Democracy & Progress: DPP's Next Phase: Return To Power, Become Largest Party in The LY

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DPP’s next phase: return to power,
become largest party in the LY INSIDE THIS ISSUE:
On March 5th, the DPP gained cause of the party’s united ef-
victory at the legislative by- forts, we achieved this victory.
elections of Greater Kaohsiung We would also like to thank
and Greater Tainan. DPP candi- Mayor Chen Chu and Mayor DPP’s next phase: return
dates Lin Tai-hua and Hsu Tian- Lai Ching-teh for their com- to power, become largest
chai won the elections by an mitment in campaigning for party in the LY
overwhelming majority. Earlier the candidates. - Pg. 1
in the week, the DPP gave all its
efforts in the south campaigning, 2. Before we set out to battle for
holding its Central Standing the legislative and presidential DPP Chair Tsai Ing-
Committee in Tainan City to elections, let us have even wen’s remarks at the
bring the entire party’s support greater confidence to face fu- opening of the New
behind the candidates. ture challenges. Since the loss Frontier Foundation
After the elections results of the 2008 presidential elec- think tank
were announced, DPP Chair Tsai tions, the DPP has reflected - Pg. 3
Ing-wen issued a statement with humbly and risen up again.
three major standpoints: From 12 legislative by-
elections so far, the DPP has
1. We represent the entire party gained 9 seats, and in the Big- Ma’s Administration fails
to offer our sincere apprecia-
to reflect on their China-
tion to Tainan and Kaohsiung
inclined policy
residents for their support and
affirmation. We would also - Pg. 6
like to congratulate Hsu Tian-
chai and Lin Tai-hua. Be-

DPP promotes Taiwan’s

disadvantaged through
Night Market Hero
- Pg. 7

...and more

... continued on the next page


DPP’s next phase: return to power, become largest

party in the LY ... continued "om the previous page

5 Elections, the DPP’s support rate has in- Ma presented during his campaign, we have not
creased by more than 1 million votes. We would seen it today. In three years of government, the
like to thank our supporters for standing to- people have lost all expectations towards the
gether with the DPP. These results represent an future. If young people can’t see the future, this
even greater encouragement for the DPP’s next is the biggest problem for Taiwan’s develop-
battle. In the next phase, our objective is to re- ment. We understand the people’s desire to
turn to power and become the largest party in change. Here, I solemnly announce that the DPP
the Legislative Yuan. will carry the responsibility to lead the future
development of Taiwan in 2012. We will be-
3. During these numerous elections, the results come the people’s best option.
represent a message that the people are trying to 4.
give to the Ma Administration, which is a “de-
sire to change”. The bright future that President

DPP sends its heartfelt support to Japan

After the earthquake and tsunami that produced wan is also sending our earthquake profession-
major catastrophes to Japan, the DPP immedi- als to provide any support to the Japanese peo-
ately sent messages of support to its fellow par- ple. The DPP strongly encourage the Ma Ad-
ties, the Democratic Party and the Liberal ministration to provide any offer of support to
Democratic Party of Japan. the Japanese government.
Taiwan and Japan has a long-standing friend- In regards to Taiwanese tourists, working
ship, and during this time of crisis, the DPP professionals and exchange students residing in
stands with the people of Taiwan in offering its Japan, the DPP appeals the Ministry of Foreign
full hearted support to Japan. Affairs to provide the necessary assistance for
The DPP will continue to pay any concerns their safe and secure stay in Japan.
to the relief efforts currently being conducted in The DPP sends its sincere sympathy to our
Japan, and will stand ready to offer any support. fellow parties in Japan, wishing them a speedy
The DPP appeals to the people of Taiwan to recovery and return to normalcy after this natu-
stand with our friends in Japan and offer any ral disaster.
donations that they can provide to the relief ef-
During the 921 Earthquake that affected
Southern Taiwan in 1999 and during Typhoon
Morakot in 2009, Japan immediately offered
their assistance by sending earthquake and relief
professionals to assist in the rescue. Today, Tai-

... continued on the next page


DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen’s remarks at the opening of the

