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Tuesday Issue 2

E4 news

TOP 3 BOOKS OF THE MONTH The Crafty Corner

ART with

1. Choose 3 different colors of

acrylic paint and squirt each
color in 4 random places using
small dollops the canvas.
2. Use a painting knife to spread
1. Witches of Brooklyn by Sophie Escabasse the paint across the canvas until
2. Dog Man a tale of two kitties by Dav Pilkey it is full
3, Science Comics: cats by Andy Hirsch 3. If you aren't happy with the
amount of a certain paint color,
put another small dollop of that
paint on your knife and spread it
©2021 E4 publishing services, inc.
across the canvas
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you
are happy with your painting.

Dance party with Mr.

Arts and crafts by Emme Buehler-Ely
Pineapple, Dog, and Frog
-------------- If you’re bored, then try watching
this video and dancing along. It
has no sound, so try playing
music. Tip: looks funny if you play
‘Let’s get Ridiculous’ by Redfoo.
Scan this code for a Doom Island
Tuesday Sep 23, 20XX

Cooking First🍕


---------Emma Mejia
Serves four.
2 Bananas, sliced.
1/2 Cup Orange juice 2
These are the footprints of the Acrocanthosaurus atokensis. Cups Plain Yogurt.
1 Cup Ice.
1 Tablespoon Honey.
Dinosaur Footprints Found!
Track of the ancient beasts discovered  Put the bananas, ice, and
honey in a blender. Put the lid
-------------- ETHAN N. JOLY on. Start the blender and hold
FAYETTEVILLE, Arkansas. When heavy the lid tightly in place. Wait and
rains hit Arkansas in 2011, they left behind stop the blender when the
more than just puddles. The rains washed mixture is smooth. Add the
away layers upon layers of sediment,
strawberries, orange juice, and
leading to the extraordinary discovery
of animal tracks that researchers yogurt. Place the lid back on
have now determined were made by and then turn the blender on
dinosaurs. for 20-30 seconds. Enjoy!
The tracks were discovered on private
land in southwest Arkansas. Some of the
tracks were humongous, measuring about
2 feet long by 1 foot wide. According to
researchers, these gigantic tracks were This is the skeleton of the dinosaur
likely made by a three-
who made the tracks.
toed Acrocanthosaurus atokensis, one of Cooking First 🍕 by Emma Mejia
the largest predators that ever lived. The
Copyright 2021 E4 Publishing Services,
discovery site also featured fossilized
Inc. All rights reserved.
footprints from sauropods, which were
large, long-necked herbivorous
dinosaurs. Tracks from sauropods and
other dinosaurs had been found previously
in Arkansas. However, other types of tracks
discovered at the site—which was the size
of about two football fields—had not been
documented before in the state. While no
actual dinosaur bones were found, that did
not stop researchers from studying the field
of fossilized tracks—and the trackways that
they formed.

Brian Platt, a University of Kansas

researcher, is participating in the
research. "Dinosaur bones can be dragged
away by animals or swept out to sea. But
we know [from the tracks] that…dinosaurs
walked right through here," Platt said.

Researchers are excited about the

discovery, as it is expected to expand
knowledge about dinosaurs that roamed
the area.

"The quality of the tracks and the length of

the trackways make this an important site,"
said Stephen K. Boss. Boss led the
researchers in their investigation at the site.

To help them study the fossilized tracks

more closely, researchers have been using
a piece of cutting-edge technology called
LiDAR. LiDAR, which stands for "light
detection and ranging," is an optical sensor
that takes high-resolution images. A narrow
laser beam, used together with the sensor,
can record physical features, creating
images in a way that can be stored on a
computer, allowing for further research.
The researchers have been using LiDAR
to put together a map of the site's
tracks. The technology allows them to
measure the height, width, and depth of
individual tracks and the
trackways. Researchers anticipate
that these measurements will provide them
with new insights into the dinosaurs.
"Through tracks, we can learn all sorts of
things about dinosaur [movement] and
behavior," said Platt.
In addition to studying the tracks and
trackways, researchers
are scrutinizing rock samples from the
site. The researchers believe that these
samples might hold secrets about the
climate of the past—and the present. They
hope the samples will help them calculate
how much rain fell and how much moisture
evaporated in the area during the Early
Cretaceous period. This will paint a picture
of what Arkansas looked like when
dinosaurs called it home. The researchers
also hope to learn more about the climate
in general, which could potentially help
them predict the planet's future climate.

"Picture an environment much like that of

the shores of the Persian Gulf today," Boss
said. "The air temperature was hot. The
water was shallow and very salty. It was a
harsh environment. We're not sure what the
animals were doing here, but clearly they
were here in some abundance."

