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Wednesday 12th May 2021

8.00 - 9.30pm online via Zoom
1. Helen warmly welcomed 27 members to this meeting including our newest
member, Liz Platts. Wycombe Wenches now has a total membership of 49
members most of whom, despite Lockdown remain very actively involved.

Apologies were received from Sue R, Dawn, Alison, and Ann Davidson.

2. Helen welcomed our speaker Suzie Aries, who spoke about the need to raise
awareness of the subtle symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Suzie is a 29-year-old actress who grew up in Princes Risborough. She was

diagnosed four years ago with stage 3 / 4 small cell ovarian cancer since when
she has undergone several debilitating forms of treatment: an operation to
remove her left ovary, several rounds of chemotherapy, a drug trial, further
surgery and then radiotherapy. She is now being treated with immunotherapy
drugs which she hopes will offer a cure. This latter treatment is not funded on
the NHS and Suzie has raised almost £200,000 to fund her treatment thus far.
Her treatment is every three weeks and will end in October this year.

Suzie described the symptoms of ovarian cancer: BEAT ..

B: persistent bloating,

E: eating differently and feeling full quickly,

A: abdominal and pelvic pain,

T: toilet changes which in Suzie’s case caused her to urinate very frequently
especially at night.

These symptoms can be vague, and Suzie said that, when she went to her GP
Surgery, she half though she had just been burning the candle at both ends and
she feels that it was because a nurse practitioner listened carefully to her
symptoms that she was sent for tests.

One woman dies of ovarian cancer every two hours in the UK and early
diagnosis and more research into this disease are vital.

Suzie is incredible positive and upbeat. In between treatments, when she felt
well, she ran the London Marathon and travelled widely. Amongst other things
she hopes to cycle the coast-to-coast route this year. Above all, she wants to
raise awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer and the need to fund
research into this disease.

Suzie’s talk was fascinating, and I think that we were all filled with admiration
for her.

On behalf of Wycombe Wenches Helen thanked Suzie for her talk.

3. This meeting was our Resolutions Meeting. The Women’s Institute is

renowned for its campaigning on social issues and each year member propose
various issues that they would like considered to be the campaign for the
following year. In December 2020 we were sent a short list of five issues and
voted as to which we most supported.
The Resolution entitled “A call to increase awareness of the subtle signs of
ovarian cancer” achieved our majority vote and got over 30,000 votes
nationally, almost double the number of votes of the issue that came second. A
final decision on this campaign issue will be made at the NFWI Annual Meeting
in June. Helen explained that at this monthly meeting, members present will be
asked to vote on whether we want this issue to be taken forward on our behalf.
A vote on this Resolution was then held and carried unanimously.
Helen mentioned that there is a lot of information on ovarian cancer, and what
we can do to take forward this campaign, if it is passed at the national meeting,
on the MyWI webpage:
4. Helen thanked the hostesses of the recent tea parties held in members
gardens. Thirty members attended these in groups of six and the feedback has
been very positive. It is hoped to arrange more of these at a weekend next time.
5. Helen reminded members that the Bucks Federation of WIS Newsletter is
free to members and delivered electronically to each member who signs up to
receive it. It will thus no longer be forwarded by Wycombe Wenches to
6. The Bucks Federation of WIs is holding its Annual Meeting on May 26th with
an array of speakers including Jay Blades from The Repair Shop. Any member
can attend details in the Newsletter. Helen asked if any member would be
prepared to go as our delegate and very kindly Marion Bradley agreed to do
this. Helen thanked her on behalf of all members.

7. Helen then ran through some future events:

a) Monday May 17th..A walk in Penn Woods

b) Tuesday 18th May a card making class to be held by Zoom at 12 noon and
then at 7.30 pm. Cost is £3 payable to Helen.

c) Thursday 20th May Supper Club, theme being A Desert Island Dessert.

d) Tuesday 25th May Cinema Club

e) Friday June 4th Marlow Murder Mystery Walk at 2pm.


Helen is happy to co-ordinate orders for bulbs this year. The brochure can be
downloaded from the website. or emailed on request to Helen has a small number of these brochures if anyone
wishes to borrow one. A percentage of sales is paid to BFWI and the bulbs are
highly recommended.

Pat Poole is stepping down as chairperson of the BFWI shortly. She is widely
respected and in recognition of her hard work Wycombe Wenches is giving her
one of our WW mugs personalised with her name on it. This will be filled with
sweets and delivered to her as a thank you for everything she has done.

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