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Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP)

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SAP S/4HANA | 2020


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Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP)

Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) is a business function in SAP S/4HANA that provides a response to order ful llment
inquiries in Sales and Production Planning. The order ful llment inquiries consist of required materials and plants, as well as their
respective requested quantities and dates. The result of the ATP check is based on the current stock situation and any future,
anticipated or planned stock receipts and takes concurrent orders into account. Furthermore, additional restrictions based on any
other order attributes (like region or customers) can be applied. The ATP function generates con rmation proposals for the
requested material and plant, including con rmed quantities and dates.

The Customizing activities for advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) can be reached from transaction ATP_IMG or by navigating
SAP Reference IMG Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) .

For information about the features in advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) in SAP S/4HANA, see:

Product Availability Check (CA-ATP-PAC)

Product Allocation (CA-ATP-PAL)

Backorder Processing (CA-ATP-BOP)

Supply Assignment (ARun)

Alternative-Based Con rmation (CA-ATP-ABC)

Supply Protection (CA-ATP-SUP)

Master Data - Product Substitution

For information about the Available-to-Promise (ATP) functionality in Sales Basic Functions in SAP S/4HANA, see Available-to-
Promise (ATP).

SAP Note 2885961

Product Availability Check (CA-ATP-PAC)

You can use the Product Availability Check (PAC) in SAP S/4HANA to determine on which date and in which quantity a particular
requirement (for example, a sales order item) can be ful lled. The result of the product availability check is a con rmation.

Scope of check

You can control which document types and stocks (for example, sales orders and stock in transfer) are considered by the
product availability check to calculate the available quantity for the requirement (for more information, see Calculation of

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Available Quantities). If a requested quantity cannot be con rmed on the requested delivery date, the system calculates
following Delivery Options. For more information on the scope of check, see Availability Check Control.


To determine the earliest con rmed date on which the requirement can be ful lled, the system performs backward and
forward scheduling, starting from the delivery date originally requested by the customer. When doing so, scheduling
considers the lead times for picking and packing, loading, and transportation that you have maintained in Customizing. For
more information, see Scheduling.

Check levels

When calculating a con rmation, the product availability check veri es if a requirement already exists and to which level
(plant, storage location and batch) it is assigned. In addition, the product availability check considers other existing
document types and stocks. For more information, see Check at Storage Location and Batch Level.

Replenishment lead time

If the requested quantity is not available yet, the product availability check uses data from in-house production or external
procurement and creates a con rmation for a date after the replenishment lead time. For more information, see
Replenishment Lead Times.

Supply protection

You can use supply protection to reserve material quantity in a speci c plant for different document types. For more
information, see Integration into Other Processes, section Product Availability Check (PAC).

Quantity distribution

You can use quantity distribution to distribute the supply and demand elements across the runtime (or lifecycle) of a
production/planning process. For more information, see Quantity Distribution.

Temporary quantity assignments

During the check, the system creates temporary quantity assignments that immediately reserve the con rmed quantity.
The temporary quantity assignment prevents other product availability checks from using this quantity for competing
requirements. For more information, see Temporary Quantity Assignments.

Delivery groups

If you are working with a delivery group (multiple items that require a single delivery date), the product availability check
calculates one common date for all requirements in the delivery group.

The following table shows the availability of individual features per application:

Features Sales and Production Planning Logistics Execution Purchasing Goods Movements

Scope of check X X X X X

Delivery options X - - X -

Scheduling X - - X -

Check levels X X X X X

Temporary quantity X X X X X

Delivery groups X - - - -

Scope of Availability Check

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You can de ne which document types, stocks and supply elements are considered by the availability check.

Con guration
In Customizing in transaction ATP_IMG or SAP Reference IMG Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-
Promise (aATP) Product Availability Check (PAC) Con gure Scope of Availability Check , you can con gure the availability
check to consider the following business documents:

Purchase orders

Purchase requisitions

Dependent requirements


Sales requirements


Shipping noti cations

Dependent reservations

Release order requirements

Planned orders

Production orders

Unrestricted-use stock is always considered in the product availability check. You can con gure the product availability check to
include or exclude the following stock types:

Safety stock

Stock in transfer

Quality inspection stock

Blocked stock

Restricted-use stock

In addition, you can con gure how the system is to handle the following when you execute an availability check:

For future supply, the number of days for which the system checks for missing parts during goods receipt posting (in
Inventory Management)

For delayed supply, receipts in the past

Replenishment lead times

Deactivating checks at storage location level

Distributing receipts and requirements across the runtime of planned orders and production orders

Reserve material quantity in a speci c plant for different document types

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Replenishment Lead Times

The product availability check supports the following two scheduling scenarios:

1. Backward scheduling

2. Forward scheduling

Backward scheduling is executed to calculate the date on which a material must be in stock to enable an on-time delivery for the
requirement. This date is calculated backwards from the requested delivery date and takes factory calendars into consideration.
First the transport time is subtracted to determine the goods issue date (the date on which the transport has to start). The loading
time is then subtracted from the goods issue date to determine the loading date (the date on which the goods have to be ready for
loading). Based on the loading date, the following two dates are calculated:

Material availability date

The material availability date is calculated by subtracting the picking and packaging time from the loading date.

