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Original Research

Sexual Orientation and Its Relation to Mental Disorders

and Suicide Attempts: Findings From a Nationally
Representative Sample

Shay-Lee Bolton, MSc (PhD Candidate)1; Jitender Sareen, MD, FRCPC2

Objective: To compare the rates of all Axis I and II mental disorders and suicide attempts
in sexual orientation minorities with rates in heterosexuals using a nationally representative

Method: Data used were from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
Conditions Wave 2 (n = 34 653, response rate = 70.2%). Cross-tabulations and multivariate
logistic regression analyses were performed to determine differences in rates of mental
disorders and suicide attempts by sexual orientation. All analyses were stratified by sex.

Results: Compared with their heterosexual counterparts, lesbians and bisexual women
demonstrated a 3-fold increased likelihood of substance use disorders, and gay and bisexual
men showed twice the rate of anxiety disorders and schizophrenia and (or) psychotic illness,
even after accounting for mental disorder comorbidity. Suicide attempts were independently
associated with bisexuality, with odds 3 times higher than in heterosexuals.

Conclusion: Findings from our study emphasize the fact that sexual orientation minorities
are vulnerable to poor mental health outcomes, including suicide attempts. Clinicians need
to be aware of these specific negative mental health consequences when assessing sexual
orientation minorities.

Can J Psychiatry. 2011;56(1):35–43.

Clinical Implications

• Clinicians need to be aware of the high rates of mental disorders among sexual orientation

• Clinicians need to maintain a high index of suspicion during suicide risk assessment
because suicide attempts were independently associated with sexual orientation minority

• Findings highlight the significance of substance use disorders in lesbians and in bisexual
women even in the context of other mental health problems.

• Sexual orientation minority status was based on self-identified sexual orientation only.

• Mental disorders were not assessed by clinicians.

• The National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions Wave 2 was used in
our study as a cross-sectional dataset, employing lifetime histories of mental disorders and
suicide attempts. Therefore, we cannot be certain that mental disorders were experienced
in the context of endorsing sexual orientation minority status.

Key Words: suicide, attempts, gay, lesbian, sexual minorities, National Epidemiologic Survey
on Alcohol and Related Conditions, mental disorders

The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 56, No 1, January 2011 W 35

