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Waves & Sound Test Review

Quantity Variable Unit Unit Symbol

Wave speed


1. As a transverse wave travels through a medium, describe how do the particles of

the medium move as the energy passes through?

2. The diagram below represents a vibrating string with a periodic wave originating at
A and moving to G, a distance of 6.0 meters. As the wave moves toward G, how will
point E on the string will move?

3. As shown in the diagram below, a transverse wave is moving along a rope. In which
direction will segment X move as the wave passes through it? ____________

4. Diagram I shows a glass tube containing undisturbed air molecules. Diagram II shows
the same glass tube when a wave passes through it. Which type of wave has been
produced inside the tube?

5. A sound wave is passing through the air. How do the particles of the medium
move as the wave passes through?

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6. If the amplitude of a wave traveling in a rope is doubled, how will the speed of the
wave change?

7. How will increasing the amplitude of a sound wave change the wave?

8. A periodic wave is produced by a vibrating tuning fork. How can the amplitude of
the wave be increased?

9. What is the wavelength of a periodic wave having a frequency of 5.0 Hz and a speed of
14 m/s?

10. If the amplitude of a wave is increased, how will the frequency be changed?

11. The sound wave produced by a trumpet has a frequency of 440 hertz. What is the
distance between successive compressions in this sound wave as it travels through
air at Standard Temperature and Pressure? (Air temperature at STP is 330 m/s).

12. The diagram below represents a periodic wave traveling through a uniform medium.
If the frequency of the wave is 2.0 hertz, what is the speed of the wave?

13. At an outdoor physics demonstration, a delay of 0.75 seconds was observed

between the time sound waves left a loudspeaker and the time these sound waves
reached a student through the air. If the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, how far
away is the student from the speakers?

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15. The graph below represents the relationship between wavelength and frequency of
waves created by two students shaking the ends of a loose spring. Calculate the
speed of the waves generated in the spring. ___________________

16. The diagram below represents a segment of a periodic wave traveling to the right in
a steel spring. What is the amplitude of the wave?

17. A stationary research ship uses sonar to send a 1.18 x 103 Hz sound wave down
through the ocean water. The reflected sound wave from the flat ocean bottom 324
meters below the ship is detected 0.425 second after it was sent from the ship. What
is the speed of sound in the ocean water?

18. The diagram below represents a rope along which two pulses of equal amplitude, A,
approach point P. When the two pulses meet at P, how will the point P be moved
compared to only one pulse passing through?

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