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Resolution on Ethnic Diversity and National Unity


The 2004 Presidential Election brought a complete end to a century of

colonialism and a system of state and party that oppressed local Taiwanese
culture and civil rights. A model nation where the people collectively make
decisions is finally been completed. Under full support from the people of
Taiwan, the Democratic Progressive Party was able to complete the process
of democratization, therefore, also creating a cultural awakening for ethnic

Since its establishment, the DPP has persisted that Taiwan remain the
main focus, resisting against cultural hegemony from a minority and re-
establishing the integrity, subsistence and space for development of ethnic
cultures. The DPP as ruling party paid even more attention to group demands
from each ethnic group. In the tasks of bringing into practice native culture
with mother tongue education, in re-establishing aboriginal identity and
promoting the dignity of Hakka culture, in all these tasks, the DPP takes the
leading position as the innovator among all the other political parties. In
addition, the DPP deeply recognized that without diversity, local policies
would be hard to implement.

In order to consolidate democracy, strengthen national culture and grant

every ethnic group the ability to grow and prosper together under a new
nation, the DPP must take the next step in deepening the DPP’s position
concerning diversity and cultural values outlined in the Party Constitution.
The DPP must build mutual acceptance between each ethnic group where
everyone collectively participates in establishing a country where there is a
people’s society, hence fulfilling the mission of a second wave of reform in
societal culture following the completion of political democratization.


1. Only by reflecting on past historical oppression can the future of

ethnicity be initiated. Earlier Han immigrants dominated over
indigenous peoples and with the oppression by alien rulers, language,
culture and identity from each ethnic group were lost. This has caused
today’s ethnic conflict. Only by reflecting on this part of history can the
subsistence and the space of development for ethnic cultures be initiated.
2. Establishing Taiwanese identity does not exclude other identities.
Since the party took over ruling government, the DPP has actively
ascertained native cultures and mother tongue education, and has
seriously implemented policies for Hakka and aborigines. Reconstructing
a Taiwanese identity is not regional narrow mindedness and absolutely
not extremist exclusionism.

3. National oppression is not to be considered the original sin of the

Mainlander population. The past oppression was led by the privileged
minority of the Chinese Nationalist Party, not entirely caused by one
particular ethnic group or another, and should not be considered as the
original sin of the whole Mainlander population. We must hand-in-hand
endeavor to clear the real historical truth and restore back the dignity of
ethnic groups that were victimized from the past oppression.

4. Abandon assimilation and stride towards coexistence and joint

prosperity. Reflecting that diversity of ethnic cultures is a national asset,
we must abandon the oppressive policy of national assimilation or
unilateral integration, and take the stand of valuing diversity, coexistence,
and joint prosperity.

5. National identification must be established by civic awareness.

Having established national sovereignty through democratization, at
present, Taiwan does not have a problem of external dominion, but only a
problem of how to resist the dare to annexation by external forces.
National identification must be built by everyone unifying together to
defend the fruits of democracy, hand-in-hand initiating a Taiwan
experience on ‘national consciousness’ in order to surpass ‘provincial
identification’. The DPP deeply recognizes this problem and takes on as
historical mission this responsibility of transformation.

6. Identification to the Republic of China (R.O.C.) and identification to

Taiwan should be mutually compatible. The sovereignty of the
Republic of China is already a part of the entire population of Taiwan, and
not to any other regime. Identification to Taiwan and to the Republic of
China are all forms of expressing national identification, and must not
therefore be misinterpreted as ethnic confrontation and should be met
with mutual respect, understanding and acceptance.

7. Any discrimination in conduct or language against ethnic groups is

to be condemned. National ethnic identification and the civil rights of
every citizen are all to be respected. Any discrimination in conduct or
language against any ethnic group are to be condemned and punished.
For the advocacy and conservation of the nation as a whole and for
national security, all must be regulated through the norms and
regulations of the democratic channel.

8. Every ethnicity is the master of Taiwan. From early on, Taiwan became
the homeland for aboriginal people, for the Hakka and then for the Hoklo;
it also became the new homeland for Mainlanders and for foreign
immigrants. A Taiwan Consciousness is to be established by the collective
participation of each and every ethnic group. Each ethnic group is the
master of Taiwan; all the native languages of each ethnic group are the
languages of Taiwan.

9. Exchanges between ethnic groups advance ethnic harmony. The

government should continue to support ethnic cultural inheritance and
development, and also actively promote ethnic cultural exchanges,
cultural diversity, and ethnic harmony between ethnic groups.

10. Establish Taiwan as a global example of a culturally diverse nation.

Due to globalization, our nation must actively push for cultural
diversification policies, become a global example of ethnic cultural
diversity, and establish after democratization, a new country that
culturally diverse and sharing one destiny.


For an extended period of time, Taiwanese society historically was

influenced by colonization, and its society received strong cultural
oppression from external forces, which has caused local culture to transform
and to dissolve; consequently, the dignity and identity of each ethnic group
also went through a crisis of cultural disintegration. Afterwards, the people
of Taiwan sought for democracy and not only established a constitutional
democratic country, but also abrogated the dominion of the minority, and
each ethnic group was able to progressively restore back their identity, as
well as reconstruct a diversified local culture. For this historical experience of
resistance and to recuperate dignity back is a valuable and a mutual asset for
every ethnic group in Taiwan.

The birth of a Taiwan consciousness is a reaction on account of the past

colonization and authoritarian governance, and also as a result of
globalization, but absolutely not due to a plan to exclude new cultures
brought by the new immigrant ethnic groups.

We believe, internally in Taiwan, the period of resistance has already

reached its conclusion, and the period of reconstruction has already begun.
In this era, different ethnic cultures should no longer be thought of as
superior or inferior and even more, because as conscious partners sharing
the same destiny and living together, all kinds of mutual exclusion or
insulting behavior towards any ethnic group must be ceased.

Every ethnic group that objectively brings forth any resentment, injustice
or uneasiness must be dealt immediately. Equality for all ethnic groups and
respect for their dignity must be given protection, and every ethnic
communal remembrance must all go beyond the ethnic sphere and become
everyone’s remembrance! Similarly, no ethnic group should be held
responsible for the sin of the past authoritarian regime and become now the
new subordinate ethnic group.

Those immigrants who arrived to Taiwan after the war also faced the
tragic fate of the nation’s people, and together with the Taiwanese
aborigines, Hakka and Hoklo ethnic groups all fought together against
Communist enslavement, all aspiring for democracy and liberty, and together
writing down a dignified page in protecting Taiwan! This historical
experience that transcended all ethnicities created the group picture of
Taiwanese life.

The ethnic groups of Taiwan, not only enriched its culture with different
distinguishing characteristics and contributions, but also performed their
civic roles and obligations in the system of democratic political affairs, and
everyone in Taiwan consciousness is a part that cannot lead astray. In other
words, the unity of Taiwan as a country lies on accomplishing diversity. Only
by protecting the space for cultural development of the different ethnic
groups, can a mutually identifiable and harmonious society be established
under a sentimental confine of respect for one another, a constitutional
democracy consolidated and a diverse unity realized.

We believe, cultural diversity is an asset of human civilization and also

an active way to push soft power. The government, besides from providing
full resources to assist language and cultural preservation and continuance,
must also create opportunities for minority groups to enter national
livelihood and enable opportunities for exchanges and present-day growth.
We have great confidence that in building a multi-ethnic republic with
mutual support between ethnic groups and cultures, following the
completion of democratization, a new example of ethnic harmony and
diversity will be created!

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