciated as the market conditions provided leg-room for
ONGC to go for complete revamp from legacy system to ERP system.
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The second alternative would also have reduced the impact of Data Migration issues the
company would have faced when going for including more modules into the ERP system.
This would have definitely impacted the daily operations of those departments.

f) Recommendations-

Looking at the business condition and the Data Migration issues I would have
definitely suggested opting for Second Alternative as it would have given a way more edge
had any competitor tried to enter the market, though the already implemented alternative gave
a huge success to ONGC.

The ERP implementation across all modules and functions would itself proved to be an
effective entry barrier to new entrants in this industrial arena.

g) Contingency Plan-

The implemented solution gave enormous success to the organization and thus the
Contingency plan for the second alternative would be to scale down the ERP implementation
to Low Cost centers. Analyse the GAP and then plan for scaling up the ERP implementation
to the entire organization.

h) My Learnings-

With competition setting in almost all fields of industries, the companies cannot rest
on the laurels they achieved with legacy systems thus reforming the business process with the
implementation of ERP is the need of the hour.

ONGC case gives a prime example of how successful implementation of ERP helped in
achieving their targeted SRM and CRM, both highly critical modules and are wheels on
which the entire value stream of any organization lies.

CRM improved because the customers were reduced from their burden of tracking their
orders and thus their experience of collaborating with ONGC improved leading to their

SRM improved as the payment process got streamlined and timely payments developed trust
which eventually leads an Suppliers to convert into a Business Partner which the organization
leverage for their differentiation and USP.
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Taylor's book "The Principles of Scientific Management" was published in 1909. He said that
increasing efficiency could be achieved by improving and simplifying work. He also
promoted the concept of staff and supervisors cooperating with one another. This was a
significant departure from how work was usually performed in industries in the past. At the
time, a factory manager had no interaction with the staff and left them to manufacture the
necessary product on their own. There was no standardization, and the primary motivation for
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workers was mostly to keep their jobs, so there was no incentive to operate as effectively or
efficiently as possible.


FORD: Despite the fact that Taylor's scientific management theory is over 120 years old, his
model has proven to be quite popular. At the turn of the century, the invention of machines
and assembly lines increased not only the work, but also the workers' adaptation to the
machine processes. Henry Ford and his Model T were particularly well-known for their
active assembly line work. He hoped to gain clout in order to promote assembly line jobs and
a radical separation of labor with low-wage workers. As depicted by Taylor, the work was
divided into single small steps that corresponded to an exact timetable.Ford took advantage of
technological advancements and incorporated them into the production of its cars. Company
management, according to Henry Ford, should be concentrated in the hands of the firm's
chief. It was patriarchal in nature and solely responsible for the company's success. Ford also
aided Taylor in receiving its stringent control steps. He paid high salaries and instituted an
eight-hour workday. Ford's company established an ideal business relationship for this. The
word "Fordism" refers to the outcome of combining Taylorism with the rapid fabrication of
calculated products. The shortened workday and social contributions of both sides of the
business were used to encourage humaneness.

Executive Summary:

The contextual investigation is about how innovation has advanced so that game clothing and
stuff producing additionally comes into the image. This is on the grounds that organizations
who are pioneers in delivering sport gears are exceptionally anxious to decrease the measure
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of waste that is left over after creation and furthermore to utilize blasting innovation like 3d
printing and reusing to give an additional edge to players and sports individuals to profit out
from their items. This industry is probably going to hit a sign of about $400Bn by 2025 which
is a serious enormous number with significant commitments from organizations like Nike,
Adidas, Reebok, Puma and so on This doesn't stop with sport clothing but instead proceeds
with Sports bicycles which are delivered utilizing carbon fiber innovation and 3d imprinting
underway of cycling items and tech has totally changed the manner in which Golfing is

Problem Statement:

The center issue distinguished in the above contextual investigation is, the game ruler's
actually proceed with opposition towards the cutting edge progression that has occurred in
the assembling of activewear and other such items. This is on the grounds that many consider
the center capacities of a genuine athlete are not in propelling the items or improving their
capacity to perform utilizing present day innovation however that is the thing that rolls out a
more prominent improvement in how competitors are advanced. One more issue would be
that the more innovation progressed items are built up the Sport fabricating industry to keep
themselves refreshed with the progressions that the innovation is experiencing in a fast
manner. Organizations have begun to deliver items by the way toward reusing old items yet
the future might be a totally different story by and large where reusing would not be essential
and a similar item can be utilized for an apparently perpetual measure of time.


