Om Prabhu Shanti The Miracle Mantra From Heaven

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Prabhuji Mastram

How to apply for God's help

with a spiritual discovery that will revolutionize your life
by J. Calcerrada

Om Prabhu Shanti
The Mantra from Heaven
by Juan Calcerrada

No portion of this book may be stored electronically, transmitted, copied, reproduced or

reprinted for commercial gain or profit without prior written permission from the author


I am not a licensed counselor or mental health professional. I cannot

diagnose any health condition or recommend the best course of treatment
for them. The advice given in this book is not intended to replace the advice
of a licensed counselor or mental health professional. I do not assume
liability for any harm that results from a decision to forego professional
health treatment. I cannot guarantee that the suggestions given in this book
will result in the same outcomes I , or others have experienced. I am not
responsible from the outcomes that result from following the advice given in
this book. There is no guarantee that the teaching in this book will lead to
healing or any other outcome. While I believe wholeheartedly in divine
healing and provision, I also believe in and encourage you to seek standard
diagnostic evaluation and treatment if it is indicated. J.Calcerrada



0- Introduction
1- Who is Prabhuji Mastram
2- The supernatural power of Om Prabhu Shanti Mantra
3- What to ask from Heaven
4- Attitude when doing repetition and havan
5- Gross and subtle obstacles to repeat Om Prabhu Shanti
6- The divine power of the human voice
7- What to visualize when repeating the mantra
8- Follow your tradition . Om Prabhu Shanti for Christians
9- The use of a flame to contact Heaven
10- Full procedure of Om Prabhu Shanti with havan
11- Full procedure of Om Prabhu Shanti with candle
12- How to enhance the power of Om Prabhu Shanti
13- Chanting the Om Prabhu Shanti for collective Enlightenment
14- 31 Om Prabhu Shanti decrees that will enlighten your life
15- Om Prabhu Shanti Testimonials
16- Om Prabhu Shanti for unexpected emergencies
17- Om Prabhu Shanti and contact with devas, devis and angels
18- Om Prabhu Shanti Mantra - an independent and direct way to contact



From time immemorial God the Almighty has never stopped bestowing His
natural and eternal Grace through His own endorsed spiritual prayers, holy
words and mantras to the saints , angels and devas who achieved God
Realization. With the passing of time some of the procedures, meanings
and above all the authority of some of these mantras and prayers have also
been diluted by the many interest of seekers and masters who were not
longer in contact with God. Thus the procedure and the inner intention to
practice these holy mantras were not longer there anymore and the
mantras of divine contact with God stopped yielding their results. Before
finding this heavenly mantra I also tried many foreign mantras and
Christian prayers though the results were very limited and exhausting.
There was no doubt that something was missing in the process of invoking
the Divine over my life. At last when I discovered the Mantra from Heaven
back in 2002 in India I realised what was missing to have a real access to
Heaven. Yes it could be a mantra or a prayer, but a mantra or prayer which
was directly endorsed by Heaven and delivered from Heaven to mankind
through the means of a holy messenger who really was God realized.
Prabhuji Mastram was one of those God Realized beings who received
from God one of the many tools God deliver to mankind from time to time.
Once a God realized Saint makes contact with Heaven he may receive
from God an endorsed mantra that has inherent divine power not only to
help you in whatever problem you may have but to lift you up to Heaven or
Moksha. The process of invoking the forces of Heaven explained in this
book is therefore authentic , straightforward and it does exactly what
Prabhuji said, not requiring much of your time, long procedures or much
spiritual effort from your part. This is a method to enter Heaven while


walking on this Earth just by repeating an easy mantra which was given to
Guruji Prabhuji Mastram when he attained Spiritual Salvation in 1994 .
Since he made this outstanding spiritual discovery he repeatedly advised
everybody to repeat again and again this mantra: “ OM PRABHU SHANTI “
in other to solve all the problems of life which require all your attention and
spiritual energies. The state of God Realization attained by Prabhuji
Mastram was so sublime that he could spend the most part of the day in
full contemplation of the continuous Grace of Heaven helping many
devotees in India to achieve health, wealth, social status and the bliss of
Heaven or Moksha. In the year 1994 when he was in full contact with
Heaven, he was at last given by the Almighty a simple jewel mantra to
achieve peace and bliss in these times of distress. Many people above all
in India have been benefiting from this heavenly peace that this holy
mantra bestows. Today this very mantra from Heaven comes to your hands
in the same way it came to mine in the year 2002, so that you too can
achieve all the many benefits that this repetition will surely bestow to your
life. As there is no more any book in print about this mantra and the master
who introduced it to the world but the book of Deepika Zaveri , “Miracles of
Om Prabhu Shanti” (the one I red back in 2002) which is no longer in stock,
this book is a humble attempt and contribution to introduce you to the
practice of this easy but powerful mantra. The principles are the same as
those given by the Almighty in 1994 plus some new testimonials of people
not only from India but from some other countries and traditions who have
already tried and experienced the bounty of Heaven while repeating this
mantra. I explain how you should repeat the mantra and some ways to
enhance the power of concentration on the mantra so you stick to the
repetition of the mantra for some time until you see the gross and subtle
changes that it brings. Since Prabhuji is not longer in his physical body and
I had no more information that the information contained in Deepika
Zaveri´s book, I have been experimenting and doing this procedure for 14

years now gathering every piece of experience and testimonial not only
from me but from other seekers so that you too can benefit even if you are
not in India. This was the inner intention of the blog “Om Prabhu Shanti, the
mantra from Heaven” were it was shown to the world the power and
intention of this mantra . Many testimonials have been delivered since then
and many more questions have arised also. So this book is a personal
answer to some questions and a motivational tool to motivate you to start
chanting Om Prabhu Shanti the soonest possible so as to receive the many
benefits of this mantra. Since I am European many seekers have asked me
how to adapt this mantra to their tradition in other for it to be effective.
Fortunately for us when Prabhuji accessed Heaven and got God Realized
he didn't visit the temporal Heaven of a worldly sect, god or religion but he
went much higher where all these differences disappear so when He
brought this mantra, he didn't bring it just for only one tradition , religion or
specific group of people but for everybody who wanted to contact God and
achieve ultimate God Realization no matter where they live.

According to Prabhuji Mastram we can not have access to something

higher as long as we have worldy problems that require all our attention
where they be health problems, social problems or financial problems. Our
mind will simply not let us think about anything higher than this level of
worldly issues and desires . So he clearly advised all of us as stated by the
Almighty Himself to clean first our most immediate karma through the
repetition of this heavenly mantra. The power of the mantra will soon set to
ashes all the negative karma you may have acquired in your previous lives.
As this karma is burnt out, your circumstances will change in a amazing
way leading you to better health, social and financial conditions. When all
the basic conditions of life are satisfied or brought into peace the mantra
will take you by itself to higher states of consciousness which are the
evident proof that you are now in the hands of Heaven and therefore in the

direction to Moksha or Spiritual Salvation as Prabhuji Mastram himself

promised us when he was still in his physical form. It is not required from
you to believe in the power of the mantra or in Prabhuji, that is why I
provide a simple but efficient plan of 31 days so you stick to this repetition
for 31 days. Once you do that or even much sooner that this usually after
just one week repeating Prabhuji's mantra “ Om Prabhu Shanti” you will
feel the great difference in perception of yourself and the issue you have
been facing. This is the effect of the mantra working on your life just for
some days. Imagine how much bliss and peace you can achieve if you do
it for 31 days !
After those 31 days your faith in the mantra or in Prabhuji Mastram will
change tremendously as you will be the first who will want to start your day
with the blessings of Heaven. Your faith will then increase due to the many
evidences of miracles that will start happening in your life . In my case I
even got those miracles in less than a month and even repeating the
mantra without any faith at all but just out of curiosity. Although I am a
westerner born in a Christian country and I do also firmly believe in Jesus
Christ , Prabhuji also provided a way for Christians to have an easy access
to the bliss of Heaven without any effort from your part by simply calling the
grace of God through this mantra which you can also repeat in English
with the same power. I will explain for Christians how they can benefit from
this calling to Heaven which does not require from you to believe in
Prabhuji Mastram either. I have seen how this mantra works for people
independently of their religion and tradition. Actually there is nothing such
as separation through religions in Heaven but different levels of Light of
Love and of the Light of Wisdom. From true Heaven or Salvation only true
compassion and love emanates not worldly religion as we know it. So this
is also a way many westerners can profit from this most valuable
discovery Prabhuji Mastram made back in 1994. Though I didn't know
Prabhuji in person as he passed away when I first knew about him, I do

certainly believes he would very much like as many souls to get the same
peace and salvation others achieved when He was in his physical body .
This book is my very small contribution and proof of thankfulness to the
Almighty through Prabhuji Mastram for letting us know and above all
experience this amazing way of contacting Heaven. Juan Calcerrada



Prabhuji Mastram to me is another messenger of the Almighty for certain

people to arrange and solve their karma in this very life. He was born in a
human body on a Friday, 6th of September in 1940 in India after his
parents waited for 16 long years to have a child. Since his early childhood
he showed the signals of being bestowed with divine qualities. As his family
was very religious he too attended to many satsangs, spiritual meetings
and met many saints and sages. When other children of his age were


playing at the streets he was meditating and following his own sadhana or
spiritual practice until at the age of thirty years old when he managed to
arise his Kundalini but could not re enter to his body so he was declared
dead. By the intercession of the Almighty he was ordered to return to his
dead body which he did. In July, 1992 he had a heart attack and was
projected to Heaven where he met the Almighty in person. When in heaven
he was given some principles and orders in other for him to fulfill his
commitment so that he could help in the upliftment of mankind. This is a
generic proposal I guess when any soul enters Heaven. So he was given
this task too. On March 1st. 1994 he retired from all worldly duties and took
samadhi, conscious bliss of the soul and travelled again to Heaven where
the Almighty shared with him the most important information ever: a way to
enter Heaven through the cancellation of the remaining karma which is our
actual worldly circumstances through the use of some physical light, that is
some fire from the light of a candle or havan ( a triangle inverted copper
pyramid ) and the repetition of the mantra:


After he received these heavenly instructions he stayed for the rest of his
life in a small room in the bliss of Samadhi and for some time a day only he
received people who were asking for help for whatever problems they had
in their life. He gave to all of them some way of solving their karma in other
to experiment the first step of bliss which is peace or freedom from worldly
problems. He also explained when he was still alive the ways any man or
woman could contact heaven through the cancellation of their karmas by
the means of repeating this mantra and doing this process which later on I
will explain to you. Today after Prabhuji have passed away this method and
mantra are still so powerful as they were when he was alive. He as all the
flames of Salvation sent by the Almighty has set an extremely easy way to

experience bliss and Salvation while in the human body. The Almighty
knew that we can not endure in these times any hard worship, rituals or
praying so he sends from time to time messengers and tools adapted to the
times so that whatsoever be the circumstances everybody can experience
joy and Salvation while they learn their most valuable lessons in school of
Earth. Some people will need many lessons or lives in this school while
others who are ready may need just one; a simple way of decreasing the
distance between us and the Almighty whoever and whatever He/ She is .
Om Prabhu Shanti mantra and havan is an divine endorsed way to call the
Heavens not only for assistance but for an active Enlightenment. This is an
Enlightenment that you will see and experience in yourself everyday as you
repeat and get more in connection with Heaven. In the same way as
Prabhuji did and still does today whenever we repeat this mantra in
Sanskrit, English or any other language we also embody the body of
Salvation , the peace and harmony the Almighty desires. As we do this
more often we start making part of an active chain of peace throughout the
world for calling all our family of Souls for more unlimited Evolution.
Evolution does not end in Moksha or Salvation only for yourself though you
can end there if you want but when you desire to help more souls to evolve
further you will see that there is an infinite path of evolution before you with
no end at all . This highest service should not have any organization,
leaders, name of a group or movement or future building of more ashrams
, temples or communities. It is for the sake and peace of everybody, it is a
universal service for peace without name and form. Om Prabhu Shanti is
another gate of the many given by God without name and form for us to
join this universal service of spiritual help which goes much beyond
religion, race and country. You will become a lighthouse of Salvation not
because your relative name, form or speech says so but because you bring
Heaven daily to your home, to your street, to your family, to your business


and to all your fellow beings just by calling Heaven with the Om Prabhu
Shanti mantra and havan.

