Grow Management Consultants: Estimated Conference and Ebook Costs and Income

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This document is Estimated Costs and Income.

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBFIM601.

Grow Management Consultants

Estimated conference and e-book costs and income

Type Cost

Venue and catering in Sydney CBD $5,000

Speaker fees and travel $10,000

Marketing $5,000

Conference bags $1,000

Staff time (appoint casual Project Officer for 6 $30,000

months, may be permanent depending on

Total 51,000

Anticipated numbers: 100 people.

Price of conference to be $750.
Anticipated income = $75,000

Estimated E-book costs: book to be sold at $75.00

Type Cost

Contract writer $10,000

Desk top publishing $3,000

Marketing $1,200

Expected income: $10,000 across both e-books for 2018/19.

© 2020 RTO Works

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