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April, 2021

“Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace
appear the hour I first believed.” Amazing Grace by John Newton

Dear Friends,

Sergie Bolgar has been leading our prison ministry efforts in Moldova for the last 20+ years. He
continues his efforts with the same passion and purpose. He states the purpose of the ministry very
simply as leading prisoners and their family members to faith in Jesus Christ and helping them to grow
spiritually. He and his team are focused on providing prisoners with the resources, materials and
interactions to make this possible. Below are some of Sergei’s stories of how God is actively at work
and using this ministry.

Sergei Bolgar shares the notes below:

Let me share just a few testimonies of how God has miraculously worked in the lives of both men and
women prisoners through our ministry.

Irina Maryanova - prayed to God that she would have the opportunity to read God's Word. In prison
she was given a Psalter that she began to read. Then she began Bible classes, Irina believed in the Lord
and began to understand what the Bible says. She stopped smoking, using bad words, is filled with the
Holy Spirit and is bringing her friends to Bible school.

Prison Ministry Team - Sergei, Irina and Snejana holding gospel based calendars in Russian and
Romanian that they were able to broadly distribute through the Moldovan Prisons. They also spent
time this year meeting the physical needs of prisoners and their families.
Tamara Stolyarkova - stopped smoking, using bad words, condemning others, because it is not
pleasing to God. She also brought two new students to the Bible School.

Anastasia Kalugina - Anastasia had a big grievance and wanted to take revenge, but becoming a
Christian, she began to ask the Lord to help her forgive the offender. God answered her and she was
able to forgive. God helped Anastasia give up alcohol. She also has given up unhealthy friendships.

Vita Gerashchenko - began to study the Scriptures in prison. She believed in God and received
salvation. On August 24 she was released from prison and has continued to correspond with us and
continues to grow as a disciple.

Denis Surago – praises God that now during a pandemic he has the opportunity to gather with other
convicted Christians and pray and study the Word of God. We were able to minister to his family by
providing his mom with glasses.

Constantin Topala – is thankful for the opportunity to study the Word of God. He began to pray to
God and now thanks God for His work on the cross to save people from sin. He now speaks openly to
others and testifies in prison about Christ and takes Bible study very seriously.

Georgy Podgorny - has been in prison for 27 years. He was left alone without family and friends. He
wants to learn more about God and asks our team to pray for him. He now says that only the Lord is his

Igor Radka - Jesus is for him Lord and Savior, Protector and Friend. He testifies to others about Christ’s
work in his life. He says that it is the Lord that changes his life and his inner person. He tries to glorify
the Savior by word, faith and deeds. He testifies to others about Christ and often meets resistance, but
the Lord is always with him. He says that in the Lord he is a conqueror, in Him Igor experiences joy.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! On behalf of our Moldovan team we sincerely thank you for your
prayers and for the support of the prison ministry in Moldova and Transnistria. It is thanks to God's
will and you, this ministry continues to develop successfully and bear fruit. We ask you to pray for all
of us and our ministry. Pray for our prison ministry team and for the continued salvation of convicts
and their families. Please, also pray for me that God bless my pastoral ministry in our local church.

I hope this report from Sergei encourages you concerning the work God continues to do in Moldova to
call new believers to Himself. It is our great joy to take part in the healing work of Christ and to
celebrate with Sergei and the team on their new disciples. Truly, how precious did that grace appear
the hour all of us first believed! Please continue to pray for us so that we can be used by God to serve
others and be a light in places of darkness. Thank you for your continued support.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Ganaway
Gospel of John Board Member

Phone 817-507-8339

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