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Indian Journal of History of Science, 53.1 (2018) 59-64 DOI: 10.


Indian Arthropods in Early Sanskrit Literature:

A Taxonomical Analysis
Sagan Deep Kaur* and Lakhvir Singh**
(Received 26 January 2017; revised 04 July 2017)

Mahai Manu, the author of Manuśmriti (500-400 BCE) classified living beings into four major
types — Jarāyuja, Aaja, Svedaja and Udbhija. Insects were kept in Svedaja category. i Manu occupies
the same place of honour in Indian literature as Aristotle in Greek philosophy.Insects have been known to
man, since Vedic times. There are references of the terms like apada (six legged) in the Mahābhārata.
Suśruta Sahitā had six varieties of ants, six varieties of flies, five varieties of mosquitoes, eight varieties
of Centipedes, thirty varieties of scorpions and sixteen varieties of spiders. There are various species of
bees referred to in Caraka Sahitā. The Tattvārthādhigama Sūtra (1st BCE) by Umāsvatī gives various
details of classifications based on number of senses of animals and insects. Even there are morphological
variations and behavior of insects in various works of Kālidāsa like Raghuvamśam and Abhijyān
Śakuntalam and others. An attempt has been made here to assess the taxonomic concepts of insects as
mentioned in ancient Indian literature.
Key words: Ancient Sanskrit literature, Anthropods, Taxonomy

1. INTRODUCTION Valmi (Termites), Tarda (Insect borer), Śalbha

(Locusts), Pipilika (Ants), Bhramara (Bees),
The Phylum Arthropoda is the largest and
Damśa (Gnats), Laka (Lac Insect), Vścika
most successful of animal phyla. It comprises class
(Scorpion), Luta (Spiders), apāda (Centipede)
Insecta or Hexapoda, which includes Insects, class
etc. It is also worthwhile to mention that our
Arachnida; involves Scorpions, Spiders, class
ancestors (Vedic seers) have made taxonomic
Chilopoda contains Centipedes. The foundation
assessment of arthropods and their relatives by
of Entomology in India was laid during the period
using morphology, ecology and behavior and
represented by Indus Valley civilization. Ancient
assigned nomenclature to them accordingly. The
Indian philosophical commentaries and literature
role of harmful insects in the destruction of crops
clearly mention about arthropods. In Sanskrit
and importance of useful insects in the production
literature, there are numerous references of Insects,
of honey, silk and lac have been greatly realized
Arachnids and Chilopods. Sanskrit word apāda
in ancient literature.
(means six legged) is used as synonym of
Hexapoda and ‘krin (i.e. hundred legged) is It has also been observed that great
described for centipede. To cite a few, are attention has been paid to control insects of
Madulika (Honeybee), Maśaka (Mosquito), agricultural, medical and veterinary importance
Makika (Flies), Jabhya (Butterflies), Pataga by using various control measures and also by
(Moths), Khadyota (Glowworms), Upjivika or adopting Integrated Pest Management, such as

* P.G. Department of Zoology, DAV College Sector-10 Chandigarh.