Original Research

A growing body of evidence demonstrates higher rates of

mental disorders and suicidal behaviour among sexual
orientation minorities relative to heterosexuals.1–12 In a recent
Because comorbidity between mental disorders is the rule, not
the exception,28 exploration of the overlap of mental disorders
may further clarify the relation with high rates of disorder
meta-analysis, King et al13 concluded that the risk for lifetime among sexual orientation minorities.
mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and SUDs was at least
1.5 times higher in gay men, lesbians, and bisexual men and To address the above-noted limitations, our study compared
women. Additionally, sexual orientation minorities were 2.47 the rate of Axis I and II mental disorders and suicide attempts
times more likely to have attempted suicide in their lifetime. in gay men, lesbians, and bisexual men and women (each
Although several studies have consistently found elevated analyzed separately) with rates in heterosexual men and women
rates of mental disorders in sexual orientation minorities, many using a nationally representative population-based sample of
of these studies13–15 have substantial methodological limitations. Americans.
Some of the main limitations include nonrandom samples,
variations in the operational definitions of sexual orientation Method
and mental illness, lack of inclusion of a range of mental
disorders, difficulty recruiting people who are willing to be Sample
open about their sexual orientation, and a lack of consideration Data came from the NESARC Wave 2, 29 a nationally
to confounding factors.13–15 representative probability survey of the civilian, non-
institutionalized adult population (aged 20 years and older) in
In addition to the above-noted considerations, most studies on the United States. The NESARC Wave 1 was administered
the mental health of sexual orientation minorities have grouped in 2001 to 2002, with a response rate of 81.0%. The NESARC
gay men, lesbians, and bisexual men and women together Wave 2 was conducted between 2004 and 2005, with 34 653
in an effort to increase statistical power and overall sample of the original 43 093 respondents assessed at Wave 1, with a
size, ignoring possible differences in mental health outcomes cumulative response rate of 70.2%. Trained lay interviewers
between them. Results from the few studies2,6,8,16,17 that performed face-to-face interviews with all respondents in their
have examined bisexual men and women separately from home after obtaining informed consent. Additional information
other sexual orientation minorities indicate higher rates of regarding the methodology, sampling, and weighting procedures
mental disorders relative to both heterosexuals and to other has been published previously.29,30
sexual orientation minorities. As well, some studies have
overlooked possible differences in outcomes between men and Measures
women. Most of the work that investigates differences between
gay men, lesbians, and bisexual men and women separately Sexual Orientation. Sexual orientation was assessed with
demonstrates key differences in rates of mental disorder one question that required the person to self-identify as a
between groups.2,6,8,10,18–20 particular orientation. Respondents were able to choose from
the following responses: heterosexual, gay male or lesbian,
One of the difficulties in interpreting the work in this area to bisexual, and not sure. Item nonresponse was present in less
date is that most studies have not adequately taken into account than 1% of the total sample.
possible confounding factors,2,6 including mental disorder Demographic Characteristics. The NESARC Wave 2 included
comorbidity, which can be particularly influential when assessment of sex (male or female), age, marital status, level of
looking at suicidal behaviour.21 Recent work exploring mental educational attainment, household income, race and ethnicity,
disorders among sexual orientation minorities has focused United States Census geographical region, and level of
on a few mental disorder categories, namely SUDs, mood urbanicity (based on metropolitan statistical areas).
disorders, anxiety disorders, and suicidal behaviour.2,6,13 To To minimize the number of categories and to increase cell
date, personality disorders and psychotic disorders have not sizes, numerous variables were collapsed. Marital status
been explored in relation to sexual orientation minority status. was conceptually categorized into: married or cohabitating;
Personality disorders and psychotic disorders are important divorced, separated, or widowed; and never married.
disorders to consider in this context as they are associated Education was trichotomized into less than high school, high
with considerable morbidity and mortality,22–27 and could school graduate or equivalent, and some higher education
account largely for the relation between sexual orientation based on previous work examining mental health outcomes in
and poor mental health outcomes, such as suicide attempts. relation to educational attainment.31–33 Age was categorized into
tertiles based on overall sample characteristics (20 to 39 years,
40 to 55 years, and 56 years and older). Household income was
Abbreviations used in this article categorized into 4 groups based on categories used in previous
AUDADIS Alcohol Use Disorders and Associated Disabilities
studies: $19 999 or less, $20 000 to $34 999, $35 000 to $69 999,
Interview Schedule and $70 000 or more.2,6 Race and ethnicity were dichotomized
into White compared with Minorities (Black, American Indian
NESARC National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol
and Related Conditions
or Alaska Native, Asian, and Hispanic). Finally, census region
(urban, compared with rural) were used to account for place of
SUD substance use disorder residence in the United States.

36 W La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, vol 56, no 1, janvier 2011

Sexual Orientation and Its Relation to Mental Disorders and Suicide Attempts: Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample 

Table 1 Sex and prevalence of sexual orientation

Heterosexual Gay man or lesbian Bisexual Not sure

n = 33 598 n = 335 n = 242 n = 242

Sex n % 95% CI n % 95% CI n % 95% CI n % 95% Cl

Male 14 109 48.0 47.3–48.7 190 60.3 53.6–66.6 81 32.8 26.1–40.4 69 42.2 33.0–51-9

Female 19 489 52.0 51.3–52.7 145 39.7 33.4–46.4 161 67.2 59.6–74.0 101 57.8 48.2–67.0