The Supernatural Power of Om Prabhu Shanti Mantra

Since practicing Om Prabhu Shanti mantra for more than 14 years ago I
can say that it works wonders if applied seriously for a certain period of
time. Even if one feel that he does not need anything to be solved in his
life, this mantra can make him experience a new world of peace and
harmony. I have seen many people that despite having all what they desire
they still lack peace and happiness. This is the main signal of some
remaining karma connected with the soul that has not been dealt with. For
these issues this mantra can work very efficientlñy as it burns all the most
subtle karmas attached to the soul until you are rescued from any distress.
When also one suffers from any issue connected with health, money or
family one can not feel anything superior than that so it is useless to
practice any ritual or praying as the spark of the soul , the energy of our
attention is missing. The mantra Om Prabhu Shanti will give you a steady
basis over which to build the harmony you need to fulfill your dreams and
solve your problems. When all these factors , that is wealth, health , family,
and social status are satisfied one can really start about evolving to some
higher state of bliss. Salvation helping others at the same time is at your

hand once all your problems are solved by the steady recitation of this

Furthermore the mantra Om Prabhu Shanti can help you:

To bring success, abundance, peace and prosperity in life

To remove blockage on the path of your success

To bring success in Business and profession

To remove scarcity of money

To buy or sell any property

To bring financial stability

To bring peace at home and workplace

For protection from evil forces , black magic , envy , jealousy

For getting own child

For better education and results, exams

To get married

To improve social status

To achieve higher states of consciousness

To improve family relations

For positive result in trials

For health issues


To travel safely

To protect you in dangerous situations

To improve relations in the neighbourhood

To increase your general joy for life

For achieving Moksha, Spiritual Salvation

To help your family and friends in any given situation

To get spiritual help when no guru or religion seems to help

To increase self esteem

To be accompanied by the divine forces of Heaven all day through

When Prabhuji Mastram received this heavenly mantra he was told about
the many effects this mantra would have in the life of those who repeat it on
a steady basis. He stated that this mantra was given by the Almighty out of
compassion to solve the karmic circumstances that people have developed
because of their thoughts, speech and actions. The effects of this mantra
do not only affect this world but affect the circumstances of the seeker after
this life taking him according to Prabhuji to Heaven where he will
experience Moksha. The only thing that is asked from you is to repeat this
mantra everyday for only 5 minutes !! Such is the power of this mantra from
Heaven that it can protect you and make you prosper for the rest of the 24
hours with only five minutes a day. It is essential to keep this calling
everyday in other to keep in contact with the bliss and forces of Heaven. As
you see not much at all is required from us than this tiny act of devoted
repetition. In my experience I have felt that we are in a very neutral
universe that only reflect that which we project most of the time. Most of the


people I know have stopped from projecting his own calling to Heaven or to
the Almighty and they have relied only on their own power of will until they
come to the sad conclusion that absolutely nothing is under their control.
The mantra that Prabhuji brought from Heaven gives us the exact
telephone number to call Heaven and his angels, devas and devis
everyday. If we ever have any emergency this is the number we have to
call. You may think that this is a bit crazy as I did many years ago but it
only takes a couple of days to start testing it to check for yourself that your
forces increases once you count on the help of Heaven. The mantra Om
Prabhu Shanti gives back the personal power to the only One who really
has the power , the energy and the wisdom to change our karma ; God !,
so all our worries and anxiety is taken care of by the all powerful power
coming from Heaven. But for that we have to do just one thing which is to
step out of the neutrality or from our ego and sincerely ask to Heaven for
help. Even if you don't believe in gurus and much less in this guru Prabhuji
Mastram ask for help for once in your life with the tools that come to your
hands by fate or karma. When I first read the book of Deepika Zaveri I
knew there was something for me there though I was not searching for
nothing of the sort and much less from a book in a bookshop in Bombay.
Little I knew that book which today is unfortunately out of print was the
master key to the bliss of Heaven. Today the same knowledge is passed to
you so you can too experience the freedom from worldly problems by the
grace of the Almighty and one of his messengers, Prabhuji Mastram.



According to Prabhuji we can ask from Heaven whatever may give us

some peace of mind. We can really be very objective and ask for very
specific matters, even material matters or for financial help as I did the first
time and it works perfectly well. With time I have seen that Heaven is very
compassionate with whoever ask day after day for something. What we get
from Heaven may or may not be exactly what we expected but it will be
something that would give us harmony and peace of mind at the end. We
as ordinary humans can't see the whole entanglement of circumstances
that every single fact in life requires . In other to change just a small portion
of your karma it is needed to change infinite conditions of time and space
and karma of multiple people around you.It takes a great deal of true
spiritual energy in other to achieve such a fact so we should have no doubt
about it that only the Almighty can arrange so many factors and not us, no
matter how hard we work for it. It is true that we see many people that have
all what they desire and get done all what they want because they have a
tremendous credit karma to do that but all karma get exhausted even good
karma and still there are many subtle factors that we don't see that need
the helping hand of God. So whatever are our conditions or karma we can
ask to God or Heaven for relief. The more we ask the more we will change
from asking for worldly things to asking for heavenly qualities such as
detachment, contentment, grace, moksha or salvation. These should be
our most desired results simply because they give us much more pleasure
than anything you can imagine from this world. We really don't know if we


need more a new apartment or Moksha in the first place as nobody knows
when our last day will arrive. So be brave and ask from the beginning for
the real thing, for Moksha. Do let this for the end, start asking for that from
the beginning. The Mantra Om Prabhu Shanti have been designed to make
you walk for yourself to Heaven step by step. What you ask to Heaven is
your own business but try to also to ask for God Himself and you will see
where does that lead you. So experiment with the mantra and see what
happens in your life as it won't take long for you to see the results.



I have been testing the grace of this mantra for quite a while now and I
have come to the conclusion that inner intention is crucial when asking for
help to Heaven. Whatever be our wish it must be something that makes
sense and that it is required for us to be brought to peace. Asking to
Heaven through the means of Om Prabhu Shanti and havan is not like
going to a mall and simply asking for what we want. I have received
testimonials of people who didn`t get fulfilled their wishes on the period of
time they wanted. I wonder now what was really their attitude or inner intent
or even what they asked for. There is no doubt that we need to have a
humble approach when asking to Heaven and only ask for that which is
essential for us to get and not for anything superficial. So summarize your
wishes into one which fulfills them all. Ask with extreme humbleness when
performing the havan and the repetition and envision this daily moment of
divine connection as something sacred and not a as ordinary magic spell in
other to get something else in your life. The first weeks of your practice of
Om Prabhu Shanti will increase the desirable inner attitude you need in
other to address Heaven in a proper and respectful way after one or two
weeks you may even see for yourself that you really didn't want so much to
get something done but something even higher than that. So this mantra
will start acting cleansing the most gross karma resistance you got inside,
your inner attitude. Once this is done you will experience a holy feeling
within you coming right from your Soul. This feeling is the correct signal
that you have contacted Heaven successfully. From this point onward you
may start asking what you really need in your life in other to get enough
relief to move to higher and to more subtle wishes. You will also be needing
focusing on the mantra repetition while you are doing the havan or process.
This is sometimes not so easy and you will see for yourself how much you
think about whatever matter in your life instead about thinking on the

repetition with full concentration. That happens to me even today, so this is

something we have to work out. If we really can concentrate on the mantra
and flame for five minutes a day, which is the minimum required , then go
ahead. If not, which usually is the case for most of us then do more, 15
minutes is the average successful amount of time you will require. Note
that from those 15 minutes you will spend nearly 7 minutes to focus
yourself in bringing your mind to the repetition of the mantra. So do not take
you in, if you are not thinking about the mantra you are not doing the
repetition even is your mouth is repeating the mantra. This may be the
main cause of failing to achieve the results you want. Bear in mind that we
need the energy of our soul which is our attention to be brought to the
mantra and flame so that we can successfully contact Heaven. We are 24/7
in sync with a tremendous powerful worldly vibration so we must count on
some resistance when we want to change our attention from the world to
Heaven. For some people this will take more days or weeks of practice but
consider all this time to bring your attention back to Heaven, back to God
as a time which is being used to burn all the gross worldly karma attached
to you. This is the most difficult part as some people who are in acute
distress won`t have the patience required and will stop repeating the
mantra in a couple of days. This is the main reason why I am adding in this
book a 31 days repetition plan with some prayers suitable for all Hindus,
Christians and Buddhist to the practice of Om Prabhu Shanti so everyday
you feel like doing this repetition as a purification process which is really
what it is. We can never phantom how complicated is to burn all the links of
bad karma or effects we have gathered for so long time, so the sooner we
agree we have to invest some time, let's say a couple of weeks or months
the sooner we will get free from all these circumstances. To pretend to
clear your karma in one or two days with only five minutes is not serious for
the most of us so please repeat the mantra and havan longer or more often
until you get the inner signal of peace and joy.



When we contact the most highest realities through the help of some
effective heavenly tool like the mantra Om Prabhu Shanti our gross and
subtle darkness get stirred and brought to the surface of our mind. The
mantra will show us exactly what we have to deal with and what are the
circumstances we have to solve first in other to get some future results. We
certainly can not be full of hatred and pretend to contact Heaven at the
same time so whenever we do the repetition our own state of mind will
come to the surface. Havan after havan our state will becoming pure until
we reach a state of bliss coming to the surface of our awareness, a state
from Prabhuji that we will be able to keep for the rest of the day. If we
practice the mantra and note that we only think about our worries then we
know we are attached to many worries and so with whatever emotion or
problem that comes to the surface of our mind. All this is a natural process
of purification of the mind which takes place when the cleansing is going
alright, so if this ever happens to you you must know this is normal and
natural. With time we will have to expel all what does not come from the
light in us in other to contact Heaven to a higher degree. This process is

endless and does not finish even with Moksha or Salvation but continues
until theres is no difference between you and Heaven or God. I never
thought before about any force contrary to the evolution of the Light and
Love of the Almighty but I have checked that during our many experiences
in this life and past lives, we have had plenty of time to gather doubt,
suspicion, resistance, lack of faith and automatic fight and excess of
critique and judgement. As in this school called Earth we are free to choose
the speed of light we want to vibrate then we willingly dwell in low speed of
light with low knowledge , low love , low spiritual traditions , leaders ,
materialism and low worldly perspectives. These are the forces of the
shadow that we all have in some bigger or lesser degree. These forces are
also attached to our karma, conditions, cells and bodies in a way which is
difficult and hard to get rid of them. Some of them we can see clearly in us
when we get angry or selfish but there many many more which are really
very subtle for which we will be needing a more subtle weapon like this
mantra and havan. So repetition of this mantra will help you to get free from
all this lack of light which we carry unconsciously every day because just
being born in this time cycle. We will notice this very easily when we don't
want to repeat such a sacred mantra from Heaven like the Om Prabhu
Shanti or any other holy word from Heaven . This kind of resistance is the
resistance to get the cleaning done in our own body and mind. If you feel
this kind of resistance or inner fight when attempting to do the repetition
you must know that there is certain amount of inner darkness within you
that does not want any change. We actually don`t receive the miracles we
all deserve because this kind of own resistance which does not come from
God but from our own fears to change and be more brightful and divine.
God is not holding anything from us, he is giving it all to us but we resist
this all the time. With Om Prabhu Shanti we will work out everyday our
inner resistances to be given by God whatever is sincerely needed. The
mantra will break us free from our doubts and fears so that we may

become the joyful sons and daughters of God who never lack any single
thing. The space where we live in is also populated by many entities which
are attracted to our likings, thoughts, obsessions and fears depending on
what we project more all the time to Akash , to space. With time certain
familiar entities and even ancestors get attached to us and follow us as this
is a normal procedure of mutual learning that seems to be allowed.The
problem arises when evil entities who want to live your life get attached to
you above all when you are a true seeker of spiritual truth. You will notice
this when you can never succeed in life or when you are all the time
worried or depressed. In this case the mantra of Om Prabhu Shanti can
clearly help you cast away whatever entity that does not come from the
light and you will become so bright to their sight that they will not approach
you. There are many people who are being milked daily by those parasite
entities which are plentiful in number in this Earth plane so we need to
protect ourselves daily with the Om Prabhu Shanti or any other spiritual
weapon. The more we are in contact with Om Prabhu Shanti the more holy
we become attracting more heavenly entities, angels and devas to our life,
home and workplace.This is a good test to know who is accompanying us
in every given moment. Do we feel tired, depressed , in fear or worried?
then probably we don't have the good guys around us at that moment and
place. Do we feel in joy, bliss ,hope and grace ? Then the angels and
devas are around us providing us all the way. Actually nothing can harm us
as we are all son and daughters of God Himself or Heaven but our free will
to choose is always respected as the main way to evolve. When we choose
Heaven and use any sacred endorsed way to contact Heaven we
deliberately choose Heaven and it is right then when the devas and devis
or angels can help us but not before that. Most people think they will be
helped without even asking or praying but I am sorry this is not how it
works. They definitely need your permission for them to act for every single
day so we need to give some part of the day for our divine attunement with

the Almighty. Otherwise we will simply bathe ourselves in whatever

energies there are in every given place.

