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User Guide


GST Compliant Billing Software V1.2

TechInfusion Software Services

Phone: 8407978600, 8600515271

User Guide: BiLL SMART Billing Software V1.0 Page 1

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4
System Requirements ................................................................................................ 5
BiLL SMART Installation ............................................................................................ 5
Login To Bill SMART Software: ................................................................................. 6
The Home Page & Menu System ............................................................................... 7
Party Management ...................................................................................................... 8
a. Manage Suppliers ................................................................................................. 8
b. Manage Customers ............................................................................................. 12
Products Menu .......................................................................................................... 16
a. Manage HSN code ............................................................................................. 16
b. Manage Categories ............................................................................................ 18
c. Manage Products................................................................................................ 20
d. Stock Reconciliation ........................................................................................... 25
e. View Stock List ................................................................................................... 26
Purchase Menu ......................................................................................................... 28
Manage PO & Search Existing PO ......................................................................... 28
Purchase Return OR Purchase Reverse Entry ....................................................... 34
Sale & Bill Menu ........................................................................................................ 36
Manage Sale & Search Existing Sale ..................................................................... 36
Add Company Logo in Invoice ................................................................................ 46
POS (Point of Sale) ................................................................................................. 47
Sale Return OR Sale Reverse Entry ....................................................................... 50
Reports Menu ............................................................................................................ 52
1. Supplier List ..................................................................................................... 53
2. Customer List .................................................................................................. 54
3. HSN List .......................................................................................................... 55
4. Product List...................................................................................................... 56
5. Category List ................................................................................................... 57
6. Stock Report .................................................................................................... 58
7. Stock Valuation Report .................................................................................... 59
8. Purchase Report ............................................................................................. 60
9. Advance Purchase Report .............................................................................. 61
10. Purchase Summary ......................................................................................... 63
11. Sale Report...................................................................................................... 64
12. Advance Sale Report ...................................................................................... 65
13. Sale Summary ................................................................................................. 67
14. Advance Quotation Report .............................................................................. 68
15. Customer Outstanding Payment Report ......................................................... 70
16. Expanse Account Report................................................................................. 71
17. Expanse Report ............................................................................................... 72
18. Payment Summary .......................................................................................... 73
19. Ptofit & Loss .................................................................................................... 74
User Guide: BiLL SMART Billing Software V1.0 Page 2
20. GST Report ....................................................................................................... 75
a. GST -1 ................................................................................................ 75
b. GST -2 ................................................................................................ 76
Account Menu ........................................................................................................... 77
a. Customer Payment ........................................................................................... 77
b. Supplier Payment .............................................................................................. 82
c. Manage Expense Account ................................................................................ 86
d. Manage Expense .............................................................................................. 88
Analysis Menu ........................................................................................................... 92
a. Item Tracking ....................................................................................................... 92
b. Quotation & Estimates......................................................................................... 95
c. SMS Issue & Configurations.............................................................................. 101
d. Print BarCode Label .......................................................................................... 111
Configuration .......................................................................................................... 114
a. Activate Product................................................................................................ 114
b. Change Password ............................................................................................ 114
c. Company Details .............................................................................................. 115
d. Backup DB ........................................................................................................ 116
Help .......................................................................................................................... 117
a. About Bill Smart ................................................................................................ 117
b. Help-Bill Smart .................................................................................................. 117
Exit ........................................................................................................................... 118
Additional Features ................................................................................................ 119
a. Reverse Payment Entry for Customer .............................................................. 119
b. Reverse Payment Entry for Supplier ................................................................ 122
c. Opening Balance .............................................................................................. 125

User Guide: BiLL SMART Billing Software V1.0 Page 3

Welcome to the User Guide of Bill Smart an easy to use Billing Software

Bill SMART is a billing software package designed specifically for running your
business. It provides you with all the tools you need to operate your business faster
and more efficiently.
This handy user guide is designed to explain you how to use the various features of
Bill SMART. Among many others, most importantly you will learn how to:

• Manage Customer and Supplier details

• Manage Stock details.
• Create HSN Code & its details.
• Generate Categories and Sub-Categories.
• Create Purchase Order and to easily search them.
• Create Sale Order and to easily search them.
• Create sale using POS (Point of Sale).
• Manage Customer & Supplier Payment Details.
• Manage Expenses.
• Tracking of Item/Product/Service.
• Manage SMS Notifications.
• Configuration and Backup.
• Generate extensive Reports for all modules/features. Such as Sale & Purchase
report, Advance Sale & Purchase reports, Customer Outstanding Payment report,
Expense reports, GST reports etc.

This user guide contains step-by-step guideline to help you in getting started. Each
chapter introduces you to both the basics and the more advanced functions of the described
module. After becoming familiarized with the backbones of how to operate Bill Smart, you can
always return to any chapter for a quick reference or for discovering new features.

System Requirements

To effectively use Bill SMART Billing Software package, you need:

Operating System (the Bill Smart Software will run on any of the following: Either32-bit or
64-bit systems):
• Microsoft Windows XP
• Microsoft Windows Vista
• MicrosoftWindows7,8 and 10
• Pentium processor or faster
• 2GB RAM(recommended 4GB or more)
• Printer (supported by Windows XP, Vista, Windows7, 8 and 10).
• Un-interruptible power supply
• External hard drive for backup (optional)

BiLL SMART Installation

Please follow the installation instructions provided to you along with the software bundle on
your computer. For activation of the product, please contact company’s helpdesk number
(mentioned at the first page).

Login To Bill SMART Software:
Enter User Name and Password and click Login.

For Login uses your credentials.

Default login as:

Username: billsmart
Password: a

The Home Page & Menu System
The top bar of the software has pull-down menus. Each menu is its further sub-menus,
which are categorized, based on their features.

The left panel of the application has frequently used features in the form of
Picture/Icons on the Home Page as shown below.

Menus & Sub

Menus– Top Bar

Icons/Buttons to
easy access

Party Management
This menu has 2 sub menus:
a. Manage Suppliers: Suppliers are those entities from where our firm buys
goods / services.

b. Manage Customers: Customers are those entities to whom our firm sells

a. Manage Suppliers

You will use this module to enter supplier details.

Click on Manage Suppliers from Party Management menu OR click on Supplier
Button from the left panel to access Supplier detail screen. This screen shows the list
of all the available Suppliers of our firm/company.

Suppliers can be searched by various ways, with various filter options.

Search specific Supplier follow these steps:

o Enter Supplier’s id in Supplier ID field. Note: The supplier ID is generated
automatically when we add a New Supplier.
o Enter Supplier name in Name field
o Enter Supplier mobile no in Mobile field.
o Then click on Search button. You get appropriate supplier details in the table.

Fetch All Suppliers, use “Show All” button. It will fetch the list of all the available
suppliers. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button. You get all supplier details in the table.

Use Refresh button to refresh the list of the suppliers displayed. It is necessary to use
‘Refresh’ after adding a new Supplier.

Add New Supplier: Please follow these steps:

o Click on Add button, on Supplier Entry Screen. Following screen will be show:

S.No Field Name Comment

1. Name Compulsory
2. Address Optional
3. Address 2 Optional
4. Email Optional
5. Mobile # Optional
6. Phone: Optional
7. Country Optional
8. State Optional
9. City Optional
10. Pin Code Optional
11. GSTIN # Optional

o Enter supplier name in Name field. It is compulsory to enter supplier name.
o Enter supplier address in Address and Address2 field.
o Enter supplier e-mail in Email field.
o Enter supplier mobile no in Mobile field.
o Enter supplier phone in Phone field.
o Click on down arrow of Country field to select country name of supplier from
the list.
o Click on down arrow of State field to select state name of supplier from the
o Click on down arrow of City field to select city name of supplier from the list.
o Enter Pin code in Pin Code field.
o Enter GST no in GSTin field.
o Then click on Save button. Supplier details will be saved.
o If you need to clear all details of supplier then click on Refresh button
o If you need to close this window click on Close button.
Note: Supplier Name, Address, Mobile no, GSTIn (if available) will be shown in
purchase invoices.

Update existing supplier details: Please follow these steps:

o Select the row of record from the All Suppliers List table, which you need to
be updated.
o Then click on Update button to make changes. Update Supplier screen will be
shown as:

S.No Field Name Comment
1. Name Compulsory
2. Address Optional
3. Address 2 Optional
4. Email Optional
5. Mobile # Optional
6. Phone: Home Optional
7. Country Optional
8. State Optional
9. City Optional
10. Pin Code Optional
11. GSTin # Optional

o You can see all detail of selected supplier record in various fields.
o Select appropriate field, which you need to be change.
o Edit the new value in that field.
o Same as you can edit more than one fields.
o Then click on Save button.
o If you need to delete details of supplier permanently then click on Delete
Note: Caution, on delete of any specific supplier it will impact the purchase
record/entry of that supplier, if exists. Supplier will be deleted from the list of Suppliers
& so the deleted supplier will not be available for new purchase entry. However, the
Purchase Entry of the deleted supplier will remain, i.e. On delete of any Supplier; its
Purchase records will not be deleted. Also, the payment entries of the deleted
supplier will also remain present.
o If you need to clear all details of supplier then click on Refresh button, enter
all new details again, and click on Save button.
o If you need to close this window then click on Close button.

b. Manage Customers

You will use this module to enter customer details.

Click on Manage Customer from Party Management menu OR click on Customer
Button from the left panel to access Customer detail screen. This screen shows the
list of all the available Customer of our firm/company.