Psychiatric Diagnoses. Lifetime Axis I and II disorders and their relation with sexual orientation,2,6,8,10,18–20 all analyses
were diagnosed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual were stratified by sex. Sex-by-outcome interaction terms were
of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition,34 criteria according to examined in bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models.
the AUDADIS-IV.30,35–37 The AUDADIS-IV shows fair to These models revealed significant interaction effects by sex,
good test–retest and interrater reliability for all diagnoses when thereby suggesting that stratification by sex was required in
used by trained lay interviewers.30,38 Wave 2 assessed the these analyses.
following Axis I disorders: anxiety disorders—generalized
anxiety disorder, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, First, descriptive cross-tabulations were performed to examine
agoraphobia without panic disorder, social phobia, specific prevalence of mental disorder diagnoses in the sample by
phobia, and posttraumatic stress disorder; mood disorders— sexual orientation. Significant differences in prevalence
major depressive disorder, dysthymia, hypomanic episodes, between sexual orientation minorities and heterosexuals were
and manic episodes; SUDs—alcohol abuse or dependence, and delineated by 95% confidence intervals. Second, logistic
drug abuse or dependence. All 10 personality disorders were regression analyses were performed to determine differences in
assessed either in Wave 1 or Wave 2, including antisocial, rates of mental disorders and suicide attempts for the different
borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, paranoid, avoidant, sexual orientations, in comparison with heterosexuals. These
dependent, obsessive–compulsive, schizotypal, and schizoid relations were explored using both bivariate and multivariate
personality disorders. The test–retest and interrater reliability models, which adjusted for sociodemographic variables,
of personality disorder categorical diagnoses in the NESARC including age, marital status, education, income, race or
ranged from fair to good (κ = 0.40 to 0.67) and has been ethnicity, region, and urbanicity. A subsequent multivariate
discussed in detail previously.39 Appropriate diagnoses were model adjusted for mental disorder comorbidity in addition to
combined to create lifetime disorder categories for any anxiety sociodemographic variables.
disorder, any mood disorder, any SUD, any personality disorder
variables, and any Cluster A (schizotypal, schizoid, or paranoid), Taylor Series Linearization in the SUDAAN statistical software
Cluster B (antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, or histrionic), package, version 10.0.0,46 was used to take into account the
or Cluster C (avoidant, dependent, or obsessive–compulsive) complex sampling design of the NESARC. Weights were
personality disorders. For multivariate analyses, Clusters created for the NESARC sample in order for it to be
A and C were combined and Cluster B personality disorders representative of the US population according to several
were kept separate owing to the prevailing hypothesis that suicide sociodemographic characteristics (age, sex, race, and
attempts are mediated by Cluster B personality traits.40–42 ethnic origin) of the population in the 2000 Decennial
Schizophrenia and psychotic illness or episode diagnoses Census.35 These statistical weights and sampling stratification
were made after respondents identified that they had been variables were applied to all analyses to ensure representation
given this diagnosis by a health professional on either Wave 1 of the US general population.
or Wave 2 in response to the question, “Did a doctor or other
health professional ever diagnose you with schizophrenia or Cell sizes that were less than 5 were considered too small to
psychotic illness or episode?” This method of assessing the perform additional analyses, based on previous studies 47
prevalence of schizophrenia and psychotic illness or episode in indicating the instability of such estimates. These variables
North America has been used previously43 and was found to have were employed in models as covariates only; however, parameter
similar prevalence rates to those expected in this population. estimates are not reported in the tables to avoid misleading
conclusions about these relations.
Lifetime Suicide Attempts. Lifetime suicide attempts were assessed
with the question “In your entire life, did you ever attempt suicide?”
Two percent of the entire sample reported a sexual minority
Statistical Analyses status, whether homosexual (0.9%), bisexual (0.6%), or unsure
Based on previous literature suggesting differences between (0.5%). Table 1 illustrates the prevalence of sexual orientation
sexes on rates of mental disorders31,38,44 and suicide attempts,21,45 for males and females. A larger majority of homosexuals

The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 56, No 1, January 2011 W 37