Transportation planning date

The transportation planning date is calculated by subtracting the transportation planning time from the loading date.

If the material availability date or transportation planning date is in the past, the system does not con rm the requirement for the
requested delivery date. Instead, the system runs forward scheduling and determines the earliest date for which the requirement
can be con rmed. The latest material availability date and transportation planning date are calculated to keep the material
availability date as close as possible to the con rmed delivery date, as illustrated in the following gure:

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Backward and forward scheduling

If, for example, the transportation planning date is signi cantly earlier than the material availability date, and it is also in the past,
the system performs a new forward calculation. The system sets the earliest date to today and calculates the earliest delivery date
for the con rmation. In addition, the latest material availability date is calculated.

When you run an availability check at the time of order entry, the system checks if a requirement (a speci c material or product)
can be ful lled by the requested delivery date.

Segmentation can be used to order certain materials or products by logically categorizing them based on speci c criteria or
characteristics (for example, color or size:)

If a requirement is relevant for segmentation, you can use segmentation to assign the supply to the requirement.

The assignment of the requirements to the supply (or the supply to the requirement) is determined according to the
mappings de ned for the requirement or stock segments in Customizing.

Multiple requirement segments can be assigned to a single stock segment.

Related Information
Demand and Supply Segmentation

Temporary Quantity Assignments

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During the product availability check, the system creates temporary quantity assignments that immediately reserve the quantity
for the current document. Temporary quantity assignments prevent other product availability checks from using this quantity for
competing requirements. Temporary quantity assignments created during online processes (for example, sales order creation) are
valid for eight hours and are removed automatically by the system in the following situations:

A document is saved.

An unsaved change in a document is discarded.

A newly created document is canceled.

Temporary quantity assignments are invalidated by time-outs when technical problems prevent the process from ending as

Automatic Deletion of Temporary Quantity Assignments

If an online availability check ends unexpectedly (for example, due to a system dump), temporary quantity assignments generated
during the availability check remain in the system for the duration of their lifetime and block the material quantity in the
temporary quantity assignments from being used by other availability checks. When the next online availability check is run, a
clean up routine is called and locates all invalid temporary quantity assignments. The invalid temporary quantity assignments are
subsequently deleted.

Note that temporary quantity assignments created during availability checks involving the Release for Delivery app are not
deleted automatically and require manual deletion with report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY Delete Temporary Quantity
Assignments from Availability Check. If the temporary quantity assignments are not deleted manually, they will expire after the
validity time frame.

Manual Deletion of Temporary Quantity Assignments

When a process after an availability check is terminated unintentionally and unexpectedly, temporary quantity assignments
generated during the availability check remain in the system for the duration of their lifetime and block the material quantity in the
temporary quantity assignments from being used by other availability checks. After their lifetime has been exceeded, the
temporary quantity assignments are deleted automatically when the next availability check is executed.

Report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY Delete Temporary Quantity Assignments from Availability Check can be used to delete
temporary quantity assignments. When the report is executed, all temporary quantity assignments that ful ll the selection lters
will be deleted. The following selection lters and settings can be speci ed before the report is executed:

The Check ID is the transaction ID of the terminated processes.

A user and/or a date range for the creation date of the temporary quantity assignments

A material and/or plant

A minimum and maximum validity date for the temporary quantity assignments

If the Display List ag is set before the report is executed, the system displays the temporary quantity assignments to be
deleted. They can be selected and deleted individually.

If the Display List ag is not set before the report is executed, the system only con rms the number of temporary quantity
assignments that have been deleted.

Proceed as follows to use report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY:

1. Enter the user name for the user that triggered the generation of the invalid TQAs.

2. Set the Display List ag.

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3. Execute the report to display all temporary quantity assignments for the selected user.

4. Select the temporary quantity assignments which are invalid and delete them manually.


Report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY deletes invalid temporary quantity assignments generated during availability
checks executed against product allocation as well as those invalid temporary quantity assignments generated during
availability checks without product allocation.

Using report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY may lead to the deletion of valid temporary quantity assignments. The
deletion of valid temporary quantity assignments could cause inconsistencies as the deleted temporary quantity
assignments will not reserve quantity thereby leading to an overcon rmation.

