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Angelica E.


BSE 1 - FIL 1


According to Hari Nef, Sexuality is who you want to be while gender identity is what you want to be
in the world. Our environment has a big impact to us, including our nature, society, and even the
entire world. So I think because of our environment we will figure out and view ourselves who we
really are. And of course, it can dictate our behavior and characteristics as a human based on what
we can see to our environment. Additionally, it really shaped us because we used to live inside it
and our environment can influenced us by guiding and affiliating us to know who we are and what
genders preference we really preferred. Moreover, we are aware that as a baby, we are still
innocent and pure. Yet because of our surroundings, it can influence us to be this type of person and
such. In short, the way people act in front of you can affect us, as a person. Our environment has a
great factor that contribute to our growth as a humans and the environment shapes our behaviour
he/she is really a specific type of a person, gay or lesbian, that person will have a much broader
knowledge to explore their identity based on the environment they are exposed to. The great
example here is the documentary of Girl Boy Bakla tomboy by Reel Time. The family of Tubato, Mr.
and Mrs. Tubato have 13 children which is 2 females, 3 males, 7 gays and also, one lesbian. So the
parents of this family are somewhat confused, about their children's gender. They have 7 gays
children and said that it is uncommon to because they have seven gays in just one family, one or
two is more believable. At first, their parents couldn't accept the fact that they have 8 children's
who are all, gays. However, all they did was to accept and respect their children's decision and own
choices. This is also why the environment has a great impact to a person's preference, the
surroundings greatly affect the person's way of who she/he really is. Like the 7 gays this is what
happened to them. Their child which is Ricardo jr is the one who influenced his other siblings be a
gay too. Example, if a boy has many more girl friends than boys, he will easily adapt the
characteristics of the girls in which he will think that is one of girls, mostly this case is the scenario
that I've observed on how a person affects the gender or the behavior. That's what happened to the
Tubato family. Lastly, environment has the most influence when it comes to gender preference of
someone. Gender is something that one can decide for themselves. And that might be the reason
why third gender exists because they chose their own happiness, they chose their own identity base
on they like it to be. Identity isn't something that your genitals could decide but a choice that you'll
accept to embrace.

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