In the profoundly serious market of clothing, style and frill, coordinated developments on the
shop floor are quickly moving towards Industry 4.0 guidelines. The quick development of
arising advances empowers progresses in assembling measures that improve existing
constructions, yet in addition to the advancement of new cycles. Indeed, the keen attire
industrial facility will make famous advancements, for example, making moderate mass
customization, a reality by totally reconsidering the assembling work process to turn out to be
more lithe, measured and financially savvy. A couple of elective thoughts that can really help
in thriving the Sports and Sport Apparel industry would be,
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Advancements in sewing machines, for example, laser cutting machines, intertwining

machines, button opening machines and crease holding machines;

Sewing of robots;

Fasten free garments;

3D printing, which is bound to deliver attire than current applications, especially for multi-
layer apparel;

Computerized material printing, which empowers organizations and clients to redo and
fabricate explicit buyer plans and thoughts effectively and generally economically.


To execute the above recommended choices the organizations need to initially distinguish
their business needs and issues, their clients needs and assumptions, market interest and
innovation that is changing the business and afterward consider adjusting to the options
which best suits them. In this manner the organizations will actually want to make the most
extreme advantage out of the options that they have received to improve their business/image
esteem. An ideal model would be an organization situated in Milan, Licia Florio joins
maintainability and neighborhood creation with smooth style. The vital provider of the mark
in Italy utilizes an innovation that makes it conceivable to fabricate stretchy textures from
100% reused yarns. The Color-Block set uses nylon and elastane reused from mechanical
waste. They have perceived the market necessities and clients' inclination to purchase new
items at a moderate value which made them reevaluate the fate of creating sports clothes.

Evaluation of Alternatives:

Before, various shoppers may well have given little thought about exactly how the products
they bought were created, however that is not true anymore for what it's worth. As well as
requesting stylish plans and pivotal innovations, the present educated clients anticipate that
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goods should be delivered dependably. Supportability is a significant issue in retail with the
goal that more youthful clients will pay more for reasonable merchandise. 3D printing is
especially valuable in the assembling of modified footwear items, like plates—a molded part
at the lower part of an athletic shoe that may have spikes or spikes—and padding materials,
for example, a padded sole. In the event that organizations can carry competitors to a games
science office to examine their biomechanics, you can gather the information, take it to a lab,
and break down it. At that point they can change to a 3D turn of events and printing zone.
The most recent 3D impediments are found in the conclusion of a scope of completely skilled
footwear materials and the usage of innovation on a creation line. The change of the upper
piece of the shoe from 2D to 3D is a powerful errand that will take some new speculation on
item plan and robotization. Individuals are additionally dealing with various cut pieces.

Recommended Solution:

As of now the best prescribed arrangement is to embrace lean creation with extra execution
of delivering sports items and clothes utilizing reusing techniques and with the assistance of
3d printing. This would really diminish the expense of creation and lead to a practical
creation climate where organizations additionally need to focus more on client and sports
amicable items that can give the greatest advantage.

Contingency Plan:

At the present time, organizations need to place in singular bits of innovation and they should
be adaptable. Each in turn, they need to change manual cycles and put on board singular bits
of gear that they can rapidly send in their production lines. However, the start to finish
approach is as yet the North Star. Organizations are additionally seeing how to interface
singular arrangements utilizing the advanced spine to a more comprehensive methodology.
They're running after carrying a computerized plan right to the processing plant floor. This is
a somewhat yearning objective—yet it may not be for each item.

Certainly, the structure would likewise should be adaptable on the grounds that it has an
extremely different item offering concerning outdoor supplies and clothing. Organizations
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should focus on carrying merchandise to the market all the more rapidly. The point of the
organizations ought to be to construct mixture arrangements that permit them to flex among
simple and advanced methodologies as required.


Clothing lean creation includes a lean culture and the utilization of lean instruments. Worth
added rehearsals are all that changes the items into the ware that the buyer needs, and waste
can be maintained a strategic distance from at all levels, from diminishing work in measure
times to bringing down creation expenses and decreasing time misfortunes. Attire lean
assembling vows to expand effectiveness, decrease process duration, diminish lead time,
wipe out assembling waste, improve item quality and at last improve productivity.

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