Customer can be searched by various ways, with various filter options.

Search specific Customer follow these steps:

o Enter Customer’s id in Customer ID field. Note: The customer ID is generated

automatically when we add a New Customer.


o Enter Customer name in Name field


o Enter customer mobile no in Mobile field.
o Then click on Search button. You get appropriate customer details in the

Fetch All Customers, use “Show All” button. It will fetch the list of the entire available
customer. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button. You get all customer details in the table.

Use Refresh button to refresh the list of the customer displayed. It is necessary to use
‘Refresh’ after adding a new Customer.

Add New Customer: Please follow these steps:

o Click on Add button, on Customer Entry Screen. Following screen will be
shown as:

S.No Field Name Comment

1. Name Compulsory
2. Address 1 Optional
3. Address 2 Optional
4. Mobile # Optional
5. Email Optional
6. Phone: Optional
7. Country Optional
8. State Optional
9. City Optional
10. Pin Code Optional
11. GSTIN # Optional

o Enter customer name in Name field. It is compulsory to enter customer name.

o Enter customer address in Address and Address2 field.
o Enter customer e-mail in Email field.
o Enter customer mobile no in Mobile field.

o Enter customer phone in Phone field.
o Click on down arrow of Country field to select country name of customer from
the list.
o Click on down arrow of State field to select state name of customer from the
o Click on down arrow of City field to select city name of customer from the list.
o Enter Pin code in Pin Code field.
o Enter GST no in GSTin field.
o Then click on Save button. Customer details will be saved.
o If you need to clear all details of customer then click on Refresh button
o If you need to close this window click on Close button.
Note: Customer Name, Address, Mobile no, GSTIn (if available) will be shown in
sale invoices.
Update existing Customer details : Please follow these steps:
o Select the record from the table which you need to be updated.
o Then click on Update button to make changes. Update Customer screen will
be shown as:

S.No Field Name Comment

1. Name Compulsory
2. Address Optional
3. Address 2 Optional
4. Email Optional
5. Mobile # Optional
6. Phone: Optional
7. Country Optional
8. State Optional
9. City Optional
10. Pin Code Optional
11. GSTIN # Optional

o You can see all detail of selected record in various fields.
o You can see all detail of selected customer record in various fields.
o Select appropriate field, which you need to be change.
o Edit the new value in that field.
o Same as you can edit more than one fields.
o Then click on Save button.
o If you need to delete all details of customer permanent all then click on Delete
Note: Caution, on delete of any specific customer it will impact the sale record/entry
of that customer, if exists. Customer will be deleted from the list of Customer & so the
deleted customer will not be available for new sale entry. However, the Sale Entry of
the deleted customer will remain, i.e. On delete of any Customer; its Sale records will
not be deleted. Also, the payment entries of the deleted customer will also remain
o If you need to clear all details of customer then click on Refresh button, enter
all new details again, and then click on Save button.
o If you need to close this window then click on Close button.

Products Menu

This menu has 4 sub menus:

a. Manage HSN code
b. Manage Categories
c. Manage Products
d. View Stock List

a. Manage HSN code

You will use this module to enter and search HSN/SAC code of product.

Click on Manage HSN code from Product Menu to access Manage HSN/SAC code
screen. This screen shows the list of all the available HSN code of product.

Add HSN/SAC Code: Please follow these steps:

o Enter HSN or SAN code in HSN/SAC Code field.

o Then click on Add button to add HSN code in list.
o After adding HSN codes, all codes will be auto populate in Add Product

Delete HSN/SAC Code: Please follow these steps:

o Select appropriate HSN code from the list and click on Delete button.
Note: On delete of any specific HSN code, it will delete from the existing bill.
Close the window :
o To close this window click on Close button.

b. Manage Categories
You will use this module to generate category and sub category of product.
Basically, categories and sub-categories are only used to search stock,
categories wise.

Click on Manage Categories from Product Menu to access Add and view Categories
and Sub-Categories screen. This window has two panels i.e. left panel and right panel.
Left panel contain all the available Categories and Sub-Categories of product in tree
view. In right panel, you can add categories and sub-categories.

Add Categories: Please follow these steps:

o When you select or tick Add New Category option from right panel, Category
field will be enabling.
o Now enter new category in Category field.
o Then click on Save button. Saved category will be show in tree list of left
o Repeat above steps to add more than one category.
Add Sub-Categories: Please follow these steps:
o Select category name from the tree of left panel, under which you need to add
sub-category. Selected category will show in Category field of right panel.
o Click or select Add New Subcategory option from right panel, Sub Category
field will be enabling.
o Now enter sub-category in Sub Category field.
o Then click on Save button to add sub-category under selected category.
o Repeat above steps to add more than one sub-category.
o To show list of sub categories of main category, double click on main category
from left panel. Sub categories of selected category will be expanding.

Use Refresh button to refresh the fields of left panel.

Close the window :

o To close this window click on Close button.

Note: We cannot delete category & sub category because It is effected all
transaction where it is using. If you make mistake in category & sub category
then you can update category and sub category in place of delete.

c. Manage Products
You will use this module to search and add Product details.
Click on Manage Product from Product menu OR click on Product button from the
left panel to access Product entry screen. This entry screen shows the list of all
available Products.

Product can be searched by various ways, with various filter options.

Search specific Product details follow these steps:

o Enter Product’s id in Product ID field. Note: The product ID is generated

automatically when we add a New Product.


o Enter Product name in Name field.


o Click on down arrow of Category field to select product category from the list


o Enter S.No or Identifier in S.No/Identifier field.

o Then click on Search button. You get appropriate product(s) details in the All
Products List table.

Fetch All Products, use “Show All” button. It will fetch the list of all available product
details. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button and you get all product details in the table.

Use Refresh button to refresh the list of the product displayed. It is necessary to use
‘Refresh’ after adding a new Product.

Add New Product details : Please follow these steps:

o Click on Add button, on Product Entry Screen. Following screen will be shown

S.No Field Name Comment

1. Product ID Auto
2. Serial Number Compulsory
3. HSN Optional
4. Product Name Compulsory
5. Bar Code Optional
6. Description Optional
7. Category Optional
8. Sub category Optional
9. Purchase Rate Compulsory
10. MRP Compulsory
11. Sale Rate Compulsory
12. Discount Amt Compulsory
13. SGST Compulsory
14. CGST Compulsory
15. IGST Compulsory
16. Unit Optional
17. Units on Order Compulsory
18. Unit Sold Optional
19. Opening Stock Optional
20. Location Optional
21. Product Image Optional

o Under Product Details block enter following values :
Product Id will generate automatically and show in Product Id field.
Enter Product Serial no in Serial Number field. It is compulsory.
Serial Number has an identifier of that product, which is define by us.
Created HSN code will be auto populate in HSN field. Click on down
arrow of HSN field to select HSN no. of the product.
Enter product name in Product Name field. Entered product name
will be appearing in the purchase and sale invoices.
Note: Before creating new product please make sure, that
product does not already exist.
Scan or Enter bar code of product in Bar Code field(for POS billing)
Enter Description of product in Description field.
Click on down arrow of Category field to select category of product
from the list.(if available)
If you select category then sub-categories of selected category will
auto populate in Sub-Category field. Click on down arrow of
SubCategory field to select sub category of selected Category of
product from the list.(if available)
o Under Price & Tax Details block enter following values :
Enter Purchase Rate of product in Purchase Rate field. Purchase
rate should be excluding tax.
Enter MRP of Product in MRP field.
Enter Sale Rate of Product in Sale Rate field.
Enter Discount Amount/Percentage on product in Discount Amt/%
Enter SGST of product in SGST %field.
Enter CGST of product in CGST %field.
Enter IGST of product in IGST %field.(for Out of State)
Note: If you sale products within a state then enter, tax value in
SGST and CGST field and enter zero (0) in IGST field vica-varsa.
Click on down arrow of Unit field to select unit of product from the list.
o Under Stock Details block enter following values:
Enter zero (0) in Unit On Order field.
Value of Unit Sold field will auto updated when product will sale.
Enter Opening Stock of product in Opening Stock field.
o Under Product Preview block you can select image of product, using
following steps:
Click on Select Product Image button, on Select Product Image
screen. Following screen will be shown as:

Select image of product from list and click on Select Product Image
You get this image in Product Preview block.
Note: Image of product will only show in Add and Update
Product window and will not show on any window.
o Then click on Save button. Product details will be saved.
o If you need to clear all details of product then click on Refresh button, enter all
new details again, and click on Save button.
o If you need to close this window click on Close button.

Update Existing Product details, follow these steps:

o Select the record from the table (All Products List) which you need to be

o Then click on Update button to make change. Update Product Record screen
will be shown as:

S.No Field Name Comment

1. Product ID Auto
2. Serial Number Compulsory
3. HSN Optional
4. Product Name Compulsory
5. Bar Code Optional
6. Description Optional
7. Category Optional
8. Sub category Optional
9. Purchase Rate Compulsory
10. MRP Compulsory
11. Sale Rate Compulsory
12. Discount Amt Compulsory
13. SGST Compulsory
14. CGST Compulsory
15. IGST Compulsory
16. Unit Optional
17. Units on Order Compulsory
18. Unit Sold Optional
19. Opening Stock Optional
20. Location Optional
21. Product Image Optional

o You can see all detail of selected product record in various fields.
o Select appropriate field, which you need to be change.
o Edit the new value in that field.
o Same as you can edit more than one fields.
o Then click on Save button.
o If you need to clear all details of product then click on Refresh button, enter all
new details again, and then click on Save button.
o If you need to close this window then click on Close button.