Boss believes that the site will prove

extremely useful in future research. "This
site will add to the knowledge of both the
animals and climate of the Early
Cretaceous [period]," he said. "Scientists
will be studying [the] data [gathered here]
for many years."

The Associated Press contributed to this

story. Article and photo from Achieve

New president
Political news
His Vice President is Kamala Harris,
who is the first of 3 things:
 First Black Vice President
 First Woman Vice President
 First Asian American to be Vice

--------------ETHAN JOLY
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Better known as
Joe Biden, has been sworn in as the
new president of the United states on
January 20th, 2021.

Issue #2

Q. Why did Jill come tumbling after? A. Because it would be painful to step on the crown. Q. What word begins with
an E, ends with an E but only has one letter in it? A. Envelope! 🤣More jokes in Next issue!

Book nook
How to make a DOOM ISLAND book:

1. Re-read all Doom Island books to refresh your memory.

2. Come up with a title.
3. Make up the introduction. the beginning. if you want, write a bit about what's happening on
Shashakit, too.
4. Start the story! Think about it!
5. Take breaks sometimes. Get inspired! Write or type the rest of the story. Be creative! Try to
add illustrations, and maybe some new characters!
6. Change things if you need to. Keep updating the story until you are happy. 
7.When you are done, e-mail your book to and you might get to
see your doom island edition in the line of books! (Don't forget E4 might add changes here and
there, but don't get upset if we do! It’s still YOUR book! We’ll even give you the first copy of the

Amazing poet reverses speech problems

with Hamilton song
------------Emma Mejia
Amanda Gorman, the extraordinary poet who shared her poetry with the world on January 20 in
the 2021 inauguration of President Joe Biden, revealed she had speech problems until very

 'If I can train myself to do that song, then I


can train myself to say that letter'.

She could not pronounce the letter 'R'. She solved that problem by  
Listening and keeping up with 'Aaron Burr, Sir' a Tony award winning

from 'Hamilton', a Broadway play. She says that the song is 'packed full of R's'  
That also explains why there were so many references to Lin-Manuel Miranda's famous Broadway
play in her poem.

See next page for picture

©2021 E4 Publishing services, inc.

E4 writes new book

New whale species
Sneak peek at Journey to Imagee:
"The biggest problem with mud," Lucy said
-------------Emma Mejia
to herself, as she dumped handfuls of
soap flakes into the sink, "is it's just SO After studying a whale skeleton,
muddy. Mud-less mud will be much scientists have confirmed that a new
better." species of whale has been discovered
off the side of everglades in the Gulf
A satisfied grin spread across her face as of Mexico. It has been named 'Rice's
she stirred her concoction, which was
whale' after Dale Rice, a biologist who
fizzing and bubbling just like she'd
had a career in marine mammals for 6
hoped. She glanced at the clock when she
heard her mother stomping the dirt off her decades. Rice's whales are identical to
The mars rover, perseverance boots on the porch. "Uh oh," she another species called Bryde's whales
mumbled, "late for chores again." (pronounced broodus whales) except for
the skeleton. There are believed to be less
"Lucy," Mom said with a sigh as she than 100 of these whales left in the wild,
entered the kitchen, "why aren't you out making them 'critically endangered'. They
feeding the chickens…and what in can grow up to 42 feet and 60,000

Rover lands on
the world is strapped to the cow's head?" pounds.
"Cow Cam," Lucy replied, hopping on one

foot as she yanked a boot on the other.

"Why, exactly, does the cow need a

-------------Emma Mejia camera?"

On Feb 18, 2021, the new "To record the goats!" Lucy exclaimed.
mars rover Perseverance safely "And just what are the goats up to that's so
landed on mars! interesting?"

Its parts are listed in the Lucy stopped hopping and looked at her
mother, who crossed her arms and raised
diagram below. Ingenuity her eyebrows. Lucy
(below) is the first controlled gulped. "Skateboarding?" she squeaked
flying vehicle anywhere other
than earth. "SKATEBOARDING! Lucy, did you
seriously—oh my goodness," Mom
This new technology is groaned before pointing at something
revolutionary. The first dirt behind Lucy. "What is THAT?"