One more thing I have noticed through the years is the vibration of the
environment. There are some environments which dissolve quickly
whatever grace is poured on them. So if we are weak we should avoiding
any place or group of people with intense worldly longings and who are
therefore in distress or engaging in intense emotions such as passion,
revenge, envy, gossip, judgement, etc. Distress, judgement, jealousy ,
greed, addiction and lust are really contagious whether being in contact
with people who suffer from them or in places where people with these
intense emotions gather together. Hungry entities for conflicts look for
these energies at such groups and places. We can not avoid living in
communities and cities so there is no other weapon for us than protecting
our treasure with the continuous repetition of the Om Prabhu Shanti which
literally means “Oh God give me peace”. In this way we will not get
exhausted of our valuable spiritual energy. One of the main reasons why
most of spiritual practices don`t yield much result in exactly this one, the
exhaustion of most of our spiritual energies. This is the reason why we
need satsang or meetings with people who believe in the bliss and
protection of God. But where can you find a true satsang in Kaliyuga? Who
is God realized to dare to speak about truth ? How can we establish any
higher contact if our spiritual energies have been compromised and
engaged in people and tools who are not endorsed by Heaven ?. We need
first to protect ourselves from the Kaliyuga , this dark age of the humankind
with the repetition of this heavenly mantra and avoid people or places that
will spend out all our spiritual forces. Even when we join some groups
where there is hunger for power, money and becoming a big international
spiritual movement be sure that these kind of greed entities will be there
too. Mind manipulation in cults is a typical sign of the existence of dark

entities . So please be always safe and ask only for help to those who
really have achieved the level of God Realization, like Prabhuji Mastram,
Jesus, Buddha , Shirdi Sai Baba, Angels, Saint Teresa of Avila etc. We
simply don't feel good because we are sad, we feel bad usually because of
the tremendous amount of these energies and entities on this Earth in this
time cycle. That is why so many souls choose this school called Earth in
the present time cycle because it is full of imperfection so that it is a perfect
school to learn to choose and evolve. Fortunately for those who charge
themselves daily with prayers and mantras endorsed by heavenly entities
sent by God they also attract many divine entities and angels full of grace
and joy. This is what we want to do when we repeat Om Prabhu Shanti.
Whenever we enter any environment charged with negativity , envy , hatred
or greed we can simply chant the mantra within us making a huge
difference no matter where we are or go. So Om Prabhu Shanti or any
other prayer endorsed by God should always be in your heart for your

The more spiritually independent we remain and with less people there are
in between us and God the better. Relate only with God Himself or with his
many angels and saints who got God Realization. In all of these years that I
have been practicing the Om Prabhu Shanti mantra nothing has lack me in
any way. Though there is a small temple of Prabhuji Mastram in Bombay,
India and a minimum organization to arrange the group meetings for
repeating the mantra and havan together I have hardly had any contact
with them and even though the mantra works wonderfully for me and many
others in many countries independently of their religion, faith and
circumstances. This shows us that the treasure given to Prabhuji Mastram
by the Almighty in 1994, that is the process of contacting Heaven through
this mantra is authentic and is still working in full power as effectively as
when Prabhuji was walking this Earth. We should understand this chapter

when we first attempt to repeat the mantra and check if we are in any of the
conditions explained here, If so we will need to work it out applying the
mantra to all these kind of inner and outer resistances so that the mantra
can work efficiently. Usually we will be needing one week to burn out the
most gross circumstances of our allotted karma. Please have some
patience during this first state of cleansing your karma until you evolve to
the bliss of the mantra in the days to come. The prayers and plan for 31
days of repetition will help to to stick to the mantra and havan no matter
what you feel and no matter what results you get in those days.
Abandoning before these 31 days may not secure any result at all. We
must take into account that we have may have been walking for lives in the
opposite direction of Heaven so it is not serious to think we can change
direction in just two days no matter how quick the mantra and havan burns
all our negative stored karma.


Human voice has an extreme power to create reality . We actually live

under the circumstances developed by our own actions, thoughts, inner

intents and spoken words. We hardly ever notice the effect of what we say
all the time and without knowing how we become that what we speak about
the most of the time. We become our own judgements, so we find us being
judged by others. We become our complaining about our life and financial
conditions so we encounter financial scarcity and difficulties with money.
When we focus in something which does not belong to this world like the
Almighty in whatever holy form , then the human voice can be used to
make you prosper like you never thought it would be possible. In the very
moment we start uttering words which are been pronounced in the very
Heaven, then we become an embassy of Heaven in whatever
circumstances and place we are in. This is the most sacred use of the
human voice ; the calling to our own eternity and Salvation or Moksha.
Instead of spending the power of our human voice scolding, criticizing ,
judging or complaining we can now transform our own reality on Earth with
the extreme power of a mantra which has been delivered from the very
Heaven itself.

“ To my amazement, I soon discovered that the mantra and havan were

changing my circumstances. People who never dared to say even “good
morning” started smiling to me as if I were the most lovable person. This
transformation came supernaturally fast as I went on with the mantra
repetitions daily for about ten minutes only. Through the blog “ Om Prabhu
Shanti, the mantra from Heaven I learnt about the importance of speaking
the word God's word out loud over my life and it is really working wonders “
Mari Escanio , Chile.

Such is the transformative power of the holy words when they out of mercy
reach our plane of existence. Once the human voice utter the word of God
over our life our whole life changes for the better . When this happens we
are given the map of our lives in our hands so we can reach the correct

destination in no time. From now on, the only thing which is required from
us is to replace more wordly words, thoughts and inner intentions with the
mantra “Om Prabhu Shanti” . Confess and decree this blessing with the
power of your voice or thought to your daily activities , issues , family,
relationships, job and whatsoever circumstances you may be facing right
now. Soon you will see light and hope coming to in unprecedented ways. In
case you can not speak loud the mantra in that very moment you may
always repeating it in your mind until the given outside or inner karma
diminishes . Never involve yourself in the development of any karma just
soften it with the continuous repetition of the mantra “ Om Prabhu Shanti “
and trust that help is on the way to you. Under no circumstances try to
solve the incoming karma through the power of your intellect or ego, you
can not solve it that way, it is much beyond your control, trust instead the
power of Heaven to alleviate the circumstances and understand that
whatever happens is justice.


In the same way we need to look for a telephone number when we want to
call somebody when doing the repetitions of this mantra we should repeat
with respect and focus the mantra of Heaven while we visualize the photo
of Prabhuji Mastram or any other master who for you represent an example

of Spiritual Excellence. Whatever we visualize for some minutes can also

be seen on other planes above and below that is the main reason why we
usually get that what we envision most. For this reason we should be very
careful on our visualizations and only visualize our highest good all the
time. When we repeat this mantra we make a divine call to Heaven to
powers and entities who really dwell in Heaven, that is why the divine
contact is assured hundred percent. If you do not believe in any master or
guru you still can be helped by the mere repetition of these holy words. In
case we are asking for something like let's say a new job , we may write it
down and put that paper besides the candle or havan as I will explain later
in the procedure of Om Prabhu Shanti. It is not necessary to think about
your desire when you do the repetition just focus on the mantra while you
stare to the flame from the candle or from the havan. Some of us have had
more than one master in our life so how can we know if they have reached
Heaven or God Realization ? This is a difficult answer and this is probably
the most important answer you should seek while you are in this human
body. There are many masters nowadays all claiming to have some divine
status or lineage but in reality the qualification required is much higher than
we usually think and it is absolutely required to have achieved God
Realization which is different and much superior than Self Realization
which is at most the level some masters and not even all of them, have
achieved. Masters like Prabhuji Mastram who have reached God
Realization have the power to uplift souls to the same plane they have
reached while masters who have reached Self Realization usually can`t.
God Realized masters transcend time and space and can help you 24/ 7 in
any part of this world while Self Realized masters can only help you
through continuous very physical satsang. We should strive to seek only a
living God Realized master in our life. Once this is achieved the work of our
soul in this plane is done, such is the extreme power of someone who have
contacted himself Heaven. In case we have not met any God realized

master we should stick to those who by the many accounts of other

devotees from the past and from today have had the ultimate experience of
God through them. Here there is a list of very safe masters who no doubt
reached this level from which they can help you to lift you to the Heavens.
Under no circumstances spend time more time than necessary and give
your devotion which is your inner spiritual shakti, energy, to masters who
can not even prove to you their God realization through instantly taking you
to some divine level they have already reached. All else is fantasy and
spiritual entertainment if not a mere scam.

Prabhuji Mastram


Jesus Christ






Any Christian saint , sadhu or from any other culture who reached God
Realization, Saint Francis, Shirdi Sai Baba.


Angels , devas and dakinis who are God Realized

Those are examples of safe masters in the path of evolution we all are in.
The list of God Realized masters ,devas, angels and saints is much much
longer as the Almighty is compassionate in every place and time wherever
sentient livings are sent. One of the most clear ways to differentiate a God
Realized Being from one who are not and therefore can not help you is
their ability to take you to Heaven at will. This kind of heavenly beings are
not interested in being promoted, nor in spiritual tv channels, nor in


ashrams or organizations , Vip devotees like the prime minister nor in huge
spiritual retreats , donations or in any throne from this world, how could
they ever be ? On the contrary they come in disguised dressed like men
and women though they are not anymore ordinary beings. And for the time
they walk on the Earth that part of the world is in the Light and the Love of
God Himself. They are followed by immense amounts of spiritual angels
and devas so whenever you visualize their form , their respective devas
and angels come to your help. Doing this while you repeat a mantra coming
from Heaven like “Om Prabhu Shanti “ is one of the most sublime ways you
may call the attention in Heaven. For those of you who have not had any
experience with any of this beigns you can always make use of the mantra
and havan and visualize God the Almighty as an all pervading
compassionate wisdom, love, light and mercy which is able to listen to you
and lift you up no matter if you can see him or not. In my humble
experience I have checked that the higher Heaven is the more their beings
recognize that there are infinite spiritual levels ahead so they never
consider themselves holy or sacred but put all the glory on more holy
beings ahead of them. The higher a Heaven is the lesser trace of religion
there is until there are only higher levels of Love, Light and Wisdom all
together and consciousness evolving through them. If you still feel that you
need a form in other to address God you may use any of the forms of his
messengers which are God endorsed holy forms or to simply ask for your
own specific form of God to manifest in your life. If you can accept a
formless form of God is alright also, just address to it with Love, trust and
respect while you chant the holy mantra of “Om Prabhu Shanti”.