No dedicated authorization checks are executed when report ATP_TQA_PAC_DEL_DISPLAY is run. We recommend,
therefore, that the report be executed by administrators only and that access to the report is not provided to all end users.

Check at Storage Location and Batch Level

Materials can be stored in different storage locations of a particular plant and/or produced in batches. A requirement can be
assigned to a speci c storage location and/or batch. The system always checks availability for a requirement at plant level. If the
requirement is assigned to a storage location and/or batch, the requirement is checked on these levels also.

For more information about disabling storage location checks in Customizing, see Availability Check Control. For more information
about using an alternative plant to con rm a requirement, see Alternative-Based Con rmation (CA-ATP-ABC).

Replenishment Lead Times

The replenishment lead time is the duration in working days sufficient to procure or produce any (reasonable) quantity of a
material. Any requirement with a material availability date after the replenishment lead time can be con rmed as there is enough
time to produce or procure it, even if it is not currently available. The replenishment lead time is considered in the product
availability check and can be disabled in the Scope of Availability Check.

The replenishment lead time depends on data maintained in the material master, as follows:

For materials procured externally, the replenishment lead time equals the processing time required by the purchasing
department plus the planned delivery time and goods receipt processing time, as de ned in the material master.

For materials produced in-house, there are different ways to determine the replenishment lead time, depending on
settings in the material master, as detailed as follows:

1. If the total replenishment lead time is maintained in the material master, it is used as the replenishment lead time in
the product availability check.

2. If the total replenishment lead time is not maintained in the material master, the in-house production time plus the
goods receipt processing time is used as replenishment lead time in the availability check.

3. If the total replenishment lead time is not maintained for certain material types (for example, nished goods), the
lot-size-dependent in-house production time is used. When this happens, the replenishment lead time equals the
setup time plus interoperation time and processing time.

Quantity Distribution

Quantity distribution in Product Availability Check (PAC) distributes the supply and demand elements across the runtime (or
lifecycle) of a production/planning process, and determines on which date and in which quantity a requirement (for example, a

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sales order item) can be ful lled. Quantity distribution can be enabled in the Scope of Availability Check.

Quantity distribution considers the following business documents for distribution:

Dependent requirements

Dependent reservations

Production orders

Planned orders

Quantity distribution during product availability check

During product availability check, the system considers the complete quantity on the end date of a production order and planned
order for the availability of supply, and the start date of dependent requirement and dependent reservation for competing

When quantity distribution is enabled, the system distributes quantities across the runtime of production process in all cases
based on the distribution key maintained.

Quantity distribution during component availability check

During material availability check in production orders and planned orders, the components are checked for the full availability at
the start of the production process; else the production process is delayed.

With quantity distribution, during material availability check, the component requirements are distributed across the production
runtime and checked for availability on the distributed dates and for the distributed quantities.

A requirement comes in for a nished product. The requested quantity is 50, and the requested delivery date is 11/01.

The product has the following con guration:

Distribution key: Equal distribution (GLEI).

The system equally distributes the quantities within the given dates at both the BOM component level and the production

Time taken to produce the nished product = 5 days

Additionally, the nished product (in this example this is a dependent reservation) is also a component for another nished
product which has a routing time of 4 days.

The following business documents exist in the system for the product:

Business Document Production Start Date Production End Date Quantity

Production order 11/01 15/01 25

Planned order 13/01 17/01 25

Dependent reservation 14/01 17/01 20

Quantity distribution is disabled

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When quantity distribution is disabled in the Scope of Availability Check, during product availability check, the system considers
the availability of the product only at the end of the production time. In this scenario, for a production order, the system considers
the availability of the product on 15/01. For a planned order, the system considers the availability of the product on 17/01.

The availability of components (dependent reservation) is required at the start of production date which is on 14/01.

The product stock levels are as follows:

Date Supply Demand Cumulated Available Quantity

11/01 0 0 0

14/01 0 20 -20

15/01 25 0 5

17/01 25 0 30

Calculation of cumulated available quantity on each date:

Total cumulative supply till the date – Total cumulative demand till the date

For example:

On 15/01, the cumulated supply is 0+0+25 = 25

On 15/01, the cumulated demand is 0+20+0 = 20

Cumulated available quantity = 25 – 20 = 5

Con rmed quantities

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When availability check is run for the new requirement of 50 quantity, based on the cumulative available quantity, the system
proposes the following quantities and dates for con rmation:

Date Quantity

11/01 0

15/01 5

17/01 25

Calculation of con rmed quantity on each date:

For example, on 17/01, the system calculates 30 – 5 = 25 as the available quantity for con rmation.