Original Research

Table 2 Prevalence of lifetime mental disorders by sexual orientation among men

Heterosexual Gay Bisexual Not sure

n = 14109 n = 190 n = 81 n = 101
Variable n % 95% CI n % 95% CI n % 95% CI n % 95% CI Difference
Any mood disorder 2866 19.8 18.9–20.8 77 42.3 33.7–51.5 28 36.9 25.2–50.4 23 36.4 23.6–51.6 hg, hb, hn
Any anxiety disorder 3116 21.4 20.5–22.4 89 45.8 37.2–54.6 31 40.6 29.2–53.1 24 35.1 22.5–50.2 hg, hb, hn
Any SUD 7030 50.0 48.1–51.8 113 65.0 56.9–72.4 46 55.8 42.0–68.7 30 42.0 27.8–57.8 hg
Any personality disorder 3343 23.0 21.9–24.1 70 37.8 28.6–48.1 27 34.9 23.6–48.2 32 46.1 31.3–61.6 hg, hn
Any Cluster A 1326 8.7 8.1–9.4 27 13.5 8.2–21.3 14 20.5 11.5–33.9 20 30.1 18.4–45.2 hb, hn
Any Cluster B 2246 15.4 14.5–16.3 55 30.7 22.4–40.6 20 25.7 16.2–38.3 24 40.4 26.0–56.6 hg, hn
Any Cluster C 1275 9.1 8.5–9.8 22 12.3 7.6–19.1 9 12.1 5.7–23.9 7 6.4 2.8–14.3
Schizophrenia, 425 2.7 2.4–3.2 17 9.3 5.4–15.5 2 2.1 0.5–7.8 9 13.3 5.7–27.9 hg, hn
psychotic illness, or
Suicide attempt 326 2.1 1.8–2.5 18 9.8 5.7–16.4 9 10.0 4.9–19.4 8 8.5 3.5–19.4 hg, hb, hn
hb = heterosexual significantly different from bisexual; hg = heterosexual significantly different from gay; hn = heterosexual significantly different from not sure

(gay man or lesbian) were men (60.3%), while most bisexuals heterosexual men. Bisexual men demonstrated increased odds
were women (67.2%). A larger percentage of women did not of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and Clusters A and B
answer the sexual orientation question. personality disorders compared with heterosexual men. The
strongest relations between mental health outcomes and sexual
Table 2 demonstrates prevalence of lifetime mental disorders orientation were noted for suicide attempts. Gay and bisexual
by sexual orientation among men. High rates of SUDs were men had a 4-fold increase in suicide attempts in their
common across all men. Gay men were more likely than lifetime, even after adjustment for demographic confounds.
heterosexual men to have had a mental disorder or a suicide Men who were unsure about their sexual orientation, in
attempt in their lifetime, with the exception of Clusters A and comparison with heterosexual men, had a higher likelihood
C personality disorders. Bisexual men also had a higher of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders
lifetime prevalence of mood disorder, anxiety disorder, (Clusters A and B, specifically), schizophrenia and psychotic
Cluster A personality disorders, and suicide attempts, illness or episode, and suicide attempts.
compared with heterosexual men. There were no differences
in prevalence between homosexual men and their bisexual Among women, lesbians were 1.5 (for anxiety disorders) to
counterparts. Prevalence of schizophrenia and psychotic illness 3.4 (for SUDs) times more likely than heterosexual women
or episode were high in gay men and men who were not sure to have experienced a mental disorder in their lifetime after
of their sexual orientation. adjustment for sociodemographic factors. Compared
with heterosexual women, bisexuality in women incurred
Table 3 demonstrates prevalence of lifetime mental disorders significantly higher odds of all mental disorders and suicide
by sexual orientation among women. Mood disorders, anxiety attempts, with the strongest of these differences present for
disorders, SUDs, and personality disorders (except Cluster C) suicide attempts (AOR 5.89; 95% CI 3.73 to 9.29). SUDs and
were more prevalent in lesbians than in heterosexual women, Cluster B personality disorders were about twice as likely in
as were suicide attempts. Bisexual women reported higher women unsure of their sexual orientation than in heterosexual
prevalence of all mental disorders when compared with women.
heterosexual women. Prevalence of mood disorders, anxiety
disorders, and SUDs were all above 60% in this group. After further adjustment for mental disorder comorbidity
One-quarter of all bisexual women have attempted suicide in (Table 5), gay men were twice as likely as heterosexual men to
their lifetime. No differences were noted between lesbians and have had a mood (AOR 1.79) or anxiety disorder (AOR 2.24),
their bisexual counterparts. or schizophrenia and psychotic illness or episode (AOR 1.99).
Bisexual men had a higher prevalence of anxiety disorders
Table 4 illustrates multivariate logistic regression analyses and suicide attempts than heterosexual men. Lesbians demonstrated
performed to examine the relation between lifetime mental increased odds of SUDs (AOR 3.06), while bisexual women
disorders and sexual orientation in both men and women. showed higher odds of anxiety disorders, SUDs, schizophrenia
After adjusting for sociodemographic factors, models indicated and psychotic illness or episode, and suicide attempts
a higher likelihood of all disorders except Clusters A and compared with heterosexual women. People who were not
C personality disorders among gay men compared with sure about their sexuality were more than twice as likely to

