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and communicate

project i’isks and

opportunities. -
Control schedule
• O ve i’seei ng
techni caI
projects in
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del ive i’y of
deve lopine
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Seoul international di saster
center for ti’aining and reco vei y
8 Month consultation, IT diiector syste ins a
Khartoum nd process
• Stipei-v is
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work in g
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external ve n
do re a nd ad
vi soi’s

Previous Visits to Period Purpose of Slay City a Ttegio» Affiliated Organization

Korea DZp '* N/A N/A N/A

Previously Received Grant Amounñ t Al

Scholarship Awards (USD/yeer)
from Korenn /

(2021) (03) 0 (23)

Applicant's Name : DANIA (signature)

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