Y5 Unit 2 Worksheets Options

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Year 5

(Extra exercises)




EXTRA LISTENING AND SPEAKING. Talking about timetables

1. Write the correct answers. (page 93)

quarter past nine twenty to twelve five past seven twenty-five past two
quarter to eleven ten to two half past six three o’clock

1. 2. 3. 4.

03:00 07:05 02:25

5. 6. 7. 8.


2. Listen and write the times you hear. Then listen and repeat. (page 93)

1. 2.. 3. 4. 5. 6.
3. Listen to a phone conversation and complete the sentence below. How many
sports does Vicky ask about? What are they?

Vicky asks about _______ sports which are

______________________ and _______________________.

EXTRA LISTENING AND SPEAKING. Talking about timetables

4. Study the key phrases. Then listen to the conversation again and
complete the timetable. (page 93)
Key phrases : Talking about timetables
What time does the swimming pool open / close?
What time does it start / finish?
At eight o’clock.
From quarter to five to quarter past six on Monday.

Table tennis 5.45 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 4.30 p.m.

Swimming pool 9.45 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 9.45 a.m.
8 p.m. 1) ___________________ 8 p.m.
Judo 2) ___________________
6 p.m.
4.45 p.m.
3) __________________ 4) ___________________

Basketball 3.45 p.m.

5.15 p.m.
5. Listen and complete the dialogue below. Then repeat the dialogue. (page 93)

Alex What time’s the 1) ____________________ pool open on Wednesday?

Receptionist It’s open from quarter to ten to 2) ____________________ o’clock.
Alex When’s 3) ____________________ ?
Receptionist It’s on Tuesday at 4) ____________________ to four.
Alex What time does it finish?
Receptionist It finishes at quarter past 5) ____________________ .
Rewrite the dialogue.

EXTRA LISTENING AND SPEAKING. Talking about timetables

6. Work in pairs. Look at the poster. Prepare and practise a new dialogue using the key
phrases in exercise 4 and the dialogue in exercise 5. (page 93)

Are you interested in

Then come and play football at Holloway
Sports Centre!

Contact us for more information.

New dialogue

CURRICULUM EXTRA. Geography: Time zones

1. Write the meaning of the words. Read the text on page 101 and label the map. (page 101)


1 longitude 4 east
2 Prime
5 west
6 north
3 Greenwich
7 south

longitude Prime Meridian Greenwich Mean Time

east west north south



4 5 Rio


1 4

3 7

CURRICULUM EXTRA. Geography: Time zones

Time Zones
Time zones help us know what it is in different parts of the world. This is
because when the Earth rotates, the sun shines on only one part of the Earth,
so when it’s the morning in your country, it’s night-time in another country.
The Earth has got twenty-four time zones. The lines for each time zone go
from north to south. These are called lines of longitude. The line on the map at
0° longitude is called the Prime Meridian. This line goes through Greenwich, in
London. The time there is called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The Earth rotates 15° of longitude every hour (24 X 15° = 360°). Places east of
the Prime Meridian are ahead of GMT. For example, Istanbul is about 30° east
of the Prime Meridian, so the time there is GMT plus two hours. Places west of
the Prime Meridian are behind GMT. For example, Rio is about 45° west of the
Prime Meridian, so the time there is GMT minus three hours. So when it is 12 p.m.
in London, it is 2 p.m. in Istanbul and 9 a.m. in Rio.
2. Colour “true” or “false” based on the text above. (page 101)

1 Lines of longitude go from east to west. true false

2 The Prime Meridian is the name of a time zone. true false
3 Greenwich is a part of London. true false
4 The time in places west of the Prime Meridian is ahead of GMT. true false
Then correct the false sentences.

CURRICULUM EXTRA. Geography: Time zones

3. Look at the clocks and answer the questions. (page 101)

1 2 3 4 5 6

London New York Madrid Brasilia Brisbane Beijing

In which countries are cities 1-6?
1 1)____________________________ 2)_________________________ 3)____________________________
4)____________________________ 5)_________________________ 6)___________________________
Is New York ahead or behind GMT?
How many hours behind GMT is Beijing?
How many hours behind GMT is Brasilia?

5 If it is 12 p.m. in London, what time is it in Brisbane?


You are in New York at 9 p.m. Is it a good idea to call your friend in London?
Why/Why not?
6 _________________________________________________________________________________________

How many hours ahead of or behind GMT is your country?