**Department of Sanskrit, PG GCG, Sector - 42 Chandigarh, Email:

reciting mantras (prayers), various cultivation are called Jarayuja. Birds, snakes, crocodiles,
techniques, mechanical practices, fumigation with fishes, tortoises and all other creatures like these,
who born in water as well as on earth are called
herbal products. Now, modern agricultural and Aaja (born from eggs). At the same time insects
medical scientists also shifting towards non like Gad flies, mosquitoes, louse, house fly, beg-
chemical methods to control insect pests. bug and all other like these, born from heat are
Undoubtedly, these are eco friendly, cheaper and called Svedaja. And those born through seeds by
long lasting. breaking soil or by planting stem, which become
trees are called Udbhija. After giving fruit, those,
Hence, it is quite evident that our ancient who dry up and which are full of flowers and fruit
seers have given due importance to study insects are known as Auśdhi.
in relation to their taxonomy, ecology and 2.2 Prastapāda (400-300 BCE) divided animal
behaviour. During present investigations various kingdom into two major types (Kapoor, 1988)
ancient Indian texts i.e. Vedas, Caraka Sahitā,
a. Ayonija: (Asexual) which are minute in size,
Manuśmti, Suśruta Sahitā ,as well as works of
Kālidāsa, Prasastapāda, Umāśvati, Latyāyana, and more than hundred in handful, without bones,
Dalhana have been surveyed for the study of without their own blood and not easily crushed
insects and Amarkośa (Sanskrit) of Amar Singh b. Yonija: (Sexual) further divided into two types
(1982) and A Sanskrit-English Dictionary of – Jarāyuja: Born out of uterus with placenta-
Williams (1986) have been referred for Placental mammals and Aaja: Oviparous-
nomenclature of insects. Insects, Fishes, Reptiles, Birds.
2.3 Umāsvatī divided animals on the basis of
number of senses (Jaini, 1920)
2.1 Manuśmti (Bhatt, 2001) classified living a. Animals with two senses: i.e touch and taste:
beings into four major types: Apidaka (Vermes without lateral appendages);
(i) Jarāyuja: Born from uterus – Man, Placental Nupuraka (Annulated with pendants, worms with
mammals,(ii) Aaja: Born from an egg – Fishes, unsegmented lateral appendages, Annelids);
Amphibians Reptiles, Birds (iii) Svedaja: Born Gandupada (Knotty-legged: Arthropoda,
from moisture and heat – Insects like Gad flies, including Crustacea, Myriopoda); Sankha (Some
Mosquitoes, Louse, House fly, Bed bug etc (iv) forms of Mollusca: Conical gastropods); Sambuka
Udbhija: Born from seeds by breaking soil and (Helix); Suktika (Pearl- Mussel.
also through stem – Plants Lamellibranchates); Jaluka (Leeches).
^i'ko'pe`xk'pSoO;kyk'pksHk;rksnr%A b. Animals with three senses: i.e. touch, taste and
j{kkafl p fi'kkpk'peuq”;k'ptjk;qtk%*AA smell
^v.Mtk% if{k.k% likZuØkeRLik'pdPNik%A Pipilika (Ants) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae);
;kfupSoaizdkjkf.kLFkytkU;kSndkfu p*AA Rohinika (Red ants) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae);
^Losntana'ke'kda ;wdkef{ Upachika, Kunthu, Tuburaka (Bugs and fleas)
Ŕe.k'pksitk;Urs ;PpkU;fRdafpnhn 'ke~*AA (Hemiptera: hemimetabola); Trapusavija and
^mfn~HkTtk% LFkkojk% losZchtdk.Mizjksfg.k%A Karpasasthika (Cucumber and cotton weevils,
vks"kè;% QyikdkUrkcgqiq"iQyksixk%*AA lice); Sathapadi and Uthpalaka (Spring tails)
(Machilidae); Trinapatra (Aphids); Kastha-
(Manuśmti 1.43-46)
haraka (Termites, white ants and ant-lions)
The animals, deer or wild animals, elephants, the
ones, who have teeth on both sides, wicked and c. Animals with four senses: i.e. sight, smell, taste,
mischievous ones and humans are born from uterus and touch

Bhramra (Bees); Varatha (Wasps); Saranga 3.1.2 Insect pests of crops

(Hornets); Makika (Flies); Puttika (Flies); Dansa ^rnZgSiraxgStH; gkmiDolA
(Gad flies); Maśśakas (Mosquitoes); Vscika czãsoklafLFkragfojunUrbeku~ ;okufgalUurksviksfnr*AA
(Scorpions); Nandyāvartha (Spiders); Kia
(Butterflies and Moths); Pataga (Grasshoppers (Atharvaveda 6.50.2)
and Locusts) Hey borer hey Locust ! hey seed destroyer! As god
leaves impure oblation in the same way, you may
d. Animals with five well developed senses i.e. leave these without eating and destroying, you may
sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing go away.
Matsya (Fishes); Uraga (Amphibians) (Legless
In this mantra, the economic importance
ones); Bhujaga (Crawl and run on the chest)
of three insect pests (including stored grain pest)
(Snakes); Pakī: (With wings) (Birds); Catuspāda
in the destruction of crops is mentioned.
(Four limbed) (Quadrupeds and man)
3.1.3 Termites
IN ANCIENT INDIAN LITERATURE ;nÙ;qiftfg~odk ;}Hkzh vfrliZfrA lo± rnLrq rs ?k`re~*AA
(gveda 8.102.21)
3.1 Vedas (Wilson, 1978; Whitney, 1971;
Satvalekar, 1958; Trivedi, 2004): In Vedas, various The termite getting attracted to smell, enters deep
arthropods like - Ants, Honey bees, Grasshopper, into the eatable wood covers it with earth and
attacks it internally
Locust, Moth, Mosquito, Termite, House flies,
Insect grain borer, Scorpions, Spiders are Kālidāsa has also mentioned in Abhigyān
mentioned. Some of these are: Sākuntalam (VII-II) and Meghadutam
(Purvamegha 15) that well built termite hill
3.1.1 Mosquitoes becomes habitat for other animals like lizards,
^;s 'kkyk% ifju`R;fUrlk;axnZHkukfnu%A Snakes and Scorpions. Even birds built nest inside
dqlwyk ;s dqf{kyk% ddqHkk% d:ek% flzek%A it. Sen Sharma (1974) also reported occurrence
rkuks"k/ksRoaxU/ksufo"kwphuku~ fouk'k;*AA of birds nest, lizards, Snakes and scorpions in the
termite mounds.
(Atharvaveda 8.6.10)
The mosquitoes, who dance around the dwellings 3.1.4 Scorpions
in the evening, (which we call as swarming for
mating in scientific language) making donkey- ; mHkkH;ka izgjfl iqPNsu pkL;su pA
noises, having needle like mouth parts, big vkL;s u rs fo"ka fdeq rs iqPN/kolr~AA
abdomens and who spread diseases. O herb! with
your smell, you do make to disappear and scatter (Atharvaveda 7.56.8)
these demons.
A Scorpion attacks both with its tail and mouth
In this above cited mantra ,characteristics, but it has no poison in its mouth why it is present
behavior and habits of the mosquito are described in its tail only