Note: Caution, on update of Product name will impact the Sale record,
Purchase record, Stock Reports etc. where Product Name will be used, if

d. Stock Reconciliation

If you reconcile stock after some sales and purchases then follow these steps:
o Select specific product name from Product Entry screen.
o Click on Update button. Update Product Record window will be shown.
o In Stock Detail Block, enter difference no., of stock available in software and
stock available in shop in Opening Stock field.
Opening Stock= Stock available in Shop - Stock available in Software
Suppose stock available in software is 10 and stock available in shop is 17. In
Update Product window you have to enter 7 (stock available in shop - stock
available in software 17-10) in Opening Stock field. Now in Stock List it will
show 17.

e. View Stock List
You can use this module to view stock list.

Click on View Stock List from Product menu. Following screen will be shown as:

This screen shows the list of stock of all products with HSN code, Current Stock, Total
Sold Quantity etc.
Search stock of specific product follow these steps:
o Click on down arrow of Product Name field to select Product Name from the


o Enter Product Serial No. in Product Serial No field. It is a like search.


o Enter Product Id in Product ID field.


o Click on down arrow of Category field to select Category of Product from the


o Click on down arrow of Sub-Category field to select Sub-Category from the


o Then click on Search button. You get stock of appropriate product details in
the table.

Fetch All Stock details use “Show All “button. It will fetch the list of all the available
products with its stock details. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button. You get stock details of all products in the table.

Use Refresh button to refresh/clear all search fields.

Close the window :

o To close this window click on Close button.

Purchase Menu

This menu has 2 sub menus:

a. Manage PO
b. Search Existing PO

Manage PO & Search Existing PO

You will use this module to enter New Purchase details and search Existing
Purchase Orders.

Click on Search Existing PO from Purchase menu OR click on Purchase Order

button from the left panel to access Purchase Entry screen. This screen shows the
list of all the existing Purchase Order.

This screen has two tabs:

• Search Purchase Entry
• New Purchase Entry

Purchase Order can be searched by various ways, with various filter options.

Search specific Purchase Order follow these steps:

o Enter Purchase Bill no in Purchase bill no field.


o Click on down arrow of Supplier Name field to select supplier name from the


o Select date range of purchase from Purchase Date From calendar and
Purchase Date To calendar.


o Enter S.No/Identifier in S.No/Identifier field.(If available)

o Then click on Search button. You get appropriate purchase details in the

Fetch All Purchase details, use “Show All” button. It will fetch the list of all available
purchase order. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button and you get all purchase details in the table.

Add New Purchase details : Please follow these steps:

o Click on Add button, on New Purchase Entry Screen. Following screen will be
shown as:

o Under Purchase Bill Details block enter following values :
Enter Purchase Bill Number in Purchase Bill Number field, which is
available in hard copy of invoice.
Select purchase date from Purchase Date calendar.
Click on down arrow of Supplier Name field to select supplier name
from the list.
o Under Item Details block enter following values :
Click on down arrow of Item Name field to select name of product
from the list. You can also see stock of selected product in right side.
Enter or scan S.No/Identifier in S.No /Identifier field.(If required)
Enter quantity of product in Quantity field.
You get purchase rate of selected product in Purchase Rate field
You also get discount on product in Discount field ,CGST of product
in CGST % field, SGST of product in SGST % field, IGST of product

in IGST % field automatically as well as CGST amount, SGST
amount and IGST amount also .
You can change the values of these fields according to your needs.
You can see calculated amount of selected item in Item Payable
Amount field.
Now click on Add Item button to add selected item details in the
Same as you can select and add more than one item details in the
If you need to remove particular item from the list then select that
item and click on Remove Item button. That item will be deleted from
the list.
Every clicking on Add Item or Remove Item button, Total Quantity,
Total GST and Payable Amount will be calculate automatically and
display in its respectively fields on the bottom of screen.
After add one or more than one products in the list, click on Save
If you need to enter new record of purchase order then click on New

Update Existing Invoice follow these steps:

o Select the record from the table which you need to be updated.
o Then click on Update button to make change. Update Screen will be shown as

o You can see all details of selected purchase order in various fields.
o Select appropriate field, which you need to change.
o Edit the new value in that field.
o Same as you can edit more than one value.
o For edit an item of list, select item from list and remove it by click on Remove
Item button.
o Then click on down arrow of Item Name field to select same item from the list.
o Now you can edit quantity, purchase rate, cgst, sgst etc.
o Then click on Add Item button.
o Then click on Save button.
o Record will be updated.

Print Purchase Order, use “Print” button. It will print invoice of selected record.
Please follow these steps:

o Select specific purchase record from the table.
o Click on Print button. You get invoice of selected record.

Delete Existing Invoice follows these steps:

o Select the record from the table, which you need to be deleted.
o Click on Delete button and following dialog box will appear.

o When you click on OK button then following dialog box will appear.

o Click on Refresh Button to clean row record from the List of Purchase.

Note: Caution, on delete of any specific purchase invoice, selected bill and its
payment entries will get permanently deleted. And stock reverses automatically. If
you delete any purchase invoice (except last one) from the List of Purchase then
PurchaseId of deleted invoice will not create again. But if you delete last
purchase invoice from the List of Purchase then that PurchaseId will be create

Use Refresh button to refresh the search field of the purchase. It is necessary to use
‘Refresh’ after add and update a new Purchase Order.

Purchase Return OR Purchase Reverse Entry

There are two options available in software for enter Purchase Return or Purchase
Reverse entry.
Option 1: By Using Update Invoice
You can enter return entry by updating specific purchase invoice. Please follow
these steps:
o Click on Manage PO from Purchase menu OR select POrder button from left panel.
o Purchase Entry screen will be shown.
o Select the specific invoice from List of Purchase, in which you want to return the
o Click on Update button. Purchase Entry window will be open. Where you can see
detail information of selected invoice.
o You can return some quantity of specific product(s) or return all quantity of product(s),
in both cases you have to remove that product from Item List from bottom. For
remove an Item, select specific item and click on Remove Item button, iteam will be
deleted from the list.
o If you want to return all quantity of specific product then no need to add this product
o If you want to return some quantity of specific product then after deletion of that
product, again select same product from Item Name field. And enter remaining
quantity (except return quantity) of that product in Quantity field.
o Now Click on Save button. Updated invoice will be saved. Click on Refresh button
from Search Screen.

Option 2: By Using Add Invoice

You can enter return entry by add new invoice against specific purchase
invoice. Please follow these steps:
o Click on Manage PO from Purchase menu OR select POrder button from left
panel. Purchase Entry screen will be shown, Click on Add button.
o New Purchase Entry screen will be shown.
o Enter purchase bill no in Purchase Bill No field. The bill no. should be the one
to return the items of the bill.
o Select supplier name whome you want to return product.
o Write note in Notes Field (Return Entry against bill no ……).
o Click on down arrow of Item Name field to select product name from the list,
which you want to return.
o Enter minus quantity of product in Quantity field, which quantity of product we
are returning. Click Tab key from Keyboard.
Example: If we are returning, 5 items from 10 items then enter -5 in quantity
field. And click on enter Tab key from keyboard.
o Purchase Price, Discount, CGST%, SGST%, IGST% of selected product will
display automatically.
o Payable Amount will be calculate automatically and display in Item Payable
Amount field. It will be with minus sign.
o Then click on Add Item button to add item details in the list
o In this invoice, return amount will show in Total Payable Amount field with
minus sign, which will be return to supplier.
o Use Save button to save Purchase return invoice.
o Search Purchase Entry screen will be shown. Click on Refresh button, New
Purchase Return invoice will be shown in list. Select this invoice and click on
Print button to take print out.

Sale & Bill Menu

This menu has 3 sub menus:

a. Manage Sale
b. POS Sale
c. Search Existing Sale

Manage Sale & Search Existing Sale

You will use this module to enter New Sale details and search Existing Sale
Click on Search Existing Sale from Sale & Bill menu OR click on Sale & Bill button
from the left panel to access Sale Entry screen. This screen shows the list of all the
existing Sale records.

This screen has two tabs:

• View Existing Sale Record
• New Sale Entry

Sale record can be searched by various ways, with various filter options.

Search specific Sale Order follow these steps:

o Enter Sale Bill no in Bill no field.


o Select date of sale from Sale Date calendar.


o Enter Mobile no of customer in Mobile# field.


o Click on down arrow of Customer Name field to select customer name from
the list.


o Enter S.No/Identifier in S.No/Identifier field (If available).

o Then click on Search button. You get appropriate sale details in the table.

Fetch All Sale details, use “Show All” button. It will fetch the list of all available sale
record. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button and you get all sale details in the table.

Add New Sale details : Please follow these steps:

o Click on Add button, on New Sale Entry Screen. Following screen will be
shown as:

o Under Sale Details block enter following values :
You can see sale bill no in Sale Bill no. field automatically.
Current sale date will be display in Sale Date field. If you need to be
change sale date, select date from Sale Date field. It is editable.
Click on down arrow of Payment Mode field to select mode of
payment from the list. There are various payment modes like cash,
credit, cheque etc.
Click on down arrow of Customer Name field to select name of
customer from the list.
If customer is not, available in list then you can add new customer
details by click on Add New Customer button, you get Add
Customer Details window, and in this window, you can add new
customer details and save it.
Now you can select customer from Customer Name field.

