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Public Health in Image and

Personal Reflection
What does "public health" mean to you?
Why are we doing this?
Reflecting on the concept of public health and the role it plays in society is at the heart of the
PreMed core. Studying public health means many different things to different people. We all
have different upbringings, experiences with different elements of public health and overall
differing views of medicine, wellness, treatment and society.

The goal of this activity is for you (the student) to show Fitz /Rohan (your new PreMed English
teacher) what YOU think about the subject of public health, but more importantly, how you
relate or connect to the PreMed Mission Statement. This activity will allow Fitz/Rohan to have
a better understanding of you as a student and to see your writing skills in action!
Some questions to consider as you work on this activity:

➔ When you read the PreMed Mission Statement or think of the field of public health, what
images come to your mind?
➔ How do you connect to the mission statement?
➔ What importance does Public Health have in society? How have you interacted with this
Teacher Example!

Public Health in 3 Photos: What does public health mean to you?

Photo #1 I chose this photo because:
● social justice is a hard fought one
● rooted in compassion and love.
● I believe, as future public health workers, our foundation needs to be firmly set in
identifying the social structures that limit access to equitable care.

Craft your own, personal PreMed mission statement here:

Compassion is a foundation for our community in PreMed. One of the reasons I love teaching English in this core so much is the
connection each of us have to one another. We really are a community of caregivers. We support others in times of need, and
in return get that support when needed. I believe so strongly in the power of education to create significant, systemic change
and to propel each of us into the role of authentic and powerful changemakers. The more we know about the inequities, and
injustices that limit truly functional public health, the clearer our work becomes. My role as a teacher in the PreMed core is to
challenge us with each lesson to examine all sides of the story and to ask whose voice is missing, in hopes to create a
community of empathic and compassionate thinkers. The choice to work in the public field requires deep knowledge and
commitment. I hope that every student that leaves our core feeling the same sense of educated freedom to provide authentic
true public health to all members of our community.

The purpose of Public Health is to improve health and quality of life of individuals, and
community and global populations. As a Career Technical Education program (CTE),
the Pre-Med Core prepares students to question dominant social structures/norms and
to be changemakers by providing skills to include, empathy, civic responsibility, equity,
and social justice. The Pre-Med Core is committed to identify institutional structures
that promote positive public health policy while upholding the central core values of
Compassion, Commitment, and Integrity.
❏ Think about your answer to the question: "What does the PreMed mission statement
mean to me?" Write a few complete sentences or bullet points on slide #6 that answer
the question. TIP: look for keywords in the mission statement that intrigue, challenge or
stand out to you. This step will make the rest of the activity WAY easier!
❏ Choose one photo that visually represents your answer to the question: "What does the
PreMed mission statement mean to me?" and copy + paste it into slide #7. Make sure
that your chosen photo is diverse, creative and rife with meaning that relates to how you
answered the question on slide #6. Resize it so it fits the box.
❏ Explain in the space below your chosen image in slide #7 WHY you chose the photo to
answer the focus question.
❏ Demonstrate your writing skills as you craft your own mission statement. Use words,
phrases or a sentence from the PreMed mission statement to craft your own. Consider,
where do you find yourself in the mission statement (what is important to you? Why are
you here? What will you challenge yourself to learn?) and write your own
Directions: Write a few sentences or bullet points answering the questions below.
Step 1: Think Be detailed so you can use these answers as Google Search key terms to help
choose the images you will include on slide #7

➔ When you read the PreMed Mission Statement or think of the field of public health, what images come to
your mind?

When I read the mission statement and think about the field of public health, I picture hospitals, first responders and
healthcare workers.

➔ How do you connect to the mission statement? Why or why not?

I connect to the mission statement because as a member of today’s youth, I am part of a group super passionate about
making change for a better world. So many people in my age group are actively working to shape social cultures and
norms, so I do feel that I am a “changemaker” as said in the mission statement. Also, when the mission statement said
some of the core values of PreMed are compassion and integrity, I feel connected to that because those are two of my
biggest values as an individual and student.

➔ What importance does Public Health have in society? How have you interacted with this field?
Public health has massive importance in society. Being in a pandemic, I have been able to see more clearly the necessity
of maintaining public health and taking care of all groups of people. If public health is not a priority, especially in people of
power, the damage to individuals, the economy, education systems and all aspects of society can be intense.
Reminder: In your first line, use words or a short phrase from the PreMed mission statement to start your own. Your
writing should showcase your best (right now!) skill set.

Public Health in 1 photo and Crafting your own Mission Statement
Photo #1 I chose this photo because:
- Represents all the different groups of people who need healthcare and are
impacted by the public health systems
- Shows the diversity in those who make up public health; not one
population type is more important than another
- I believe healthcare should be available for all types of people

Craft your own, personal PreMed mission statement here:

The PreMed community strives to have students question social structures and actively create change in cultural norms
regarding all aspects of public health. Those in the PreMed community have values of compassion and integrity, and use
these ideals when working to give diverse individuals the best shot at a happy and healthy life. As a student in PreMed, I
acknowledge and identify with our core values as I personally strive to be a changemaker in the medical field and my
community. In addition, this core motivates students to learn, contemplate, and apply their knowledge to real-world public
health topics such as pandemics, natural disasters, elderly care, and mental health. To be the best student I can be in this
core, I academically challenge myself to expand my knowledge on healthcare and maintain my commitment to improve the
lives of those around me and build a healthier community.

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