Quantity distribution is enabled

When quantity distribution is enabled in the Scope of Availability Check, during product availability check, the system distributes
the availability of the product across the production runtime spanning from 11/01 to 15/01 for production order, and from 13/01 to
17/01 for planned order.

The availability of components is also distributed across the production runtime i.e. 14/01 to 17/01.

The product stock levels are as follows:

Date Supply Demand Cumulated Available Quantity

11/01 5 0 5

12/01 5 0 10

13/01 10 0 20

14/01 10 5 25

15/01 10 5 30

16/01 5 5 30

17/01 5 5 30

Example of calculation details for 14/01:

The supply for this date includes the sum of the quantities generated from both the production order and the planned order = 5+5
= 10

Cumulated available quantity = Total cumulative supply till the date – Total cumulative demand till the date = 5 (Supply on 11/01)
+ 5 (Supply on 12/01) + 10 (Supply on 13/01) + 10 (Supply on 14/01) – (0 (Demand on 11/01) + 0 (Demand on 12/01) + 0
(Demand on 13/01) +5 (Demand on 14/01)) = 25

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Con rmed quantities

When availability check is run for the new requirement of 50 quantity, based on the cumulative available quantity, the system
proposes the following quantities and dates for con rmation:

Date Quantity

11/01 5

12/01 5

13/01 10

14/01 5

15/01 5

Calculation of con rmed quantity on each date:

For example, on 14/01, the system uses the cumulated available quantities to calculate 25 – 20 = 5 as the available quantity for
con rmation.

Quantity distribution during product availability check is performed only if the following conditions are satis ed:

Advanced ATP is set to Active for the checking group. For more information, see Advanced Product Availability Check.

Quantity distribution is enabled in Scope of Availability Check.

Distribution key is maintained:

For distribution of production orders and planned orders, at the production version level under Material Master
MRP View 4 .

For distribution of dependent requirements and dependent reservations at the component level in the Bill of

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Calculation of Available Quantities

To determine which quantities are available for a requirement, the system calculates the cumulated available quantity by adding
stocks and receipts and subtracting requirements on their respective dates, as follows:

If the cumulated available quantity up to the material availability date is greater than or equal to the requested quantity,
the requirement is con rmed on time.

If the cumulated available quantity up to the material availability date is less than the requested quantity, available
quantities from later dates are consumed as well. The requirement is con rmed on multiples dates as soon as the required
quantities become available, for example:

Example: Con rmation on multiple dates

Requested quantity: 50

Requested material availability date: Monday

Day Cumulated Available


Monday 0

Tuesday 36 (+36)

Wednesday 48 (+12)

Thursday 72 (+24)

Con rmed quantities:

Day Con rmed


Monday 0

Tuesday 36

Wednesday 12

Thursday 2

High-Running Materials in the Product Availability Check

When product availability checks are executed for orders containing more than twenty schedule lines, high-running materials are
separated from the group product availability check. This means that a group product availability check is executed for all
materials other than the high-running materials. While the group check is running, the system does not lock the high-running
materials. When the group check has completed, high-running materials are locked and checked in a separate product availability

This approach ensures that the lock durations for high-running materials are reduced. The approach means, however, that
exclusive locks are still required for high-running materials and the overall time required for a product availability may be slightly

Related Information
Handling High-Running Materials
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Handling High-Running Materials

During an availability check, materials are blocked by an exclusive lock to ensure the consistency of the availability situation.
Parallel checks cannot process the same material simultaneously. In normal scenarios, these lock times are short enough to
prevent parallel orders being negatively impacted by locking issues. In some scenarios, however, longer lock times may lead to
serious problems: this is often the case with products that are ordered frequently and which are part of almost every incoming
sales order. If, in addition, the sales orders consist of many items for which an availability group check is performed, materials are
locked exclusively for a relatively long time, meaning that for the high-running products, parallel orders frequently block one

To alleviate this situation, the system identi es high-running materials automatically when locking issues occur frequently. The
identi cation is handled as follows:

1. Instances of failed locks (when an availability check cannot be executed due to material locks) are detected and logged in
the background.

2. If the number of failed locks for a single material-plant combination exceeds a threshold value of ten, the material is
identi ed and agged as a high-running material for a de ned period of time. After that period, the high-running material
expires and is no longer handled as a high-running material.

3. The expiry date for high-running materials is determined based on the number of times a material has been identi ed as a
high-running material previously:

Occurrence: Duration:

First 7 days

Second, third, fourth 28 days

Fifth 180 days

Related Information
High-Running Materials in Backorder Processing

Delivery Options
If the quantity ordered by the customer is only partially available on the requested date, the product availability check can create
different options for con rming the requirement, depending on the setting maintained per sales area in the Avail.check rule eld
in Customizing at Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability
Check Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning Con gure Default Settings by Sales Area :

Availability Check Rule System Behavior

A - One-Time Delivery The product availability check determines how much required
quantity can be delivered on the requested material availability date.
All possible deliveries with a later delivery date are ignored.