Address details of selected customer will be shown in Billing Details
You can enter any notes in Notes field. (If required)
o Under Billing Details block, enter following values.
Modify Billing Details, select “Modify Billing Details” option. It will
enable all field of this block. You can modify billing details temporary.
Please follow these steps to change address of customer.
• Edit address in Address & Address1 fields.
• Click on down arrow of City field to select city of customer from
the list.
• Click on down arrow of State field to select state of customer
from the list.
• Click on down arrow of Country field to select country of
customer from the list.
• Enter postcode in Post Code field.
Add Shipping Address, select “Add Shipping Address” option.
Shipping Detail block will show in right panel. Please follow these
steps to add Shipping Address.
• If you select Same as Billing Address option, address of
Billing Details block of customer will be copied in Shipping
Detail block.
• Enter address in Address & Address1 fields.
• Click on down arrow of City field to select city of customer from
the list.
• Click on down arrow of State field to select state of customer
from the list.
• Click on down arrow of Country field to select country of
customer from the list.
• Enter post code in Post Code field.

o Under Price Details block enter following values :
Click on down arrow of Item Name field to select product name from
the list. You can also see stock of selected product in bottom of
Enter quantity of product in Quantity field.
Sale Price, Discount, CGST%, SGST%, IGST% of selected product
will display automatically.
These fields are editable; you can also change the value of these
Note: If you create sale bill for within a state then put value in
CGST, SGST and put 0(zero) in IGST. If you create sale bill for
out of state then put value in IGST and put 0(zero) in CGST,
SGST field.
CGST amount, SGST amount and IGST amount will also be display.
Net Payable Amount will be calculate automatically and display in Net
Payable Amount field.
Then click on Add Item button to add item details in the list of Added
Item List block.
Same as you can add more than one item details in the list.
If you need to remove particular item from the list then select that
item and click on Remove Item button. That item will be deleted from
the list.
Every clicking on Add Item or Remove Item button, Total Quantity
and Payable Amount will be calculate automatically and display in its
respectively fields on the bottom of screen.
If you want to apply bill level discount then enter discount in
Additional Disc field.
Note: Discounts are to apply prior GST calculation; for that
Discount at item level should be used. Additional discount, at
invoice level are discounts deducted after the GST calculation is

applied. Please use additional discount as per your discreet,
validating the GST regulations.
o Transport, Packing & Other details, click on Other Detail button and get
Other Details window.

Block Field Purpose of field

Transport Details Document Through Name of person/firm by which document will be sanded.
Destination Name of destination place.
Mobile# Mobile no of person/firm.
Transport Reason Write the reason of transport, such as sending reason.
Package And Other Item Quantity Enter quantity of Packets/Box.
Additional Charge Charge in Amt/Per Item Enter delivery charge of per packet/box in amount.
Details(with Tax) Tax for other charges % Enter Tax of delivery charge
Other Item Label Enter additional label name accounting to requirement.
Private Mark Enter private mark ,which is print on Packet/Box
LR No. Enter LR No.

Other Input Vehicle No. Enter Vehicle No
Parameters Model No. Enter Vehicle Model No.
Order No. Enter Order no.
Other Ref. Enter other reference
Mode Enter mode of transportation
Terms of Delivery Enter terms of delivery
PO # Enter PO no.
PO Date Enter PO date
Challan # Enter Challan no.
Challan Date Enter Challan date
Additional Additional Charges-at Bill Enter additional charges at Bill level
Charges(Sale Level- Level(Amt)
without Tax) Label of the Additional Enter Label for additional Charges

o Use Save button to save Sale record.

o Use New Sale button for create new sale bill.

o Use Refresh button to refresh all the field of window. It is necessary to use
‘Refresh’ after adding New Sale.

Update Existing Invoice follow these steps:

o Select the record from the List of Existing Sale table, which you need to be
o Then click on Update button to make change. Update Screen will be shown
as :

o You can see all details of selected sale record in various fields.
o You cannot edit customer name and add new customer.
o You can edit billing address of customer and add or edit item details.
o For edit item(s) of list, double click on select item from list .Following window
will be show.

o You can edit quantity, sale price, discount, SGST%, CGST% and IGST% then
click on OK button to save current changes.
o Same as you can update more than one items.
o Then Click on Save button. Record will be updated.

Note: If bill amount change on updating then the updated amount value will
be, insert in the Customer Payment automatically.

Print Sale Record, use “Print” button. It will print invoice of selected record. Please
follow these steps:
o Select specific sale record from the table.
o Click on Print button. You get invoice of selected record.
o Various formats of Invoices are listed under Invoice Type option.

Delete Existing Invoice follows these steps:

o Select the record from the List of Existing Sale table, which you need to be
o Click on Delete button and following dialog box will appear.

o When you click on OK button then following dialog box will appear.

o Click on Refresh Button to clean row record from the List of Sale.

Note: Caution, on delete of any specific sale invoice, selected bill and its payment

entries will be permanently deleted. And stock reverses automatically. If you
delete any sale invoice (except last one) from the List of Sale then SaleId of
deleted invoice will not create again. But if you delete last sale invoice from the
List of Existing Sale then that SaleId will be create again.

Use Refresh button to refresh the list of the sale record displayed. It is necessary to
use ‘Refresh’ after add and update a new Sale Record.

Add Company Logo in Invoice
To add company logo in invoice, Please follow these steps:

• Copy your company logo, where it saved in your computer. Name of your company
logo should be companylogo.jpg. Logo should be in square.
• Paste it in reports folder, reports folder will be in following path:
• This logo automatically show in sale invoices:

POS (Point of Sale)

You will use this module to generate fast sale bill.

Click on POS from Sale & Bill menu OR click on POS button from the left panel to
access POS Entry screen.

o By default current date shows. If you need to change date then select date from
Date Calendar.
o Bill no will be generating automatically in Bill No field.
o Click on down arrow of Customer field to select customer from the list. If customer
is not, available in list then you can add new customer details by click on Customer
button, you get Add Customer Details window, and in this window, you can add
new customer details and save it.
o Select product by three ways:
Click on down arrow of Product Name field to select product name from
the list. If product is not available in this list then, you can add new product
details by click on Product button, you get Add Product window in this
window you can add new product details and save it.
Press Enter key by keyboard. Product will be show on Selected Item for
Bill/Invoice list with its Item Id, Item Name, Quantity, Sale Price, Discount
and Payable Amt.
Scan bar code in SKU
SKU/Scan Bar Code field. Product will be show on
Selected Item for Bill/Invoice list with its Item Id, Item Name, Quantity,
Sale Price, Discount and Payable Amt.
Enter serial no of product in SKU/Scan Bar Code field and press Enter
key, Product will be show on Selected Item for Bill/Invoice list with its
Item Id, Item Name, Quantity, Sale Price
Price, Discount and Payable Amt.
If more than one item has same serial no then all products will show in
right panel (Item Selection List) with its Item Id, Item Name, and Sale
Price. You can use arrow key to select specific product from Item
Selection List and press Enter key or Click on Add Item button,
o Change Sale Price, Discount & Quantity of Product
Product, If you need to change sale
price, discount or/and quantity then d
double click or enter on selected item row from
Selected Item for Bill/Invoice list. Input window will be shown as:

o You can edit sale price, discount and quantity of product in respective field and
click on OK button. Sale price, discount and quantity will be changed of selected
product. Same as you can change these field for other products.
o Use Remove Item button to remove selected item from the Selected Items for
Bill/Invoice list.
o Total Items, Item wise Total Discount, Total Tax, Total Taxable Amt and Total
Payable amt will be calculate automatically and shown at the bottom of screen.
o Enter Additional Discount in Additional Disc field.(If required)
o Use Cash button to save invoice under cash payment mode.
o Use Credit button to save invoice under credit payment mode. After saved
invoice, Customer Payment Detail window will be displayed where you can enter
detail of payment.
o Use Card button to save invoice under card payment mode. After saved invoice,
Customer Payment Detail window will be displayed where you can enter details
on card.

Sale Return OR Sale Reverse Entry

There are two options available in software for enter Sale Return or Sale Reverse
Option 1: By Using Update Invoice
You can enter return entry by updating specific sale invoice. Please follow
these steps:
o Click on Manage Sale from Sale & Bill menu OR select Sale & Bill button from left
o Select the specific invoice from List of Existing Sale, in which customer want to
return the product.
o Click on Update button. Sale & Invoice window will be open. Where you can see
detail information of selected invoice.
o Customer can return some quantity of specific product(s) or return all quantity of
product(s). If customer returns all quantity of products then you have to remove that
product from Added Item List of right panel by click on Remove Item button from
Price Detail Block of left panel.
o If customer wants to return some quantity of specific product then double click on
specific product from Added Item List of right panel. Following window will be display:

o In this window, you can change quantity according to customer’s requirement and
click on OK button to save current changes.
o Now Click on Save button. Updated invoice will be saved. Click on Refresh button
from Search Screen.
Option 2: By Using Add Invoice
You can enter return entry by add new invoice against specific sale invoice.
Please follow these steps:
o Select Sale & Bill button from left panel. Sale & Bill screen will be shown,
Click on New button.
o New Sale Entry screen will be shown. In this screen, select customer name
who want to return product.
o Write note in Notes Field (Return Entry against bill no ………).
o Click on down arrow of Item Name field to select product name from the list
which customer want to return.
o Enter minus quantity of product in Quantity field, which quantity of product
customer is returning. Click Tab key from Keyboard.
Example: If customer is, returning 5 items from 10 items then enter -5 in
quantity field. And click on enter Tab key from keyboard.
o Sale Price, Discount, CGST%, SGST%, IGST% of selected product will display
o Net Payable Amount will be calculate automatically and display in Net
Payable Amount field. It will be with minus sign.
o Then click on Add Item button to add item details in the list of Added Item
List block.
o In this invoice, return amount will show in Payable Amount field with minus
sign, which will be return to customer.
o There is no need to adjust payment of customer in Customer Payment
Details, It will adjust automatically.
o Use Save button to save Sale return invoice.
o View Existing Sale Record screen will be shown. Click on Refresh button,
New Sale Return invoice will be shown in list. Select this invoice and click on
Print button to take print out.

