Comparison of An System and A Single Carrier System Using Frequency Domain Equalization

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I Multi-CarrierSpread-Spectrum and Related Topics 1

A Comparison of an OFDM System and a Single Carrier

System Using Frequency Domain Equalization
ICE, University of Linz. Altenbergerstral3e69, A4040 Linz, Austria
Infineon Technologies AG, Freistadtersuak 315 ,A4040 Linz, Austria

Abstract. In this work we compare an OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) system and a SC/FDE
(Single Carrier System with Frequency Domain Equalization) system in terms of their BER performance, channel esti-
mation techniques, bandwidth-efficiency and other design parameters. In both systems an estimation of the channel
transfer function is needed for equalization purposes. Different frequency domain based channel estimation techniques
for both systems are presented and compared. BER-simulations have been performed for channel-coded data in typicd
indoor multipath environments. The parameters of both systems are adapted to the Hiperlad and IEEE 802.1la stan-
dards. It will be pointed out that OFDM shows slight advantages when taking the BER performance into account, while
the SC/FDE system exhibits advantages in terms of signal processing complexity. Finally a combination of OFDM and
SC/FDE is described that exhibits significant advantages.

1 INTRODUCTION Widespread familiarization and trust for Ethernet

The wireless communications market is undergoing a standard technology.
tremendous growth - consumers are looking to wireless Facilitated installation of the network equipment
data transceivers to convey all types of information. From
(no wires).
third generation (3G) cell phones to wireless local area
networks (WLANs), the convergence of voice, data and 0 Declining price of WLAN hardware.
video is driving the demand for wireless terminals, capa- 0 Introduction of 11 Mbitk and even 54 Mbitk
ble of transmitting data farther, faster and more effi-
ciently. WLAN technology, which was originally in-
tended as an alternative to wired networks in offices, is One of the most challenging problems in high data rate
increasingly being promoted as a way to provide wireless wireless transmission is to overcome the time dispersion
Internet access in public places. In the WLAN industry, caused by multipath propagation. Mobile radio channels
the past few years have seen a migration from 1 and 2 in indoor or micro cellular environments can exhibit large
Mbitk radios to the recent proliferation of 11 Mbitls de- relative time dispersions, i.e. intersymbol interference
vices, while future WAN standards (802.1 la and Hiper- (ISI) smears each individual data symbol over several
LAND) are set to achieve data rates of up to 54 Mbitls subsequent symbols. The root mean square (RMS) delay
[I]. spread of indoor multipath channels can range from 20-
The following reasons are seen as W A N market 5011sin small home and office. environments, to 50- lOOns
drivers [2]: in large office buildings and 100-200ns in factory envi-
ronments 131. The solution to the IS1 problem in single
Changes in work practices drive the demand for
camer systems is the use of an equalizer. The common
more flexible access to corporate computer appli- problem with conventional time domain equalizer struc-
cations. tures is the fact that the computational complexity grows
The explosion in demand for laptop, palmtop and at least quadratically with the bit rate [4].
PDA devices.