Karma is never wrong. If we are born in India it is because our Soul

believed this was the optimal place to be born in other for you to learn your
life lessons. So your place of birth gives you one of the best hints about
what you came here for. It has been my own experience that when we shift
to another religion or tradition which is not ours by birth though we may
also feel some bliss and peace of mind the effort to keep that state is
hundreds of times bigger than if you had had followed your own tradition. I
have seen many western spiritual seekers getting schizophrenic in India
and developing a greater ego and leaving their families and responsibilities
allocated by karma resulting for them in many more conflicts and karma .
The same happens for Hindus who being born in India shift to any western
tradition when they have been prepared at a gross and subtle level to learn
their lesson in a hindu tradition environment. On the contrary when by fate
we encounter any tool that by chance arrives to our hands, that could really
be a an opportunity for us to discover a new approach to access Heaven's
bliss then we should benefit from it no matter where it comes from. This is
exactly what happened to me in 2002 when I first read the book of Deepika
Zaveri about Om Prabhu Shanti. Since then many daily miracles have
happened in my life and even though I have been about 30 years long
seeking for wisdom, freedom, salvation or Moksha in Buddhism, Hinduism ,
and Christianity I have found many spiritual jewels in all these traditions. I
understand that wherever we are born in the world, God is also present


there in the very same degree of wisdom, love and light than anywhere
else. For those of you who feel that repeating this mantra in Sanskrit does
not make any sense, then stick to your tradition and just say it in English
“Oh Lord give me Peace”. That will solve the problem, never go against
your subconscious mind. If your subconscious mind is not open to a hindu
tradition, mantra or hindu guru, then don't fight again this. The Almighty nor
their higher messengers don't care the less about the name we give to
things but they do care for our inner intent only. There could be all kind of
discussion about religions , traditions and masters at the worldly level but at
a higher level I assure you that their beings only sense the amount of love
you are able to develop and share only. After being asked by many
Christians if they can use “Oh Lord give me peace “ instead of “ Om Prabhu
Shanti” I have seen that the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is still very
powerful and infinitely lovable beings are willing to answer and help you
when you as Christian use his name for relief and peace. So I would even
suggest the use of the following powerful form for Christians as naming
Jesus Christ is really addressing to a very specific and endorsed by
Heaven saint and redeemer as it is the case with Prabhuji Mastram. Use
specific directions and specific holy messengers.

“ Oh Lord Give me Peace”


“ In the name of Jesus Christ please give me peace “


“By the holy power of the name of Jesus Christ please give me Peace”


This will work as efficiently as repeating the Om Prabhu Shanti and it can
be more ecological to your tradition and subconscious mind and heart than
in Sanskrit and addressing the mantra to Prabhuji. Those of you who want
or feel you can use the original mantra and Prabhuji photo then go ahead
as well. Ultimately you all be addressing yourself to the same direction and
goal as the bliss of God's One and the same.



According to the instructions received by Prabhuji Mastram when he was in

Heaven he was told to support the calling to the Almighty in Heaven with
the use of a flame coming from a candle or the flame coming from the fire
of a havan patra. So whenever we do the repetition of this holy mantra we
will lit a candle that we will keep only for the Om Prabhu Shanti and as long
we repeat the mantra we should concentrate our full attention at the flame
of the candle. If you can get a havan patra which is a copper inverted
pyramid which usually you can get from some hindu stores or through
internet then use the havan patra and focus your attention at the flames of
the havan patra. I have checked that our attention get much more focused
when doing the repetition with the havan patra with its special procedure
which I will explain later on than just staring a small flame of a candle.
Nevertheless there are both powerful and both have been recommended
by Heaven according Prabhuji Mastram

Since time immemorial fire have been used in absolutely all traditions as a
mean to access higher divine planes as well as to destroy negative
energies , detrimental thoughts and desires . It is a subtle amplifier of our
inner intentions and it can be seen in several planes at the same time. So
whatever is done before a flame is transmitted successfully to the one you
want to transmit it . Agni, fire is the element of subtle communication in this
universe so when we pray in his presence our prayers find the way to the


Heaven in which we believe. Each tool endorsed by Heaven get

successfully to Heaven no matter what and no matter who is the sender
while tools made up by people who don't have God Realization may not
reach a true liberated Heaven. The fire element offers like no other element
an instant purification opportunity of those involved in the ritual. In most
traditions ritual fires or homas should only be celebrated by qualified priests
who are able to focus their mind not only on the fire but also on the
constant inner intent of that what they want to achieve while they pray for a
long time holy chants and mantras to please the many deities from which
they are asking for help. Apart from that they should offer the fire many
other elements according to the procedure of each ritual . Contrary to so
many complicated ritual procedures the havan explained by the Almighty to
Prabhuji in 1994 is totally different and everybody is qualified to perform it
as long as they sincerely want to get in contact with Heaven's grace. The
only things you need for this havan are:

1- A havan patra. A copper inverted pyramid

2- Matches.

3. Two or three wooden sticks of any kind

4. One or two pieces of camphor

5. Ghee , clarified butter

6. A spoon.

Once you have all these things you can lit the havan according the
procedure I will explain in the next chapter and focus on the flame coming
from the havan while you respectfully repeat the Om Prabhu Shanti Mantra.
Nothing else is required for that. It is probably the most simple but powerful

form of homa , spiritual sacrifice through the fire element, we can perform
in these times. In case you don't have a backyard where to lit a havan you
can do it at the intimacy of your home just by focusing your attention on the
light of a candle . When doing the Om Prabhu Shanti with a havan or
candle focus your attention and I really mean your eyes to the most white
part of the flame. This quality of light is full of the bliss of Heaven as it is the
same brilliance that we perceive when in Heaven. Every Time you see this
white part of the flame, Heaven and all its qualities are transmitted through
your sight into you. Once this light is absorbed then you can use this light
immediately to make prosper any of your wishes or Moksha. Light is
probably the highest living Guru, and the white part of the flame is a
manifestation of this universal all pervading awareness. So stare to the
flame all you can while you repeat the mantra and use your voice as a
spiritual tool of manifestation full of spiritual authority.





Written down on a paper whatever outcome you wish to achieve in your

life in other to get relief and peace and place it beside the havan patra. You
may use this same paper for all the repetitions if it is the same wish.

Place one or two pieces of camphor in the havan patra


Put now the sticks diagonally so as to make a cross X. Any kind of wooden
sticks will do. Light the camphor so that the sticks may catch fire. Be careful
as once the camphor catches fire you may not extinguish the fire.


Then take a spoon and pour ghee on the sticks while you start repeating
the holy mantra
Oh Jesus Christ in your name give me peace

Repeat the mantra for a minimum of 15 minutes


Concentrate on the different flames coming from the havan patra how they
burn whatever karma there is in the way for you to get peace or to get any
desired outcome. Watch with full attention the smoke how it changes in
colour from very dark to totally white as it burn all the remaining karma or
negative circumstances

Feel how bliss and peace of mind comes to you independently of what you
have asked. Feel how you have cleansed not only your own karma but the
karma of many beings around you, your home and your neighbourhood.

Continue putting as many sticks on the fire of the havan as long as you
wish to continue repeating the mantra. Never put out the fire, leave it until
the flame disappears by itself meaning a great deal of negative karma has
been burnt on your behalf having Heaven as your witness.

Consider the smoke coming from the candle or havan patra as a divine
purifier from the very Heaven and wave this holy smoke through your body
, face and home. In case of the havan patra once the flame has
disappeared you may carefully enter the havan into your home , business
or farm and purify every corner of the rooms casting away whatever dark
vibration, spell or dark entity hidden in them. You may also bathe yourself


entering into this smoke for a while until it purifies your whole aura from any
stagnated energy or entity attached to it.

Do not throw the ashes resulting from the repetition as they have also
become holy, you may used it for healing purposes or to bless any place
you wish to be protected by Heaven.




Written down on a paper what you wish to achieve with the Mantra Om
Prabhu Shanti and place it beside the candle


Lit the candle using the same candle for next repetitions.

Start repeating the mantra Om Prabhu Shanti
Oh Jesus in your name give me peace

Focus your attention on the flame only and feel how the flame is consuming
all the negative karma needed to fulfil your wish and bring you relief and
Once your time for the repetition of the mantra is finished, you may put of
the candle or just leave it for a while bringing the Light of Heaven to your
home. Then put it out. Never leave any candle unattended.




There are two three ways to increase even more the power of your contact
with Heaven and thus the outcomes, they are:

1- Doing an intensive repetition or Anusthan for solving severe issues

or emergencies. Maximum burning of negative stored karma.

2- Doing Om Prabhu Shanti repetitions with more people with several

candles or havan patras.

3- Doing the repetition at least for half an hour at six thirty in the

4- Prayers to the Almighty asking for forgiveness so we can erase

whatever file with any person with equanimity.

5- Doing the 31 days repetition procedure of the mantra in other to

stick to the mantra no matter what happens until we get the outcome of this
holy repetition.


Obviously if you combine an Om Prabhu Shanti group repetition with more

people at six thirty in the morning for 30 minutes to 1 hour (Anusthaan
conditions) the results are absolutely amazing and very quick not only for
you but all people attending the Om Prabhu Shanti havan independently of
what they ask for. If they all ask for one same thing it is even more
powerful, the outmost !!

1- Anusthaan

If you have a very difficult problem to be solved be it a health problem,

financial problem , a crucial business or any other inner spiritual intent
such as Moksha, Contentment, Heavenly Bliss then you may recite the
mantra with a candle or with a havan patra alone or in group or family for
72 hours, that's three days in a row. The amount of Om Prabhu Shanti S
which are required for that are 125.000 Om Prabhu Shanti staring at the
candle or at the havan patra without missing out any single day of the three
days and in total concentration on the mantra, the flame and the goal. You
may write down on a paper the outcome of the Anusthaan and place it
beside the candle or the havan patra. This is called an Anusthaan , that is
chanting of the mantra Om Prabhu Shanti every day 2000 times which
usually will take you like 30 minutes every day of the three days in total. As
according to Prabhuji Mastram there is assurance from Heaven that
whatever your problem is it will be solved or relieved or transformed into a
more harmonious outcome.

2- Group Repetition of Om Prabhu Shanti holy mantra

This is probably one of the most effective ways of chanting the mantra for
everybody who attend the repetition. If you are lucky enough to be in India,

you can attend to group sessions of repetition of the mantra at the temple
of Prabhuji Mastram in:

Samadhi Address-Prabhu Hira Foundation : – 10/11, MAFCO APMC Yard, Opposite Sanpada
Railway Station, MAFCO Road, Sector 18, Vashi, Navi Mumbai,Bombay, Maharashtra
Contact No. +91 22 6450 5001

There you can participate in all group activities and group havan patras and
eventually get your own havan patra as well as much more information
about Prabhuji that the one I can give in this book. At the temple you may
ask if there are more group meetings in other different cities in India or
outside india. If there is no group in your area you can always start one with
people of your trust. As long as there are two people doing havan of Om
Prabhu Shanti it is considered a group repetition increasing its power as
more people joins into the repetition.

