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Chapter 9.

1. Define group and differentiate between different types of groups?

Ans: A group: is defined as two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent who
have come together to achieve particular objectives.

There are two main types’ groups’ formal group and informal group

- Formal group: is one deliberately formed by the organization to accomplish specific

tasks and achieve goals.

- Informal group: A group that emerges over time through the interaction of workers.

The following are other types of group

- Command group: a group composed of the individuals who report directly to a given

- Task group: people working together to complete a job task.

- Interest group: people working together to attain a specific objective with which each is

- Friendship group: people brought together because they share one or more common

2. Define team?

Ans: Team: is a special type of group who work intensively with each other to achieve a
specific common goal.

3.Compare and contrast four types of teams?


A: cross-functional team: is a work group composed of workers from different

specialties, but at about the same organizational level, coming together to accomplish a

B: Virtual team: is a small group of people who conduct almost all of their collaborative
work by electronic communication rather than face-to-face meetings.

C: Problem solving teams: is a team from the same department or functional area that's
involved in efforts to improve work activities or to solve specific problems.

D: self-managed team:is a group of employees that's responsible and accountable for all
or most aspects of producing a product or delivering a service.

Prepared By: Mohamed Hassan Mohamed (Kulmiye)

4. Define crew, and management team?

Ans: Crew: is a group of specialists, each of whom has specific roles, performs brief

---Management team: The group of managers at the top of most organizations .

5.Identify the 5 stages of group development?


 -Forming (when a group is starting, not everything is clear yet).

 -Storming (intergroup conflict over who will control the group).
 -Norming (When group assimilate a common set of expectations, camaraderie).
 -Performing (When the group if fully functional, last stage development).
 -Adjourning (wrapping up activities rather than task performance).

6. Define Role and list Roles within the group?

Ans: Roles: a set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone occupying a given
position in a social unit.

Positive Roles within the group:

 Knowledge contributor.
 Process observer.
 People supporter.
 Challenger.
 Listener.
 Mediator.
 Gatekeeper.

7. Identify the characteristics of an effective work group?

Ans: Effective work-group characteristics are----:

 The jobs should be enriched job design

 The members should have a feeling of empowerment.
 Group members should be interdependent in terms of tasks, goals, and feedback and
 Team efficacy.
 Emotional intelligence.
 Group cohesiveness contributes to performance and satisfaction.
 Support for work group.
 Group members should be familiar with their jobs, coworkers, and the work

Prepared By: Mohamed Hassan Mohamed (Kulmiye)

8. What is team efficacy, familiarity and crowd sourcing ?

Ans: --Team efficacy: refers to a team’s belief that it can successfully perform a specific

-- Familiarity: refers to the specific knowledge group members have of their jobs,
coworkers, and the environment.

-Crowd sourcing: is the gathering of input or information relevant to a particular task.

9. Define group decision making and explain the group decision making styles.

Ans: group decision making: refers to a group playing a role in making a decision.

---Group decision making takes place in different styles---:

A: consultative decision making---in which the group leader consults with members
before making a decision.

B: democratic decision making---in which the group members are empowered to make
the decision themselves.

C: consensus decision making-- in which the manager shares the problem with group

10. What are the difference between group and team?



 Have one objectives.

 Different reward.
 Independent


 Have one objective.

 Same reward.
 Interdependent.
 Complementary.

Prepared By: Mohamed Hassan Mohamed (Kulmiye)

11. List and define the potential problems within groups?


 Group polarization: a situation in which post discussion attitudes tend to be more

extreme than pre-discussion attitudes.
 Social loafing: is freeloading, or shirking individual responsibility, when a person is
placed in a group setting and removed from individual accountability.
 Groupthink: a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment
in the interest of group cohesiveness. Or Groupthink: refers to Situation in which the
group pressures for conformity.

Prepared By: Mohamed Hassan Mohamed (Kulmiye)

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