Vol. 13. No. 5, September-October 7002 519

H. Witschnig, M. Huerner, A. Koppler, A. Springer, R. Weigel

A completely different approach to overcome the prob- SC/FDE concept and describe one particular FDE imple-
lems of time dispersion is the use of OFDM [51- [9].In mentation structure. Next we compare channel estimation
OFDM systems IS1 is eliminated almost completely by concepts for OFDM and SCFDE. Finally, we present our
introducing a guard time between consecutive symbols simulation results and compare both systems in terms of
while inter camer interference (ICI) is impeded by their BER performance, bandwidth efficiency and signal
choosing the subcarriers to be orthogonal. Equalization processing constraints. Furthermore, we discuss an ad-
reduces to simple complex multiplication operations in the vantageous combination of OFDM and SCIFDE, which
frequency domain. The equalization complexity of the has been considered during the IEEE 802.16 standardiza-
FFI' based OFDM concept grows slightly faster than line- tion process.
arly with the bit rate. Consequently, in terms of complex-
ity, OFDM is more attractive than conventional single
carrier systems if the bandwidth-delay-spread-product ex- 2 OFDM
ceeds a certain value.
We briefly review the main physical layer (PHY) pa-
A promising but compared to conventional techniques
rarely investigated solution for broadband communication rameters and baseband processing steps of a Hiperlad2 or
systems is the concept of single carrier transmission with IEEE 802.1 la-like OFDM system [8]. [9].
frequency domain equalization (SCFDE) [ 101- [ 171. This Figure 1 shows the main baseband processing steps of
approach combines the properties of OFDM and single the investigated system. In the transmitter path the binary
carrier transmission advantageously. SC/FDE shows input data are first scrambled (to ensure a small peak-to-
strong analogies to OFDM where equalization is also average power ratio) and encoded by using the industry
performed in the frequency domain. Similar to OFDM, standard rate 1/2, constraint length 7 convolutional en-
the pmposed SCmlE system makes use of efficient FFT coder with generator polynomials (133, 171). By punc-
operations, the transmission is canied out blockwise, and turing the rate 1/2 code, coding rates of 314, 2J3 and 9/16
a cyclic extension (guard interval) is added to the individ- may also be achieved. An efficient coding scheme is a
ual blocks in order to mitigate interblock interference. crucial requirement for OFDM since data symbols corre-
Due to the use of FFT operations the receiver complexity sponding to carriers located in a region with deep spectral
is kept significantly below the complexity of conventional fades would otherwise be unreliable.
single carrier systems with time domain equalizer struc- After frequency domain interleaving, which ensures that
tures and due to the use of single carrier modulation adjacent coded bits are modulated on non-adjacent sub-
schemes the constraints on the transceiver's analog com- carriers, the binary values are converted to QAM values.
ponents are more relaxed compared to OFDM systems. The PHY layer offers different subcarrier modulation
While most of the research in recent years has been fo- schemes and different coding rates, such that different
cused on OFDM with respect to WLAN systems, different data rates from 6 Mbitfs up to 54 Mbit/s can be provided.
proposals have subsequently &en made for SCEDE, es- To facilitate coherent reception, four pilot values are
pecially in the IEEE 802.16 Wireless MAN (Metropolitan
added to each 48 data values, which yields a total of 52
Area Network) standardization process.
QAM values per OFDM symbol. The raw OFDM symbol
The paper is organized as follows: In the next section
duration is 3.2 ys.
we give a short overview of the baseband signal process-
ing of an OFDM system. In Section 3 we introduce the

Figure 1: Baseband block diagram afthe simiilated OFDM system.

A Comparison of an OFDM System and a Single Camer System Using Frequency Domain Equalization

Figure 2: Baseband block diagram of the simulated SC/FDE system.

The heart of the OFDM system is the IFFTFFT sec- needed in the receiver when using FFT operations. The
tion - the 64-point IEFT/FFT algorithms perform the use of a guard period and the blockwise transmission was
modulation and demodulation. In the transmitter the IFFT proposed in [lo] for the first time. In order to mitigate in-
modulates a block of 52 QAM values onto 52 subcamers. terblock interference the duration TC of the guard interval
The DC subcanier and the subcarriers at the band edges has to be longer than the duration Tl1of the channel im-
are not used for data transmission. To make the system pulse response h(r).
robust against multipath propagation, the cyclic prefix is Figure 3 shows the structure of one transmitted block
added. It is essential that the duration of the guard interval which consists of the original sequence of N symbols with
is longer than the duration of the channel impulse re- duration T F ~ = N and
T the cyclic extension with duration
sponse. The guard interval of length 80011s ensures ro- TG.
bustness to delay spreads up to 25011s. To attain a narrow After pulseshaping (Root Raised Cosine Pulses) and
output spectrum, time domain windowing or digital fil- digital-to-analog conversion the resulting VQ signals are
tering can be applied. Finally, the digital output signals up-converted to the 5 GHz band.
are converted to analog signals, which are up-converted to
the 5 GHz band.
In the receiver path, after passing the RF part and the
analog-to-digital conversion, time and frequency synchro-
nization is performed before starting the demodulation of
the OFDM symbols. For each symbol the cyclic prefix is
removed, and an EFT is used to demodulate all subcarri-
ers. The output of the FFT contains 48 distorted data val-
ues that are equalized by 48 complex multiplications. The
pilot subcarriers are used to correct the remaining phase I

