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Tuesday April, 2021 Issue 3


T H E C R A F T Y C O R N E R - - - L E T ’ S M A K E P O M - P O M B U N N IE S !

Pranks to play on your
friends and family

-------------- ETHAN JOLY WITH


1. The Brownie impostor. Cut

out the letter ‘E’ a few
times out of brown
construction paper. Tell
By Annabell Kashyra-- Watch the video your friends and family
and follow along! you made brownies. When
We also suggest using a pink bead for the nose instead of felt. they get to the kitchen,
serve them a plate of
brown E’s!

Hamilton facts 2. The stuffed fridge fiasco—

Get a stuffed animal that
Facts about the broadway Hamilton someone really likes. Put it
in the refrigerator and

-------------- ANNABELL KASHYRA when they come for a
snack, they’ll find a stuffed
animal in the fridge!
HAMILTON 1. Pacey Packer unicorn
     Facts and questions 3. The coffee cup craziness—
tracker by C.J. Phillipps.
2. Kerry and the knight of the Glue an empty coffee cup
1. Peggy Schuyler's real name was to the top of your car. Tell
Margarita. Her nickname was Meggy, but forest by Andy Watson
everyone pronounced it Peggy, but she 3. Doodleville by Chad Sell your family and friends
didn't correct them. you’re going for grocery
2. Hamilton's last letter to Eliza actually shopping. When you drive
said, "best of wives' and best of women". away with the cup on your
3. Eliza wears 5 different dresses through car, they’ll be so surprised
the whole thing. I counted myself!
that the cup won’t fall off!
4. Thomas Jefferson sent a love letter to
Angelica Schuyler. P.S.: If you really do need
5. Angelica was already married when she groceries, actually go get
met Alexander. She was married to some with the cup on your
somebody who her parents did not like car.
very much. So, when they were away,
Angelica ran away with him and married
4. The serpentine chips—
him in secret. His name was John Church.
_____________________________ Go to a store, buy one of
those pringles cans that
Thank you for reading! If you have any come with a toy snake
questions, e-mail them to that pops out and ask and I will enter someone if they want any
the answer in the next newspaper edition
chips. If they say yes, open
the tube and the fake
serpent will fly out!

5. Insect intruder—Buy a fake

roach or any other kind of
bug and put it in
someone’s bed, their car,
basically anywhere that
they are sure to go. When
they go to that place, they
will be freaked out by the
insect. Go with them so you
can see the look on their

If you have any more ideas for April Fool’s

pranks then email it to and we might
consider it for next year.

Did you know there are 33 holidays in April? Here they are:
33 things to celebrate in April:
 April 1st is April fool’s day
 April 2nd is Peanut Butter and jelly day and Good Friday
 April 3rd is national chocolate mousse day
 April 4th is world rat day and Easter
 April 5th is national caramel day and Easter Monday
 April 6th is national Twinkie day
 April 7th is national beer day
 April 8th is draw a picture of a bird day
 April 9th is cherish an antique day
 April 10th is national siblings day
 April 11th is national pet day
 April 12th is grilled cheese sandwich day
 April 13th is National Scrabble day
 April 14th is national pecan day
 April 15th is national glazed spiral ham day
 April 16th is eggs benedict day
 April 17th is haiku poetry day
 April 18th is national velociraptor awareness day
 April 19th is national garlic day
 April 20th is national look-alike day
 April 21st is United Kingdom’s tea day and administrative professionals day
 April 22nd is Earth Day
 April 23rd is national picnic day and national donut day
 April 24th is arbor day
 April 25th is world penguin day
 April 26th is national pretzel day
 April 27th is national prime rib day
 April 28th is national blueberry pie day
 April 29th is national peace rose day
 April 30th is national adopt a shelter pet day


-------------- DOUG VOOIE


So those instructions are on How to

MUSIC SECTION Draw A hot air balloon. For requests of

what to draw,
------------ ETHAN JOLY Here are the three songs we put in
this issue, double-click to open. Songs
in order from top to bottom are:
02 - My House.mp3 (Command Line)
My house by Flo Rida
Out of the woods by Taylor Swift
04 - Out Of The Woods.mp3 (Command Line)

06 - Shake It Off.mp3 (Command Line)

Shake it off by Taylor Swift

Computer programming language for

Scratch helps people of all ages learn to code
Scratch is a well-known computer You drag the blocks together, and put
programming language, which uses
blocks like this
a block on top, and
hit the green flag icon to start your
program. You will see that sometimes
the blocks are outlined in yellow, like

to make your sprites and backdrops

do different things. . THIS IS
TOTALLY NORMAL!! This means that
your code is running, and what it
-------------- ETHAN JOLY does is happening on the stage. I
have been a scratcher for a long
Scratch is a delightful programming time, and if you learn Scratch and all
app designed for coding and playing its tips and tricks that it provides
so all of your requirements are filled. proves useful, then you can make
This Coding program for people of all games as good as
ages is wonderful for a beginner,
Good coder, or someone that does
coding for a living.  Share games and
projects on your first day with this
easy to learn coding game. My
Scratch profile is
J. Beautiful experiences for everyone
are waiting for you here, so download
it for free today and see how far this
easy but addictive game gets you.


