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Name: Faizan Ali Darbari

Reg#: 35521


The structure and culture of the organization are highly shaped by its technology. If a company
uses software, which fails to meet the criteria of their organizational structure and culture it will
be useless. They need to maintain the software and keep bringing innovation subject to
organizational structure. Every organization uses different types of organizational structures.
There is no organizational structure that fits perfectly with every organization. I would
recommend using multidivisional structure. It has flexible divisions. The control is based on
performance. In multidivisional structure effectiveness increases within the organization. It gives
ownership of strategy to the divisions.


Yes organizations do decline because of failures in their system. It is mostly because of

negligence within the organization. They need to bring constant innovation in order to cop up
with the competitors in the market. The major reasons for decline of organization are:
 Vulnerability: The organization is not ready to absorb the effects of environment.
 Competition: Lack of strategies or funds to compete in market.
 Atrophy: Unable to bring changes with time within the environment.
 Economic Downfall
The actions organization needs to take to halt decline and restore organizational growth are :-
 Innovation: organization needs to bring constant changes.
 Hiring: Hire people who are experienced.
 Mergers: Partner with organizations who are profitable.
 Establish a open structure.


It is easy for company to operate as partners rather than operating as adversaries. Partnership is
an easy to handle relationship for companies. Adversarial relationship is a short-term contract. A
company to reduce the risk to their business use adversarial relationship and it is chosen when
company needs to earn short-term profits. It is a formal relationship which is not that trust
worthy. Partnership is a Trust worthy relationship. It is a long-term contract. Partners work
together to benefit each other. They believe in solving problems together. Partners share the
profit and liabilities together.

Keeping in mind all the given facts and figures, the problems faced by sunflower incorporated

 They were not monitoring all the regions.

 No feedback.
 Lack of communication in regions.
 Decentralized Management.

They were not able to monitor all the regions. Some regions were selling low quality products
just to cop up with competition in market. Williams said that the purchase of more than 5000$
should be cleared from her office but there was no response from the management. No one
reported in six months, which shows that there was lack of feedback. When Williams Lengly
contacted one of the regional managers and she was astonished with the fact that he was not
aware about her position. When she was appointed, a memo was sent throughout all the regions.
There was lack of communication. The organization structure was decentralized which showed
that managers didn’t give importance to decisions taken by headquarters.


The management needs to implement some new regulations to solve the dilemma keeping in
view the facts and figures.

 Centralized Management System.

 Posting of policy.
 Email.
 Training sessions.
 Personal Approach.
 Information System

They need a centralized management system so that managers give importance to orders given
by headquarters. They need to post policy so that all the staff is communicated about the new
policy. They should use email to connect within the upper management. There should be training
sessions to train the staff. Personal approach should be used to keep quality and price check
within all the regions. They should introduce a information system to finish the communication
gap. Shifting towards Intranet will help the Sunflower incorporation to keep a high-end check on
all the channels.

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