38 W La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, vol 56, no 1, janvier 2011

Sexual Orientation and Its Relation to Mental Disorders and Suicide Attempts: Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample 

Table 3 Prevalence of lifetime mental disorders by sexual orientation among women

Heterosexual Lesbian Bisexual Not sure
n = 19489 n = 145 n = 161 n = 101

Variable n % 95% CI n % 95% CI n % 95% CI n % 95% CI Difference

Any mood disorder 6022 30.5 29.5–31.5 66 44.4 34.9–54.3 95 58.7 49.7–67.2 38 36.6 24.5–50.5 hl, hb
Any anxiety disorder 7101 36.3 35.1–37.6 66 48.4 38.3–58.5 103 66.2 56.7–74.5 43 40.3 28.1–53.8 hl, hb, bn
Any SUD 4588 24.3 22.8–25.7 81 60.8 50.5–70.2 96 61.9 52.6–70.4 34 34.7 22.9–48.6 hl, hb, ln,
Any personality 4110 19.6 18.8–20.5 48 34.1 25.0–44.5 67 40.5 31.8–49.9 32 31.5 19.9–46.0 hl, hb
Any Cluster A 1951 8.9 8.3–9.4 26 21.3 13.1–32.7 38 21.9 15.0–30.8 15 15.6 7.2–30.4 hl, hb
Any Cluster B 2360 10.8 10.2–11.5 31 19.8 13.0–28.9 54 31.7 23.6–41.0 24 25.9 15.3–40.2 hl, hb, hn
Any Cluster C 1846 9.6 9.0–10.2 19 11.1 6.1–19.1 28 17.1 11.9–23.9 12 13.9 6.1–28.8 hb

psychotic illness,
or episode 724 3.4 3.0–3.8 4 2.9 0.9–9.5 16 9.2 5.4–15.2 2 1.8 0.4–7.8 hb
Suicide attempt 828 4.2 3.8–4.6 21 10.9 6.5–17.8 43 24.4 17.6–32.8 8 9.9 3.3–26.1 hl, hb
bn = bisexual significantly different from not sure; hb = heterosexual significantly different from bisexual; hl = heterosexual significantly different from lesbian;
hn = heterosexual significantly different from not sure; different from not sure; ln: lesbian significantly;

have Cluster B personality disorders than their heterosexual attempts. Other studies2,6,17 have also noted bisexual identity,
counterparts. rather than homosexual identity, to be most strongly associated
with a heightened risk for poorer mental health outcomes. Finally,
we explored the relation between sexual orientation and
Discussion prevalence of mental disorders after taking into account the
Our study has numerous key strengths. First, it comprehensively effect of mental disorder comorbidity, particularly personality
examines Axis I and II mental disorders and suicide attempts disorders and schizophrenia and psychotic illness or episode—
among a large population-based sample of sexual orientation known risk factors for poor mental health outcomes.22–27 We
minorities. To our knowledge, this methodology has never been found evidence of increased odds of specific disorders in
undertaken in this body of literature. Second, this is the first study sexual orientation minorities over and above the effect of
to examine personality disorders and psychotic disorders in comorbidity. Previous work2,4–6,9,13,48 exploring mental disorders
relation to sexual orientation. Third, our study uses a nationally in this population have failed to consider comorbidity and thus
representative population-based sample of sexual orientation have been unable to indicate a specific disorder or set of
minorities in the United States. This large sample size allowed disorders that may be particularly associated with negative
examination of gay men, lesbians, and bisexual men and outcomes in sexual minorities.
women separately, a feature that has been noted as a significant
methodological limitation in past work. Accumulating evidence denotes high rates of alcohol and drug
use disorders in lesbians and bisexual women.6,18,19,49–51 Our
First, we examined the prevalence of mental disorders and suicide study echoes these findings, indicating a 3-fold increase in
in gay men and lesbians compared with heterosexual men and prevalence of SUDs for lesbians and bisexual women compared
women, respectively. In models adjusted for sociodemographic with their heterosexual counterparts. A recent study6 stressed the
differences, gay men had a higher prevalence of mood disorders, importance of exploring associations between sexual orientation
anxiety disorders, SUDs, and personality disorders, as well as and SUDs after controlling for other psychopathology, as high
an increased likelihood of schizophrenia and psychotic illness prevalence of comorbidity between SUDs and mood and anxiety
or episode and suicide attempts. Lesbians showed parallel disorders have been noted previously.52 Our study showed that
results (with the exception of schizophrenia and psychotic SUDs in lesbians and bisexual women are important over and
illness or episode, which could not be evaluated owing to above the effect of comorbid mood, anxiety, and personality
small cell size). Second, we looked at the prevalence of mental disorders and thus could be an important target for intervention.
disorders and suicide attempts in bisexuals compared with This holds true for lesbians in particular, wherein SUD was
their homosexual and heterosexual counterparts. Bisexual the only mental disorder that remained associated with sexual
women demonstrated a 2- to 6-fold increased likelihood of orientation after taking into account comorbidity. However,
all lifetime mental disorders and suicide attempts. Bisexual it is important to put these increased rates in to context. The
men displayed higher prevalence of mood disorders, anxiety high prevalence found in lesbians and bisexual women in our
disorders, Clusters A and B personality disorders, and suicide study (60% to 62%) are quite comparable with the prevalence