as needle like mouth parts ¼dqlwyk½, big abdomen In this mantra, the stinging behavior and
¼dqf{kyk%½, which is unequal ¼ddqHkk%½. Similarly, if presence of stinging apparatus in the tail of
we observe the behavior of a mosquito, nobody scorpion has been beautifully described
likes the noise of a donkey, the same way the noise 3.2 Suśruta (400-300 BCE) (Sen-Sharma, 1974):
of mosquito is also very harsh to the ears. It is Suśruta mentioned even different varieties within
also mentioned in the mantra that the mosquitoes arthropods on the basis of their habits,
are more active at dusk ¼ifju R;fUrlk;e~½- habitat, behavior and various morphological

characteristics like colour, shape, size. These are: Scorpions into three types on the basis of extent of
Six varieties of ants, Six varieties of flies, Five poison – Manda (of mild Poison), Madhya (of
moderate poison) and Mahāviā (of powerful
varieties of mosquitoes, Eight varieties of poison), which were further divided into thirty
centipedes, Thirty varieties of scorpions and varieties on the basis of their appearance . These
Sixteen varieties of spiders. are -
a. Features of Scorpions of Mild Poison
3.2.1 Six varieties of Ant ¼fiihfydk½
^d`".k% ';ko% dcqZj% ik.Mqo.kksZ xksew=kHk% ddZ'kks espd'pA*
fiihfydk%&LFkwy'kh"kkZ] laokfgdk] czkãf.kdk] vaxqfydk] ihrks /kwezksjkse'k% 'kkM~oykHkks jDr% 'osrsuksnjs.ksfr eUn%A*
dfifydk] fp=ko.ksfZ r "kV~*A
(Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.59)
(Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.34)
Those, which have colours, such as black, blue,
Ants – Sthūlaśīrā (Huge Head) (Soldiers- brown, white and colour like cow’s urine, coarse
modified workers with enormous head and (dull), blue-black, yellow, smoky, which have hairs
mandibles); Samvāhika (Carry load) (Workers); on their belly resembling algae, red, white are mild
Brāhmika (Do not work) (Queen); Agulikā poisonous i.e. mandavia.
(Long) (Carpenter Ant); Kapilikā (Brown), (Fire b. Features of Scorpions of moderate poison
ant); Citrāvarā (having many colors) ^jDr% ihr% dkfiysuksnjs.klosZ/kwezk% ioZfHk'p f=fHk% L;q%A*
^,rs ew=ksPpkjiwR;.Mtkrk e/;k Ks;kfL=izdkjksjxk.kke~A*
3.2.2 Six varieties of flies ¼ef{kdk½
(Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.61-62)
^ef{kdk%&dkUrkfjdk] Ñ".kk] faiaxyk] e/kwfydk] dk"kk;h]
Scorpions, which are red, yellow, brown in their
LFkkfydsR;soa "kV~*A belly, smoky colour in their body, with three joints
(Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.35) in their tail, those born from urine, excreta and
Flies – Kāntārika (Good looking) (Calliphoridae, decomposed eggs of three kinds of snakes are to
be understood as moderate poisonous madhyavia.
Blow fly); Kā (Black) (Simulidae Simuliumspp,
Black fly); Pigalā (Yellow) (Tabanidae); c. Features of Scorpions of strong Poison
Madhūlikā (Produces honey) (Apidae, Honey ^'osrf'p=k% ;keyksyksfgrkHkksjDr% osrksjDruhyksnjkS p*A
bee); Kāāyī (Dull) (Sarcophagidae, Fleshfly); ^ihrks·jDrksuhyihrks·ijLrqjDrksuhyksuhy'kqDyLrFkk p*A
Sthālikā (Broad) (Tabanidae Horse fly) ^jDrkscHkqz% iwoZoPpSdiokZ ;'pkiokZ }s p ;L;*AA
^ukuk:iko.kZr'pkfi ?kksjkKs;k'pSros f'pdk% izk.kpkSjk%*A
3.2.3 Five varieties of mosquitoes ¼e'kd%½
(Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.63-65)
^e'kdk%&lkeqnz%] ifje.Myks] gfLre'kd%d`".k%] ikoZrh;% Those, which are white, of variegated colours,
bfr iap* brown or reddish in their body, their belly being
(Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.36) red, white reddish blue, yellowish-red, bluish-
yellow, reddish-red (pink), bluish-white, red or
Mosquitoes – Sāmudra (Sea-born or Coastal grey, which have two joints in their tail, have
mosquitoes); Parimaala (Global or present different shapes (size), and colours, which are
worldwide ); Hastimaśaka (Huge type or large in terrifying, these kinds of scorpions are to be known
size); Ka (Black in colour); Pārvatīya as thieves of life or killers Prācaurā.
(Available at mountainous regions) Scorpions are also known to glow a vibrant
blue-green colour,when exposed to certain
3.2.4 Three types of Scorpions ¼o` f 'pdk½ wavelengths of ultraviolet light such as that
^f=fo/kk o``f'pdk% izksDrk eUneè;egkfo"kk%* produced by a black light, this is due to the
(Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.56) presence of beta-carboline fluorescent chemicals