drift. The equalized QAM values are then demapped onto Figure 3: Transmitted block of the SC/FDE system.
binary values and deinterleaved. Finally, decoding by a
Viterbi decoder and descrambling produces the binary In the receiver path, after passing the RF part and the
output data. analog-to-digital conversion, time and frequency synchro-
nization is performed first. For each symbol the cyclic
3 SC/FDE prefix has to be removed before the equalization can be
performed. The task of the frequency domain equalizer is
We will now give a short introduction to the simulated to eliminate intersymbol interference within the individual
SCFDE system. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the blocks. The equalized QAM values are then demapped
simulated system, that is comparable to OFDM in general, onto soft bipolar values and decoded by a Viterbi decoder.
but different in detail. The SC/FDE signal processing Although the placement of the IFFT operation seems to be
starts with encoding the binary input data using the same the only difference between OFDM and SCFDE, it is es-
encoder as used in the OFDM standards. After coding the sential to gain some insight into the block “Frequency
binary data are converted to QAM values and a guard pe- Domain Equalization”. Due to the cyclic extension of the
nod is added between successive blocks. The insertion of transmitted blocks, the convolution of one cyclically ex-
a guard period anticipates the blockwise processing tended transmitted block and the channel impulse re-

Vol. 13. No. 5 . September-October 2002 52 1

H. Witschnig, M. Huemer, A. Koppler, A. Springer. R. Weigel

sponse h(!) can be calculated by a circular convolution is frequency selective, an improvement of the BER
corresponding to the frequency domain relation behavior of up to 2 dB in terms of E$No can be
reached. The reached gain depends strongly on the
R(nfo)= H(nfo)S(nfo)+ N(nf0) (1) channel transfer function.
~ . the functions Rff), Scf) and
for neZ and f o = l f l ~ Here b) When applying a suboptimal matched filter the sys-
H m are related to the time domain signals r(t) (one period tem performance is highly sensitive to the choice of
of the received data block), s(t) (the original, non cycli- the sampling phase For systems with excess band-
cally extended block) and h(t) by the continuous Fourier width B>I/T [18], since the term exp(-j27&rO) is not
transform. Ncf) is the Fourier transform of the additive compensated for by the filter. As a consequence the
noise. This relationship enables the implementation of an sampling rate reduction (see. (4)) may result in de-
optimal linear receiver as shown in figure 4 [4]. The fol- structive aliasing in the fold-over-region around
lowing signal processing steps have to be performed: I=I/(2T).
The output signal of the matched filter, denoted by
3.1 MATCHED FILTERING XL”(nf0), is determined by
In the case of root raised cosine transmit pulse shap-
ing, sampling with twice the symbol rate enables optimal = R L / * ( ~ J I ~ ) G @ ~ ( ~ J I ~ )(3)
x Y 2w0) ~
digital matched filtering. A 2N-point FFT transforms the n = O ...2N-1
2N samples r(m)=[r(f)],.mTn (m=O, ..., 2 N - I ) of the re-
ceived data block into the frequency domain. It is indi- 3.2 TIME DOMAIN SAMPLING RATE REDUCTION
cated in figure 4 that the channel estimate, which will be DESCRIBED IN THE FREQUENCY DOMAIN
the topic of the next chapter, is not only used to determine
the equalizer transfer function but also to implement the The time domain sampling rate reduction implemented
optimum matched filter in the frequency domain. There- in the frequency domain is performed by N complex addi-
fore, this matched filter is not only matched to the trans- tions in the following way:
mitted pulse shape but also to the channel itself and can be
written as (4)
n = O...N - 1

In this equation K denotes a real constant, 3.3 EQUALIZATION

Cg’2(nfo)denotes the discrete time Fourier transform of N complex multiplications are needed for the equali-
the transmitted pulse shape, HL!e:,(nfO) describes the es- zation
timated channel transfer Function, and the superscript ”*”
denotes the complex conjugate. Here the subscript D indi- Y b (nfo) = xb (nfo)EL (nfo1, n =0.. N - 1. (5)
cates that the frequency domain function arises from the Two types of linear equalizers are commonly used: The
Fourier transform of a discrete-time sequence, and the su- ZF (Zero Forcing) equalizer is designed to satisfy the
perscript m indicates the particular underlying sampling zero-IS1 constraint and is given by
rate. The implementation of a matched filter that is also
matched to channel transfer function shows two signifi-
cant advantages.
a) In comparison to the suboptimal matched filter, that
suffers from a matching loss as soon as the channel

Figure 4: Low cornplcsiry implernentntion scheme of o frequency domain eqiicili:er.