samples from the red planet Lucy spun around to see. "Argh, E4 is having a fiction writing
my immaculate Mud!" She plunged her contest! After you finish reading the
could be brought to earth as arms into the overflowing sink, feeling Journey to Imagee, it's time for
early as 2031! around frantically for the drain plug.
you to try some writing of your
Now that's something to think "Immaculate Mud?" Mom grabbed a own. Here's the deal:
bucket and started scooping the goo,
about. which was now rising rapidly, hovering
Remember, you read that Imagee's
over the sink like a giant melty
marshmallow. traveling carnival is powered by the
creation of new inventions that will
"Clean, mud-less mud for the pigs," Lucy
--CALLING ALL TRIVIA captivate carnival-goers? Well,
said, blushing, "so they can keep cool and
smell nice too." imagine you are designing an
FANS! invention to show off at the
"Lucy," Mom said sternly, "we moved here carnival. Describe what you would
Try out the bing quiz website, to help Grandma with the farm, not to
make more messes to manage. No more invent and how it would be used at
found at Bing.
Click that silly inventions—you have real work to the carnival.
do. Now go, and don't forget to clean out
link and your the old barn." Tell us about your invention – what
Lucy's shoulders slumped as she headed does it do? What is it made of?
adventure begins! toward the chicken coop. My inventions Use your imagination and include
aren't silly, she thought to herself, kicking lots of detail.
a rock as she walked. Well, the Go-Go
Goat Boards, maybe, but that was just for
fun because the goats look so bored Everyone who enters the contest
standing around doing nothing. And will receive a Certificate of
Grandma loved my Wishy-Washy Wings Participation. The winner's invention
window-scrubber drone, and she didn't get
description will be published by E4
even a little mad when it dumped the dirty
water on her head! for all to enjoy! The winner will
At the coop, Lucy glanced back at the also receive a Winner Certificate, a
house before pulling the Quickie Chickie
special note from the story's
Feed Blaster prototype from her
pocket. The chickens clucked expectantly author, and an opportunity to have
as she turned the dial, pressed a button, a Zoom "Meet and Greet" with the
and—"Oof!"—the chicken feed shot out of author!
the wrong end, spraying Lucy in the
face. Lucy sighed. "Another fail," she
Lucy's thoughts grew more dejected as
she worked through her list of chores, and
soon she was tallying up all the things
she'd invented that flopped. It all led to
a forlorn conclusion.
My inventions are silly…and they stink
worse than this old barn, she thought to
herself sadly as she pushed open the
door. Darkness and cobwebs clung to the
inside like a blanket of gloom. Lucy tugged
on the chain for the overhead light and
groaned as the barn lit up to reveal junk
piled everywhere, covered in decades of

"Ahem," a deep voice echoed inside the


Lucy stilled and looked around. "Hello?"

she whispered, but there was only
silence. Then—

Vroom, vroom. An engine rumbled, and

lights glowed under a tattered old sheet
draped over something at the back of the
barn. Lucy tiptoed toward the sound,
climbing gingerly over a stack of
wheelbarrow parts, and shimmying around
a precarious pyramid of overturned
buckets. She stared at the quivering sheet
a moment before yanking it off.

A bright red bumper car vibrated and

hummed, its headlights flashing.

"Whoa," Lucy gasped, "where did you

come from?"

Bumper cars had been her all-time favorite

carnival ride since she'd grown tall enough
to drive them, and Lucy couldn't wait to go
for a spin around the farm. Eagerly, she
climbed inside and slid her hands on the
wheel, careful not to press the gas
pedal. Still, quick as a blink, the engine
revved, and the car lurched forward,
rumbling over a pile of old horse blankets,
and speeding toward the barn wall.

Lucy screamed and stomped the brake,

but it was no use. All she could do was
squeeze her eyes shut and brace for the
collision—but instead of crashing, the
bumper car skidded to a stop. Lucy
opened her eyes just enough to peek and
then shut them again, shook her head,
and opened them once more.

The barn was nowhere in sight—and

neither was the rest of the farm. Lucy
stared up at a faded banner fluttering in
the air above her that read:

Most Awesomely Awesome Traveling

Carnival in the Cosmos!

Rows of tents, deserted booths, and

unmoving rides stretched beyond the
banner, all of them the same orangish-
brown color, like an old-fashioned
photograph. The bumper car, now the
same faded sepia, idled at the entrance,
its headlights blinking like glowing eyes.

"Sorry about the rough ride," the car spoke

in a gravelly voice, "but I was stuck in that
barn for an eternity, seems like, and my
gears are a bit rusty."

Lucy's jaw dropped, and she managed to

ask, "You can talk?"

"Aye," the car replied, "and the name's



"Yup, give the old horn a toot."

Lucy pressed the horn. Meep, meep! The

high-pitched squeak was so unlike Meep's
resonant, grumbly voice that it made Lucy
laugh. Meep chuckled too, only it sounded
like an engine rumbling.