present in the cuticle. The coloration ranges from species accumulated in specialized cells called
dark orange or brightly red-brown through dull guanocytes. In genera such as Tetragnatha,
brown with darker grey carinae (ridges) and Leucauge, Argyrodes or Theridiosoma, guanine
granulation. (Shawn et. al. 1999) creates their silvery appearance. (Oxford and
3.2.5 Spiders– Suśruta mentioned sixteen types Gillespie, 1998).
of spiders, out of which eight are difficult to cure 3.2.6 Centipedes- Suśruta divided centipedes
and the same number is incurable (which are mentioned as ‘krin means 100 Legs)
^f=ke.Myk rFkk 'osrk dfiykihfrdk rFkkA into eight types on the basis of their colours and
vkyew=fo"kk jDrk dluk pk"Veh Le`rk*AA symptoms of bite. These are-
^rkfHknZ"Vs f'kjksnq%[ka d.MwnZa'ks p osnukA 'kri|Lrq&i#”kk] d`".kk] fp=k] dfiyk] ihfrdk] jDrk] osrk]
HkofUr p fo'ks"ks.kxnk% 'ySf"edokfrdk%*AA vfXuizHkk bR;"VkS*
(Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.95-96) (Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.30)

a. Difficult to cure
Parūā (Strong, dry, hard) Lithobius
forficatus Stone centipede; Ka (Black)
Trimalā (having three circles); Śveta (Ethmostigmus rubripesspinosus Indian Black
(White); Kapilā (Brown); Pītika (Yellow); Centipede); Citrā (having many colours)
Ālamūtravia (having poison in their saliva and Scolopendra polymorpha “multicolored
urine); Rakta (Red); Kasanā (Grey). centipede”; Kapilā (Brown) (Lithobius Brown
centipedes); Pītikā (Yellow) (Haplophilus
b. Incurable
subterraneus Yellow centipede); Rakta (Red)
^lkSof.kZdk% ykto.kkZ tkfyU;s.khinh rFkkA (Scolopocryptops sexspinosus Red Centipede);
Ñ".kk·fXuo.kkZdk dk.Mk ekykxq.kk·"Veh rFkk*AA Śveta (White) (Scutigerella immaculate Clear
^rkfHknZ"Vs na'kdksFk% izo fÙk% {krtL; pA coloured centipede); Agniprabhā (Fire like
Tojks nkgks·frlkj'p xnk% L;q'p f=knks"ktk%*AA coloured or Shining like fire) (Orphaneus
(Suśruta Sahitā 5.8.97-98) brevilabiatus, Fire centipede)
Sauvarika (Golden Coloured); Lājavarā Even today centipedes are generally
(Wheatish Coloured); Jālinī (Printed); Yeīpadī known from their colours. These are dark brown,
(having many colours); Ka (Black); Agnivarā
(Fire like coloured); Kākāā (like a crow egg);
rusty red, reddish-green, white, yellow and bright
Mālāguā (like a thread of Necklace) red. However, some species have multiple colors,
such as the giant red-headed centipede,having a
Three types of pigment (ommochromes,
rusty red head, yellow legs and a black body.These
bilins and guanine) have been identified in spiders,
colors allow the centipedes to blend in with their
although other pigments have been detected, but
environments. Centipedes camouflage themselves
these are not yet characterized. Melanins,
carotenoids and pterins, very common in other in their habitats, hiding from prey and predators
animals, are apparently absent. In some species, under mulch, leaves rocks, logs, and wood piles.
the exocuticle of the legs and prosoma is modified
3.3 Kālidāsa (100 BCE-1 CE) (Chaturvedi, 1980)
by a tanning process, resulting in brown
coloration. Bilins are present in Micrommata Kālidāsa’s works are also rich in
virescens, resulting in its green color. Guanine is description of various insects. He mentioned more
responsible for the white markings of the European than 18 insects in his various poems and plays
garden spider Araneus diadematus. It is in many like –