New Frontier Foundation think tank

On February 23, DPP Chair and New Frontier enhancing the capacity to cope with all sorts of
Foundation Board Chair, Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, offi- risks. At the same time, the government must
cially inaugurated the New Frontier Foundation establish a fair and just society.  It must create a
think tank. The think tank has a Security and Strat- fair and reasonable tax system that can support the
egy Research Center and an Economic and Social government’s function in providing the necessary
Affairs Research Center. social services which satisfy the basic needs of the
public, ensuring that the people can share the
Dr. Tsai’s statement:  benefits of economic growth while consolidating
their national identity. During the process, because
I would like to each policy has its own
thank everyone for complexities, it is nec-
coming today to essary to obtain a bal-
witness the launch ance among diverse
of the DPP’s think opinions and goals in
tank. When I be- order to achieve the
gan to conceptual- best interests of the
ize this endeavor, people.
many people were Today, the DPP
curious as to why must move to a more
I would be en- mature stage of de-
gaged in such a velopment.  Not only
task. My thinking must the party concen-
was: the DPP can- trate on elections, poll-
not function with- ing and news events, it
out a think tank, must also focus on
and also this coun- thinking about and de-
try requires the veloping policy. Policy
stronger presence is not simply black or
of think tanks. white, or left and right.
I understand that As we face a society
many people be- today that is more di-
lieve that a politi- verse and complex, the
cal party’s main main objective of this
task involves elec- think tank is to create
tion campaigning.  policy blueprints that
However, having visited many countries, I have are even more sophisticated and comprehensive,
seen that every modern political party either has its with foresight and vision. 
own think tank or has a close relationship with The responsibility of the DPP at the moment
think tanks. This is because in a modern country, is to shoulder the responsibility of governance
the government is responsible for pursuing con- and to promote Taiwan’s progress. Only when
tinuing economic development, sustaining the ac- we grow into a modern political party can we pro-
cumulation and operational efficiency of commer- vide the country’s needs for modern governance.
cial capital, fostering conditions for prosperity, and This think tank is to prepare ourselves for this goal.


... continued "om the previous page

The think tank has two re-   In our earlier phase of dis- cial classes.  To change the
search centers. The first, the cussions on our 10-Year Policy situation, we must not only in-
Economic and Social Affairs Manifesto, we already noted troduce new thinking, but we
Research Center, focuses on this trend, and we presented also need to thoroughly review
economic growth and distribu- new thinking for the era of and restructure the “infrastruc-
tion, industry and innovation, globalization, including the ne- ture” needed for implementing
fiscal policy, regional devel- cessity of industries to focus on our thinking.  We must develop
opment and national land plan- improving knowledge and in- a comprehensive reform project
ning, and social security, novation rather than cost reduc- that would involve capital mar-
among other topics.   tions, having our economic kets, the tax system, social se-
At the core of these topics emphasis  on employment and curity, government function,
are issues of development and income rather than growth and fiscal efficiency. 
distribution, and the challenge numbers, the parallel need for Furthermore, the DPP as a
we face is the crisis of the both export and domestic de- major political party in Tai-
growing wealth gap.  The in- mand industries,  and a sustain- wan must outline our strat-
creasingly apparent trend in able environment and social egy for interacting with
Taiwan is that people putting security as important corner- Europe, the US, Japan, China
in the same amount of work stones for growth. and other Asian countries.
produce strikingly different However, these are not   In particular, we have a re-
rewards.  In particular, young enough. Taiwan’s current so- sponsibility to handle well the
people under the age of 40 cial and economic challenges issue of China.  Therefore we
missed the previous phase of hold at least two difficulties have also established the “Se-
growth, yet in the future they that we must overcome. First, curity and Strategy Research
face fewer job opportunities the momentum of economic Center.”
with lower salaries and higher growth is insufficient to create   When facing this issue, we
living costs, plus they must new jobs. Second, the unfair cannot act as the KMT or the
shoulder the nation’s debt from distribution of wealth has wid- CCP, limiting ourselves to
the previous generation. ened the disparity between so-