The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 56, No 1, January 2011 W 39

Original Research

Table 4 Logistic regression analyses exploring the relation between lifetime mental disorders and sexual
orientation among men and women
AOR (95% CI)a
Men b
Variable Gay Bisexual Not sure Lesbian Bisexual Not sure
Any mood disorder 2.98d 2.36d 1.93e 1.60e 2.66d 1.23
(2.11–4.20) (1.44–3.88) (1.04–3.59) (1.05–2.44) (1.83–3.89) (0.70–2.16)
Any anxiety disorder 2.66d 2.09d 2.07e 1.53e 3.09d 1.17
(1.78–3.97) (1.20–3.64) (1.06–4.03) (1.01–2.32) (2.04–4.68) (0.69–1.99)
Any SUD 1.77d 1.30 0.77 3.41d 3.90d 1.88e
(1.25–2.51) (0.71–2.36) (0.41–1.45) (2.13–5.44) (2.64–5.75) (1.01–3.49)
Any personality disorder 1.82d 1.66 2.46d 1.74e 2.12d 1.65
(1.19–2.77) (0.98–2.82) (1.34–4.51) (1.13–2.69) (1.43–3.13) (0.87–3.15)
Any Cluster A 1.37 2.29e 3.53d 2.51d 2.11d 1.46
(0.81–2.33) (1.17–4.46) (1.86–6.70) (1.40–4.48) (1.34–3.33) (0.58–3.67)
Any Cluster B 2.19d 1.77e 3.12d 1.63 2.67d 2.42e
(1.41–3.39) (1.01–3.09) (1.65–5.88) (0.98–2.71) (1.72–4.13) (1.19–4.92)
Any Cluster C 1.33 1.33 0.66 1.06 1.71e 1.50
(0.78–2.27) (0.58–3.04) (0.27–1.62) (0.55–2.04) (1.11–2.62) (0.60–3.76)
Schizophrenia, psychotic 2.85d — 3.80d — 3.18d —
illness, or episode (1.57–5.15) (1.44–10.04) (1.78–5.69)
Suicide attempt 4.43d 4.44d 3.42e 3.00d 5.89d 2.27
(2.27–8.61) (1.91–10.30) (1.25–9.35) (1.63–5.53) (3.73–9.29) (0.70–7.34)

AOR adjusted for demographic factors, including age, marital status, educational attainment, household income, race or ethnicity, region of residence, and

level of urbanicity
Reference category for all models are heterosexual men
Reference category for all models are heterosexual women
P < 0.01
P < 0.05
— = small cell size (<5), therefore estimate is too unstable to be calculated