"Ugh, look at this place—where is

everyone?" Meep lamented as they
cruised through the deserted carnival.
"Rilla…RILLA!" he bellowed.

Lucy clutched the side of the car as Meep

sped up and then slammed to a stop in
front of a cluster of oddly shaped tents. A
banner hung limply above a small striped

See the Sci Show! World's Smallest Living

Creatures Inside!

"Meep, is that you, old buddy?" a voice

called, and Lucy gasped as an immense
figure emerged from the shadows. He was
like nothing Lucy had ever seen—a gorilla
from the waist up, and a kangaroo from
the waist down. He wrapped his massive
arms around Meep's hood and wailed, "It's
been decades. We thought we'd lost ya
forever, mate! Any news from the queen?"

"Now, now, don't cry, Rilla, ya big hoppin'

ape, I'm here now…but I haven't seen the
queen since she parked me in a barn
years ago," Meep mumbled, sounding a
little embarrassed, though whether it was
because of the kangarilla's weeping or
because he'd been stuck under a sheet all
this time, Lucy couldn't tell.

Rilla pulled a tissue from his pouch and

blew his nose loudly.

"Pardon my blubbering," Rilla said,

nodding at Lucy and trying to pull himself
together. "Welcome to the Imagee Nation,
home base of the Most Awesomely
Awesome Traveling Carnival in the
Cosmos." He gestured grandly around the
eerily empty carnival grounds and added,
"Well, it used to be, anyway, before Her
Magination, the queen, went missing."

"Her Magination, the queen? What

happened?" Lucy asked.

"Long ago, our nation was a place where

anything was possible and beautiful
brainstorm showers made wild ideas
bloom everywhere," Rilla said wistfully.
"The queen created our traveling carnival
—everything you see here and more—to
spread the spirit of Imagee to other lands.
We had something for everyone—thrilling
rides, displays of dazzling feats, the most
curious curiosities, and all the best new
inventions, some preposterous, some
pragmatic, but all worthy of wonder."

Rilla gestured to the entrance of the Sci

Show tent, and Lucy stepped inside, only
to see that it contained nothing except a
glass table in the center.

"The banner outside said the Sci Show

had the world's smallest living creatures…
but there are no creatures in here," Lucy
said, perplexed.

Rilla, eyes sparkling, said, "Ah, but there

are…it's just that, sometimes, you've got
to look at things a different way."

"Is this a trick?"

Rilla chuckled as he rummaged through

his pouch and then pulled out a
microscope, fitted it on the table, and
asked Lucy, "Here, what do you see
through this?"

Lucy put her eye to the microscope and

smiled when she saw millions of miniscule
creatures waving at her.

"Clever, eh?" Rilla said. "A father and son

team came up with the microscope, you
know. Come, there's more to see."

Rilla led Lucy to another tent, this one with

a neon sign flickering dully over the

Most Amazing of Amazing Inventions!

Inside, objects hovered from floor to

ceiling as if suspended by invisible
shelves. Lucy pointed to a prominent
display in the middle and inquired, "A pair
of glasses?"

"Not just any glasses but the queen's N-

Sights—which let you see things from
someone else's perspective," Rilla replied.

Lucy nodded appreciatively.

"And this," Rilla said, picking up a small

glass ball, "is a Know Globe—KG, as we
call it—and it has answers to all your
questions and can even give ya directions
if you need 'em."

"So, KG is kind of like Siri and Alexa?"

Lucy ventured.

"Who're Siri and Alexa?"

"Never mind," Lucy said.

A giant clock chimed, and Rilla inhaled

deeply and said, "Ah, my favorite…the
Grandmother Clock…which makes every
hour smell like a different cookie."

The scent of snickerdoodles made Lucy's

stomach growl. "So, where is the queen

"We don't know," Rilla replied sadly. "She

said she had important work to do in your
world and she'd return soon, but long after
'soon' passed by and there was no sign of
her, Solomon Sirius declared himself the
supreme ruler of Imagee and claimed the
crown as king." Rilla scowled. "Then, after
the king took over, things got bad…really,
really bad."

10 Issue 10
Tuesday Sep 23, 20XX


How to stop the spread of the coronavirus

-------------- DOUG VOOIE

1. Stay inside your house with only family members. Here’s an inspiring quote to brighten your day:
2. Wash your hands whenever you get the chance.
3. If you need to go somewhere, wear a mask and
use hand sanitizer.
4. Order things online instead of going to the store
to buy them.



Save time in Word with new buttons that show up where

you need them. To change the way a picture fits in your
document, click it and a button for layout options
appears next to it. When you work on a table, click
where you want to add a row or a column, and then
click the plus sign.

12 Issue 10

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