Reports Menu

This menu has 15 sub menus:

1. Supplier List
2. Customer List
3. HSN List
4. Product List
5. Category List
6. Stock Report
7. Stock Valuation Report
8. Purchase Report
9. Advance Purchase Report
10. Purchase Summary
11. Sale Report
12. Advance Sale Report
13. Sale Summary
14. Advance Quotation Report
15. Customer Outstanding Payment Report
16. Expanse Account Report
17. Expanse Report
18. Payment Summary
19. Profit & Loss Statement
20. GST Report

Click on Reports menu OR click on Reports button from the left panel to access
Report Section. This screen has Report Type field, from where you can select
various type of report.

1. Supplier List

This option is used to show supplier report.

Click on Supplier List from Report menu for show following report.

2. Customer List

This option is used to show customer report.

Click on Customer List from Report menu for show following report.

3. HSN List
This option is used to show HSN List.
Click on HSN List from Report menu for show following report.

4. Product List
This option is used to show product list.
Click on Product List from Report menu for show following report.

5. Category List

This option is used to show list of category and sub-category.

Click on Category List from Report menu for show following report.

6. Stock Report

This option is used to show stock report.

Click on Stock List from Report menu for show following report.

7. Stock Valuation Report

This option is used to show stock valuation report.

Click on Stock Valuation Report from Report menu for show following report.

8. Purchase Report

This option is used to show purchase report.

Click on Purchase Report from Report menu for show following report.
You can show purchase report in date range by select Start Date and End Date.

9. Advance Purchase Report

This option is used to show advance purchase report.

Click on Advance Purchase Report from Report menu for show following options.

Select date range from Start Date and End Date.

You can show advance purchase report with combination of various field such
as supplier name, Purchas state, purchase city and product name.

10. Purchase Summary

This option is used to show purchase summary report.

Click on Purchase Summary from Report menu for show following options.
You can show purchase summary in date range by select Start Date and End Date.

11. Sale Report

This option is used to show sale report.

Click on Sale Report from Report menu for show following report.
You can show sale report in date range by select Start Date and End Date.

12. Advance Sale Report

This option is used to show advance sale report.

Click on Advance Sale Report from Report menu for show following options.

You can select date range from Start Date and End Date.
You can show advance sale report with combination of various field such as
customer name, sale state, sale city, and product name and payment mode.

13. Sale Summary
This option is used to show sale summary report.
Click on Sale Summary from Report menu for show following options.
You can show sale summary in date range by select Start Date and End Date.

14. Advance Quotation Report
This option is used to show advance quotation report.
Click on Advance Quotation Report from Report menu for show following options.

You can select date range from Start Date and End Date.
You can show advance quotation report with combination of various field such
as customer name, sale state, sale city, and product name etc.

15. Customer Outstanding Payment Report

This option is used to show customer outstanding payment report.

Click on Customer Outstanding Payment Report from Report menu for show
following report.

16. Expanse Account Report

This option is used to show expanse account report.

Click on Expanse Account Report from Report menu for show following report.

17. Expanse Report

This option is used to show Expanse Report.

Click on Expanse Report from Report menu for show following report.
You can show expanse report in date range by select Start Date and End Date.

18. Payment Summary

This option is used to show payment summary report.

Click on Payment Summary from Report menu for show following options.
You can show payment summary in date range by select Start Date and End Date.

19. Profit & Loss

This option is used to show profit & loss statement report.

Click on Profit & Loss Statement from Report menu for show following options.
You can show profit & loss statement in date range by select Start Date and End

20. GST Report

This option is used to show GST report.

Click on GST Report from Report menu. It show again two-sub menu:
a. GST-1
b. GST-2

a. GST -1

This option is used to show GST-1 report.

Click on GST-1 from GST of sub menu of Report menu for show following report.
You can show GST-1 report in date range by select Start Date and End Date.

b. GST -2

This option is used to show GST-2 report.

Click on GST-2 from GST of sub menu of Report menu for show following report.
You can show GST -2 report in date range by select Start Date and End Date.

Note: When you open any report from Reports folder. It will create excel file of
Selected report automatically. You can get this excel file from following path: c:

Account Menu

This menu has 4 sun menus:

a. Customer Payment
b. Supplier Payment
c. Manage Expanse Accounts
d. Manage Expanse

a. Customer Payment
You will use this module to manage customer payment.

Click on Customer Payment from Account Menu to access Customer Payment. This
screen shows the list of all the available payment transaction of customers:

Payment Transaction can be search by various ways, with various filter options.

Search specific Payment Transaction of Customer follow these steps:

o Click on down arrow of Customer Name to select specific customer name

from the list.
o Enter Customer’s id in Customer ID field. Note: The customer ID is
generated automatically when we add a New Customer.
o Enter Sale Id in Sale Id field.

o Then click on Search button. You get Payment Transaction of specific

Customer or Sale Id in the table.

Use Refresh button to refresh the list of payment transaction.

Add New Payment: Please follow these steps:

o Click on New Payment button, on Customer Payment Screen. Following
screen will be shown as:

o There are two options in Customer Payment Details window:
Received Payment by Customer
Received Payment by Bill No.
1. Received Payment by Customer :Please follow these steps:
Enter customer Id in Customer Id field and press Tab key from
Customer Name, Total Bill Amount and Balance Amount will be
display in it’s respectively fields.
Enter received amount in Amount Received field and calculated
balance amount will show in Balance Amt field automatically.
Click on down arrow of Mode field to select payment mode from
the list. Such as Cash, Cheque, Credit etc.
Enter any note against this transaction in Notes field.
Then click on Save button. Payment Transaction will be saved.

2. Received Payment by Bill No :Please follow these steps:

Enter Sale Id in Sale Id field and click Tab key from keyboard.
Customer Name, Bill Amount and Balance Amount will be display
in it’s respectively fields.
Enter received amount in Amount Received field and calculated
balance amount will show in Balance Amt field automatically.
Click on down arrow of Mode field to select payment mode from
the list. Such as Cash, Cheque, Credit etc.
Enter any note against this transaction in Notes field.
Then click on Save button. Payment Transaction will be saved.
Note: (i) Received Payment by customer and Received Payment by
Bill No. One must always use either of the two options.
Otherwise, accounting becomes mismatch.
(ii) The saved payment transaction cannot be updated or

o Use Refresh button to refresh the all field of Payment Transaction screen.
o Use Close button to close this screen.
Print Receipt, use “Print Receipt” button. It will print receipt of selected record. Please
follow these steps:
o Select specific payment record from the table.
o Click on Print Receipt button. You get receipt of selected record.
Print Sale & Customer Ledger, use “Print Report” button. It will print ledger of
Customer or Sale Id of selected record. Please follow these steps:
o For Customer Ledger, Select Customer Name from Customer Name field
OR Enter Customer Id in Customer Id field. Then click on Print Report
button. Customer Ledger report will be shown as:

o For Sale Ledger, Enter Sale Id in Sale Id field. Then click on Print Report
button. Sale Ledger report will be shown as:

Show Consolidated Payment Details by Customer follow these steps:

o Enter Customer Id in Customer Id field and press Tab Key from keyboard.
o Calculated Total Payable Value, Total Paid Amount and Total Balance
Amount will be displayed in respectively fields.
o Use Notify Dues button to send SMS of dues of customer.
(If your SMS panel is active.)

b. Supplier Payment

You will use this module to manage Supplier payment.

Click on Supplier Payment from Account Menu to access Supplier Payment. This
screen shows the list of all the available payment transaction of supplier:

Payment Transaction can be search by various ways, with various filter options.

Search specific Payment Transaction of Supplier follow these steps:

o Click on down arrow of Supplier Name to select specific supplier name from
the list.


o Enter Supplier’s id in Supplier ID field. Note: The supplier ID is generated

automatically when we add a New Supplier.

o Enter Purchase Id in Purchase Id field

o Then click on Search button. You get Payment Transaction of specific
Supplier or Purchase Id in the table.

Fetch All Payment Transaction details, use “Show All” button. It will fetch the list of
all available payment transaction. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button and you get all payment transaction details in the
Use Refresh button to refresh the list of payment transaction displayed. It is
necessary to use ‘Refresh’ after adding new Payment.

Add New Payment: Please follow these steps:

o Click on New Payment button, on Supplier Payment Screen. Following
screen will be shown as:

o Enter purchase Id in Purchase ID field and click Tab Key from keyboard.
o Supplier Name, Purchase Bill Amount and Balance Amount will be

display in it’s respectively fields.
o Enter payable amount in Amount Payable field and calculated balance
amount will show in Balance Amt field automatically.
o Select Payment mode from Mode field.
o Enter any note against this transaction in Notes field.
o Then click on Save button .Payment Transaction will be saved.