... continued on the next page


... continued "om the previous page

cross-strait structures or trap- collectively deal with the rise ful and seeking
ping ourselves in historical of China.  commonality.”  
frameworks. Even more, we Lastly, Taiwan must not Taiwan and China are dif-
cannot allow “political precon- only develop cross-strait inter- ferent in our histories, beliefs
ditions” to narrow our space for actions on a bilateral basis.  In and values, political systems,
handling cross-strait matters. economic and trade engage- and social identities.  Yet Tai-
 Cross-strait issues must in- ments, Taiwan must utilize the wan and China share common
volve international strategic international multilateral sys- responsibilities and interests,
thinking, yet it is also an exten- tem as a framework for interac- which are to pursue a peaceful
sion of domestic policy issues.  tion with China.  This is to and stable relationship and to
If we continue to revolve avoid the current situation of grasp the opportunity for pros-
around the cross-strait dimen- the Ma government that is perity and development.   This
sion only, it would not be pos- boxed in a frame set by China, is what we mean by “peaceful
sible to fundamentally resolve even going as far as making but recognizing differences”
matters with China. political concessions in ex- and “peaceful and seeking
The present situation in the change for economic benefits. commonality.” 
Taiwan Strait is the outcome of Political concessions will Therefore I appeal to
an international power structure obscure Taiwan’s sovereign China, as a large and power-
and the evolution of modern status. The recent friction with ful country, to re-examine the
history in East Asia. Therefore, the Philippines is evidence of way for long-term develop-
we must place Taiwan within such. When we are unable to ment of cross-strait relations
this international structure and clearly identify ourselves, how upon this understanding.  If
focus on the construction of is it possible to demand that this could become the basis for
future relations, in order to ex- others recognize and support building consensus between
pand the strategic space that is us? Taiwan and China, it would be
needed.  Regarding developments a foundation for dialogue that
Firstly, from the standpoint between Taiwan and China, the best meets parity and
of stabilizing Asian regional KMT’s approaches are “peace expectations.    We hope that
security, the DPP fully under- toward unification” and “peace our Security and Strategy Re-
stands and identifies with the with inevitable unification.” search Center will successfully
importance of preserving sta-   Over the past three years, in facilitate research, interaction
bility and peace between Tai- economic, political and diplo- and dialogue. 
wan and China. This is Tai- matic policy, the Ma admini- The DPP today is striving
wan’s international responsibil- stration has made Chinese toward the goal of governing
ity. identity and Chinese values its again, so I have many expecta-
Secondly, the cross-strait core.  In contrast, the DPP’s tions of this think tank.   
issue is not just a bilateral position is that in developing Firstly, policy must be
matter between Taiwan and relations with China, we must practical and operational. We
China, but an issue requiring start with Taiwanese identity are not an academic institution
consideration of the global and Taiwanese values as core; and all our members have ex-
and regional strategic the two sides across the Strait tensive practical governing ex-
balance.  Therefore, we must must maintain a relationship perience. The forward-looking
engage with all countries, espe- that is “peaceful but recogniz- blueprint for the country must
cially our Asian neighbors, to ing differences” and “peace- be concrete and feasible. Sec-
ondly, the think tank must be

... continued on the next page


... continued "om the previous page

capable of “dialogue” and not simply conceptu- I would like to express my deepest gratitude
alize ideas behind closed doors. We must con- once again for everyone’s participation. I also
stantly challenge ourselves to examine the global hope that this think tank will be able to collect
environment and the latest trends, conducting everyone’s wisdom and become a force for pro-
international exchanges while at the same time gress for Taiwan.
listening to grassroots voices.   Thirdly, our vi-
sion must be forward-looking as opposed to be-
ing short-sighted. What we must face are the
challenges of not only the next, but future, gen-
erations to come. 
The think tank and the party will complement
each other.  Taiwan today is situated in difficulty,
as if being in a tiger’s den.  We must think and
reflect, but we must also act. This think tank will
take on the role of a “thinker that takes action,”
and it will support the DPP in being a true
“action-oriented party that thinks!”  

Ma’s Administration fails to reflect on their China-

inclined policy
On February 23rd, the Office of the President and from their recent press statement, we see no
issued a news release criticizing DPP Chair Tsai reflection over their China-inclined policy”.
Ing-wen’s remarks on cross strait policy. DPP Spokesperson Cheng also commented on the
Spokesperson Cheng Wen-tsang made a re- recent statement by the Taiwan Affairs Office
sponse to the media afterward, defending the of the State Council concerning the 92 Consen-
DPP’s standpoints and condemning the Ma sus. He said that the DPP continues to support
Administration’s China-inclined policy. its standpoint that cross strait dialogue should
Spokesperson Cheng said that in the past not involve any preconditions.
three years of President Ma’s administration, “Because both sides of the strait have differ-
the KMT has shown a China-inclined policy, ent and similar points of view, both sides share
limited to the One China Framework set by common interests and responsibilities, and
Beijing. From the recent incident in the Philip- these are to pursue a peaceful and stable rela-
pines, the China-inclined policy of President tionship as well as grasp opportunities for de-
Ma shows the misunderstanding and confusion velopment.”
in the international community, he said. Spokesperson Cheng said that by only un-
“The Ma Administration has failed to persist derstanding the similarities and differences be-
for Taiwan’s national interests and the values of tween both sides, Taiwan and China will be
freedom and democracy,” Spokesperson Cheng able to achieve good and positive develop-
said. “To the outside world, he has given an im- ments.
age of ‘peace through inevitable unification’,