3-Doing the Om Prabhu Shanti at 6,30 A.M

Though Heaven is on service 24/7 our attention or concentration power is

not. Actually as soon as we start repeating the Om Prabhu Shanti we


notice how difficult it is to keep the attention on the mantra and on the
flame. Our mind will turn to where it is usually and we will repeat the mantra
in automatic mode which is not what we want nor how this mantra works.
After trying many different times during the day I discovered that attention
varies according every single person but in general is not very big in any
time of the day with the exception of the morning. If you can get up early in
the morning , exactly at 6,300 A.M you will note that your attention is fully
with you so you can direct it to the repetition and flame much easier than
trying to do it during the rest of the day. At 6.30 A.M or even earlier than
this, from 5.00 A.M the collective karma or the universal drama is not yet
totally working in full power , so our attention is not called by others`people
attention and shakti. This is really the best time for our prayers , devotion
and mantras. I don`t say that any other time won't be successful but in you
are having severe problems or you are not getting any result form the
mantra then you should really try to get up early and do your recitation. You
will see that the power of the Om Prabhu Shanti increases many fold and
that your day passes with lots of energy, shakti, divine power and will and
you will never be tired. if you get up early a couple of times your body will
wake you up without needing an alarm clock to wake you up at 6,30 A.M. It
is not a secret that all sages, monks and saints wake up very early in the
morning for their rituals and prayers. You too can enjoy the energies of
Heaven which come very clean and pure at this time of the day before the
chaos of the collective karma start working, You will automatically go to bed
earlier so your body will soon adjust to this highly effective way of living.


Your spiritual awareness will increase to heights you never experienced

before and everybody around you will clearly see your new brightness
without knowing you are calling powerfully the very Heaven everyday .The
effect of this early repetition of Om Prabhu Shanti will be kept during the
whole day without needing to recharge it again and no problem, hurt ,
negativity will ever touch you. After doing this for some weeks you will get
so accustomed to this bliss and energy that will not want for anything in the
world to lose this early contact with the Divine.

5- Prayers to the Almighty for forgiveness and settlement of our accounts

with others

We can advance a great deal into the contact of the heavenly bliss and
peace if we settle with equanimity whatever files we have open with other
people and with whatever matter which devour our attention. For that it is
essential that you follow the 31 days prayers and the daily repetition of the
Om Prabhu Shanti. These prayers will cleanse your inner intents so you
prepare your subconscious mind before you start the recitation of the
mantra. Sometimes we may be so full of others` people business and
worries that we simply can not give much energy to the repetitions. If this is
your case, then pray the following purifying prayer to the Almighty or to the
master of your own tradition. Remember that the person we are today is a
product of our past experiences, our past speech, actions, thoughts and


decrees . Our financial conditions, family. health and social issues are likely
the result of files we have opened with other people which have not been
settled yet. When we pray with earnestness we project inner intentions
which reach all these souls with whom we have opened all those unended
files. Compensation of these files is essential in other for us to advance
spiritually and the effect of the mantra get also much more increased .If we
want to change our present circumstances we should use the Om Prabhu
Shanti and prayers in other to settle all our files while we are in this human
body. In this way even if we can not change the past , we can change the
effects coming from that past which affect all the events we are living now
in our lives.

Purifying Prayer and Procedure to settle our issues and pending files with


1- Identify any strong emotion, issue or problem with other people that get
in the way when you want to chant the heavenly mantra. Don`t elaborate it,
just say it in two or three words.

Karma Purifying Prayer

“​Before the Almighty Lord​ (and my master Prabhuji, Jesus Christ,

Buddha, my guardian angel or family deva, etc.)


I confess to God this​ ----( strong emotion, discussion, issue, sickness,

etc..) ​which has been caused solely by my own karma​.
(If it is very negative and we have had hurted somebody or more people,
then say aloud:
Lord I confess this was my fault, my sin only
(if it is not hurtful to others, this step is not necessary)
I firmly believe almighty Lord​ (Prabhuji, Jesus, Buddha, etc.)
that by your all powerful mercy you can wash away this ----- definitely
out of my life and karma​ (say the emotion, issue, etc. that is disturbing
you at the moment)
Please take away the penalty and consequences of this fault of mine.
Please Prabhuji, Jesus, Buddha, etc take away my feeling of ------​(the
Please almighty Lord​ (Prabhuji, Jesus, etc.) ​replace this ------​ (problem ,
sickness, sin ) ​with Peace​ (or any positive outcome you want to achieve)
(Feel the peace of the Almighty in whatever form confortable for you
replacing your negative karma with peace and forgiveness settling
peacefully whatever account you had opened with that person, sickness or
issue )
Please almighty Lord in the presence of my beloved master​ (Prabhuji,
Jesus, Buddha, etc.) ​and with the help of them heal all the wounds
related to ---- ​(the problem to be solved) ​in my soul​.



This prayer has been proved to be very effective to take excessive guilt,
fear , pain , hatred , envy , sadness or even sickness before we can
peacefully start chanting the divine OM Prabhu Shanti. The mantra alone
can solve all these pending karmas successfully but when we become
responsible for our karma and develop a strong inner intent to solve it ,
then the power of the mantra will be invincible and truly transcendental.
This approach is very much recommended for those of you who have many
pending matters with others and want to see a quick relief of your present
life circumstances. Nobody , not even God has the power to hurt us at all,
we are hurted by ourselves only through our negative judgements, thoughts
, emotions , speech and mean inner intents. The sooner we get in peace
with our past the sooner we can have access to a new life full of
Abundance, Light, love and Enlightenment. Nobody is holding this from
ourselves but our past karma in the form of revenge , guilt, shame , hatred
etc.. Chant the mantra daily and look for any gross or subtle obstacle that
may be separating you from the bliss of Heaven and treat it with the
Purifying Prayer as well.

Please do the 31 days of continuous repetition of the Om Prabhu Shanti

celebrating the power and divine qualities of the mantra with 31 decrees to
be repeated during those 31 days before the repetition of your Om Prabhu
Shantis. This is a powerful method to keep your mind attached day by day
to the heavenly mantra. The more your mind can see the transformative
power of this mantra endorsed by the very Lord Himself the more it can


attach and relate to the mantra. You will note that after some days you get
so used to these decrees and the repetition of the mantra that you will not
miss any chance to repeat it . Though Prabhuji only recommended us the
repetition of the mantra while concentrating us on the flame of the candle or
havan patra, I have checked that for very developed intellects these 31
decrees may help the mind to see the many benefits of the Om Prabhu
Shanti repetitions. The more our intellect is agree to repeat the easier it will
be for us to make room for the mantra and its power. For those of you who
have a strong concentration you may skip this step though you are also
required to repeat the mantra for at least 31 days in a row. In case you
skip one day, it doesn't`` matter, just continue the repetition on the next
day. If you note that you have forgotten to repeat the mantra for some days
or you simply didn't`` have the time to do it, then please read the chapter
about the gross and subtle obstacles when repeating Om Prabhu Shanti.
You probably have been walking for many months, years or iives in the
contrary direction to the direction of Bliss and Heaven. It makes now
perfect sense that you will require at least 31 days to correct the direction
to Heaven. After only one week and even sooner than this if you do the
repetitions of Om Prabhu Shanti and the decrees at 6.30 A.M, you will see
the first effects of settling your karma and burning the pending karma in the
flame of heavenly forgiveness. Weather you use the Anusthaan procedure
or whatever other procedure for chanting the mantra, chant the mantra for
at least 10 minutes a day though Prabhuji said that only 5 minutes will
suffice. If I were you I would chant in 10 minutes in the morning or 15 to 20


at 6,30 A.M and then another 10 minutes before going to bed. That will
make like 20 or 30 minutes of Om Prabhu Shantis a day which is like a
continuos Anusthaan. Being in these times of heavy obstacles and karma it
is always better to think we need more than less blessings. Once you reach
a steady level of bliss you can eventually reduce your time of repetition
though I will maintain for the rest of my life for security and continuous
heavenly bliss. Karma is very likely like weather, it has its summers,
autumns and heavy winters, but contrary to the weather stations, with
karma you never know when you will have a very rainy day. So recharge
you daily on advance so that whatever be your circumstances for that day,
you may face them successfully with the help and bliss of Heaven.





Once you apply the tools explained in this book your circumstances will no
longer bother you at all. When you reach that level you enter into the phase
I think Prabhuji or Jesus want us to enter deliberately in this very life and
that is a life of universal spiritual service. In other for us to be a tool for
others we need to gather together with people who also have the highest of
all inner intent which is basically to help increase the God Universal
Consciousness in all sentient beings around us. That is our most sublime
goal of all. When all the financial, health, family and social issues and
desires no longer consume us we are ready thank to all the forms of God;
Prabhuji, Jesus, Buddha, your master.. to shine forth as lighthouses of the
Divine which is One and the same. We will be attracted to people who
vibrate with this inner intent no matter their race, religion and age to chant
this highest inner intent of all the; Om Prabhu Shanti , Oh Lord give me
Peace ! as an easy way to access salvation inducing a tremendous spiritual
evolvement for the spiritual seekers who are looking for peace , relief and
true spiritual Enlightenment around us. This kind of meetings can take
place in the house of any of us or as we do here renting a kind of yard or
farm where we can gather and lit so many havan patras as people willing to
do this intent. I have seen how in just an hours with small breaks every ten
minutes can make wonders and miracles in the lives of the people who
attended the Om Prabhu Shanti repetition . The level of awareness and
bliss may increase so many levels that we may explode in joy for months
afterwards. Such is the power of the inner intention for Soul Awareness,


Salvation or Enlightenment or however you call it in your tradition. This kind

of highest state exists and it is reachable with group recitation of the Om
Prabhu Shanti each one focusing in his, her candle or havan patra and with
the groupal inner intent of Moksha, Salvation, Enlightenment not only for
those attending the chanting but for all sentient beings around us. Infinite
heavenly entities, angels or devas and devis will happily attend to such
gatherings blessing each one of us and many more around us not
necessarily present with the continuous joy of Heaven. This heavenly joy is
very likely to being in love 24/7 but not in love of a person but in love of
God within and outside us. This is actually the main purpose of this humble
book of the heavenly mantra Om Prabhu Shanti to make you participate
and experience God´s Almighty Joy and Grace while on this divine human
body. For this sacred procedure, you will need any group of people starting
from five people to as many you can gather. Your inner intent will never be
to make a sect, a foundation , a group or a temple of a new religion but to
connect to the bliss of HEAVEN only. There won't be any any higher
representatives of Heaven at all and all will be equal in accessing Heaven.
Only the Lord Himself in whatever form you want him , her to take will be
conducting the havan patra and Om Prabhu Shantis. You may all repeat
Om PRABHU SHANTI or Lord give me Peace each according to his faith
with full attention while you focus on the candle or flame coming from the
havan patra. After 10 minutes of repetition you can stop for some minutes
and then again another 10 minutes plus the break and so on until you make
an hour. You may choose anyone in the group each time to keep the


rhythm so nobody take a permanent role and we keep the principle of being
the same in light, love and service. God is extreme Joy ! So keep that
atmosphere all the time putting all the love you can give in that moment to
the Om PRABHU Shanti as you are really blessing the world at that
moment by the authority of a Gold Realized Beign like Prabhuji Mastram,
Jesus, Buddha, etc. If you all agree you may add cheerful happy music as
long as your attention continue on the joyous inner intent of giving heavenly
peace to everybody around you. Do not make the pronunciation of the Om
Prabhu Shanti too long , but chant one Om Prabhu Shanti every 2 seconds
so you keep a good speed ! Only God the Almighty is the only holy and
sacred Lord and authority in the repetitions of the Om Prabhu Shanti we
are only his chorus in this plane. So extreme humbleness should be there
for the whole hour. We don't become nothing special only access bliss and
Moksha from above and introduce it into this world. It should be also a
celebration not a sad gathering around a fire. If everybody is yawning and
getting slept this is not the energy and the intent of the Moksha Om Prabhu
Shantis.You all may do it standing and moving while you look at the havan
patra or candles ! Prabhuji has made it very simple for us reducing all the
prayers, rituals and lives in this school called Earth to just repeat with joy
the invincible gracious mantra of Heaven for the Salvation of all the sentient
beings us included.