Show Consolidated Payment Details by Supplier follow these steps:

o Enter Supplier Id in Supplier Id field and press Tab Key from keyboard.
o Calculated Total Payable Value, Total Paid Amount and Total Balance
Amount will be displayed in respectively fields.
o Use Detail View of Supplier Payment/Amt button to show consolidated
payment details of supplier. Consolidate Payment details screen will be shown
as :

o Click Print Report button to shown Supplier Payment Entry screen as:

c. Manage Expense Account

You will use this module to manage expense account. Under these account we
can enter expenses. To create expense account follows these steps:

Click on Manage Expense Account from Account Menu to access Manage

Expanse Account. This screen shows the list of all the available expense types:

Add New Expense Account:: Please follow these steps:

o Enter New Expense Account name in Add New Expense Account field.
o Then click on Add button to add Expense Account in list.
Use Activate button to activate selected Expense Type from the list. It is optional.
When we add any expense account, it will automatically become activate.
Use De-Activate button to de-activate
activate selected activated Expense Type from the list.
De-Activated expense
nse type will not available in expense entry screen.
Use Delete button to delete selected Expense Type from the list permanent.

Note: Caution, on delete of any specific expense account will impact the expense
record, if exists.
Use Close button to close this window.

d. Manage Expense

You will use this module to manage expense account.

Click on Manage Expense from Account Menu to access Manage Expense screen.
This screen shows the list of all the available expenses:

Expenses can be search by various ways, with various filter options.

Search specific Expense follow these steps:

o Enter Expense Id in Expense Id field.


o Click on down arrow of Expense Account field to select expense name from
the list.


o Select date range from Date From calendar and Date To calendar.

o Then click on Search button

button. You get appropriate expense details in the table.

Fetch All Expense details,, use “Show All” button.. It will fetch the list of all available
expense details.. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button and yyou get all expenses in the table.

Use the Refresh button to clean all search fields and show the list of all expense
details. It is necessary to use the Refresh button after adding or updating a new

Add New Expense details : Please follow these steps:

o Click on New Expense button, on New Expense Details screen.
creen. Following
screen will be shown as:

o Expense Id will be generated automatically and show in Expense Id field.

o Select Expense Date from Expense Date calendar.
o Click on down arrow of Expense Type field to select expense account from
the list. Only activate expense account will be display in this list.
o Enter Expense Amount in Expense Amount field.
o Enter name of receiver/paid to in Receiver/Paid To field.
o Click on down arrow of Payment Mode field to select mode of payment from
the list. Such as Cash, Cheque, Paytm etc.
o Enter purpose or note in Purpose/Note field.
o Then click on Save button. Expense details will be saved.
o Use Clear button to clear all details of expense.
o Use Close button to close this window.

Update Existing Expense follow these steps:

o Select the record from the table, which you need to be updated.
o Then click on Update button to make change. Update Expense screen will be
shown as:

o Show all details of selected expense in various fields.

o Select appropriate field, which you need to be change.
o Edit the new value in that field.
o Same as you can edit more than one field.
o Then click on Save button. Record will be updated.
o You need to clear all details of expense then click on Clear button and enter all
new details again and then click Save button.
o Click on Delete button to delete all details of expense.
Note: If you delete an expanse, then it is permanently deleted.
Print Expense Receipt, use “Print Expense” button. It will print expense receipt of
selected record. Please follow these steps:
o Select specific expense record from the table.
o Click on Print Expense button. You get receipt of selected record. Expense
Receipt screen will be shown as:

Use Refresh button to refresh the list of the expense displayed. It is necessary to use
‘Refresh’ after adding a new Expense.

Analysis Menu

This menu has 3 sub menus:

a. Item Tracking
b. Quotation & Estimates
c. SMS Issue & Configurations
d. Print BarCode Label

a. Item Tracking

This module is use to track items by its unique identifiers no. If you enter product
details with its unique serial no. or identifier in sale/purchase entry then these entries
will automatically store in Item Specification Tracking Search screen. Which is
shown as following:

Products/Items can be track by various ways, with various filter option.

Track specific Item follow these steps:

o Enter unique serial no or identifiers in Serial No/IMEI field.


o Click on down arrow of Product Name field to select specific product name
from the list.


o Enter purchase bill no in Purchase Bill No. field.


o Enter sale id in Sale Id field.

o Then click on Search button. You get specific product with its unique
identifiers or serial no, sale id and purchase bill no in the table.

o After search specific product, you can write any note against that product in
Notes section like warranty, guaranty and serial no etc. according to business.
Then click on Save button.

o When this note will settle then click on Is Settled check box front of specific
record and click on Save button.

Track Settled And Not Settled Record, follow these steps:

o If you want to search settled list then click on down arrow of Tracked field,
and select Settled option and click on Search button. All settled record would
be displayed in Item Specification Tracking /List.
o If you want to search not settled list then click on down arrow of Tracked field,
and select Not Settled option and click on Search button. All not settled
record will be displayed in Item Specification Tracking /List.

Fetch All Details, use “Show All” button. It will fetch the list of all available product
records. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button and you get all products in the table.

Use Delete button to delete selected record from Item Specification Tracking /List.
When you want to delete one or more than one record permanently, click on Delete
check box belong with those record and click on Delete button. All selected record will
be deleting permanently.

Use Refresh button to refresh all the field of window.

b. Quotation & Estimates
You will use this module to enter Quotation and search Quotation record.
Click on Quotation & Estimates from Analysis menu to access Quotation
Management screen. This screen shows the list of all the existing Quotation records.

This screen has two tabs:

• View Existing Quotation Record
• New Quotation Entry

Quotation record can be searched by various ways, with various filter options.

Search specific Quotation follow these steps:

o Enter Quotation no in Quote no field.


o Select date of quotation from Quote Date calendar.


o Enter Mobile no of customer in Mobile# field.


o Click on down arrow of Customer Name field to select customer name from
the list.

o Then click on Search button. You get appropriate quotation details in the

Fetch All Quotation details, use “Show All” button. It will fetch the list of all available
quotation record. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button and you get all quotation details in the table.

Add New Quotation details : Please follow these steps:

o Click on Add button, on Quotation Management Screen. Following screen will

be shown as:

o Under Quotation Details block enter following values :
You can see quotation no in Quotation No. field automatically.
Current quotation date will be display in Quotation Date field. If you
need to be change quotation date, select date from Quotation Date
You can enter until date of quotation Valid Until field.
Click on down arrow of Customer Name field to select name of
customer from the list. Address details of customer will be shown in
Address Details block.
If you need to Add New customer details then click on Add New
Customer button, you get Add Customer Details window, in this
window you can add new customer details and save it.
Now you can select customer from the Customer Name field.
The address of the selected customer will be shown in the Billing
Details block.
If you enter, terms and condition then enter it in Terms & Conditions
o Under Address Details block, enter following values.
Modify Billing Details, You can select the "Modify Billing Details"
option to modify the address details for this invoice. This will enable all
fields in this block. You can modify the address details.
Customer Response, select “Customer Response” option. Note
Customer Response block will show in right panel. In this block, you
can write customer response.
o Under Price Details block enter following values :
Click on down arrow of Item Name field to select product name from
the list
Enter quantity of product in Quantity field.
Sale Price, Discount, CGST%, SGST%, IGST% of selected product
will display automatically.

These fields are editable; you can also change the value of these
Note: If you create a sale bill for the same state, enter the tax
value in the CGST, SGST field and 0 (zero) in the IGST. If you
create a sale bill for out-of-state then enter tax value in IGST and
0 (zero) in CGST, SGST field.
CGST amount, SGST amount and IGST amount will also be display.
Net Payable Amount will be calculate automatically and display in Net
Payable Amount field.
Then click on Add Item button to add item details in the list of Added
Item List block.
Same as you can add more than one item details in the list.
If you need to remove particular item from the list then select that item
and click on Remove Item button. That item will be deleted from the
Every clicking on Add Item or Remove Item button, Total Quantity
and Payable Amount will be calculate automatically and display in its
respectively fields on the bottom of screen.

o Use Save button to save Quotation record.

o Use New Sale button for create new quotation.

o Use Refresh button to refresh all the field of window. It is necessary to use
‘Refresh’ after adding Add New Customer.

Update Existing Quotation follow these steps:

o Select the record from the table, which you need to be updated.

o Then click on Update button to make change. Update Screen will be shown
as :

o You can see all details of selected quotation record in various fields.
o Select appropriate field, which you need to change.
o Edit the new value in that field.
o Same as you can edit more than one value.
o For edit item(s) of list, select item from list and remove it by click on Remove
Item button.
o Then click on down arrow of Item Name field to select same name of item from
the list.
o Now you can edit quantity, purchase rate, cgst, sgst etc.
o Then click on Add Item button.
o Then Click on Save button. Record will be updated.
Note: Caution, on update of Customer name will impact the quotation record.
Print Quotation/Challan Record, use “Print” button. It will print invoice of selected
record. Please follow these steps:
o Select specific quotation/challan record from the table.
o Click on Print button. You get quote/challan of selected record.
o Various formats of quotes/challan are listed under Quote Type option.
o Click on down arrow of Quote Type field to select quotes format.
Use Refresh button to refresh the list of the quote/challan record displayed. It is
necessary to use ‘Refresh’ after adding a new Quotation/Challan Record.

c. SMS Issue & Configurations

You will use this module to setup sms messages.