A Comparison of an OFDM System and a Single Camer System Using Frequency Domain Equalization

where a training phase wherein symbol timing, frequency offset

and channel estimation are derived using the pilot sym-
(7) bols provided by the preamble [3], [8], 191. The preamble
of the IEEE 802.1 la burst is shown in figure 5. It is com-
posed of two sections. Section 1 consists of a repetition of
ten identical short training symbols t, to C,, . Each short
training symbol has a length of 800ns. This part of the
Q3(nfo) describes the overall T-spaced transfer function preamble is dedicated to frame synchronization, AGC
including transmit pulse shaping, complex valued base- (Automatic Gain Control), coarse timing synchronization,
band channel, receive filter and matched filtering. One has and coarse frequency synchronization. Section 2 consists
to note, that the use of a ZF equalizer may result in sig- of two identical dFDM symbols sl,,ilorand S2pi/or of normal
length 3.2 ps, preceded by a guard interval of length 1.6
nificant noise enhancement. If Q$(nfo) has very deep
p s . The two long symbols should be used for fine fre-
spectral fades, the noise introduced by a ZF equalizer is quency synchronization and initial channel estimation.
very high (and can even tend to infinity). Note that the guard interval preceding the long training
MMSE (Minimum Mean Square Error) equalizers symbols is twice as Iong as the guard interval of normal
avoid the problem of infinite noise enhancement by com- OFDM data symbols. This guarantees IS1 free channel
promising noise amplification and IS1 reduction. The estimation even for channel impulse responses which are
MMSE equalizer frequency response is given by [4] longer than the normal guard interval.
Each subcarrier of the irhreceived symbol is only distorted
by amplitude and phase e m r s caused by the multipath
channel as long as the mutual orthogonality between sub-
camers is guaranteed. We can denote the nrhdata symbol
of the i"' received OFDM symbol as [3]
The additive term in the denominator of Equation
(9) protects against infinite noise enhancement. rn,i = sn,i * H ( n f o )+ nn,i =
0,"describes the variance of the uncorrelated data se-
= (nfo )In.i
. ., j Q ( n f o )
' + "n,i * (10)
quence and @ ~ , , , ( n f O )denotes the power spectral den- n = 1, ...,52
sity of the colored (due to the matched filtering) equalizer In this equation s,{.idescribes the transmitted data symbol,
input noise sequence.
Hlnfo) designates the channel transfer function and n,,,,
After going back to the time domain, a memoryless
represents the additive noise. Here we assume the channel
detector, which processes the corresponding time domain
transfer function to be time invariant for the duration of
sequence, y(k) 0 -*YA(f), concludes the frequency do- one burst. Dividing the distorted received pilot symbol by
main equalization. the transmitted values, we find a noisy estimate of the
channel transfer function, i.e. the amplitude and phase er-
ESTIMATION ror for each subcarrier.


4.1.1 Channel estimation using training symbols Once the channel transfer function is known, the equali-
zation can easily be carried out by a complex multiplica-
The digital signal processing of every burst starts with
tion of each data subcarrier value with the inverse of the

Figlire 5: IEEE 802.I la. prrcimble.

Vol. 13, No. 5 . September-October3-00?

H. Witschnig, M. Huemer, A. Koppler, A. Springer, R. Weigel

estimated channel transfer function.

The additive term due to noise leads to a significant dete-
rioration of the BER behavior and makes an additional
noise reduction necessary. The IEEE 802.11a and the
h indicates the subvector in the time domain that contains
Hiperlad2 standard already supports noise reduction by
the channel impulse response and h,, contains the zeros
providing two identical pilot symbols dedicated for chan-
or pure noise for t>TG.The subvector Hk indicates the ac-
nei estimation [8],[9] (see Figure 5). The noise power can
cessible coefficients of the channel in the frequency do-
be reduced by 3 dB by averaging over the two symbols.
main and H. includes the unknown channel coeficients.
The noise-reduced channel estimate in the frequency do-
The IDFT submatrices W , / , W12, W,, and W ~contain
Z all
main is simply
twiddle factors

Note that the pilot symbols used in the BEE 802.1 1 and
Hiperlad2 standards show an optimized time domain in a rearranged way. Using (13). the unknown
peak-to-average power ratio. transfer factors can be calculated as Foflows