Ali, Bhramara, Madhukara, Dvirepha elaborate observations continued over hundreds

(Bees) (Raghuvanśama 3.8;5.43;6.7;7.11); Damśa of years.
(Insects that annoy cattle) (Raghuvanśama 2.5);
Laka (Lac insect) (Raghuvanśama 16.15); BIBLIOGRAPHY
Khadyota (Glowworms or fire flies) Bhatt, Rameshwar (Tr.). Manuśmti, Chaukhamba Sanskrit
(Meghadutama 21); Śalabha (Swarms of Locusts) Pratishthan, Delhi, 2001.
(Abhij–ana Sakuntalam 1-30); Valmi (Termite)
Chaturvedi, S (Tr.), Kālidāsa- Granthāwali, Chaukhamba
(Abhij–ana SākuntalamVII-11, Meghadutam 15) Surbharati Prakashan, Varanasi, 1980.
3.4 Dalhana & Latyāyana’s (100-200 CE) Jaini, J L. (Translation and commentary) Tattvārtha Sūtra
(Sheshadri): The first taxonomist of the world, has (Moka Sūtra) of Umaswami or Umaśvati. The Central
suggested very interesting and authentic criteria Jaina Publishing House, Arrah, Bihar, 1920.
for insect classification : Kapoor, V C. Theory and Practice of Animal Taxonomy,
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,
^dVqfHk% fcUnqy[s kkfHk% i{kS% iknS% ew[kS% u[kS% 'kwd%S d.VdykaxyS% 1988.
lafLy"VS% i{kjksefHk%A
[kuS% izek.kS% laLFkkuSfy±x'pkfi 'kjhjkaxS% fo"koh;SZ'pdhVkuka Murthy, K R S. (Tr.) Śuśruta Sahitā, Chaukhambha
Orientalia, Varanasi, 2014
Oxford, G S; Gillespie, R G. Evolution and Ecology of
Dottings or markings, wings, pedal appendages, Spider Coloration, Annual Review of Entomology, 43
mouth with antennae, claws, sharp pointed hairs, (1998): 619-643.
stings in the tail, hair on the wings, humming noise,
size, structure, sexual organs poison and its action Satvalekar, S D (Tr.), The Atharvaveda, Swadhaye Mandal,
on bodies, through all these characters, insects are Pardi, 1958.
Sen-Sarma, P K. Ecology and Biogeography of the termites
of India.Ecology and Biogeography in India (Ed. M.
5. CONCLUDING REMARKS S. Mani): 421-472. Dr. W. Juncb. V. Publishers, The
Hague, 1974
The ancient Indian texts deal with almost
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Vranken. The fluorescence of Scorpions and
identification, classification and nomenclature. It
cataractogenesis.Chemistry & Biology 6 (8) (1999):
is surprising how the ancient seers have made deep 531–539.
observations on external characters, colour,
Sheshadri, K G. Some Entomological treatises of Ancient
habitat, habits, behavior of arthropods, perhaps
without using any high resolution microscope to vanmy-sheshsam. 2015
study taxonomic characters. Even the first ever
Singh, Amar. Amarkoa, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan,
classification of organisms on the basis of mode Varanasi, 1982.
of egg laying, name to the organisms on the basis
Trivedi, KKD.(Tr.) The Atharvaveda, Saravdeshik Arya
of insects characteristic or diagnostic features, the
Pratinidhi Sabha, Delhi 2004.
classification of insects, identification of insects,
spiders, scorpions, centipedes on the basis of their Whitney (Tr.), The Atharvaveda Sahitā Moti Lal Banarsi
Dass, Delhi, 1971.
colour, behaviour, habitat and habits with their
names accordingly, show that our forefathers Wilson, H H.(Tr.) The Atharvaveda Sahitā, The Bangalore
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