of SUDs in men (42% to 65%). In fact, the prevalence in disorders in sexual orientation minorities as they may relate to
heterosexual women (24%) is one-half that of heterosexual negative outcomes. Previous work has implicated personality
men (50%). Although men show no difference in prevalence disorders as risk factors for Axis I disorders and functional
of SUDs by sexual orientation, these high rates in all men need impairment in homosexual men;54 however, our findings suggest
to be considered. that psychotic disorders may play that role. Replication of this
finding is required.
As mentioned previously, our study is the first to examine
psychotic disorders (schizophrenia and psychotic illness or Analyses of the relation between suicide attempts and sexual
episode) in sexual orientation minorities. We noted that the orientation revealed that bisexuals are at increased risk for
prevalence of schizophrenia and psychotic illness or attempting to take their own life. Although suicide attempts
episode in sexual orientation minorities was surprisingly have been linked to sexual orientation minority status in previous
high. Gay men and bisexual women, with prevalence rates of studies,13 our work examines this propensity with additional
9.3% and 9.2%, respectively, illustrated a 2-fold increase in rigour. Our study was able to extend previous findings by
schizophrenia and psychotic illness or episode compared with taking into account the presence of both Axis I and II
their heterosexual equivalents, even after accounting for mental health diagnoses, including Cluster B personality
the influence of comorbid mental disorders and demographic traits. Mental disorder comorbidity has been shown as a strong
differences. This finding is quite novel and the reason for risk factor for suicidal behaviour5,7,9,21,48,55,56 and, as such, is
these differences is unclear. Sadock et al53 describe loss of important to consider when examining suicide attempts.
ego boundaries as a person’s lack of sense of where one’s High rates of suicide attempts reported in previous work may
own body and influence ends and where other animate or have been conflated by high rates of mental disorders in this
inanimate objects begin. This depersonalization and population. Results indicate that, compared with heterosexually
derealization, often associated with schizophrenia, can be oriented people, suicide attempts are 3 times more likely in
linked to doubts about one’s gender and sexual orientation.53 bisexual men and women. This increased likelihood is not
Clinicians should be aware of high rates of psychotic simply an artifact of high rates of mental disorder in this group,

40 W La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, vol 56, no 1, janvier 2011

Sexual Orientation and Its Relation to Mental Disorders and Suicide Attempts: Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample 

Table 5 Multivariate logistic regression models examining the relation between lifetime mental disorders and
sexual orientation in men and women
AOR (95% CI)
Men a
Variable Gay Bisexual Not sure Lesbian Bisexual Not sure
Any mood disorder c
1.79 d
1.47 1.18 1.11 1.44 0.93
(1.12–2.85) (0.83–2.58) (0.43–3.19) (0.73–1.69) (0.95–2.19) (0.52–1.67)

Any anxiety disorderc 2.24e 1.88d 1.21 1.12 1.95e 0.94

(1.57–3.21) (1.00–3.52) (0.62–2.37) (0.69–1.82) (1.25–3.02) (0.60–1.50)
Any SUDc 1.37 1.04 0.52 3.06e 2.93e 1.66
(0.96–1.95) (0.56–1.93) (0.26–1.04) (1.89–4.96) (1.92–4.47) (0.96–2.86)
Any Cluster A or C personality 0.62 1.35 1.78 1.28 0.93 0.91
disorderc (0.36–1.07) (0.72–2.50) (0.99–3.19) (0.71–2.30) (0.54–1.61) (0.45–1.82)
Any Cluster B personality 1.40 1.90 2.57e 0.92 1.39 2.27e
disorderc (0.82–2.39) (0.60–1.97) (1.31–5.05) (0.41–2.08) (0.89–2.17) (1.26–4.11)
Schizophrenia, psychotic 1.99d — 2.70d — 2.15d —
illness, or episodec (1.07–3.72) (1.06–6.90) (1.17–3.95)
Suicide attemptf 2.27 2.92d 1.55 2.19 3.13e 1.25
(0.99–5.21) (1.12–7.63) (0.51–4.68) (0.96–4.98) (1.93–5.07) (0.39–3.95)
Reference category for these AORs are male heterosexuals
Reference category for these AORs are female heterosexuals
Models adjusted for demographic factors (age, marital status, education, household income, race/ethnicity, region of residence, and urbancity) and all other
mental disorder categories (not including suicide attempt)
P < 0.05
P < 0.01

