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e-Task 3:  

A Place for Learning and Having Fun

Presentado por : Eliana Caro Alean
Ingles II
Evento: II festival virtual de poesia Bajo Cauca

The Bajo Cauca Virtual Poetry Festival is a construction of the words that have
made the territory in this region in which, despite the fact that we are, like so
many others in the country, the scene of bad news, we are also men and women
from peace, drive and well-founded optimism. To say it with the poet Enrique
Aldawe from Caucasia: “We are in Bajo Cauca, but our echo has the dimensions
of the earth and the ecumenical size of the world. Our cry is deep like the skin of
the sky and it is a madness full of infinite love for life ”.

1. Free participation of poets from Bajo Cauca and
other regions of Colombia.
2. The participant must select a poem of his
authorship and record a video of a maximum of one
minute and a half of the poem.
3. In the video recording you must say the title of the poem.
4. The video must be sent in MP4 or MPGE
format of medium or high quality resolution. If
the video is made with a cell phone, it is
recommended to take into account the following:
Clean the lens, silence notifications and calls, so
that it does not interrupt the recording; It must be
filmed in horizontal format, taking care of the
quality of the
lighting, the image and the sound.
5. The reading of the poem should be fluent
with a good tone of voice and good editing.
6. The videos can be received from Monday,
April 5 to Wednesday, April 21, at the
electronic address:
7. The participating poet must send, along with
the video, a Word file with his biographical
note that includes his name, the place of origin, as well as the information he may
have, with a maximum length of 200 words.
8. Poets who meet the above requirements
will be given, subsequently, and virtually, a
certificate of their participation.

Wednesday April 28
 The dense scars of my years they taught
me to sticks that obvious thing that
whispers life: Human sounds like
brother!..(From the poem "Shaman")

 Workshop Describes reality poetically with the poet Alirio Antonio Machado
- El Viejo Macha
Time: 10:00 a.m.
 The antenna that brings the news of the war it's full of birds…(From "Book of
Poems", 1987)

 The importance of poetry for peacebuilding in conflict zones with the poet
Gustavo Adolfo Garcés.
Time: 4:00 p.m.
 Sing under my feet, oh earth!
The rhythm of the riverside bagpipes that they weave in my mestizo skin, the
story of broken chains ... (From the poem “My land”, 2021) Poet María
Bustamante - Calipso -Caucasia
We are providing the wildest wood,so that
the libertarian seed is broken, it would be
like a tunnel in the cup of the forehead ...
(From the book in edition "147 cries
without end")…Poet Enrique Aldawe
 I come from that strange place, called
"over there",Of the black oak canoes, of
the fishing nets, from the blood spilled to
achieve freedom ... (From the poem "Origin") Poet Edward Paez Hache –

 Is poetry made in Bajo Cauca? Conversation with the poets Enrique

Aldawe, Maria Bustamante - Calipso and Edward Páez Hache.
Time: 5:00 p.m.
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Presentación virtual 
Hora: 7:00 p.m.
Vía Facebook Live, Universidad
de Antioquia Seccional Bajo
Cauca y Resistencia Positiva

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