Click on SMS Issue & Configurations from Analysis menu to access SMS
Configuration & Setup window.

This window is divided in two panels i.e. left panel and right panel.

Left Panel: Under SMS Configuration & Setup panel following field are available:
Under Purpose field, you can select 5 types of notification for sms:





Under Message field, you can write or set message according to notification type

Under API Key field, enter API key, which are provided by sms provider. It will same
for all 5 types of sms notification.

Under URL field, enter URL, which are provided by sms provider. It will same for all 5
types of sms notification.

Under Sender Key field, enter 6 characters word. By this word name, sms will be
send. For ex: “TECHIN”. It will same for all 5 types of sms notification.

Enable option is used to enable or disable the notification. Select notification from
Purpose field, Click on check box of Enable option, and click on Save/Update button.
Now this notification is enable to send sms. If you want to disable specific notification,
then select specific notification from Purpose field, uncheck check box of Enable and
click on Save/Update button. Now this notification is disable.

Right Panel: Under Issue SMS Details panel following field are available:
Under Customer Name field, all saved customer names are populated.

To All Customer option is used to select or deselect all customers.

Under Ready Message To Issue, message will be show according to selection of

notification from Purpose field.

Under Issue To field, contact no of customer will be show. It can be one contact no or
more than one contact no of different customers according to your need.

Setup API Key, URL and Sender key
First, you have to setup API key, URL and Sender Key for send sms, follow these steps:
1. Select notification from Purpose field.
2. Enter API Key in API Key field, which are provided by sms provider.
3. Enter URL in URL field, which are also provided by sms provider.
4. Enter sender key in Sender Key field. Sender key should be six-character word,
which is created by you. For ex: TECHIN
5. Click on Save/Update button. Following message window will show.

Repeat above 5 steps for every notification of Purpose field. It is necessary to setup API
Key, URL and Sender Key for all five types of notifications.

Types of Notifications

There are five types of notification, which can be send. Notifications use standard
formats, which are given below:
Standard Formats For Use
<<CUSTOMER_NAME>> Customer Name

<<SALEVALUE>> Sale Value

<<DAYSALEVALUE>> Daily Sale Value

<<CDATE>> Current Date

<<COMPANY_NAME>> Company Name

Except above formats, you can change message according to your need.

This notification is used to send message to one or more than one customers. When
you select this notification from Purpose field of left panel, then following window will

For setup of this notification follows these steps:

• Write message in Message field once, if required then you can change the

• API Key, URL and Sender Key have already set.

• Select Enable option. Click on Save/Update button. Message of successful is


• Again select this notification; Updated message will be show in Message field of
left panel as well as Ready Message To Issue field of right panel.

• Contact no. of all customers will be show in Issue To field. If you want to send
message to all customer then click on Send SMS button. Message will be send to
all customers.

• If you want to send message to one customer then click on To All Customer field
of right panel. Issue To field will be clear, now you can select specific customer
name from Customer Name field from right panel. Contact no. of selected
customer will appear in Issue To field (If available). Now click on Send SMS
button to send sms to selected customer.


This module is used to set message, which will send to customer at the time of sale
billing automatically. When you select this notification from Purpose field of left panel,
then following window will show:

For setup, this notification follows these steps:

• You can change message in Message field except standard format (like:
<<CUSTOMER_NAME>>,<<SALEVALUE>>,etc.) once. If required then you
can change the message.
• API Key, URL and Sender Key have already set.

• Select Enable option. Click on Save/Update button. Message of successful is


• Again select this notification; Updated message will be show in Message field of
left panel as well as Ready Message To Issue field of right panel.

• Now this message is ready for send. When you create sale invoice and save it
then this message is send automatically on customer’s mobile no.


This module is used to set message, which can be send to owner’s mobile no. When
you select this notification from Purpose field of left panel, then following window will

For setup, this notification follows these steps:

• You can change message in Message field except standard format (like:
<<CDATE>>, <<DAYSALEVALUE>>) once. If required then you can change the
• API Key, URL and Sender Key have already set.

• Select Enable option. Click on Save/Update button. Message of successful is


• Again select this notification; Updated message will be show in Message field of
left panel as well as Ready Message To Issue field of right panel.

• Contact no. of owner will be show in Issue To field. If you want to send message
then click on Send SMS button. Message will be send to owner.


This module is use to set message which send to owner at the time of every sale bill
with sale amount and customer name. When you select this notification from
Purpose field of left panel, then following window will show:

For setup, this notification follows these steps:

• You can change message in Message field except standard format (like:
<<CUSTOMER_NAME>>, <<SALEVALUE>>) once. If required then you can
change the message.
• API Key, URL and Sender Key have already set.

• Select Enable option. Click on Save/Update button. Message of successful is


• Again select this notification; Updated message will be show in Message field of
left panel as well as Ready Message To Issue field of right panel.

• Now this message is ready for send. When you create sale invoice and save it
then this message is send automatically on owner’s mobile no. with sale
amount and customer name.


This module is used to set message for customer dues. Which send to customer from
Customer Payment menu with due amount and customer name. When you select
this notification from Purpose field of left panel, then following window will show:

For setup, this notification follows these steps:

• You can change message in Message field except standard format (like:
<<CUSTOMER_NAME>>, <<CREDIT_AMOUNT>>) once. If required then you
can change the message.
• API Key, URL and Sender Key have already set.

• Select Enable option. Click on Save/Update button. Message of successful is


• Again select this notification; Updated message will be show in Message field of
left panel as well as Ready Message To Issue field of right panel.

• Now this message is ready for send.

• When you need to send dues of customer then select Customer Payment sub
menu of Account menu.
• Use Consolidated Payment Details By Customer block of this window.

• Enter customer id in Customer Id field of specific customer whom you want to

send message and press Tab key from keyboard.
• Total payable value, Total paid amount and Total balance amount of that
customer will be see in it’s respectively fields.
• If customer has dues then Notify Dues via SMS button will be enable.
• Click on this button, message will send to selected customer.

d. Print BarCode Label

This module is used to print the barcode stickers of the product (s).
Print Barcode Label, to access the Print Barcode Label, click Print Barcode Label in
the Analysis menu. This screen shows the list of all available products with its product
id, unique serial no., BarcodeNo, MRP, Sale Price and Current Stock.

Products / Items can be searched with various filter options.

Search specific product - Please follow these steps:

o Enter serial no of Product in Product Serial No. field. This is a like search i.e.
the product can be searched by entering / typing some character of serial no.
o Enter product name in the Product Name field.
o Click on down arrow of Category field to select product category from the list (If


o If you select a category, the sub categories of the selected category will be
auto populated in the SubCategory field. The sub category of the selected
category can be selected from the list by clicking on the down arrow key of the
subCategory field. (If available)
o Then click on Search button. You get appropriate product details in the table.
Fetch All Product details use “Show All “button. It will fetch the list of all the available
products with its details. Please follow these steps:
o There is no need to enter any information in fields.
o Click on Show All button. You get details of all products in the table.
Use the Refresh button to clean all search fields and show the list of all products.
For the products whose barcode needs to be printed, enter the no / quantity in the
Current Stock / Qty field.
Then click in the Click To Print field in front of those products.
Choose Options To Print on BarCode Sticker, Product Id, Product Name, Sale
Price and Sr.No. Can also be printed with barcode. Please follow these steps:
o Product Id, Product Name, Sale Price and Sr.No. Of those who want to
print with barcode, click in front of them and select it.

Print BarCode Sticker, use “Print” button. It will print barcode sticker of selected

products. Please follow these steps:

o Click on down arrow of Sticker Size field to select suitable sticker from
the list.
o Then click on the Print button. You will get barcode sticker for all
selected products.


This menu has 4 sub menus:

a. Activate Product
b. Change Password
c. Company Details
d. Backup DB

a. Activate Product

You will use this module to activate product.

b. Change Password

You will use this module to change password.

Click on Change Password from Configuration Menu to access Change Password
Screen. This screen shown as:

o Enter old password in Old Password field.

o Enter new password in New Password field.
o Re-enter new password in Re-Enter New Password field.
o Click on OK button, password will be changed.
o Click on Close button to close this window.
c. Company Details

You will use this module to update company details.

Click on Company Details from Configuration Menu to access Company Details
screen. This screen shows the company details.

• Select appropriate field, which you need to be change.

• Edit the new value in that field.
• Same as you can edit more than one fields.
• Then click on Update button. Company Details will be updated.
• Click on Refresh button to clear all field.
• Click on Close button to close this module.
Note: Company Name and Address will be shown on Home Page as well as
Invoices also.

d. Backup DB

You will use this module to take backup.

Click on Backup DB from Configuration Menu. You can see following message.

Click on OK button, you can see massage of success.

Backup file will be saved in c:\Billsmart\backup.

You can copy this file in another drive also.


This menu has 2 sub menus:

a. About Bill Smart
b. Help – Bill Smart

a. About Bill Smart

You will use this module to know about Bill Smart.

Click on About Bill Smart from Help menu to show following module.

b. Help-Bill Smart
You will use this module to show user guide of Bill Smart.

Click on Help- Bill Smart from Help menu to show User Guide.


You can use this option to close Bill Smart.

Additional Features
a. Reverse Payment Entry for Customer
The saved payment transaction cannot be updated or deleted. if required then reverse
entry of payment can be done.
Example: Had to receive 2000 / - rs from a customer, but if 4000 is entered by mistake then
the ledger of the customer will show as follows.