Models adjusted for all mental disorder categories, including any mood, any anxiety, any substance use, any Cluster A or C personality, and any Cluster B

personality disorder, and schizophrenia / psychotic illness or episode

— = small cell size (<5), therefore estimate is too unstable to be calculated

but rather occurs independent of a psychiatric diagnosis at sexual orientation.2,6 As well, some people may have not felt
higher rates than in heterosexuals. comfortable disclosing their sexual orientation minority status
to the interviewer, creating a potential bias that could have
Our work needs to be considered in the context of its limitations. influenced the associations found here. Fifth, it should be noted
First, although all mental disorder diagnoses were made by a that the relations with suicide attempts are limited in that they
reliable structured interview conducted by trained lay interviews, may or may not be consistent with findings among people
the diagnoses may not match the accuracy of an experienced who die by suicide. Finally, it is possible that other factors
clinician. Second, the assessment of schizophrenia and psychotic not assessed in our study could be confounding the relation
disorders was limited as it was based on a question that asked between mental disorders and sexual orientation. Previous
whether a health care professional had diagnosed them with work exploring minority stress has indicated strong relations
schizophrenia or psychosis. Although this methodology has between discrimination and various mental health outcomes.1,19,58
limitations, it is commonly used in psychiatric epidemiology Future work should explore experiences of discrimination as
studies43 as diagnoses of psychotic disorders made by lay a possible link between sexual orientation and development of
interviewers has shown poor reliability and validity.57 Third, suicide attempts, over and above the effects of mental disorder
the NESARC Wave 2 was used in our study as a cross-sectional comorbidity.
dataset, employing lifetime histories of mental disorders and
suicide attempts. Therefore, we cannot be certain that mental
disorders were experienced in the context of endorsing sexual Conclusions
orientation minority status. It is possible that the mental disorder Gay men, lesbians, and bisexual men and women face a great deal of
preceded beliefs of homo- or bisexual orientation. Future studies stigma in their everyday lives and as such experience considerable
would ideally focus on the experience of coming out and minority stress. The findings from our study show that they are
examine whether mental disorders onset prior to or following more likely to have mental health problems and to attempt suicide.
this event. Fourth, sexual orientation minority status was Although not specifically examined in our paper, these findings
based on self-identified sexual orientation only. Studies may be one manifestation of minority stress. Regardless of the
that have included other measures of sexual minority status, etiology, sexual minorities are clearly a population vulnerable
including sexual behaviours and fantasies, have indicated to severe and, in some cases, life-threatening mental health
differences based on these different conceptualizations of outcomes. Clinicians need to be aware of these negative mental

The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 56, No 1, January 2011 W 41

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Résumé : L’orientation sexuelle et sa relation aux troubles mentaux et aux tentatives de suicide :
résultats d’un échantillon national représentatif
Objectif : Comparer les taux de tous les troubles mentaux des axes I et II et des tentatives de suicide chez les patients
d’orientation sexuelle minoritaire avec les taux chez les hétérosexuels, à l’aide d’un échantillon national représentatif.

Méthode : Les données utilisées ont été tirées de l’enquête américaine National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol
and Related Conditions, cycle 2 (n = 34 653, taux de réponse = 70,2 %). Des tableaux croisés et des analyses de
régression logistique multivariée ont été effectués pour déterminer les différences des taux de troubles mentaux et de
tentatives de suicide par orientation sexuelle. Toutes les analyses ont été stratifiées selon le sexe.

Résultats : Comparativement à leurs homologues hétérosexuels, les femmes lesbiennes et bisexuelles ont démontré
une probabilité 3 fois plus élevée de troubles liés à l’utilisation d’une substance, et les hommes gais et bisexuels
présentaient 2 fois le taux de troubles anxieux et de schizophrénie et (ou) de maladie psychotique, même après avoir
tenu compte de la comorbidité des troubles mentaux. Les tentatives de suicide étaient indépendamment associées à
la bisexualité, les probabilités étant 3 fois supérieures à celles des hétérosexuels.

Conclusion : Les résultats de notre étude soulignent le fait que les minorités sexuelles sont vulnérables à de mauvais
états de santé mentale, dont les tentatives de suicide. Les cliniciens doivent être conscients de ces conséquences
négatives spécifiques sur la santé mentale lorsqu’ils évaluent des patients d’orientation sexuelle minoritaire.

The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 56, No 1, January 2011 W 43

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