4.1.2 A-priori knowledge of the channel impulse re-

sponse Using this information the unknown channel coefficients
Further noise reduction and improvement of the BER are calculated.
behavior can be reached by taking advantage of the sys-
H , =-W& . W,,. Hk (16)
tem specification. The guard interval is chosen in such a
way that its duration is longer than the channel impulse W& indicates a modified pseudo inverse of W22. The
response T,,cTG.If we start with a coarse channel estirna- transformation to the time domain (IFFT) is now camed
tion in the frequency domain, as described above, then the out by
duration of the time domain impulse response of the esti-
mated channel exceeds the guard time significantly. The h = ( W l ~-w12 .w& -W2[)*Hk. (17)
a-priory knowledge T, > T,, allows further noise reduction
by simple time domain windowing as shown in figure 6 . Performing the time domain windowing ( hzrm = 6 ) and
By setting ail sampling values for t>TG to zero, as these going back to the frequency domain is determined by
non-zero samples are considered to be caused by noise
only, a significant noise reduction is achieved.

Finally, the noise reduced subcartier coefficients H,,, are

computed by

H,,,=[V,H .w,
-K .WLW?,>
I 14
This matrix multiplication has to be applied instead of
Figure 6: Signal windowing in the time domain. the steps IFFT, time domain windowing and FFT.There-
fore, extra (hardware) blocks have to be designed for the
However, additional Fourier transformations have to generation of Wu and for the realization of the matrix op-
be performed. eration, although this matrix multiplication has to be per-
The problem with OFDM is the fact that for this time formed only once, if only an initial channel estimation is
domain windowing a 64-point lFFT is needed but only 52 carried out. Unfortunately the IFFT/FFT blocks cannot be
values (subcamers) are given and reasonable extrapola- reused. In the next section we will point out that the situa-
tion is not applicable. A solution to this problem can be tion is different for the SCFDE system. Here, the proce-
found in f19],[20]. The principle to overcome this prob- dure shown in Figure 6 can be applied straight forward.
lem is to use the channel coefficients h,, in the time do-
main that are expected to be zero for t>TG.The IDFT (In- 4.2 CHANNEL ESTIMATION FOR SC/FDE
verse Discrete Fourier Transformation) can be computed
as follows 4.2.I Channel estimation using training symbols
Channel estimation methods for SC/FDE are compa-
rable to the methods developed for OFDM. In the receiver
A Comparison of an OFDM System and a Single Carrier System Using Frequency Domain Equalization

the pilot symbol is known by its frequency domain sam- duction is achieved when carrying out an additional time
ples s;,';,,,,(nfo) n=O,...,2N-1, where N defines the num- domain windowing after the coarse channel estimation in
ber of symbols per FIT-block. By dividing the received the frequency domain. For the SC/FDE system noise re-
pilot symbol, given in the frequency domain as duction due to time domain windowing can be imple-
mented as it is shown in Figure 6 without any further cal-
culations. As a consequence, no additional hardware is
needed since the IFFT/FFT sections, originally imple-
by the transmitted one, we find the estimate of the channel mented for equalization purposes, may be reused for the
transfer function improved channel estimation. It will be shown in the next
chapter that for this improved channel estimation tech-
niques both systems exhibit comparable BER perform-
ance but the implementation effort is reduced significantly
for the SC/FDE system.