B - Full Delivery The product availability check determines the earliest date on which
the entire requirement can be delivered in one single delivery.

C - Delivery Proposal The product availability check determines multiple partial deliveries
until the requested quantity is reached.

empty - Dialog Box for Shortages (Batch/BAPI Full Delivery) Used in Backorder Processing (BOP), system behavior matches that
of the availability check rules A, B and C. Note that in the online
D - Dialog Box for Shortages (Batch/BAPI One-Time Delivery) process, the system displays the possible delivery options for

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Availability Check Rule System Behavior

selection in a dialog box while in BOP the delivery options are

E - Dialog Box (Batch/BAPI Delivery Proposal)
mapped to the delivery options in parentheses.

Delivery Options for Subitems

To improve the ful llment of sales order requirements, a requested material can be con rmed from multiple plants. In Alternative-
Based Con rmation (ABC), the requested delivery plant for a requirement can be replaced by multiple plants. For each of those
plants, the system generates an individual subitem - the subitems belong to the originally requested main line item for the
material. The value maintained for the availability check rule is applied to the main line item and all subitems, meaning:

If the availability check rule is set to B, the system shifts all con rmations (for the main item and any subitems) to the
latest delivery date.

If the availability check rule is set to C, the subitems may have different con rmation dates depending on the supply
situation of the individual delivering plants.

Example (Full Delivery, availability check rule B):

The receipt situation in plants 0001, 0002 and 0003 is as follows:

Plant Supply October 1 December 1

0001 10 EA 40 EA

0002 20 EA 50 EA

0003 40 EA

The following quantity is requested:

Requested Availabilty Date Requested Quantity

September 1 80 EA

November 1 80 EA

The following quantity can be con rmed on the following dates:

Plant September 1 October 1 December 1

0001 0 EA 10 EA 40 EA

0002 70 EA

0003 40 EA

Related Information
Subitem Handling

Performance Buffers for aATP in SAP liveCache

aATP aggregates data on-the- y during the product availability check. For customers with extremely high data volume in database
tables VBBE and RESB, pre-aggregating the content of the two database tables may shorten the runtime and database load
during product availability checks.
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aATP offers four administrative reports for enabling your system to interact with SAP liveCache:

Report Purpose

ATP_SET_LIVECACHE_STATUS You can use this report to activate performance buffers for aATP in
SAP liveCache.

 Note
The reports detailed below do not trigger any action when
liveCache Status is Manually set to inactive.

ATP_FIND_MATERIALS_4_LIVECACHE You can use this report to calculate the total and average amount of
data for each material-plant combination in tables VBBE and RESB
during a de ned time interval. If the number of entries exceeds a
de ned threshold, the relevant material-plant combination is
agged as relevant for buffering in SAP liveCache.

ATP_UPDATE_LIVECACHE_CONTENT You can use this report to:

Check if the time series in SAP liveCache matches the time

series as computed from the data in the database tables. If
the data does not match, the report ags the material-plant
combination as inconsistent and creates a log entry for
tracking purposes.

Synchronize SAP liveCache with the database tables,

thereby ensuring that all material-plant combinations are

Add material-plant combinations to SAP liveCache.

ATP_DELETE_LIVECACHE_CONTENT You can use this report to exclude material-plant combinations from
buffering in SAP liveCache. Furthermore, you can use the report to
clear any existing data entries (logs, internal mapping tables, time

 Note
SAP liveCache must be active in your system before any of the above reports can be used. For more information about how to
activate SAP liveCache, see SAP Note 2407589 .

Advanced Product Availability Check

For documents containing large volumes of data (for example, sales orders containing many items, production orders consisting
of multiple components), you can use the advanced product availability check that is optimized for mass processing.

You have activated the advanced product availability check for the checking group to which your materials are assigned in
Customizing under Cross-Application Components Advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) Product Availability Check (PAC)
De ne Availability Check Group .

 Note

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The features activated by the Use Advanced ATP Functions switch are not part of the standard SAP S/4HANA Enterprise
license. A dedicated license for advanced ATP is required if this switch is set to Active.

You cannot use the advanced product availability check for the following scenarios and functions:

You cannot combine the advanced product availability check with the check against planning. If you activate the advanced
product availability check and then check availability for an item when another check type is active, your system does not
check the item and creates an error message.

You cannot use the advanced product availability check if checks are run on a dedicated ATP server. If you activate the
advanced product availability check, the system does not check the item and creates an error message.

