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NIM     : 19012201

1. People can show their respect for nature in many differnt ways

We can show our respect for nature in many different ways. We can plant more trees or
other plants in environment around us. This way can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Trees can
change carbon dioxide into oxygen by way of photosynthesis. We can use organic goods. We
have to keep away from items which made from plastic. Our beloved nature needs more time to
recycle items made from plastic than items made from organic material. Then we can stop
everything that uses fossil fuels,like coal and petroleum. We can ride bike or walk to go
somewhere. We must save energy. Reduce the use of electrical appliances like air conditioner,
heater, refrigerator, and many more. Turn off light and other electrical apliances before go out to
somewhere. The last is we have to tell other people about the importance of keeping our nature
in order to remain natural for human life. If we can not keep it, at least we do not spoil it.if not
now then when? Let us do what is best for us to remain a natural paradise we are always
beautiful for us and our children.

2. I have a plan for what would be an ideal art class

I want to very sturdy bulletin boards on wheels. The remaining wall space should be carpeted
and can accept nails for hanging artwork. I want a Hughset of art prints from art history to
display. I would like every one thatis currently in the Art History books and on filelike archives.
I want a library of books and Biographies on all of the famous artists. Wonderful lesson plans
with easy to follow objectives that meet National standards the kids will love.A couple of rolling
carts with cleanup supplies and garbage cans. Lots oftrays that stack and containers. Easy to
follow rules and procedures posted. A big clock and big calendar on the wall. A full length
mirror to keep students from going to the bathroom. Dozens of small mirrors forself-portraits. A
water fountain. Lots of paper towels. Dozens of terry cloth towels. White for drying hands and
colored ones for cleaning up and touse during painting or art making. A stackable washer and
dryer. Lots ofsoap to clean brushes and hands. Hand cream dispenser with hand cream.
Student desks that are large and flat topped with stools fitted with tennis
balls to hold down the noise. Printmaking center with a press, brayers, plexyglass plates and
water based inks. Spray booth and a Hugh light box. Biglocked, glass cases in the corridor for
displaying art. Chalk board, paper cutter, yardsticks, rulers, squares compasses and all art
supplies I could ever want. Lots of pencils and erasers, paints blah, blah, blah.Computers, slide
projector, film strips, TV, great art moviesand software. Natural light with windows facing north
and the option to blackout. Track lighting to showcase art and pole lights to shine on still

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