DPP promotes Taiwan’s disadvantaged through

Night Market Hero
On February Chair Tsai also said that the film scenario
15, DPP held a special meaning for the DPP as a political
Chair Tsai party familiar to holding banners and mobilizing
Ing-wen people on the streets. She said that after the tran-
along with sition of power, the DPP has faced an unfavor-
Secretary- able political environment, therefore, it identi-
General Su fied with the night market vendors presented in
Chia-chuan the film. However, she emphasized that even at
and Deputy a disadvantage, the DPP as a political party had
Secretary- the social responsibility to achieve society’s
General Kao goals.
Chieng-chih “The film has many good and funny mo-
held a private ments, making us identify with the plot, but
screening of there are also many moments when one feels
the newly deeply emotional,” Chair Tsai said. “This movie
released increased the DPP’s sense of responsibility for
Taiwanese the future. We want to thank Director Yeh and
film, Night Market Hero. The DPP organized the his entire team for giving inspiration to the
screening for the more than one hundred party DPP.”
staff from the DPP headquarters. Also present Director Yeh Tian-lun also spoke party staff
were the film’s director Yeh Tian-lun, screen- after the screening, saying that he was portray-
writers Yeh Tan-ching and actor Yan Yi-wen. ing the public’s sentiments from his own obser-
Night Market Hero tells the story of a group vations.
of night market vendors whose livelihoods are “I don’t dare to say that I am representing the
threatened by big corporate interests and corrupt public’s voice,” he said. “In reality, I deeply and
politicians. The film also portrays their life sto- sincerely hope that in our livelihoods, we can
ries through funny and sentimental stories of see more win-win situations such as those por-
each character. It has grossed more than NT$90 trayed in the film.”
million since the opening.
Chair Tsai spoke after the film was shown,
saying that market vendors represent a good and
honest group of Taiwanese society who live be-
hind the possibility that they are also the most
vulnerable group. She said that therefore, even
though the film portrayed them as living in joy
and bustling with excitement, the real meaning
of the film was that “behind the joy, in reality is
a life without choice”. She also reminded the
party staff that the DPP in opposition must think
and speak for the disadvantaged groups.
DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen and ‘Night Market
Hero’ Director Yeh Tian-lun


DPP Statement on China’s crack-

down of Jasmine Revolution ac-
Regarding the Chinese government’s recent violation of human DEMOCRACY &
rights and press freedom by cracking down Jasmine Revolution
activities and arresting foreign journalists, the DPP issues the PROGRESS
following statement on March 9, 2011:
First, in regards to the Chinese government’s recent suppres- PUBLISHED BY:
sion and use of strong measures to crack down the Jasmine
Revolution activities and beating and arresting foreign journal- Department of International
ists, including those from Taiwan, the DPP strongly condemns Affairs Democratic
China’s democracy suppression, press freedom limitation and Progressive Party
use of brutal force.
Second, democracy, freedom and human rights are universal 9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East
values that cannot be violated. In particular, China has signed Road, Taipei, Taiwan
two international covenants on human rights, but continues to
conduct violation on human rights, limiting freedom of speech Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306
and portraying undemocratic behavior, showing just the oppo-
site from the Chinese government’s announcement last year of
Fax: 886-2-2393-0342
“political reform”.
Third, countries around the world such as the U.S. and
Europe has continued to support China’s democracy, urging Email:
China to improve their human rights situation, with the excep-
tion of the Ma Administration, who has continuously remained Website:
silent for the sake of promoting cross strait dialogue and turning
a blind eye towards China’s democracy suppression and press
freedom limitation. This sends a wrong message to the interna-
tional community that Taiwan supports China’s actions and it
causes a serious damage to Taiwan’s image around the world,
even leading the Taiwanese people to worry about the risks of Bikhim Hsiao
democracy and human rights regression in Taiwan.
Fourth, the DPP strongly believes that democracy, freedom DEPUTY DIRECTOR:
and human rights are Taiwan’s most important assets. The Ma Hsieh Huai-hui
Administration, in promoting cross strait dialogue, must simul-
taneously include the topics of democracy and human rights, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:
supporting China’s democratization process.
Michael J. Fonte
Fifth, the DPP appeals to the Ma Administration to take con-
crete actions in showing support to Chinese democracy activists
and to show the world that Taiwan continuously values democ- EDITOR:
racy, freedom and human rights. The DPP will continue to pay Ping-Ya Hsu
concern to China’s democratization and will take an active role
in engaging dialogue with China’s democracy activists, at the
same time supporting the deepening of Taiwan’s democracy
and promoting China to a more democratic and free road ahead.


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