When Prabhuji Mastram contacted Heaven in 1994 he delivered one of the

most powerful spiritual tools of the Lord; the power of His Word through a
divine heavenly mantra. Because of all his sacrifices at that time we all
were given this precious jewel of the Om PRABHU Shanti which is the
mantra God desires. We are now the ones to repeat His endorsed spiritual
mantra everyday to make sure we have access to His Grace . As joint heirs
of his Heaven with Prabhuji or Jesus Christ , Buddha etc. we are sons and
daughters of the Almighty Lord. This gives us the right and authority to
celebrate every Om Prabhu Shanti with the joy of its many benefits so that
we may defeat whatever circumstance or karma we may be facing in our
life. That is why decreeing the benefits of Heaven over our life is so
powerful. Pray and ask to Prabhuji or to your master or to Heaven directly
to guide and show you what to do and how to ask for God's grace to break
whatever obstacle there is in your karma to achieve what you want.
Rebuke whatever words you hear within you and from others about your
lack of the continuous Grace of Heaven. You can now do this in the name
of “Om Prabhu Shanti “ . So for instance we may say when we don't believe
in achieving something: “I rebuke you (to others or to yourself) in the name
of Om PRABHU Shanti . Because of our past karma our own beliefs have
been reduced to a very limited extent so we hardly believe in our
connection with the Lord 24/7. It is essential that we join people who really


believe in the inflowing grace of the Almighty. When we meet together with
other people who really believe in the abundant grace of God, then we are
part of a true Divine Satsang or Gathering where all miracles can happen
everyday. Most people are bombarded by negative words which are then
seeded within them on a daily basis. We can not easily recover from this
daily heavy karma which is being charged again and again by the collective
worldly karma. Therefore we need to look for help and never to believe that
you can work it out alone as it requires a tremendous amount of energy to
fight against your own negative karma and the all pervading collective
karma. We definitely need heavenly help and support. Our words are very
powerful and so are the words that the people around you who usually
decree over your life. So at times we will be needing to take stand and
rebuke the words of other people or even the words coming from our own
inner judgement no matter who is speaking them over our life. We have let
many judgements, doubts and fears to come into our hearts so we will
require now to cleanse this lack of light with the power of Om PRABHU
Shanti. We need to realize that our own words can bring a blessing or a
curse. We can even bring a curse over our own life when we speak
negative words over our lives such as saying or thinking that it is difficult to
get in touch with the grace of God or “ I will not get enlightened in this very
life “, or “It will be difficult for me to get that job “. You are all the time
decreeing over your life where it be by words or by thoughts. I have seen
many people denying his access to grace and bliss just by following the
limited beliefs of the majority. So instead of saying “I won`t get the Grace of
God for this issue” you can say “In the name of Om Prabhu Shanti I feel the
grace , the light and the love of the Lord everyday ” because that opens the
door to God and to Prabhuji. Never open the door of doubts, the door of
sickness or the door of lack of almighty grace in your life. Decree the
wonders Om Prabhu Shanti does in your life daily. Karma, doubt, misery ,
sickness, lack of success and enlightenment is not God's perfect will for

your life. He wants you to prosper, be healthy and get Moksha or Salvation
in this very life. Never give up your spiritual right to be touched by the
Divine by listening to others saying that that is impossible which
unfortunately happens very often. Resist the overwhelming collective
karma that denies spiritual Enlightenment and Prosperity in this very life.
Enforce know your boundaries speaking the Om Prabhu Shanti and its
benefits through the decrees over all your present circumstances.
We need time to renounce to all our doubts about our own spiritual value
and about all the beliefs and negative words we have spoken against our
intimate connection to God. Repeating Om PRABHU during all the day will
compensate years and lives of doubts and separation. You need to get into
the Om Prabhu Shanti and its benefits through the 31 decrees to confess
the word of God that according to Prabhuji will bless us with health,
prosperity and Moksha, Salvation. You need to stop speaking limited
worldly curses over yourself and start speaking the words coming from
Heaven instead. When you repeat the Om PRABHU Shantis you are
blessing your life and the life of others at the same time. Your life is blessed
with prosperity, health and Moksha because this is the reason the Almighty
delivered this heavenly mantra to Prabhuji so the Lord HImself and his
angels, devas and devis will do that for you as you speak these blessings
over your life. So let's repeat the Mantra of Heaven with the same words it
was delivered to Prabhuji over our life, let`s decree the miracles this mantra
can achieve in our life and its purposes - Let's expand the boundaries of
our lives decreeing this 31 life changing decrees that help us to stay
focused in the value of the repetition of the Om PRABHU SHANTI. I want
to really encourage you to persevere in the repetition of this mantra.
Remember it may take some time to transform your life. Although, in many
ways I started to benefit from Heaven manifesting and taking care of my life
right away, and I believe that you will too. Om PRABHU SHANTI !





The power of the Almighty is capable of bestowing even the impossible

boons. The Omniscient , the Omnipresent and Lord Supreme listen to me
daily and take cares of me. I shall not lack a thing. Thank you Om PRABHU




You are the Light of all lighted manifestation. You dwell in every being. You
make me realise the Self and the Grace of God fully so I can attain
Salvation in this very life.




You are the protector of all beings and the destroyer of evil and karma. You
protects me and my family powerfully. Nothing evil can touch me now.




Almighty heavenly Lord of All . I cast all my cares upon you now because
you care for me and nothing shall lack to me. Thank You for the Moksha
Jewel of Om Prabhu Shanti which takes me daily to Heaven's Grace.




You are the Source of all Light , through whom all else is illuminated.
Illuminate my whole life from now on so I become part of your shining Light
and Joy.


Supreme Strength of the Universe,Through your almighty Will, I will prosper

my life this year and be in perfect health and in total protection from all evil.
Your army of heavenly angels , devas and devis will never allow any


worries, sickness or any issues of any kind approach me now. You are my
Absolute Redeemer and Saviour.I live in absolute heavenly Peace !




No trace of sickness can touch me in the name of my beloved Lord Om

Prabhu Shanti. I am attuned into the divine health of God. My soul, body
and mind reflects now the perfect order of Heaven.




I purpose in my heart to forgive and be forgiven. Having Om Prabhu Shanti

as my witness I ask for forgiveness to whomever I may have caused any
harm with my speech, body and thoughts. I sincerely repent and I ask
infinite energy to Om PRABHU Shanti to never to do it again.




I purpose in my heart and soul to connect to Heaven daily so my life

become full of heavenly wonders and miracles while I repeat Om Prabhu




Lord Om Prabhu Shanti , the most bountiful of all, by the repetition of your
mantra I get access daily to the universal awareness of Heaven . My joy
has now no boundaries.




You Abode of the Universe subdue my mind , speech , body and spirit to
the most high of all transcending all that is material. I am absolutely
detached from this body, mind and speech.




You are the personification of God's Bliss. You establish my soul daily in
clear and blissful serenity by the power of your heavenly mantra Om
Prabhu Shanti




Dear Lord I feel your Grace and Bliss everyday in every aspects of my life.I
am full of infinite Bliss in the name of Om Prabhu Shanti




You personify absolute auspiciousness and protects my Soul from the

mundane bringing to me absolute heavenly awareness.




I ask you Lord to release my supernatural heritage as Your child and as a

partaker of the inheritance of the saints of Light and Love because Om
Prabhu Shanti has delivered me from the power of darkness and translated
me into Your Kingdom of Heaven.




Today through the all powerful mantra of Heaven, Om Prabhu Shanti, I

have realised the Self and I have attained Salvation, Moksha




Oh Lord, You with the brilliance of thousands suns, you shines in my life
radiantly make me transcend my ego so I can attain You in this very life.




The supreme destructor of all karma. Burn all the karma that separates us
in the holy flame of Om Prabhu Shanti. You extinguish my karma and I
have become sinless so I can enter Heaven in this very life.




You are very fond of your devotees and You transform the insignificant into
the great so is the Grace of Om Prabhu Shanti.




Supreme Lord, forgive me for loading you with my karma and sins. Thank
you Om PRABHU Shanti that you burn out all of my faults into your infinite
Light of eternal Forgiveness. Today the Lord has burnt all of my sins in His
tender mercy and grace by the power of Om Prabhu Shanti.




Embodiment of divine power and strength, invincible and eternal give me

the state beyond birth and death in this very life. You, Prabhuji, Jesus...
Bestower of Ultimate Freedom.




You the Divine Absolute , the most Adorable, make us be a humble

instrument for the Peace and Enlightenment of all mankind. May all
sentient beings reach Moksha, Salvation by your almighty grace and
mercy. Om Prabhu Shanti.




Divine Bestower of all wishes , may you bring balance, abundance , health
and prosperity into my life so I can entirely focus on your holy Grace , Bliss
and Moksha




You who are present all over this Universe and whose manifestations are
many. Thank You for sending your angels, devas and devis to perform your
miracles over my life. You release God's angels and devas to bring your
promises into full manifestation in my life in the name of Om Prabhu Shanti.




You are magnanimous and compassionate without measure. You relieve

your devotees of their karmas .I thank You that You forgive all of my sins
and heal all of my sicknesses. I am forgiven and healed in Om Prabhu
Shanti name.




You omnipresent dazzling Brilliance. You are absolute pure consciousness

may we also acquire your divine qualities so that we can bring Heaven to
Earth in the name of Om Prabhu Shanti




You ever- bountiful and compassionate Lord you confer everything that
your devotees desire .Because of your absolute mercy you have shared
with us the mantra of Salvation and Moksha. May You day by day increase
the Bliss of Heaven in all of us.




You Supreme Universal Self , dwelling in every being as the Self, give me
infinite strength to chant daily Your holy Om Prabhu Shanti so we can truly
become One.




You Creator of Happiness , confer wealth, health and prosperity in plenty in

this very life and Moksha and Salvation afterwards.You eternal Bestower of
All Good you bring joy and Heaven to all.




You my Heavenly Savior guide me safely through this life to my Home in

Heaven where we are One . Take all my cares in your hands now.



You Soul of Everything, Protector and Enlightener of all Living Beings ,

Accomplisher of all worldly and transcendental wishes. Ultimate Bestower
of true Heaven`s Shanti. Thank You Lord. Thank You Om PRABHU
SHANTI for the great bliss, the immense grace and the supernatural
prosperity and health you are placing upon this life of mine. I purpose within
my Soul and heart to make this life a life of infinite praise to the Almighty
Lord as I thank You for your Peace, prosperity and Moksha !


As explained before in this chapter, these decrees are an aide to those who
need some motivation and strength in their daily repetition of the Om
Prabhu Shanti. They are not part of any official recitation at any havan
patra meeting so in case you have a good concentration in the mantra you
can proceed directly as usual to repeat the mantra. After having said or
chanted these decrees which will take you no more than 5 minutes you can
start your divine repetition of the OM PRABHU SHANTI for at least 10 to 15
minutes a day. For those with present severe conditions they should try a
more intense procedure which consist of reciting the 31 decrees preferably
at 6.30 A.M in the morning for 30 minutes daily for a period of three days
(See Anusthaan procedure in this book) . For whatever desire or issue you
may have, please have in mind the following spiritual facts:

● We are hundred percent responsible for our present karma and

conditions. Never put the blame on outside circumstances or on
people. The one suffering any karma is the only one responsible for
that. Otherwise the world and their people would have no power at all
to even approach you.
● Whatever is happening in my life or in the life of others is absolute
justice no matter how it may appear to your perception and senses.
● Never judge anybody, if you will have had his, her karma you will be
absolutely forced to do the same and behave in the same manner.
Only causes and their effects rule the whole world.
● Only God and their messengers in this level , Prabhuji Mastram,
Jesus, Buddha or any being who really has realized God have the
extreme power to control the effects of previous causes. Do not even
think about to try it to solve by yourself. Trust in God ONLY, never in
your intellect nor in any of your spiritual achievements, rituals or any
guru who has not realized God. Extreme humbleness.