2000 / - reverse entry will have to be done to correct this entry. Please follow these
steps to do reverse entry:
o Click on the New Payment button on the Customer Payment Screen. The following
screen show will be:

o Select Received Payment by Customer and follow these steps:
Enter / type Customer Id in the Customer Id field and press the Tab Key from
the keyboard.
Customer Name, Total Bill Amount and Total Balance Amount will be
displayed in the fields respectively.
Enter / type the amount that is to be adjusted with minus in the Amount
Received field and the calculated balance amount will automatically appear in
the Balance Amt field.
Ex: If reverse entry of 2000 / - is to be done, then enter / type -2000 in Amount
Received field.
Click the down arrow key in the Mode field and select payment mode
(Adjustment) from the list.
Any notes about this adjustment can also be entered / type in the Notes field.
Then click on the Save button. The reverse entry of the payment transaction
will be saved.

For Customer Ledger, select customer name from the Customer Name field
or enter / type customer Id in the Customer Id field. After this, click on the
Print Report button. The Customer Ledger report will be shown as follows:

Similarly, reverse entry can be done for other customer as and when required.

b. Reverse Payment Entry for Supplier
Payment Transaction saved for Supplier cannot be updated or deleted. If needed,
reverse entry of payment can be done.

Example: A supplier had to pay 2000 / - rs but if 4000 is entered by mistake then the
ledger of the supplier will show as follows.

So to correct this entry, reverse entry of 2000 / - will have to be done. Please follow
these steps to do reverse entry:

o Click on Supplier Payment on the Account Menu.

o Click on the New Payment button on the Supplier Payment Screen. The
following screen show will be:
o Enter / type Purchase Id in the Purchase Id field and press the Tab Key from
the keyboard.
o Supplier Name, Purchase Bill Amount and Balance Amount will be displayed in
their fields respectively.
o Enter / type the amount that is to be adjusted with minus in the Amount
Payable field and the calculated balance amount will automatically appear in
the Balance Amt field.
Ex: If reverse entry of 2000 / - is to be done then enter / type -2000 in Amount
Payable field.
o Click the down arrow key in the Mode field and select payment mode
(Adjustment) from the list.
o Any notes about this adjustment can also be entered / type in the Notes field.
o Then click on the Save button. The reverse entry of the payment transaction
will be saved
Show Consolidated Payment Details of Supplier : This option is used to view the
consolidate payment details of the supplier, please follow these steps:

o Enter / type Supplier Id in the Supplier Id field and press the Tab Key from the
o Use the Detail View of Supplier Payment / Amt button to view the
consolidate payment details of the supplier. The Consolidate Payment details
screen will be shown as follows:

Similarly, reverse entry can be done to other supplier as and when required.

c. Opening Balance
The opening balance of Customer and Supplier can also be entered in s / w. There
are two methods to enter the opening balance.
Method 1: In this method, the opening balance is added as a product. An invoice is
created by entering the amount of opening balance in sale & bill to enter
the opening balance of the customer. Similarly, to enter the supplier's
opening balance, an invoice is created by entering the amount of the
opening balance in the porder.

Step 1: Add an item (Product-Opening Balance)

o First, click on Manage Product from the Product menu or from the left panel
click on the Product button.
o Click the Add button on the Product Entry Screen. The following screen
show will be:

Enter the following values in this screen:
o Product Details block- Enter the following values:
The Product ID will be generated automatically and it will appear in the
Product Id field.
Enter / type “op” in the Serial no field.
Enter / type the name of the product (Opening Balance) in the Product
Name field.
o Price & Tax Details - Enter the following values :
Enter / type 0 (Zero) in the Purchase Rate field.
Enter / type 0 (Zero) in the MRP field.
Enter / type 0 (Zero) in the Sale Rate field.
Enter / type 0 (Zero) in the Discount Amt /% field.
Enter / type 0 (Zero) in the SGST% field.
Enter / type 0 (Zero) in the CGST% field.
Enter / type 0 (Zero) in the IGST% field.
Click the down arrow key in the Unit field and select “No” unit from the
o Then click on the Save button. Product details will be saved.

Step 2:
Opening Balance of Customer: An invoice is created by entering the amount of
opening balance in sale & bill to enter the opening balance of the customer. Please
follow these steps:
o Click on Search Existing Sale of Sale & Bill menu or click on Sale & Bill
button from the left panel to access Sale Entry screen.
o Click on the Add button on the New Sale Entry Screen.

o Sale Details block - Enter the following values :
Current date will be displayed in the Sale Date field. If you need to
change the date of the customer’s opening balance, you can also
change the date from the Sale Date field.
Click on the down arrow key in the Payment Mode field and select
payment mode “CREDIT” from the list.
Click on the down arrow key in the Customer Name field and select
the name of the customer from the list whose opening balance is to be
If customer name is not available in the list, then you can add new
customer details by clicking on Add New Customer button, you will get
the Add Customer Details window, in this window you can add new
customer details and save it.
Now you can select customer from the Customer Name field.
The address of the selected customer will show in the Billing Details
You can enter any note in the Notes field. (If necessary)
o Price Details block - Enter the following values:
Click on the down arrow key in the Item Name field and select
Opening Balance from the list.
Enter / type the opening balance of the selected customer in the Sale
Rate field.
Enter only 1 quantity in the Quantity field.
Enter 0 (Zero) only in Disc, CGST%, SGST% and IGST% fields.
You can see the opening balance in the Net Payable Amount field.
Now click on the Add Item button to add the selected opening balance
in the Added Item List.
o Use the Save button to save the sale record.
o It is necessary to use the Refresh button after adding or updating a new sale.

Verify Opening Balance of Customer: To see the Ledger of Customer, click on

Customer Payment in the Account Menu.
o Select customer name from the Customer Name field or enter / type customer
ID in the Customer Id field. Next, click on the Print Report button. The
Customer Ledger report with Opening Balance will be shown as follows:

o The last row in the above screen indicates the opening balance entry of
Rs.10000 against customer name “Satiesh” of voucher no. 15.
o Similarly, opening balance can be entered for other customer as well.

Opening Balance of Supplier: A purchase invoice is to be created by entering the

amount of the opening balance through the Manage PO / POrder, to enter the opening
balance of the supplier. Please follow these steps:
o Click on Search Existing PO of Purchase menu or click on POrder button
from left panel to access Purchase Entry Screen.
o Click the Add button on the New Purchase Entry Screen.

o Purchase Bill Details block - Enter the following values:
Enter / type bill number (OP1) in the Purchase Bill Number field.
Select the current date from the Purchase Date calendar field.
Click the down arrow key in the Supplier Name field and select the
supplier's name from the list whose opening balance is to be entered.
o Item Details block - Enter the following values:
Click the down arrow key in the Item Name field and select Opening
Balance from the list.
Enter only 1 quantity in the Quantity field.
Enter / type the opening balance of the selected supplier in the
Purchase Rate field.
Enter 0 (Zero) only in Disc, CGST%, SGST% and IGST% field.
You can see the opening balance in the Item Payable Amount field.
Now click on the Add Item button to add the opening balance selected
in the list / table.
Click on the Save button to save the Purchase Record.

Verify Opening Balance of Supplier:To view Ledger of Supplier, click on

Supplier Payment in the Account Menu.
o Enter / type Supplier Id in Supplier Id field of Consolidated Payment Details
of Supplier, and press the Tab Key from the keyboard.
o Use the Detail View of Supplier Payment / Amt button to view the
consolidate payment details of the supplier. The Consolidate Payment details
screen will be shown as follows:

o The last row in the above screen indicates the opening balance entry of
Rs.10000 against supplier name “Dinesh Grocery” of Purchase Bill No.- op1.
o Similarly, opening balance can be entered for other suppliers as well.

Method 2: In this method, the opening balance is entered into the payment module of the
customer. This methos is not to be used for supplier. For supplier opening
balance please refer the “Method 1” indicated above.
Add Opening Balance of Customer: Please follow these steps to enter the
customer's opening balance:
o Click Customer Payment on the Account Menu.
o First, we see the ledger of the customer, for this, choose the name of the
customer from the Customer Name field or enter / type customer ID in the
Customer Id field. After this, click on the Print Report button. The Customer

Ledger report will be shown as follows:
o Click the New Payment button on the Customer Payment Screen to enter the
opening balance. The following screen show will be:

o Select Received Payment by Customer. Enter / type Customer Id in the

Customer Id field and press the Tab Key from the keyboard.
o Customer Name, Total Bill Amount and Total Balance Amount will be
displayed in their fields respectively.
o Enter / type the opening balance with minus sign in the Amount Received
o Calculated balance amount along with opening balance will automatically
appear in the Balance Amt field.
Ex: If you want to enter the opening balance of 10000 / - then enter / type
-10000 in the Amount Received field.

o Click the down arrow key in the Mode field and select payment mode (Other)
from the list.
o You can also enter / type notes(Opening Balance) in the Notes field.
o Then click on the Save button. Entry of opening balance will be saved.
o Opening balance can be seen in customer ledger. For Customer Ledger,
select customer name from the Customer Name field or enter / type customer
ID in the Customer Id field. After this, click on the Print Report button. The
Customer Ledger report will be shown as follows:

o Similarly, opening balance can be entered for other customer as well.

Note:To use this method, the customer must have at least one payment


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