Certificado BASC 2017

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World BASC Organization

Certlfies that:
Certifíca que:


Bogotà D.C CALLE 42ª SUR # 11C-07
Mas bMn eontuatff al'ld apt>l'OWd In ,...,.ne.to 8ASC SIMdeftf• V.,,_IOO '-2012
RMS C·TPAT undtrtt}e Sblndard:: P.....S.eurityC.
Scope: SuNOil..N:.e •nd PtlY•• &etvlcos Inthe Moct.litiM Of FIMCI Moblkt Surwillanc:. and Eaeorti"9
Penons., Yel'lie'" at1d Goodt- wltti t*'9 Use of fWairms aAd U"811"1'fttd W•epons,nllated MrilOf)' s.Mc.a,
Su!Wih ¡nct Pi+tm Security RHH.U. at\d tMUff of Thnologioal Moa1u.,kwesti Of ntl $.wrtty
afldTec:hnical Valldetion Of ktitnllty Ooi;....-nts in 8oooC* D.C.,c.olombil.

Hf sido:Ms A= = =:14-2Q12
CM elJ\lc.an()f: tk y PfivlMJa MANMoftJid«JN doV .Fj.9. Uóviy&ooiea a .
VM!Í(\.\l(lfy Q(lf) d& dfJFwgoy•AmMii.S......OOCct1&.Wde lt'l 6'1'l
nc.igySogcJridNJ Pmy t.161.\' dtMedio . bMI</$ Stlgt¡rl</ Pr!rs«,.ly
V Tdf;IJbll:Wlfid(¡¡t/#J Bogot, 0.C., Colombi.a.
Thls c.nlflcll• 15 Mllliect to tM •ehie\o Of tn.lntemac!Oflal S.Curtfy
Standards of Wotk1 BASC Oftpnlµtion In
accordat1ee wiCh tti. Cltf'tihd company.
f$1.,\l e.st& a el df#k>$Est.Mdateskldt
Sogurldad de WorlQ' 8ASC Organiza/ion.ef't acuerdo con 41 9ffl{X'6sa certificada.

Valid: e x p e d o c i ó n 15 de mayo 2021 15 de mayo de 2022

M_lguel V-"t
O.._ Oil'9Ctor
Ejeeuttvo BASC

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