● Develop an intimate relationship with God in whatever form or no

form you prefer. The only satsang that pleases the Lord is with
Himself or with their messengers, the living saints or saints in their
divine form. Saints, angels or devas who have the qualification of
taking you to Heaven right away as their first step. Avoid all others
and all other satsangs, they will sooner or later take you to deception.
● You have the right to ask for proof to any living saint so you can
choose wisely and not lose your precious time and life. This is the
duty of a saint and the right of a true spiritual seeker, all the rest is
spiritual entertainment. Gurus, saints and subtle entities may have
the highest inner intentions but if they can not take you to Heaven at
will they don`t qualify as such.
● The world has a strong reincarnational gravity. It will lower your shakti
or spiritual energy to a continuous mundane level so you can remain
in it .You need therefore to charge you daily for at least 20 minutes
with the Om Prabhu Shanti or any other tool endorsed by Heaven for
these times. Though everything evolves back to God with certainty ,
the repetition of this holy Om Prabhu Shanti was delivered by Himself
to speed this returning process in a safe way.
● God is extremely merciful and active in the whole world . There are
not special places and times for Him. He is constantly giving saints ,
angels, devas and devis to the whole world mankind according to
their traditions. He only checks the inner intentions and the level of
Love, wisdom, self- responsability, light and humbleness of those
who really want to evolve further. The higher is the self responsibility
the higher they are allowed to evolve. He is in living form in all
sentient beings and specially in those who have realized God which
are the true wonders of this world. Look only for these wonders.
● Settle all your pending karma or accounts with others using Om
Prabhu Shanti. Pray and ask for forgiveness in the very moment you

hurt anybody with your speech, thoughts or body. The Om Prabhu

Shanti Mantra will help you greatly to increase your awareness to
such extend that you will be forced to ask for forgiveness at whatever
clash you have with others. So it will be your most sacred spiritual
teacher to finish all your accounts and get your work done.
● God helps everywhere in every time in multiple ways, in multiple
traditions with multiple tools and through multiple messengers who
all have achieved God Realization. There is nothing as unique truth,
unique tradition, unique spiritual tool, unique spiritual community or
path. He is everywhere in the same proportion and with the same
grace but only through multiple tools and through multiple God
Realized messengers.




“ To my amazement , I soon discovered that the mantra and havan were

changing many of my life circumstances. People who never dared to say
even “good morning” started smiling to me as if I were the most lovable
person in the world. This transformation came supernaturally fast as I went
on with the mantra repetitions daily for ten minutes. Through the blog I
learnt about the importance of speaking out loud the words endorsed by
God over my life and it is really doing wonders “ Mari Escanio , Chile

My mother was introduced to this mantra 9 years ago by a Devotee lady at

Bhuleshwar. She had also given us a Havan Patra. Life did change after
that, post that she had also given us a mantra to get a House and we did ,
Wonder why my mom stopped. Are there any devotees in Mumbai or
Kandivali i can meet for assistance. And is there some office of the
foundation where i could get the havan Patra and Prabhujis picture. Thanks

Om prabhu shanti is a pure blessing and light to entire mankind.Ever since

i have been doing havan and chanting of om prabhu shanti,my life is no
longer the same.Every time i go out for important work,it's done without any
hindrance.Miracles have become a daily affair.And with prabhuji’s grace i
am used to it now. so much of confidence .The faith will grow very strong
over a period of time ,whosoever practice the havan and chanting of
mantra on a regular basis.God really loves us so much and remembering


and chanting om prabhu shanti can only leads to bliss and light and
liberation of soul from all the worldly bondages .

Nothing happens in this world without the permission of God.Not even a

small leaf can move without his say.So many are writing and enquiring
about the book ” Miracles of om prabhu shanti”.Its true that the book is out
of print.I got the book just by chance( was it really a chance?).That was the
solitary copy as if it was waiting for me to pick………And it changed
everything.Many souls who were suffering experienced huge miracles in
their lives after I introduced them to om prabhu shanti mantra.

“We met Prabhuji years ago and no sooner had we met him, the miracles
began. I met my husband who is also a devotee through Prabhuji. His
continuous guidance ensures that miracles never stop. From buying a car
to setting up a new house and best of all meeting special people who we


will always cherish – our lives have been completely enriched. Thank you
so much. Om Prabhu Shanti! ” Shreya

Experiences after chanting om prabhu shanti om lighted candle or during
havan are innumerable.I believe that this mantra is a real blessing to all of

Readers may recollect an experience of a shop owner which i shared with

you all some time back.and how his income improved after chanting this
mantra on lighted candle.He was very upset when i met him . His son aged
around 12 yrs ,was in the hospital for stomoch disorder and it was a very
serious situation.Even small tumer was noticed.Doctor was very
apprehensive performing an operation as it was very risky.He could not eat
properly and suddenly there was a panic in the family.I suggested that they
do havan for 72 days with om prabhu shanti.Its very difficult to find havan
patra in our area.By prabhuji’s grace he could find one and started 72 days
havan.I gave him to copy of prabhuji’s photo from my book.

On third day of starting havan, his son started feeling better.So much so
that doctor discharged him.On fifth day I found his son sitting in the shop
with no trace of previous illness.


With prabhuji's grace nothing is impossible.I am grateful to prabhuji for

making me a channel for his mighty work.Thank you prabhuji.

Om Prabhu Shanti Mantra and Havan have been my savior. I am an

Advocate and Solicitor by Profession. I was in all kinds of difficulties in my
personal and professional life for past several years, and had completely
given up any hope of leading a prosperous and peaceful life. I had even
started reading various Astrological Books and Magazines to tide over my
problems. Sometime in the mid 1998, I came across a Magazine Article
rather a series of them in Express Star Teller, which I read sitting in a
BEST Bus on my way back from Court,, where Om Prabhu Shanti mantra
and Havan were explained. I and my family took to it initially a bit skeptical,
but after 6 months whereof, I started seeing positive changes in my life. My
husband had passed away and my only son had taken to wayward lifestyle
being embroiled in undesired company of friends of all kinds.

Thanks to Prabhuji and Havan, I own and manage two cars on my own. My
son who was not heeding to any advice to mend his ways has started
working seriously and has changed his wayward lifestyle, thanks again to
Prabhuji and his media, because of whom he is shortly getting married too.
Trials and Tribulations and various difficulties is a part of life on personal as
well as professional levels, but chanting of mantra OM PRABHU SHANTI


and havan not only gives me strength to face them smilingly, but also
overcoming them gracefully.
Even before the need for any expenditure arises, Prabhuji ensures that
necessary resources are made available, and my dignity and grace are not
ever compromised.
I am ever grateful to Prabhuji and his media, because of whom I am
leading a peaceful existence today with not a care in the world.
Thank you so very much Prabhuji for your grace and kind blessings.
Bina Rao

Dear Readers,
“Stress is the major disease which if not cured on time can be of
my friend who is working for construction company had a serious situation
at home front.Due to sickness of her husband and his brother,she arranged
funds for their medical expences by mortgaging her home documents to a
private lender at high rate of interest.Suddenly lender was after her to sell
the house and asked for money.She did not know what to do.Tremendous
stress affected her health too and her blood pressure shot up to
280.Lender started troubling her for money every day. she lost her sleep
and was looking very pale.Even crying at times.When she told me this,I
suggested her to chant om prabhu shanti mantra with havan .She decided
to start havan for 72 days anushthan .Today she has completed around 60


days of anushthan.And the result……………..Her blood pressure is

150,husband's health has improved dramatically,daughters income
increased significantly,private lender has stopped pestering her and given
her one year time to repay her loan.She is happy and
peaceful.MIracle???????? Take your pick. Thank you Prabhuji for Om
prabhu shanti mantra”. Shirish
“Yes.I received pending amount of 9000 after chanting this
manthra.actually that man never picked his phone for more than 10
days.but after chanting this mantra next day he gave money.but same day i
lost my cellphone.don’t know why”

Dear Readers,
“Stress is the major disease which if not cured on time can be of
my friend who is working for construction company had a serious situation
at home front.Due to sickness of her husband and his brother,she arranged
funds for their medical expences by mortgaging her home documents to a
private lender at high rate of interest.Suddenly lender was after her to sell
the house and asked for money.She did not know what to do.Tremendous
stress affected her health too and her blood pressure shot up to
280.Lender started troubling her for money every day. she lost her sleep
and was looking very pale.Even crying at times.When she told me this,I
suggested her to chant om prabhu shanti mantra with havan .She decided
to start havan for 72 days anushthan .Today she has completed around 60


days of anushthan.And the result……………..Her blood pressure is

150,husband's health has improved dramatically,daughters income
increased significantly,private lender has stopped pestering her and given
her one year time to repay her loan.She is happy and
peaceful.MIracle???????? Take your pick. Thank you Prabhuji for Om
prabhu shanti mantra” Shirish

Thank you so much. O“Dear Readers,I fully agree with this.I happened to
visit a small shop who is into a small business of serving tea and snacks
near the road.Shop owner and his wife looked worried and i got an
inspiration to give “om prabhu shanti” mantra which i gave.Since they did
not have havan patra i suggested them to chant this mantra on lighted
candle.On my next visit, shop owner told me that he made Rs.2000 on a
single transaction the very next day.His business doubled in a very short
time.His mother who was bedridden for many months started walking.Most
importantly he was found very happy and smiling.”om prabhu shanti”
mantra is the surest way to call God,which is always answered with positive
and miraculous results.Thank you prabhuji for this gift. OM PRABHU
SHANTI” Shirish Prabhu Shanti! ” Shreya

This is a Miracle Mantra…it really works…. Sidd


This mantra is a boon to me. I feel getting this mantra is nothing but getting
your fortune ! Don’t waste your time and chant this mantra. Soham

It is true. This is a miracle mantra. I had also met Prabhuji years back and i
just can't find the right words Meghana
n 2002 during a trip to India I found very by chance a interesting book
written by a hindu writter called Mrs.Deepeka Zaveri.Thought the title of the
book seemed to me very simple it touched my heart inmmediatedly as
simplicity and extreme sincerity is the markl of God´s perfection.In this book
Mrs Zavery tells us about her amazing experience with a master who lived
in Bombay.I started reading the book and I noticed page by page that all
what she was telling was not only true but belonged to someone who has
been in contact with the highest God in the human form.Back in my
country, Spain I started practising a simple method of contact with the
divine in the form of a simple mantra and a havan .In those days I was
going through a very difficult situation regarding my business and after
doing what this Master used to say I found in a couple of days a good seller
who bought my business which was worrying me al the time.To my surprise
all went perfect and I received all the money which now keeps me living a
free spiritual life with no dependance.No later than this happened to me the
biggest ever financial crisis falled upon my country ,Spain and hundreds of
thousands of businesses like mine had no more value or were simply
abandonned.So for me that very book was the very hand of the master


Prabhuji Masram helping me to solve my life not only just for a couple of
days bu for the rest of my life.Thought this testimonial have to do with my
financial situation I clearly see the power of his help throughout my life now
in all possible matters that I can imagine.In this book called” OM PRABHU
SANTI” there are many more testimonials from ordinary people like me who
have seen the wonders of repeating this powerfull mantra.One year later on
another trip to Bombay I was longing to have the darshan of Prabhu
Mastram but after calling Mrs Zavery she told me he had passed away.
Nevertheless all what happened to me happened after his departure to
Heaven so I have no doubt he is all the time listening to whoever repeat
this sweet mantra of heaven–OM PRABHU SHANTI-OM PRABHU
SHANTI-OM PRABHU SHANTI-​I still wonder if even from reading about
him all this happen to me what would have happened I ever have had his
darshan when he was alive?.Anyway it is more than proven to me that he
did all that for me. Juan

It is true. This is a miracle mantra. I had also met Prabhuji years back and i
just can't find the right words to express how amazing the experience was. I
have found peace in my life. Meghana

This mantra is a boon to me. I feel getting this mantra is nothing but getting
your fortune ! Don’t waste your time and chant this mantra Soham


In 2013 we gathered for chanting the Om Prabhu Shanti for just one time
and for about 30 minutes. Though we didn't expect much from this sacred
fire and mantra ,The vibration and bliss that came from that havan patra
enlightened the lives of all people who attended the group havan of Om
PRABHU Shanti for two months long ! it was simply amazing how much
power and bliss can be bestowed in such a small period of time. Ever since
then we lit the candles and havan patra whenever we have the good karma
to do it. Ernesto, Mexico

After repeating the mantra while staring at the candle the behavior of my
son has changed tremendously and is having good marks at school. Adela,

I had some financial problems when I started doing the havan and
repetition of Om Prabhu Shanti, immediately I met a businessman who
insisted in investing a large sum of money in my business at a minimum
interest. What else it be but the Grace of this mantra and Prabhuji ? Pedro ,



Many of us have check that karma circumstances come to us in very

precise moments where we may be out of guard or even without having
done your daily Om Prabhu Shantis for that day or even for some days. In
those cases of emergencies when we see that the situation get out of
control and we obviously can not lit a candle or havan patra in the middle of
the situation there is an easy formula that works wonderfully. I have used
this formula that came by chance, well, you know what chance means to us
don't` you? So “ by chance” it was shown to me a simple way that you too
can use everytime this happens to you.

