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HST313B/HST314B: 1.

04 The War at Home Assignment

[Standard 7.2.3 Impact of World War II on American Life – analyze the changes in American life brought
about by U.S. participation in World War II, including the conflict and consequences around the
internment of Japanese Americans.
Standard 9.3.1 Make a persuasive argument on a public policy issue, and justify the position with
evidence from historical antecedents and precedents, and Democratic Values or Constitutional

Directions: You will write 2 full paragraphs (NO bullet points). You will be required to use
complete sentences for your response to the prompt below. Remember a paragraph has 5-7
sentences! See grading rubric for details.
Worth 32 points and due at the end of the week at 11:59 pm in the Dropbox.
After reading the primary source in class and found in this lesson, please state and defend your
opinion regarding the case of Korematsu vs. the United States (1944): Would you have agreed
with the Majority Opinion or the Dissenting Opinion? Then explain why you would have
disagreed with the Majority or Dissenting Opinion. Explain your answers and your positions
using quotes from the document in your answer. Make sure you clearly state that you agree
and disagree with the Majority AND Dissenting opinions. You should have at least 2 quotes
referenced from one or both opinions (1 quote per paragraph).
The example below shows how to incorporate a quote in your sentence:
Example- The big idea is that Korematsu was “not excluded… [because of] his
race” but this was a war.
(The … indicates that I am not using several words from the quote and the
[brackets] is an additional word I added not in the original source. You may or
may not need to do that, depending on what you cite.)

Write your response here:

What do I support? I disagree with both of the opinions but I lean towards Majority Opinion.
They are both hard to understand. Here are my reasons why I disagree with the Majority
Opinion. They say this “ military authorities feared an invasion of our west coast” just because
the military feared an invasion doesn’t mean they should automatically act on it and attack. I can
agree with this statement though. “We uphold the exclusion order……Compulsory exclusion of
large groups of citizens from their homes….is inconsistent with our basic governmental
institutions. But when….. our shores are threatened by hostile forces, the power to protect must
be commensurate with [equal to] the threatened danger. I agree with that because we should be
able to fight and protect against the “Threatened danger”
I disagree with the Dissenting Opinion because of these statements. “ This exclusion of "all
persons of Japanese ancestry, both alien [foreign-born] and non-alien born in the U.S.]," from
the Pacific Coast area…ought not to be approved.” I think that this is wrong because no
matter what I feel like everyone has a place in the U.S.A as long as you don’t enter illegally. I
agree with the Dissenting Opinion on this statement. “There were some disloyal persons of
Japanese descent on the Pacific Coast... Similar disloyal activities have been engaged in by
many persons of German, Italian and even more pioneer stock [people whose ancestors came
long ago] in our country. But [the conclusion] that examples of individual disloyalty prove
group disloyalty” I agree with that because I feel like if you’re in a group and one person does
something bad or disloyal then the whole group should be looked upon like that. I see it as if
you’re in a group you have to think all those people in that group knew what that person was
going to do even more so if its talked among that group before getting caught.
Mastery Proficient Needs Improvement Developing Not Evident
State 2 pts 1 pt 0 pt /2
Position/Claim Student has clearly Student does not Student has not clearly
stated the position or make a clear stated the position or
claim in both distinction to the claim in both
paragraphs to agreeing position or claim in paragraphs to agreeing
and/or disagreeing both paragraphs but and/or disagreeing
with the Majority and implies to agreeing with the Majority and
Dissenting Opinions. and/or disagreeing Dissenting Opinions.
with the Majority and
Dissenting Opinions.
Paragraph 1- 10 pts 8 pts 7 pts 6 pts 0 pt /10
Agreeing with Student has clearly Student has defended Student has defended Student has Student does not
Chosen Opinion defended position/claim position/claim defended defend position/claim
position/claim regarding the chosen regarding about the position/claim regarding the chosen
regarding the chosen opinion with 2 clear chosen opinion with regarding about the opinion.
opinion with 3 clear and specific reasons. 1-2 reasons but does chosen opinion
and specific reasons. not clearly described with 1 reason but
what the student contains
means. inaccuracies or
does not explain
clearly what the
student means.
Paragraph 2- 10 pts 8 pts 7 pts 6 pts 0 pt /10
Disagreeing with Student has clearly Student has defended Student has defended Student has Student does not
Opposite defended position/claim position/claim defended defend position/claim
Opinion position/claim regarding the opposite regarding about the position/claim regarding the opposite
regarding the opposite opinion with 2 clear opposite opinion with regarding about the opinion.
opinion with 3 clear and specific reasons. 1-2 reasons but does opposite opinion
and specific reasons. not clearly described with 1 reason but
what the student contains
means. inaccuracies or
does not explain
clearly what the
student means.
Evidence and 5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 0 pt /5
Quotes Student has clearly Student has used Student has used Student has used Student has not
used appropriate appropriate evidence/examples in evidence/examples properly used
evidence/examples in evidence/examples in support to paragraphs in support to evidence/examples in
support to paragraphs support to paragraphs by using 2 quotes paragraphs by support to paragraphs
by using 2 (or more) by using 2 quotes from the opinions, using 1 quote from by not using any
quotes from the from the opinions, generally applying the opinions, using quotes from the
opinions, what they what they have what they have applying basic opinions, using what
have learned in the learned in the class, learned in the class, understanding what they have learned in
class, and drawing and drawing from and drawing from they have learned the class, and drawing
from personal personal personal in the class, and from personal
knowledge/experience knowledge/experienc knowledge/experienc drawing from knowledge/experience.
. e but may still need e but may include personal
additional details. irrelevant details and knowledge/
needs more support. experience but is
missing a lot of
detail and support.
Mechanics- 5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 0 pt /5
Format, Student has written 2 Student has written 2 Student has written 2 Student has written Student did not write 2
Spelling, and fully developed fully developed paragraphs with 4-5 1 paragraph or both fully developed
Grammar paragraphs with 5-7 paragraphs with 5-7 sentences and/or has a paragraphs include paragraphs and/or has
sentences and has little sentences and/or has a few mistakes in less than 5 many mistakes in
to no mistakes in couple mistakes in spelling and grammar. sentences and/or spelling and grammar.
spelling and grammar. spelling and grammar. has several
mistakes in
spelling and
Total /32

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