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Prosthodont Res Pract 5 : 15-20, 2006


Validation of a Portable Blood Glucose Testing Device

in Measuring Masticatory Performance
Hiroshi Shiga, BEng, DDS, PhD, Yoshinori Kobayashi, DDS, PhD, Ichiro Arakawa, DDS, PhD,
Masaoki Yokoyama, DDS, PhD, and Mika Unno, DDS, PhD
Department of Partial and Complete Denture, School of Dentistry at Tokyo, The Nippon Dental University, Tokyo,

Clinical significance rately as a spectrophotometer.

This study confirms that a portable blood glucose test-
ing device can measure the glucose extraction from Key words: masticatory performance, gummy-jelly,
chewing gummy-jelly as accurately as a spectropho- blood glucose testing device, spectrophotometer
tometer when measuring masticatory performance.

Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to in-
vestigate the possibility of objectively evaluating mas-
For evaluating masticatory function, especially
ticatory performance using a portable blood glucose masticatory performance, the gummy-jelly (a
testing device. kind of popularly available jelly candy) has re-
Methods: First, the glucose concentrations of four ceived much attention because the shape and in-
types of glucose solutions with known concentrations gredients are well-standardized, hygiene control
were measured using a spectrophotometer and portable is relatively easy, and it has been used as a test
blood glucose testing device. Next, 20 healthy subjects food to analyze daily masticatory perfor-
were asked to chew gummy-jelly for 20 seconds and the mance.1-3 Tanaka et al,1 who investigated the re-
amount of glucose extraction was measured. The re- lation between the masseter muscle activity, du-
sults for the two devices were compared.
ration of chewing, and the amount of glucose
Results: The glucose concentration according to the
extraction from chewing gummy-jelly as measu-
spectrophotometer was very close to the true concen-
tration. On the other hand, the glucose concentration reed with a spectrophotometer, concluded that
according to the blood glucose testing device was not masticatory performance could be quantitatively
close to the true value, although a statistically signifi- measured by analyzing the amount of glucose ex-
cant linearity was found. In regard to measurement of traction from chewing gummy-jelly. However, one
the amount of glucose extraction, there was a signifi- of the drawbacks of this measurement method is
cant difference between the results obtained with the that the spectrophotometer used for measuring
two devices. However, by using a regression line and the amount of glucose extraction is cumbersome
applying the corrections to the values obtained, the to use and expensive.
values of the blood glucose testing device could be On the other hand, with the increase in the
brought close to the values of the spectrophotometer
number of diabetic patients4,5 and the necessity
(y=1.036x−2.491, r =0.994, P <0.01).
to control the blood glucose levels in these pa-
Conclusion: From these results, it was concluded
that, after applying correction, a portable blood glu- tients, relatively inexpensive and small, portable
cose testing device could measure the amount of glu- blood glucose testing devices 6-9 have become
cose extraction from chewing gummy-jelly as accu- available in the market, using which patients
can easily measure their own blood glucose lev-
Corresponding to: Dr Hiroshi Shiga els. There is a possibility that this portable blood
Department of Partial and Complete Denture, glucose testing device could be used to measure
The Nippon Dental University, School of Dentistry at Tokyo, the amount of glucose extraction from chewing
1-9-20 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8159, Japan gummy-jelly.
Tel: +81-3-3261-5729, FAX: +81-3-3261-8464
Therefore in this experiment, in order to inves-
tigate the possibility of objectively evaluating
Received on September 15, 2005 / Accepted on November 11, 2005 masticatory performance using a portable blood

Shiga et al., Prosthodont Res Pract 5 : 15-20, 2006

0.02 ml of the filtrate

0.02 ml of the filtrate

3.0 ml of glucose CII test agent

20~25 minutes

30~ 45 seconds
Placing on the blood glucose testing strip

Incubation for 15 minutes at room temperature

Measuring by the device
Measuring of the degree
of light absorption at 505 nm

Display of the glucose concentration

Calculation of the amount of glucose

By the spectrophotometer By the blood glucose testing device

Fig. 1 Measurement of the glucose concentration.

