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The effect of applying Total Quality

Maintenance as opposed to
conventional maintenance in Pakistani
Power Sector Industries

Submitted to:

Sir Irfan Ali

By: Haris Asif Saeed (57908)


Problem faced by professionals in Power Sector industries due to conventional maintenance style
include as compared to Total quality maintenance management uncontrolled over-time, repeated
complaints, major breakdowns, elongated downtime and unplanned budget arrangements for
spares. Furthermore when industries do not change their methods keeping in view the lost in
revenues and losing market share, the result is either downsizing or bankruptcy.
In downsizing Labor, engineers, designers get effected but still the industry does not regain its
effectiveness or efficiency as the problem does not lay with the personnel. With Bankruptcy of
course, the entire team from top to bottom gets effected both psychologically due to uncertain
industrial atmosphere and also with cost cutting cause dis-comfort for their families.

From personal experience I have learned that by making small changes in maintenance
management or apply total quality management a company can turn around its revenues,
improve its efficiency and produce benchmark able production goals.
By reviewing these GAP I want to shed light on the GAPs between our industries maintenance
practices and what happens when total quality maintenance management is applied as best
practices and benchmarked

Most Industries in Pakistan practice maintenance jobs that were obsolete in the 1950s, these
include corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance & etc. .The maintenance costs exceeds
allotted budget and machine wear & tear are a result of this type of maintenance , Pakistani
Industries fail to understand the importance of utilizing industry best practices and rely on
engineering experience to solve problems . After the 2nd World War the concept of corrective
maintenance was denounced by the leaders of industries and Total quality management was
introduced as a modern best day best practices in maintenance. The included Kizen, RCM and

Power Sector industries in Pakistan practice conventional systems which are now outdated.
These include corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance and etc. Therefore Pakistani
industry lack the knowledge of TQM practices and its importance. This also increase their cost
and lower their profits. They do not rely on engineering expertise to solve the problems.
Maintenance is an essential part of any organization. If this is not managed properly then the
entire organization fails. Maintenance is the only tool which can keep the revenue streams
constant. It helps in greater productivity and lower the risk of deformity in the business.
TQM practices really contribute to the effective productivity of any organization. With proper
maintenance, quality circles and customer satisfaction we can achieve higher goals and sustain a
good reputation in the market.
The importance of TQM is well defined by researchers. They have related Six Sigma with Total
Quality Management. It gives continuous improvements through intensive data interpretation.
Appling the use of Six Sigma techniques, procedures, programs help in useful resource
allocation. In this highly competitive market companies need to adapt the use of TQM with Six
Sigma for higher profits.[ CITATION Tau12 \l 1033 ]
TQM system runs successfully if the top management doesn’t lack Management Corporation,
delegation. Intelligence and market research. This analysis also highlights the importance of
TQM in the organization. It states that the rewards, secured jobs, reliability, stakeholder’s rights
etc. are major parts of Total Quality Management. We also need to manage customer relations
with care as they are the main reason we are running our organization therefore their safety is our
first priority.[ CITATION MdA13 \l 1033 ]
Small changes today can bring big difference tomorrow. Thus using TQM practices can motivate
employees, customers and organization. It is Important to have quality circles as this can boost
effective manufacturing and lead to lower wastage. TQM can also increase customer satisfaction
which will surly create good long term relationships.

This research clearly states the Total Quality management differences between Bangladesh and
Thai companies. It is basically a comparative study. In Bangladesh they fail to treat TQM as an
essential component, moreover they lack close integrated relationships among the organization.
They do make a strong control over quality circles but they still follow centered system in which
delegation is less. They do lack in employment management ad motivational services. They need
to work on their creativity to establish a strong TQM.[ CITATION Mam02 \l 1033 ]

TQM system runs successfully if the top management doesn’t lack Management Corporation,
delegation. Intelligence and market research. This analysis also highlights the importance of
TQM in the organization. It states that the rewards, secured jobs, reliability, stakeholder’s rights
etc. are major parts of Total Quality Management. We also need to manage customer relations
with care as they are the main reason we are running our organization therefore their safety is our
first priority.[ CITATION MdA13 \l 1033 ]

In this research paper the author glance light on exports Bangladesh. How exports have boost the
economy and contributed to better standard of living. One of major factor is Total Quality
Management which has improved productivity. They did primary research from different
factories to conclude that how TQM practices have contributed in the effective productivity. The
author came to the conclusion that it TQM practices success depends on the size of the firm and
the quantity the produce. Some of the organization are working on this system while others are
still dependent on human power activates.[ CITATION MdA131 \l 1033 ]

The importance of TQM is well defined by researchers. They have related Six Sigma with Total
Quality Management. It gives continuous improvements through intensive data interpretation.
Appling the use of Six Sigma techniques, procedures, programs help in useful resource
allocation. In this highly competitive market companies need to adapt the use of TQM with Six
Sigma for higher profits.[ CITATION Tau12 \l 1033 ]
Author gives the descriptive interpretation and analysis on TQM practices, procedures and
success issues according to Pakistan electric fan industry. Two cities were chosen for sampling
test. One was Gujrawala and the other was Gujrat from Punjab. The result indicates that large
size firms are more engaged in TQM activates while small firms are still following the old
convention practices. Furthermore this is also observed that both the ISO certified companies are
taking advantage from TQM and earing higher profits.[ CITATION Sha13 \l 1033 ]