Apart from repeating as many Om Prabhu Shantis as possible until the that
temporary karma goes away or diminishes you may use the following
formula which is a request to Heaven to help you in that situation:


BENEVOLENT OUTCOME FOR - - - - - - - (the emergency or situation)
Thank You

for Christians


MOST BENEVOLENT OUTCOME FOR - - - - - - - ( the emergency or
situation) Thank You !

Try so it as loud as you can hear it yourself. If there are people with you
then you can repeat for a couple of times within yourself not as a prayer but
as a sincere request. I must admit that I have used this formula for
whatever is beyond me or in the hands of many other people, and you


know what? it works perfectly well. From finding a seat in a plane which is
already full , to make start a broken engine or to bless any place or
meeting that is not very welcoming, this formula has proven to work very
well. This is a request to use only when you can not lit a simple candle or
much less lit a whole havan patra for any of your request. It is used for very
specific outcomes you want to get in a very immediate period of time like in
5 minutes or right away. To my humble knowledge I have notice that
whenever we use words which have been directly endorsed by Heaven , a
tremendous amount of shakti or spiritual energies ar arosen in such a
powerful way that they change the outcome of practically any event. Please
use this request with responsibility but use it, Heaven is even willing to
make start the engine of your broken car is that is what is being requested.
So imagine for a while what it can do for you and what a great difference
there is when you can count with the help of Heaven. There is really such
an infinite help for anyone who request for help with trust that you can
smooth your life to a level that you never thought it could be possible. I
hardly do anything in my life but casting all my cares to Prabhuji and to
Jesus in my case and everything seems to be solved in a couple of days in
a way that usually is not possible out of probabilities. Sometimes there are
more gross and subtle obstacles to solve a situation and definitely you will
need to do a proper Anusthaan with havan patra in full concentration (
better at 6.30 A.M ) and making use of the Purifying prayer from this book
or any other method of purification and forgiveness request that work for
you according your tradition. Try to do it yourself do not put this
responsibility in the hands of other intermediate people no matter if they are
priests , monks or gurus. Remember that it is your only responsibility. The
only ones who are in position to help are those who have achieved God
Realization, no one below this can help. I always wonder what kind of help
can give a guru who does not even remember your name ? When he even
forgot your name, imagine for a while what kind of power he may have to

change your karma conditions ? Absolutely none ! Yes they may give you
some spiritual second hand inspiration but this won't be powerful enough to
move any single circumstance of your present karma. Attach yourself again
and again to the Ones who reached Salvation through God Realization
only. They are the only ones endorsed by God Himself to make this most
subtle operation of all.




We live in a wonderful universe both physical and subtle . In the same way
that we are able to see and relate to only a small portion of this universal
reality there are infinite beings who can see greater portions of this
neverending reality . Those beings who may be also in physical form who
live in the big reality, they relate with the most of the beings who live in
lesser and higher realities. We call them devas, devis, gods , goddesses or
dakinis if you are Buddhist and so forth. The names make no difference as
they are not into religion once they have achieved Moksha but they are
willing to help all beings if they call their attention. The more developed
they are the more access they have to higher realities and beings. They
have not the slightest sense of doership and yet they extremely high and
developed beings who never stop helping those who call them in any part
of the reality they can see, ours included.

When we repeat words coming from higher planes of existence where

these words are constantly being chanted like “ Om Prabhu Shanti” then
you are definitely going to call their attention and they will rush to help you.
They all can see the inner intents of any single being at the same time so
they are attracted to those who have very high inner intents no matter
where they are and who they are. They are not in the temples or in the
mandirs but around those individuals who are a celebration of true love and
joy. Chanting “ Om Prabhu Shanti “ is a wonderful way to call angels or
devas into your life. Angels and devas do exist and they materialize
wherever they are called and needed. When you pronounce Om Prabhu
Shanti many such angels will come to see what happens with you. This is
the main reason in how Om Prabhu Shanti changes the whole atmosphere
of any place immediately. Even before you arrive at a certain meeting with
some conflict these beings are already there changing the whole set of
circumstances for you. When you need them for something very specific or
physical they may also manifest out of nothing even in places where there
are nobody to help you and then they disappear in seconds after they have
accomplished their mission. So powerful is the repetition of our Om Prabhu
Shanti or Lord Jesus give Peace that nothing shall lack you from now on.
One other thing that happens very often is that once you repeat this mantra
people who were your friends many years ago will return to you in a miracle
way. They do so, I think, because deep within them they know you have
found something valuable also for them. So expect old friends to call your
door. Expect heavenly guys and girls to appear out of nothing to help you.
They are different from normal ordinary beings, they know who you are and
sometimes they don't even speak but only smile, do the job and go. When
they go they see you off with a smile of bliss that does not belong to this
world. These are the kind of beings Heaven is full of, the kind of beings you
will relate from now on as long as you keep in touch with Heaven with the
Om PRABHU SHANTI. For any thing you make request to them, please

use the havan patra and candle or in any emergency you can use the
emergency request. If they can not handle the situation from the subtle
planes they will surely send somebody in a very physical form. They make
part of the same heavenly body like Prabhuji, Jesus or any other saint who
achieved God Realization, so there is nothing such as concurrence or any
kind of doership about it or separation of any sort. It is as they rather help
as most convenient or useful according the circumstances and issues. In
this world everyone keep everything for their group, guru, ashram ,tradition
or community ,country or interest but in Heaven they all help at the same
no matter who is asking what and from where is from as long as they have
authority to call their attention. Their attention is mostly called through:

- words or mantras coming from Heaven like Om Prabhu Shanti

- Extreme good karma
- Through a living or subtle saint or angel who has achieved God
- Going to Heaven
- Good inner intents
- Extreme Love for God

Extreme love for God and Union with him is not exactly as the wish to get
enlightenment only for yourself which is something that hardly ever call the
attention of any good subtle entity. Enlightenment and universal service
should always go hand in hand. This is the reason why universal service is
required as it is a tool used by universal awareness to expand more
evolved awareness to the rest of the sentient beings. It has no much
purpose to give enlightenment to one single being if he does not use it to
make the others advance too. When a living saint gets God Realization he
may attract many sentient beings around him who definitely will benefit
from him. After a while usually when the saint passes away the temptation

to found a worldly organization or lineage around the saint increases

diminishing the attention of true subtle entities or angels who are not
interested in this kind of worldly contracts, sectarian groups or any other
worldly separation no matter what holy name you give to it. This is the main
reason why today grace disappears very quickly and therefore heavenly
help and enlightenment is hardly non existent. When this happens non
universal beliefs are created to keep the devotees in groups being led by
non qualified gurus or priests. Sometimes in extremely rare occasions, God
Realized gurus or saints who foresee this happening in the future, they
leave a method , mantra, prayer or link to them which is endorsed by
Heaven so many more sentient beings can continue to benefit and awaken
after their passing away. Such a one tool is the mantra Om PRABHU
Shanti who Prabhuji Mastram delivered to us from the very Heaven so that
even today and even without organization, ashram, paying retreats, guru or
satsangs we can still contact God ,the Almighty and get our job done in this
very life.



Where to get your havan patra ?

For Hindus , they only need to go to the market where they can buy ritual
items and ask for a havan patra or a patra to do homas or a homa kunda.
For people from the rest of the world it will be a little more difficult but they
can buy one through or in big cities such as London,
Chicago ,Paris, Madrid, etc they may go to where the districts where Hindu
live and surely there will be a shop there with ritual items where you can
buy one for a very cheap price. If you don't´´ find any or don't´´ have the
money for a havan patra then don´t worry , you can always use any pot or
ceramic flower pot you don't´´ use and make the havan inside that pot or
ceramic flower pot even if is rounded and not an orthodox copper inverted
pyramid. Thank to the Grace of Prabhuji and those who have reached God
Realization, you can do it this way until you get a proper one, that surely
the smart guys from above will put very soon in your hands. The important
thing is repeating the the Om Prabhu Shantis with full trust and attention on
the flame coming in this case from the pot or flower pot .





During all these years many more spiritual seekers from all the world have
started to test this mantra procedure with excellent results and have seen
by themselves that what Prabhuji Mastram gave to us back in 1994 was a
true spiritual discovery of the highest order. Repeating this endorsed
mantra from Heaven will give to you a clear advantage to those seekers
who seek divine contact through the many thousands of mediators and
middlemen who are not God Realized. Furthermore it will save you
thousands of hours in useless retreats and intellectual interpretations of
traditions which in this time cycle do not have the extreme shakti to lift you
up to the very Heaven. God`s almighty answer to this was given to Prabhuji
so whoever want to achieve peace and ultimate Moksha should only repeat
this extremely easy mantra as a guarantee to eternal Peace in Heaven .
After beign for 30 years in search of all this through many gurus, traditions,
meditations and yogas I can say from my experience that we really need
the most powerful help in other to have some real spiritual chance. I don´t
say that this is the only way to contact Heaven or God but this is a proven
one that you can use right away and see what happens. As I have

experienced part of His Grace I insist that you keep repeating this mantra
and light procedure so you too can feel soon His Grace and PEACE. In a
world in Kaliyuga (dark age for spiritual development) where there are
hardly no saints with God Realization, Prabhuji Mastram is like an oasis in
the spiritual desert of this world. After believing that the truth and the
contact with God was somewhere far away and definitely not in my hands,
Om Prabhu Shanti have given me back the human right to contact God
daily from the independence and intimacy of my home. Years of spiritual
dependence to spiritual practices, meditations, satsangs with non god
realized gurus and priests have ended thank to the direct contact that
Prabhuji and his brother in Heaven Jesus have bestowed to me under the
guidance and vibration of this heavenly mantra. From now on you too can
be spiritually independent and just rely on God Realized Saints who have
really contacted Heaven and who know what they are talking about. Do not
accept or adopt anything below this level. Start practicing the Om Prabhu
Shanti right today. This book will be simply another book on your shelf if
you do not put into practice the Om PRABHU SHANTI. Stick to the 31 days
process everyday speaking out loud the decrees and doing the repetitions
for the time you can afford. The purpose of this book is to give all this
practical tools to whatever spiritual seeker who this approach and discovery
may call his attention through a quick way of reaching you wherever you
are, in the form of this humble book. My inner intention is not to start or
promote another worldly organization , foundation or promotion for Prabhuji
or anything like that but to give a chance and an answer to those who are
seeking and have contacted me through the blog. The very Prabhuji
himself never wanted to go to the media or make any promotion of this
mantra and havan. He will simply let the divine intervention do its work and
call those who were ready to have a direct contact with Heaven or GOD.
So again, wherever this book goes now may Om PRABHU Shanti give you
whatever you need to recover your peace and while you walk daily in the

hands of Heaven until the time is right for you to bestow upon you
Heaven´s Moksha or Spiritual Liberation.



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