glucose testing device through the comparison of tube and stirred. The two tubes were then incu-
the amount of glucose extraction from chewing bated at room temperature for 15 minutes and the
gummy-jelly measured using a spectrophotome- difference in the degree of color absorption be-
ter and a portable blood glucose testing device. tween the glucose solution and the distilled water
was measured with the spectrophotometer (Fig. 1).
The glucose concentration of the solution was cal-
culated using the glucose concentration vs. the de-
Materials and methods gree of color absorption graph.
Experiment 1 was performed for calibration of the In the blood glucose testing device method, the
portable blood glucose testing device and experi- glucose concentration was measured simply by
ment 2 was performed to investigate the valida- placing a few drops of the glucose solution using a
tion of the portable blood glucose testing device in micro-pipette on the blood glucose testing strip
measuring masticatory performance. and reading the valued automatically displayed
after 30 to 45 seconds (Fig. 1).
Experiment 1
Four graded of glucose solutions with concentra- Experiment 2
tions of 100 mg/dl, 200 mg/dl, 300 mg/dl, and 400 1. Subjects and test material
mg/dl were prepared. Each solution was measured Twenty subjects, all in their twenties, consisting
five times using a spectrophotometer (Model 200− of 10 males and 10 females, with an average age
20, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) and a portable blood of 24.6 years, who were aware of their habitual
glucose testing device (Accu-check® comfort, Roche chewing side and had neither systemic nor masti-
Diagnostic, Basel, Switzerland) with the immobi- catory abnormalities were selected for the study.
lized enzyme electrode method. The relationship Informed consent was obtained from each of the
between the known concentrations and the con- subjects after explaining to them the general na-
centrations as measured with the spectrophoto- ture of the study to be conducted. The test food
meter, and similarly, the relationship between the was one cylindrically-shaped gummy-jelly with a
known concentrations and the concentrations as diameter of 10 mm, height of 10 mm, and weight
measured with the blood glucose testing device of 2 g (Table 1).
were compared. The glucose concentration as
measured with the spectrophotometer was ob- 2. Recording and analyzing method
tained with the glucose oxidase method. First, 0.02 Subjects were asked to sit in a dental chair with
ml of the glucose solution was transferred to a test the Frankfort plane parallel to the floor and the
tube by a micro-pipette followed by the addition of head not being fixed but in a relaxed state, and
3.0 ml of the coloring agent and stirring. As a con- were asked to chew the gummy-jelly using their
trol, 0.02 ml of distilled ionized water and 3.0 ml habitual chewing side for 20 seconds. Thereafter,
of the coloring solution were added to another test they were asked to rinse their mouth with 10 ml

Validation of Blood Glucose Testing Device in Measuring Masticatory Performance

Table 1 Size, weight, hardness, and ingredients Table 2 The average and standard deviation of the glucose
of the gummy-jelly. concentrations of the 4 types of glucose solutions as mea-
sured with the spectrophotometer and as measured with the
Size ( mm ) φ10×10 blood glucose testing device.
Weight ( g ) 2
Glucose solution 100 200 300 400
Har dn e ss ( k gf ) 2.17

I ng r e d i e nt s Maltose 40 % Spectrophotometer 102

0.7 199.6 300.1 399.7
± .38 ± 3.26 ± 3.14 ± 4.20
Solbitol 10 %
Glucose 5% Blood glucose 85.8 201.3 328.4 442.8
testing device ± 2.39 ± 3.97 ± 4.28 ± 5.45
Gelatin 8%
Other 37 %

of distilled water and spit the extracted glucose as Table 3 The average and standard deviation of the glucose
well as the gummy-jelly into a cup containing a concentrations of the 4 types of glucose solutions as mea-
sured with the blood glucose testing device after correction.
filter. The filtrate served as the test material, and
the glucose concentration was measured with both (mg/dl)
the spectrophotometer and the blood glucose test-
ing device. The measurements for each filtrate Glucose solution 100 200 300 400
was conducted three times, and the average value
Glucose concentration 101.0 196.7 303.3 398.7
was taken for the analysis. The relationship be- after correction ± 1.99 ± 3.32 ± 3.57 ± 4.55
tween the glucose concentrations measured using
the spectrophotometer and those measured using
the blood glucose testing device was investigated.

nificant linearity was found between the mea-

Statistics sured concentrations and the actual concentra-
For the accuracy of the spectrophotometer and tions, although the slope of the regression line was
blood glucose testing device, a simple linear re- relatively large, being 1.20 (y=1.199x−35.30,
gression analysis was performed. For the relation- r =0.999, P <0.01). Thus, we used this regression
ship between two devices, Pearson’s correlation line and applied the correction (x=(y+35.30)/1.199)
coefficient test was used. All of the data were ana- to the values obtained using the blood glucose
lyzed with the statistical software SPSS for Win- testing device for obtaining the corrected glucose
dows, version 10.0J (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). P concentrations (Table 3).
values <0.05 were considered to be significant.
Experiment 2
Although a statistically highly significant lineari-
ty was found between the values obtained using
Results the two methods (y=1.243x−38.29, r =0.994,
Experiment 1 P <0.01), the slope of the regression line was at
The glucose concentrations as measured with the 1.243 larger than 1. However, by using the regres-
spectrophotometer were very close to the actual sion line obtained from experiment 1 and applying
concentrations of the prepared glucose solutions the correction to the values obtained using the
(Table 2); a statistically significant linearity was blood glucose testing device, the slope of the re-
found between the two and the slope of the regres- gression line was brought close to 1, and the
sion line was infinitesimally close to 1 amount of glucose extraction measured with the
(y=0.997x+0.887, r =0.999, P <0.01). On the other blood glucose testing device became close to the
hand, when the blood glucose testing device was values measured with the spectrophotometer
used, the values were lower for the 100 mg/dl so- (y=1.036x−2.491, r =0.994, P <0.01) (Fig. 2).
lution and higher for the 200 mg/dl, 300 mg/dl and
400 mg/dl (Table 2). However, a statistically sig-