If you check availability when using catch weight management or active ingredient management, the system ignores the
inventory correction factor and does not display a message.

Backorder Processing (CA-ATP-BOP)

In advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) in SAP S/4HANA, you can use Backorder Processing (BOP) to check material availability
when the demand or supply situation in your order ful llment process has changed and you want to check if previously calculated
con rmations for sales orders or stock transport orders are still realistic. For example:

A sales order is canceled, thereby freeing up stock quantities.

An important customer increases the requested quantity for a material and would therefore like to consume stock which is
currently con rmed for other sales orders.

A production order providing planned supply is running late.

Not reacting to the changed availability situation can result in con rmed quantities exceeding available quantities. This can result
in availability checks for over-con rmed materials failing, leaving you unable to release materials for delivery creation.

aATP in SAP S/4HANA supports the following key features for setting up and monitoring automated backorder processing for
requirements items in the business document types sales order and stock transport order:

Key Feature SAP Fiori App See Also

Con gure BOP Segment How to Con gure and Execute a Backorder
Create, change and display
Processing Run
segments for prioritizing

Simulate requirement selection

Display the variants in which

segments are used

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Key Feature SAP Fiori App See Also

Con gure Custom BOP Sorting

Create prioritized sequences of
values based on a speci c attribute
(for example, sold-to party) in
support business document types.

Display, edit and re-use existing

sequences and their values.

Group values with equal priority in a

sort sequence by assigning differing
values (for example, different
customers numbers) to the same
position in a sequence. Note that if
you group values in the sequence,
the corresponding segment must
contain sort attributes that
guarantee an unambiguous priority
of all requirements in the
subsequent backorder processing

Con gure BOP Variant

Create, change, re-use and display

De ne fallback variants for handling


Con gure variants so that

availability checks can be run for the
support business document types,
also against supply assignment.

Assign con rmation strategies.

De ne new requirement categories.

Enable and de ne global lters.

Simulate and schedule backorder

processing runs in one step.

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Key Feature SAP Fiori App See Also

Schedule BOP Run

Schedule jobs which execute runs
(interactively or as a background
job) for a speci ed variant, either
using a pre-de ned or personalized
job template.

Arrange job series that take different

time zones and calendars into

Schedule recurring jobs.

Con gure the granularity of data to

be logged and displayed in the
Monitor BOP Run app

Copy and cancel jobs.

Monitor jobs selected on the basis of

their status.

Display results of jobs selected on

the basis of their status.

Monitor BOP Run

Display overall results of backorder
processing runs executed in
simulation mode, with document
updates or with supply assignment.

Display data about backorder

processing and con rmations at
pre-de ned aggregation levels by
material-plant combination,
con rmation strategy and sold-to

Display results for backorder

processing runs executed with
fallback variants de ned in the
Con gure BOP Variant app.

Drill down to the requirement level to

display the con rmation details.

Display the material availability date

in the time zone of the Delivering

Display the originally requested

plant and a substitute delivery plant
for a requirement if Alternative-
Based Con rmation (ABC) is active
when a backorder processing run is

Manage Characteristic Catalogs

Adapt base and mixed characteristic
catalogs for sales and stock
transport orders in backorder

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Release for Delivery

Furthermore, aATP offers features which you can use to manually prioritize due order documents for materials with limited
availability. For more information, see Release for Delivery (CA-ATP-BOP).

Items are excluded from backorder processing in aATP if:

The item does not belong to a checking group or if the checking group is not con gured for advanced product availability

The requirements class to which an item belongs is empty or is not con gured for product availability checks, including
product availability checks against product allocation.

The schedule line category to which an item belongs is empty or is not con gured for product availability checks, including
product availability checks against product allocation.

The Fixed Date and Quantity ag is set in the order document.

The Advanced Product Availability Check functions have not been activated in Customizing.

Note that each backorder processing run calculates a result, based on the parameters de ned in the segment and variant. An
initial result may be changed in subsequent runs.

Controller & Central Functions (CA-ATP-CTL)

In advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) in SAP S/4HANA, you can use the:

Manage Characteristic Catalogs app to adapt characteristic catalogs to suit your business needs

UI component Review Availability Check Result (RACR) to review the results of availability checks when managing sales
orders and, when in edit mode, ne-tune and optimize con rmations

Manage Characteristic Catalogs

Authorizations Based on Characteristics

Classi cation Characteristics

Download and Upload of Value Group Data

Adding Custom Fields in the Sales Order/Stock Transport Order to the Catalog

Review Availability Check Result

Product Allocation (CA-ATP-PAL)