The research is based on aviation industry, nuclear plants and power industries. It is observed
that plants have separate maintenance sectors for their plants. They follow proper SOPs for in
house maintenance. Moreover it is concluded that to increase TQM in an organization, we need
to have effective management systems specially designed for Quality controls. RCM is a
technique which should be applied to make suitable strategies, Six sigma should be used for long
term problems and reduce waste. This can help in earing higher return from the market and
economically benefit our organization.[ CITATION Cho98 \l 1033 ]

The main idea to publish this report is to identify the major success factors of TQM in
pharmaceutical industry. It covers all the distribution companies in Pakistan. Moreover it also
covers the area of lack in TQM practices in developing countries. Response rate for
questionnaire was about 57%. The finding clearly states that industries do not follow proper
SOPs to maintain TQM practices in Pharmaceutical industry. This is mainly due to lack of
support from the top management. Interpretations of employer-employee associations maintain
that workers trade effort and devotion to their institute for such touchable incentives as pay and
fringe benefits and such socioemotional benefits as esteem, approval, and caring (Blau, 1964;
Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison, & Sowa, 1986.

On the basis of the mutuality norm, employees getting greater properties would be expected to
reward their employers with higher levels of performance. I have learned that by making small
changes in maintenance management or apply total quality management a company can turn
around its revenues, improve its efficiency and produce benchmark able production goals.
By reviewing these GAP I want to shed light on the GAPs between our industries maintenance
practices and what happens when total quality maintenance management is applied as best
practices and benchmarked(Rousseau & Parks, 1993).

The original focus in on continuous and natural process which help in knowledge sharing and
customers satisfaction. However TQM has contributed a lot to better customer satisfaction and
effective learning. TQM is also praised because it has augment creative knowledge sharing
among the employees thus creating greater and longer relationships. The motivated staff gives
high turnover and helps in earing higher profits for the firm. Therefore it is important to use
TQM practices in any kind of industry. (Lina Girdauskienė, Asta Savanevičienė)

This is a study about the TQM management in electricity and water sector industries. It is
compared on the basis of Kaizen philosophies, which are applied on respective industries. The
method of research was through questionnaire. They have compared two theories for both
industries that how they maintain their operations and plants. The data was collected on SPSS.
Through which they find out that 66% TQM practices are followed in electrical sector while
49% is only followed in water sector. Still traditional methods are followed in various companies
of water sector. Moreover electrical sector is improving with time as they are following the SOPs
for TQM (Skype, MSN,ICQ).


Research methodology is the technique of organizing and collecting your data for research. It
include primary and secondary research. We can use survey, questionnaire, interviews, sample
test and observations. Moreover this also helps in interpreting and analyzing data for our
research. Through these methods we can conclude that our hypothesis are true or false.

Lack of technical knowledge

Hypothesis 1
 H1 : Failure to understand market trends which no impact cause industries to bear major
costs in terms of break-downs
 H0: Failure to understand market trends which impact cause industries to bear major
costs in terms of break-downs

Failure to understand market trend

Hypothesis 2

 H1: Lack of awareness and low importance of TQM has no impact in development of
engineers/workers or the industry.
 H0: Lack of awareness and low importance of TQM has impact in development of
engineers/workers or the industry.

Lack of exposure to industrial best practices

On the Both managerial & technician level, people generally follow the maintenance
management trend that is being used for decades as the work flow is work with bottle necks and
breakdowns , technicians are reluctant to switch to any other form of maintenance practices as
they fear of being outdated and in the end losing their jobs.

Hypothesis 3

 H1: lack of trained staff has no impact in development of disaster sites

 H0: lack of trained staff has impact in development of disaster sites.


 H1: lack of staff exposure to industrial best practices causing no impact in development
of TQM culture
 H0: lack of staff exposure to industrial best practices causing impact in development of
TQM culture

Cost constraints
Typically the most important concern for organizations evaluating maintenance solutions,
particularly during these tough economic times. Ideally, since industries made up largely of
machines, and machines have a habit to get faulty, Engineers/managers can find it difficult to
secure budget training introducing new maintenance methods such as TQM.

Hypothesis 4
• H1: high cost has no impact in development of
• H0: high cost has e impact in development of TQM maintenance


We shall be using conceptual model for this research.

Conceptual Frame Work

VARIABLE knowledge
Failure to
HYPOTHESIS 2 understand market
Lack of exposure to
HYPOTHESIS 3 industrial best
HYPOTHESIS 4 Cost constraints

Method of analysis
We will use SPSS and MS Office software to interpret our data. We will run two sample T test
and correlation along with regression to conclude the relationship between independent and
dependent variable. Moreover if P value will be greater than 0.5 than we will accept our
hypothesis and vice versa. P value is also known as significant value. We will use questionnaire
to collect data then though excel we will convert the data into SPSS software and run the
respective test.

Method of data collection

Questionnaires will be made to collect data in Urdu, and to log it in English where necessary.

Sample size
100 Technicians will we selected who are at Key post of Maintenance facilities across Pakistan

The proposed study will help narrow or eliminate the GAP between Industry’s primitive
maintenance management tactics and modern Total quality maintenance management tools.


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