Shiga et al., Prosthodont Res Pract 5 : 15-20, 2006

( mg/dl ) ( mg/dl )
400 400

Blood glucose testing device

Blood glucose testing device
(before correction) 300 300

(after correction)
200 200

100 y = 1.243 x – 38.29 100 y = 1.036 x – 2.491

( r = 0.994, P < 0.01 ) ( r = 0.994, P < 0.01 )

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400

( mg/dl ) ( mg/dl )
S pect r ophot om et er S pect r ophot om et er

Fig. 2 The relationship between the amount of glucose extraction as measured with
the spectrophotometer and that as measured with the blood glucose testing device.

measure the blood glucose concentration with an

accuracy close to that of the larger devices used
Discussion in hospitals.10 However, until now, these devices
Tanaka et al,1 investigated chewing ability, con- have only been used to measure the glucose con-
sciousness, incompatibility, elasticity, sticki- centrations in the blood, and not for those in the
ness, hardness and ingestion of 4 types of cylin- saliva. In order to investigate whether they
drical shaped gummy-jelly containing 8 % gelatin might also be suitable for measurement of the
and varying in size and weight by asking the glucose concentration in the saliva, in this exper-
subjects to chew on their habitual chewing side iment, we compared the glucose concentrations
prior to swallowing ; they found that when the of solutions measured with spectrophotometer
length and diameter were 10 mm and the weight and those measured using a blood glucose testing
was 2 g the subjects were able to chew uncon- device.
sciously without any stickiness or incompatibility By measuring the concentrations of a set of
and that the jelly was the most suitable test food. graded solutions with known glucose concentra-
Kuriyama et al,2 using 4 types of gummy-jelly tions, it was found that the results obtained us-
that differed in hardness because of varying con- ing the spectrophotometer were very accurate
centrations of gelatin (5 %, 6.5 %, 8 % and 9.5 %), whereas those obtained using the blood glucose
quantitatively analyzed the stability of the testing device were not so accurate. However,
rhythm and path of the mandibular incisal point with the application of a correction to the results
during masticatory movements, and found that obtained using the blood glucose testing device
the gummy-jelly containing 8 % gelatin gave the from the linear regression line, the concentra-
most stable movements. Based on these reports, tions could be brought close to the accurate re-
the gummy-jelly used by Tanaka et al1 was em- sults obtained using the spectrophotometer. In
ployed as the test food. regard to the amount of glucose extraction from
In diabetic patients, because of the progression chewing gummy-jelly, a statistically significant
of the disease and the complications associated linearity was found between the glucose concen-
with hyperglycemia, there is a strong need for trations as measured with the spectrophotometer
the patients to monitor and control their blood and the concentrations as measured with the
glucose level. Therefore, several small portable blood glucose testing device, provided correction
blood glucose testing devices have been devel- with the linear factor was applied to the values
oped, using which diabetic patients can easily obtained using the blood glucose testing device
measure their own blood glucose levels.6-9 Out of and the slope of the regression line was virtually
all these simple devices, the Accu-check® comfort brought to 1. These results indicate that with the
developed by Roche Diagnostic has come to be application of corrections, glucose concentrations
among the better known because of its ability to in the saliva can be measured as accurately with

Validation of Blood Glucose Testing Device in Measuring Masticatory Performance

a blood glucose testing device as with a spectro- ance through measurement of the amount of
photometer. glucose extraction.
When the blood glucose testing device was
used to measure the glucose concentration of the
solutions with known glucose concentrations, it
was found that lower values were obtained for Conclusion
the 100 mg/dl solution and higher values were In order to investigate the possibility of objectively
obtained for the 200 mg/dl, 300 mg/dl and 400 mg/ evaluating masticatory performance using a por-
dl solutions. Two reasons for this discrepancy table blood glucose testing device, the amount of
were contemplated. One is that the blood glucose glucose extraction from chewing gummy-jelly
testing device lacked accuracy when measuring measured using a spectrophotometer was com-
glucose in solution, which was probably due to pared with that measured with a portable blood
the fact that it was designed to measure glucose glucose testing device. Based on the results, it
concentration in arterial blood taken from a fin- was concluded that the amount of glucose extrac-
ger tip. A much larger testing devices in hospitals tion from chewing gummy-jelly measured using
was built for use in hospitals to measure the glu- the blood glucose testing device was as accurate
cose concentrations in blood of the veins of the as that measured using the spectrophotometer
forearm, so the smaller portable blood glucose when corrections were applied. In other words,
testing device had to change the glucose concen- the blood glucose testing device could quantita-
tration value of the finger tip to that of the fore- tively measure masticatory performance as accu-
arm.8 The other reason is that when diabetic pa- rately as the spectrophotometer, and may thus of-
tients use these devices to control their blood fer a simple and comparatively inexpensive
sugar levels, values lower than the actual can be alternative to more complex and expensive meth-
very dangerous ; For that reason, since the nor- ods.
mal value range for blood sugar is 65−110 mg/dl
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