Being able to deliver the required quantity of a material to the customer at the requested time demands precise planning and
control mechanisms. Unpredictable problems, such as breakdowns in production or increased demand, can lead to critical
situations in order processing and must be avoided wherever possible. In advanced Available-to-Promise (aATP) in SAP S/4HANA,
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you can use Product Allocation (PAL) to avoid critical situations in demand and procurement by allocating materials in short
supply to, for example, speci c regions and customers for a speci c time period. This can help avoid the situation whereby, for
example, the entire available quantity of a material in short supply is allocated to a single customer, thereby making it impossible
for you to con rm subsequent order requirements for the same material from other customers.

aATP in SAP S/4HANA supports the following key features for setting up, con guring and monitoring availability checks against
product allocation for the business document types sales order and stock transport order:

Key Feature SAP Fiori App See Also

Con gure Product Allocation Con guring and Executing a Check Against
Create and edit product allocation
Product Allocation

De ne the period types for product

allocation objects.

De ne and order the characteristics

for product allocation objects.

Deactivate and delete product

allocation objects and their

Manage Product Allocation Planning Data

Maintain characteristic value
combinations and planned
allocation quantities for their time

Use spreadsheets (in .xlsx format)

or comma separated values les (in
.csv format) to maintain
characteristic value combinations
and their time series.

Reuse assignments and quantities

from deleted/deactivated
characteristic value combinations to
those active characteristic value
combinations that are using

Change the activation and

constraint status of product
allocation objects.

Display the availability situation

(planned, available and consumed
quantity) for the materials in
product allocation objects.

Release product allocation objects

and their planning data for
productive usage.

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Key Feature SAP Fiori App See Also

Manage Product Allocation Sequences

Create, display and edit product
allocation sequences.

Combine product allocation objects

as constraints for product allocation.

De ne alternative sources of
product allocation by creating
product allocation sequence groups
and assigning product allocation
objects to a product allocation

Maintain the consumption strategy

(number of backward and forward
consumption periods, consumption
unit and allocation factor) for
availability checks against product

Assign Product to Product Allocation

Assign materials or material-plant
combinations to product allocation

Use spreadsheets (in .xlsx format)

or comma separated values les (in
.csv format) to maintain product
location to product allocation
assignment data for a product
allocation sequence.

De ne validity periods for any


Product Allocation Overview

De ne and store lters for displaying
product allocation data.

On the basis of lters, display the

product allocation situation for a
speci c product allocation object,
product allocation period or
characteristic value combination.

Display product allocation periods

during which product allocation
objects are experiencing low, high or
overloaded consumption.

Display product allocation data for

characteristic value combinations.

Display product allocation order

items according to their availability
status, both graphically and as a list

List order documents that have been

checked against product allocation
during an availability check.

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Key Feature SAP Fiori App See Also

Monitor Product Allocation Periods

Display product allocation data for
product allocation periods which are
experiencing low, high or overloaded

Drill down to detailed information

about the order items consuming
quantity during the product
allocation periods maintained for the
product allocation object.

Navigate to the Con gure Product

Allocation and Manage Product
Allocation Planning Data apps to
check and, if required, edit product
allocation data.

Monitor Product Allocation Characteristic

Display and analyze quantity and
Value Combinations
consumption data for the product
allocation periods maintained for
characteristic value combinations
and product allocation objects.

Drill down to the product allocation

period details for characteristic
value combinations and to the order
items consuming quantity from the
product allocation periods.

Navigate to the Con gure Product

Allocation and Manage Product
Allocation Planning Data apps to
check and, if required, edit product
allocation data.

Navigate to apps for the supported

business document types.

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Key Feature SAP Fiori App See Also

Monitor Product Allocation Order Items

Display a list of selected order items
and relevant key gures, both
graphically and as a list report.

Display the consumed quantity for

each order item in the
corresponding product allocation

Display the number of product

allocation order items graphically
and in accordance with their
availability check con rmation

Navigate to the Con gure Product

Allocation and Manage Product
Allocation Planning Data apps to
check and, if required, edit product
allocation data.

Navigate to apps for the supported

business document types.

For more information, see Apps for Product Allocation (PAL).

You have made the required Customizing settings as detailed in Customizing for Product Allocation.

Supply Protection (CA-ATP-SUP)

Supply protection (SUP) is used to protect a group against the demands of other groups.

In many cases, companies do not want to sell their articles according to the sequence of the incoming sales orders. Rather, they
want to reserve certain quantities for special groups and perhaps they also want to assign priorities to these groups.

The aim of supply protection (SUP) is to protect quantities of a material and to prioritize the demand.