Again the additive term due to noise in (21) leads to a

significant degradation of the channel estimate and makes
further investigations necessary.
As stated in [12] signals with a constant envelope in the
time domain and constant amplitude over the system
bandwidth, e.g. like chirp signals, fit best for the applica-
tion of channel estimation.
For the investigated system we use two chirp signals
within on pilot symbol of duration T w . The reason for
using two chirp signals is that due to the periodicity of the
signal, its Fourier transform at frequency points nfo with n Figure 7: Pilot symbolfor SUFDE.
being odd are equal to zero in the ideal, noise-free case.
With noise being present these points nfo are non-zero due
to pure noise. This fact can be used advantageously to 5 COMPARISON OF OFDM AND S O E
calculate the variance onzof the noise and precisely de-
termine the additive term cPb,",,/a; in the MMSE 5.1 SIMULATION RESULTS
equalizer. This approach makes interpolation for n being
odd necessary to calculate the channel transfer function. 5.I. 1 Simniation parameters
The used pilot symbol is described by the following
equation Table I : Main physical layer parameters of the simulated
OFDM system and comparable parameters of the investigated
SC/FDE concept.
In (22) p describes the chirprate that is defined by Information data rate [Mbps] 12, 18 12, 18
p = B / ( T ~ f i ) .B defines the symbol bandwidth. Subcarrier (symbol) QPSK QPSK
modulation scheme
4.2.2 Channel estimation with noise reduction
The bit enror behavior is improved by using two iden-
I Coding rates I %,% 1 Yz,% I
tical pilot symbols of duration Tm as foreseen in the Number of data symbols per 48 64
IEEE 802.11a and HIPERLAW2 standards. The im- block Ndnm
provement due to noise reduction is simply based on aver- Number of pilot symbols per 4
aging. Figure 7 shows the channel estimator used for the block Ntm,~
SC/FDE, which is conform with the standards.
Block duration [ps] 4 5.33
4.2.3 A-priori-knowledge of the channel impulse re- TFFT [PSI 3.2 4.49
TG [nsl 800 842
The a-priori knowledge of the duration of the channel
impulse response can be used for noise reduction in the I Roll off factor I - I 0.25 I
same way as for OFDM systems. A significant noise re-

Vol. 13. No. 5 . September-October 1-00? 525

H.Witschnig, M. Huemer, A. Koppler, A. Springer, R. Weigel

The parameters (Table 1) of the simulated SCFDE One cyclically extended OFDM block contains more re
system have been adapted to the harmonized HiperlanR dundancy than one cyclically extended block of tht
and IEEE 802.1 la OFDM based standards. Note that the SC/FDE system:
parameters of the SClFDE system have been chosen in
The SC/FDE system has been simulated withou
such a way that both systems operate at the same symbol
pilot symbols within the data blocks, while tht
rate and both systems can handle similar channel delay OFDM system uses four pilot subcarriers per block
spreads. Bit error rate simulations of the investigated sys- for synchronization purposes.
tems have been performed for AWGN as well as for in-
door multipath conditions. The indoor radio channel im- T ~ /( T FFT + T Gis) somewhat higher for the
pulse response h has been modeled as tapped delay line, S O E system.
each tap with random uniformly distributed phase and Since the focus of this paper is on channel estimation,
Rayleigh distributed magnitude and with the power delay no dedicated pilot symbols (except the preamble symbols)
profile decaying exponentially. (The same model has been for synchronization purposes have been introduced in the
used during the W E 802.1la standardization process.) single carrier system. We want to point out that any form
of further pilot symbols (which will be necessary in any
real implementation) will decrease the bit error perfonn-
ance of the SCFDE system, so that finally both systems
will show almost identical BER behavior in the AWGN
SUFOE 12 MbiVs
OFDU: 12MbVs
1 . SUFDE 16MtiUs
OFOW 18 MbVs


Here A T is the multipath resolution time, ZRMS is -3

the channel delay spread, and N(0, IRq') is a zero mean m
Gaussian random variable with variance In 0,' chosen
such that the condition ckp=;okz = 1 is satisfied to en- -5

sure constant average received power. In our simulations 6

the number of multipath echos has been chosen to
P=IOTRM~AT. with At=35ns (which corresponds to the
simulation sampling time of the investigated single carrier
system). The channel is assumed to be static throughout a
burst. 20 indoor radio channel snapshots, each with a de-
Figure 8: BERgerfonnance of the investigated OFDM-and
lay spread of zRM5=IOOns, have been randomly generated SUFDE systems in the A WGN channel.
and stored with the model described above. The BER be-
havior of the two systems has been simulated and aver-
aged over these 20 channels.
5.1.3 Performance of the investigated channel estima-
5.1.2 B E R behavior in the AWGN channel for ideal
channel estimation We measured the performance of the investigated
channel estimators in the AWGN channel and in a mul-
Figure 8 shows the bit error ratios of the two systems
tipath environment. In both cases we used the 12 Mbith
versus EJN0 in the AWGN channel for information data
mode for comparison. Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the bit
rates of 12 Mbitfs and 18 Mbitfs, respectively. For the 12
error ratios for the different channel estimation imple-
Mbitls mode the coding rate r = % has been used, for the
mentations in the AWGN channel.for the SClFDE system
18 Mbit/s mode the coding rate was r = % (which is ob-
and the OFDM system. respectively. In Table 2 we surn-
tained by puncturing the rate M mother code output). The
marized the implementation loss of the individual channel
results have been produced by assuming perfect channel
estimators with respect to an ideal channel estimation at a
bit error rate of l o 5 .
For both data rates the SC/FDE system performs about
For both systems we find that compared to the simple
0.5 dB better than the OFDM system. However, this is not
estimator using one pilot symbol (CE 1) the implementa-
a real performance gain of the single carrier system, but tion loss decreases significantly by averaging over two
appears due to the choice of the simulation parameters:

