MTEC Lecture2

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MTEC Lecture2

Binary Numbers

Is there electricity or is there no electricity? 1 or 0. < This is Binary(two) math.

Base10 numbers

: 1’s 2’s 4’s 8’s 16’s 32’s 64’s 128’s 256’s

0 1 =2
1 1 =
1 2 1 =9

0 or 1 is the smallest piece of information available for a computer.

1024 bytes= 1kb

1024 kb= 1mb
1024mb = 1gb
1024gb= 1tb
1024tb= 1petabyte
1024pb= 1exabyte
1024eb= 1zettabyte
1024zb= 1Yottabyte
1024yb= 1brontobyte

1024 because technology is measured in factors of 8.

The Vacuum Tube

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