A typical example is the fashion industry. Here, sales orders from wholesale customers will come very early in the season while
sales orders from the fashion company's own e-commerce channel will only come later. However, margins are typically higher for
e-commerce and for strategic reasons it might be important to always have at least a minimum quantity available for every
channel. At the end of the season, it is no longer relevant to protect demand. Therefore, at the end of the season, a “ rst-come,
rst-served principle” is common practice.

Supply protection can be in the form of core (horizontal) protection where complete groups are protected against each other or in
the form of prioritized (vertical) protection where every group is only protected against the demand of a group with a lower
priority. Core and prioritized protection can be combined.

A protected quantity is always de ned for the combination between a material and a plant as well as one or more characteristics.
The characteristics are typically attributes of the sales order or of the customer and can be assigned via a characteristics catalog.

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For more information about the features, see Manage Supply Protection.

For more information about the restrictions, see SAP Note 2885961 .

Alternative-Based Con rmation (CA-ATP-ABC)

A requirement consists of various attributes, most importantly a requested material in a speci c quantity, a requested delivery
plant and delivery date. You can use Alternative-Based Con rmation (ABC) in aATP in SAP S/4HANA to check for all possible
alternatives to con rm a requirement when, for example, the availability of a material in a requested material-plant combination is
insufficient to con rm the original requirement. With ABC, your system can exchange the originally requested delivery plant with
an alternative plant, with the aim of providing, for example, more quantity and/or an alternative delivery date that better ful lls the
customer's original requirement. In doing so, the system uses a heuristic approach to calculate all possible alternatives and
determines an alternative plant automatically: if more than two alternative plants can equally ful ll a requirement in terms of
quantity and delivery date, the originally requested plant is used as the delivery plant.


Key Feature SAP Fiori App See Also

Con gure Substitution Strategy How to Create a Substitution Strategy

De ne substitution methods for
plant substitution.

Display substitution methods and

their values.

Activate plant substitution (inline or

by generating subitems) in sales

Con gure Alternative Control How to Activate Plant Substitution

Create alternative controls (a set of
values assigned to a given set of
selected characteristics).

Display, edit, copy and remove

existing alternative controls and
their values.

Display, edit, add and remove


You can use ABC to process requirements from order documents of the business document class sales order only.

If Sales (SD) processes such as Variant Con guration (LO-VC) or Advanced Variant Con guration are used to de ne
classi cation characteristics for product allocation in the Manage Characteristic Catalogs app and substitution is executed
in ABC, the sales order document is updated (for example, to re ect a new delivering plant) but any data originally

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provided by the SD-related processes is not updated. For more information about classi cation characteristics in the
context of product allocation, see Classi cation Characteristics.

Related Information
Con gure Substitution Strategy
Con gure Alternative Control
How to Check Availability with ABC

Master Data - Product Substitution

Master Data - Product Substitution can be used to de ne and maintain substitute products. Business processes like sales,
manufacturing, and logistics, require a functionality where you can substitute one product with another. Products can be
substituted due to various reasons such as:

An improved version of the product is available

Product is unavailable

For example:

A customer ordered product A. However, product A is unavailable because it is out of stock. On agreement with the customer, the
supplier delivers a substituted product (product B) which has similar form, t, and function. The supplier substitutes product A
with product B, and delivers it to the customer.

Substituting Products
Businesses may choose to use or supply substitute products if the substitute product is identical, performs the same function as
the original product, and ts the business requirements.

Business scenario examples where you can use Product Substitution include:

An upgraded version of the product is available

Upgraded versions of a product become available during product promotion activity

A product is discontinued and needs to be replaced

Product Substitution Scenarios

The following scenarios can be implemented:

Product Substitution Scenario Description

One-to-one substitution (1:1) A product is replaced by another product which has similar form, t, and function.

One-to-many substitution (1:n) A product is replaced by more than one product.

Master Data - Product Substitution in SAP S/4HANA supports the following key features for product substitutions:

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Key Feature SAP Fiori App See Also

Manage Substitution Reasons How to Create a Reason

Create and manage reasons to
indicate why a product is substituted
or excluded.

Manage Substitution Groups How to Create a Group

Create and manage groups, which
can be used to group together
substitute products of similar form,
t, and function.

Activate or deactivate groups.

Manage Substitution Controls How to Create and Con gure a Control

Create and manage controls that
can be used to manage groups of

Assign groups to controls.

Manage Substitutions How to Create and Con gure a Product

Create and manage product Substitution

Create application-speci c product


View product substitution graph.

Manage Exclusions How to Create a Product Exclusion

Exclude products from being used in

The following restrictions are applicable:

Product Substitution supports only the Gregorian calendar.

The following limitation is applicable:

aATP application area doesn’t support groups, sets, time range validities, and conversions. eSPP application area doesn't
support groups.

For more information, see Application Area Support for Functions.

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