5 26 E'IT
A Comparison of an OFDM System and a Single Camer System Using Frequency Domain Equalization

pilot (CE 2)‘ A further significant improvement Table 2: Implementation loss of the differentchannel estimators
can be achieved by time domain windowing (CE 3) using at a bit error rate of iO-’,respectively.
the a-priory knowledge about the channel impulse re-
sponse duration. For CE 1 and CE 2 the performance loss
of the single carrier system is much higher than for the
5.0 dB
OFDM system. For CE 3 the implementation loss of the
two systems only differs by 0.35 dB. In a multipath envi-
ronment we only simulated the performance of CE 3. The
BER behavior of the two systems has been simulated and
averaged over the 20 randomly generated channels. At a 5.1.4 BER pe f o m n c e in indoor multipath environ-
bit error rate of 10’’ we measured an implementation loss ment
(with respect to an ideal channel estimation) of 0.85 dB
for the OFDM system, and an implementation loss of 0.95 Figure 11 shows the bit error ratios versus mean Eg’7Vo
dB for the SCEDE system. for both systems in a typical indoor multipath environ-
ment. The BER behavior of the two systems has been
0 . . .. - ..
-. - .. . . . . ... ,. .. -
r - - _- simulated and averaged over 20 randomly generated in-
SUFDE. idul CE
. . * SUFDE.CE1 door multipath channels, each channel with a delay spread
1 . SUFOE CEZ of 100ns. For all simulations CE 3 has been used for

-2 . channel estimation. As published for example in [20],the

OFDM system performs slightly better, when the coding
rate r = ‘/2 is used. For the coding rate r = % the SCEDE
3- -3 system performs significantly better than the OFDM sys-
tem. We found that for r = % the OFDM system showed a
-4 strong BER saturation behavior for three out of the 20
channels. This was not the case for the rate !h OFDM
mode and for both S W D E modes. As a result the aver-
aged BER performance of the rate % OFDM mode only
increases slowly with increasing bit energy.
0 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11
~4% 0
z -_ . SUFDE: r = 1/2 (12 MbiVs)
OFW: r = 1/2(12 MbiVs)
Figure 9: SC/FDE: Performance of the investigated channel
estimators. CE I: channel estimation without noise reduction,

- .
. SCIFOE: r = 3’4 (I8 MbiVs)
OFOM: r D Y4 (18 MbiVr)
CE 2: channel estimation with noise reduction due to averaging I .

over two symbols, CE 3: noise reduced channel estimation due -2 - 1

to averaging and time domain windowing.

. .
OFW. ideal CE
I .

t o m . CE1
o m : CEZ ‘ .
I .

3- -3’

Figure 11: BER simulation results of the investigated OFDM-
and SC/FDE systems for coding rate r = % (12 Mbit/s mode)
-5 and r = % (18 Mbit/s mode).

4 L - Since the data decisions in OFDM are independently

o 1 z 3 4 5 8 7 a 9 10 11
Ed% Wl made on different carriers, the BER behavior of uncoded
Figure 10: OFDM: Performance of the investigated channel OFDM is dominated by subcarriers, which are located in a
estimators. CE I : channel estimation without noise reduction, region with deep spectral fades in the channel transfer
CE 2: channels estimation with noise reduction due to averag- function. For the simulated environment the rate ‘/t code
ing over two symbols, CE 3: noise reduced channel estimntion proves to be strong enough to the of
due to averaging and time domain windowing.
uncoded OFDM. while the rate % code does not.