Pirate Mysteries solved

Knowledge of the seafaring robbers unveiled
-------------- ETHAN JOLY

Fact or Fiction: PIRATES

So much has been written about pirates in history and
fiction that the two often get mixed up. Here are a few
of the most common pirate myths.

Myth: The plank
Fact: As far as we know, pirates didn’t make their
prisoners—or anyone else for that matter—walk the
plank over shark-infested waters. This myth was
popularized by James Barrie’s novel Peter Pan.
Myth: The hook
Fact: No known pirate ever
had a hook for a hand. Again,
we have Peter Pan to thank,
with its immortal villain,
Captain Hook.

Myth: Treasure maps
Fact: Very few pirates are thought to have buried a
significant amount of treasure. Hence, no need for a
map. This myth was popularized by Robert Louis
Stevenson’s novel Treasure Island.

Myth: Parrots
Fact: This is another Treasure Island fantasy. Pirates
did not carry parrots on their shoulders. A glob of bird
poop running down your back is no way to inspire
respect in a crew.

If you hear something repeated often NEXT ISSUE WILL FEATURE SOLVED
enough, you might start believing it's
true. Never mind that it's completely
false. Cases in point: Bats are blind,
tomatoes are vegetables, bulls hate the
color red, and going outdoors with wet hair
causes pneumonia. In fact, bats have
good vision, tomatoes are technically
fruits, bulls are likely colorblind to red, and
pneumonia is caused by bacteria, viruses,
or fungi.
And with that, you've just set foot in the
world of common misconceptions. So
please leave your false notions at the door
MORE SOLVED MYSTERIES as you enter, and let's explore some more
myths, shall we?
When people are struggling to get the
hang of something, they are often told this
to feel better: The genius Albert Einstein
flunked math when he was in school. As a
matter of fact, Einstein was excellent in
MORE MYTHS math. By the time he was 15, he had
already taught himself algebra and
False v. True geometry and mastered calculus. The
young Einstein even wrote his own proofs
-------------- ISAAC LICQUATAK of difficult mathematical statements. The
misconception about Einstein's math skills
is possibly as old as Einstein himself. He
Speaking of myths that are believed, reportedly saw the headline "Greatest
here are some more in this passage: Living Mathematician Failed in
Mathematics" in a 1935 Ripley's Believe It
or Not! newspaper column about him and
LOLed. He knew better. Then he went
back to being brilliant.
But Einstein isn't the only historical figure
with completely made-up details about his
life that people believe are true. George
Washington, for example, never chopped
down a cherry tree and then admitted the
deed to his father. A biographer invented
the incident. Nor did Magellan sail around
the globe. He died halfway through his
journey, leaving his second-in-command
to complete the voyage. Equally wrong is
the conception of 19th-century French
emperor Napoleon Bonaparte as being
short. Images of him typically show a man
of below-average height, with his hand in
his waistcoat, looking edgy and in
charge. Sure, Napoleon was bossy. But he
was actually about 5 feet 7 inches (170
centimeters) tall. This was considered
average to tall for a Frenchman of that era.
Speaking of height, ask most people
"What's the tallest mountain in the world?"
They'll probably tell you that it's Mount
Everest. But ask an Earth scientist the
same question, and you'll get the correct
answer—Mauna Kea. True, Everest is the
tallest mountain above sea level, at 29,029
feet (8,848 meters). But the base of
Mauna Kea, a volcano, is on the ocean
floor, almost 20,000 feet (6,096
meters) below sea level. Add that to the
13,796 feet (4,205 meters) above sea
level, and Mauna Kea is the world's tallest
mountain by nearly a mile (1.6 kilometers).

All right, that was a trick geographical

question. Here's a more straightforward
one: What is the longest river in the
U.S.? If you said the Mississippi, you'd be
wrong. It's actually the Missouri River. It's
about 200 miles (322 kilometers) longer,
according to the U.S. Geological Survey. 

If you think history and geography are full

of whoppers, many scientific "beliefs" also
fall apart under the microscope of
truth. For instance, according to a
supposed fact, people only use 10 percent
of their brains each day. This may have
been true about the person who came up
with the ridiculous idea, but certainly not
for anyone else. The truth is, people use
large areas of their brains all the time,
even when they're resting.
Here are a few more scientific non-facts to
wrap your hardworking brain
around: Vitamin C prevents colds. (There's
no solid evidence that it does, except in
the case of extreme athletes.) The North
Star is the brightest in the sky. (Sirius is.)
Lightning never strikes the same place
twice. (It does.) Sugar makes kids
hyperactive. (There's no solid evidence of
this either, though there are still plenty of
reasons not to fill up on sweets.) The four
seasons are caused by Earth's distance
from the sun. (The tilt of Earth's axis is the
cause.) And humans have only five
senses. (There are more, including ones
that relate to balance and movement.)

And just in case you need to be reminded,

Earth is definitely round. Only certain
ideas fall flat.

7 Issue 10
Tuesday Sep 23, 20XX

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-------------- E4

In Volume 1, we gave you all a list of contests you The contests were:
could enter. Well, they close next month and you better
send in your entries before April 30th! Submit to  Art contest- draw your favorite animal .  Comic contest- write a short comic.
 Comedy contest- send us your funniest joke.
 Baking contest- send us a recipe and a picture of
 Article contest- write an article you would like to
see in our paper.




9 Issue 10

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