CURRICULUM EXTRA. Geography: Time zones

4. Work in pairs. Complete the table.
Then ask and answer questions about time in different cities. (page 101)


London - 1 p.m.

Tokyo +9 hours

Mexico City 8 a.m.

Sydney 11 p.m.

Rio -3 hours

Istanbul + 2 hours

Hi! I’m in London.

Where are you?
I’m in Istanbul.

It’s 1 p.m. in London.

What’s the time in
Istanbul? It’s 3 p.m.

CULTURE. Weird festivals

1. Write the correct answers. (page 107)

ride camel throw trophy welly

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2. Look at the photos on page 107 and answer the questions. Then read the text and
check your answers. (page 107)

1 What do people do in ‘welly wanging’?


2 What do people do in the Camel Cup?


Read the texts below. Then listen to your teacher and circle the words mentioned by your
teacher. (page 107)

Welly Wanging FESTIVALS
Do you like interesting sports? Have you got
Camel Cup
any green wellies*? Then you are ready for The Camel Cup is a day of camel races
‘welly wanging’! Every year there is a Welly in Alice Springs, Australia. Every July,
Wanging World Championship in the 5,000 people from all over the world
Upperthong, a village in Yorkshire, England.
visit the
What does ‘welly wanging’ mean? In festival.
Yorkshire they don’t say ‘throw’— they say
‘wang’. In this sport, if you ‘wang’ your The camel are slower (and uglier!) than
welly further than the others, you won. It’s horses, but faster than you think. They
great fun! are noisy animals, and difficult to ride.
There are four competitions : for men, It is very exciting to watch. It is also
women, boys and girls. It’s easy to ‘wang’ very funny.
your welly, but it’s more difficult to win.
Adult winners get a trophy, and the children There are nine races during the day,
get some money—but not very much. and a carnival atmosphere. People eat a
Football and rugby are bigger sports, but lot, wear colourful clothes and watch the
welly wanging is more fun! races. They sometimes ride the camels,
*wellington boots

CULTURE. Weird festivals

3. Read and listen to the texts on page 107 again and answer the questions. (page 107)

1 In which country is the Welly Wanging Championship?


2 Which festival is Australian?


3 How many people watch the Camel Cup?


4 In which festival do children win money?


5 How many camel races are there during the day?


6 Which sport o you think is more dangerous?


4. Answer the questions.

Is there an unusual festival in your country?

1 _________________________________________________________________________________________
Where and when it is?
2 _________________________________________________________________________________________
What do people do?
3 _________________________________________________________________________________________
How many people visit the festival?
4 _________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Look at your answers in exercise 4. Compare your answers with your partner. Talk
about the differences.

PROJECT. A class survey

1. What do you usually do before you go to school?
Write and draw your points below. (page 112)

What I usually do
before I go to school.

PROJECT. A class survey

2. Look at the class survey and answer the questions. (page 112)

A Class Survey - A class survey is when you ask everyone the same question and write
down all the answers. It’s really interesting when you use all the information to make a
bar chart - and it looks great. In this bar chart you can see what the students in my
class usually do before school.

Number of students




0 Brush teeth Wash face Have Watch TV Do Listen to Read a book

breakfast homework music

1 How many students don’t brush their teeth?

2 How many students wash their face?

3 How many students don’t have breakfast?

4 How many students watch TV?

5 How many students do their homework?

6 How many students listen to music?

7 How many students read a book?

PROJECT. A class survey

3. Do a class survey. Make a bar chart.
Follow the steps in the project checklists. (page 112)
Project Checklist
Work in groups. Choose one of these questions or think of your own question.
1 How do you normally go to school?
What do you usually do after school?
What do you usually do at the weekend?
2 Ask all the students in the room your question. Write the answers.
3 Make a bar chart with your answers using paper and colouring pens or a computer.
4 Present the results of your survey to your class.
5 Make a class poster with the different bar charts. Put some photos or pictures on your
Question : What do you usually do at the weekend?
Watch TV Read a book Do homework Go swimming Help with the
housework Ride a bike Go shopping
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///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// /
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Number of students




0 Help with
Watch TV Read a book homework Go the Ride a bike Go shopping
swimming housework

PROJECT. A class survey

Survey : 5 _____________________

PROJECT. A class survey

Bar Chart



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