Vol. 13, No. 5, September-October 7002 527

H. Witschnig, M. Huemer, A. Koppler, A. Springer, R. Weigel

In single camer systems the energy of each bit is amplification is undesired, because filters that can cope
spread over the whole channel bandwidth, so the average with high power are too expensive for the aspired solu-
SNR of the channel dictates the bit error rate performance. tions. Furthermore non-linear amplification causes in-
Therefore, the BER saturation behavior observed in un- band-distortions, which decreases the bit error perform-
coded or inefficiently coded OFDM systems is not typical ance. As a consequence, the power amplifier must be op-
for single carrier systems. erated with significant back off, which means, that the
power efficiency of the device decreases. In comparison
EFFICENCY to OFDM, for the SC/FDE concept the demands on the
power amplifier are reduced significantly. The peak-to-
Due to the increasing bandwidth demand for any
average power ratio is defined by the modulation scheme.
communication system, it is essential to compare different
A small peak-to-average power ratio enables the use of a
systems by means of their bandwidth efficiency. For
less cost intensive power amplifier.
OFDM the parameters as defined by the standard are used Another challenge is the development of appropriate
(number of total subcamers: 52, number of pilots: 4,
PLLs (Phase Locked Loops), since OFDM is known to be
guard Time: 800ns, FFT integration time: 3 . 2 p , number
very sensitive regarding phase noise. This very high sen-
of bidsymbol: M=2). The ideal bandwidth efficiency of
sitivity concerning phase noise is at least reduced for the
q=2 [bit/s/€Iz] for a QPSK system is reduced due to the
S O E system [151.
use of the guard period on the one hand and due to the use
There is a strong trend 'in RF solutions for wireless
of pilot symbols on the other hand. For the OFDM stan-
communication systems for the direct conversion archi-
dard, the bandwidth efficiency is approximately given by
tecture, since costly IF filters (for example surface acous-
Bitrate - tic wave devices which cannot be integrated) can be saved
'*'DM = Bandwidth- in that concept. One problem of direct conversion solu-
tions is the I/Q-imbalance mainly caused by the analog
I/Q (de)modulators.Since 802.1 la and Hiperlad2 provide
IBQAM and 64QAM modulation schemes, which are
very sensitive regarding I/Q imbalance, it is likely that the
first generation RF architectures will be based either on
where the system bandwidth has been approximated by B conventional IF or low IF approaches. Nevertheless, di-
= N m t & ~ ~It . is essential to mention that for this calcu- rect conversion will be targeted too.
lation the reduction of the bandwidth efficiency due to
coding has not been taken into account as long it is the COMBINATION OF OFDM
same for both systems. AND SC/FDE
Compared to OFDM, the bandwidth efficiency of the
SC/FDE system is additionally dependent on the roll-off Referring to Figure 1 and Figure 2 it is obvious that
factor. For the simulations a roll-off factor of 0.25 has the two types of systems differ mainly in the placement of
been chosen. To make the systems comparable, the sym- the IFFT. While OFDM uses the IFFT in the transmitter
bol rate is the same for both systems. As a result the dura- to multiplex the information onto subcarriers, the SC/FDE
tion of the FFT window is approximately 4.49 ps and the system uses the IFFI' in the receiver to convert the equal-
guard time is ca. S42ns. ized data back to the time domain. Although the overall
signal processing complexity is comparable for both sys-
tems, one can take advantage of the different placement of
the IFET by combining OFDM and SCRDE. As depicted
in [23], a dual mode system, using OFDM for the down-
Again, both systems have a comparable bandwidth effi- link and SCRDE for the uplink, would have significant
ciency. advantages for the mobile station (subscriber end). These
advantages can be described as follows:
It was stated that OFDM exhibits a high peak-to-
The development of an F S chipset for 5 GHz WLANs average power ratio that forces the amplifier to be
is a rcal challenge. Maybe the most critical RF p u t for operated with a significant back off, which de-
OFDM is the power amplifier. The transmit signal enve- creases the power efficiency, while the peak-to-
lope of the investigated system shows a high peak-to- average power ratio depends only on the modula-
average power ratio. This is a problem when i t comes to tion scheme for SCIFDE. This leads to a higher ef-
the use of non-linear power amplifiers. The major prob- ficiency in terms of power consumption due to the
lem caused by non-linear amplification is the generation reduced power backoff requirement. which is im-
of out-of-band emission. But further filtering after power portant for a long battery life in the mobile station.

s2x ETT
A Comparison of an OEDM System and a Single Carrier System Using Frequency Domain Equalization

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