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FSM Mobility App Technology Academy we poaybl pork pa wor 7406 32. one \reae—U~tgraor dT ‘90 ne EBS The subject is specially designed for Field Staff to understand the functionality & tools available by FSM Mobile App to perform their daily chores. b Questions & participation is welcome at any time you wish At the end of the training there will be Question/Answer session so please keep on taking notes ( Objectives 1 Introduction to FSM Application 2 Flow for work orders & Tasks 3B Understand the processes performed in the field on mobile app 4 Calendars, dispatching options 5 Hands on practice to practically apply the application while on the job Overview In this course, you will get an introduction to the FSM Mobility application. ® You will get a proper idea about work order, task, their types, process procedures & guidelines regarding the same. You will understand the multiple tools of the application such as duty start, messaging task realization & closing procedures etc. It will enable you to become familiar of its new features to apply while on the job there in the field. (© Agenda [aes Introduction 1 Work order / task idea Mobile functionality for field engineer Mobile functionality for field engineer Mobile functionality for supervisor be Introduction What is FSM? ‘Comarch FSM (Field Service Management) is a Comprehensive tool for: ‘+ Appointments capturing basing on work orders and tasks, ‘+ scheduling field activities basing on work orders and tasks, + workforce / resources administration, ‘+ tasks realization monitoring and reporting. ‘System modules: + FSM, + Users, * Customers, + Configuration, + Maintenance, + Reporting. jing environment: https://fsmdev.etisalat.corp.ae:9090/fsm/login.page - SIT Temporary Environment https://fsmuat.etisalat.corp.ae:8080/fsm/home.page ~ uAT https://fsmprod.etisalat.corp.ae:8080/fsm/login.page —--—----Production. Login: Dispatcher02 — Dispatcher20 PasscEtisalat12345& Field engineer Role in FSM System is to fulfill tasks, pick actions scheduled to him. He is assigned to one or more teams. Supervisor role is assigned usually to one but can be to more teams, he is able to see full hierarchy, view or edit privileges for all levels and s below. He is not performing tasks activities. Might be only ing or faults orders. Work order / task Idea Work order Work order classification * Provisioning (registered from external system — CRM) * Fault (registered from external system — ucms) * Internal (registered internally FSM application — e.g. Knowledge test) Work order Status flows — Provisioning WO. Osa + Pending for Ext update + Open + Waiting for appointment ‘* Waiting for confirmation by IVR + Waiting for appointment by Agent + In progress + Resolved * Cancelled * Closed Work order Status flows — Fault WO coi a + Pending for Ext update | * Open OF} an + Waiting for appointment. = Waiting for confirmation — ee De + Waiting for appointment by Agent wert, + nproees Le — | + Resolved Ste —- + Reopen + cancelled a * Closed t— Work order Status flows — Internal WO * Open + In progress * Cancelled * Closed pores Work order & task Mapping Tasks to work orders... Provisioning Fault New installation Booking JSV booking JSV task Field task with appointment Booking Field task Work order & task Mapping Tasks to work orders Repair network Migration network Reorganization network FDH uplifting Connecting additional socket Measuring and regulation of network Foreign network service Freeing network Preserving network Expansion of network Verification network Dismantling network Knowledge test Back Office Internal Task Status flows ~ Basic status flow: * Open + Scheduled + Orphaned + Traveling * Onsite * Closed + Cancelled + Suspended * Return to dispatcher + Returned incomplete + Incomplete * Blocked (if open, scheduled, orphaned) Task Status flows — Ticket status flow: * Open * Closed R * Cancelled ihe Work order &Task - Flags Flag Work order Task SLA in risk Yes SLA overdue YES Repeated YES YES Reopen Yes Yes Early life faults YES YES TT breakdown pending YES Yes TT resolved YES YES Task locked YES Blocked YES YES On route overdue YES On Site overdue YES Mobile functionality for Field Engineer Online authentication First thing after launching application is authentication. To get trough that process user has to provide proper login and password, also his IMEI needs to be the same as device IMEI number. ( Start of day At the begining of every has to confirm that he is starting work by clicking button. After that he needs to fill required fields and approved the start. ( Absence If can not come to work he needs to notify about it to his . He is able to do that by clicking Absence icon. The next step is to write a message about his reason for not coming to work. End of day When field engineer ends work he have to notify about it. To do that he needs to click at End of day button User sees amount of tasks which are assigned to him and graph with his tasks. The option end of the day will be available for the user only if all his task assigned for today will be completed or incomplete. Calendar module In order to display calendar, user has to click Calendar” button on the user dashboard. Icon with number informs about unread events. RwWno Calendar module . Day of the week . Icon that informs about unread event . Number of events in the day . Icon that allows to add a calendar event. ry eee ry Ty ay ‘order to see calendar events on rent day, user has to click that day on x list and user will see this display: this screen user will see shift on the left Je and task on the right side, When user ant to see an event details, he as to click this event and next wil see this screen this screen user can see short tack scription, When user clicks on, the current task vill open in task details reen. When user clicks on, application will open a map with cation of task © Calendar module Otero Geers oer aed eens or Brea Wrcistek re | ee oe Dobe st rasoas ra 12 rad re ‘order to see calendar events on rent day, user has to click that day on x list and user will see this display: this screen user will see shift on the left Je and task on the right side, When user ant to see an event details, he as to click this event and next wil see this screen this screen user can see short tack scription, When user clicks on, the current task vill open in task details reen. When user clicks on, application will open a map with cation of task © Calendar module Otero Geers oer aed eens or Brea Wrcistek re | ee oe Dobe st rasoas ra 12 rad re Messages User sees a list of received and sent messages. If the message has been read, the icon on the list is changed. 1 - Information about unread messages 2 - Send a new message 3 - Delete a message 4 - Filtr messages Messages In order to send new message user has toclck button on the status jm Create new message view contains: + recipient + message priority + message content Fill all required fields and click send button Messages 4)In order to sort or filter messages user has to dlick button onthe stata Filter list allows user to: + Sort by: + Received date + Read date + Sender Filter by: + Read status + Priority + Received date ar a) 6 Tasks - New task Internal In order to create new task user has to click New Task button in the user dashboard. a aes oer Tasks - New task When user enters the module, he sees a form to fil. User must choose Order type, technology and task type, When those options are chosen, the rest of the fields show up. Tasks - New task Internal User is obliged to provide GPS localization manually or by clicked b button and Service region. Other fields user may complete but is not required. GPS Localization is the address for the new task. User can add file by clicked and take photo by fg! AB o In order to display tasks, you have to click ,Tasks” button in the user dashboard: Tasks D . Task data on task lst z The task list presents user's today tasks. Each contains: Lhe task except basi text data is associated with an So icon that represents the status ofa task: + Order type een + Task type + Task status + Task ID + Assigned + progress + Task realization date and time Feld task + Task address : + enous + Process signature + Priority * Flags + Closed + onste + Service class + other data Tasks User can easily sort or filter out the task list. To open sorting/filtering option user must click the funnel button on the top of the task list. eres Tasks User can sort the task list by realization | date, order type, task type, task priority or SLA either in ascending or descending order. Bytask pe ea aren Tasks can be filtered by its status, type, applied flags or order type. Tasks are seme Fe shown on task list in context of one day. [aaa The date context can be changed. a oy Crd Tasks Fld task When user applies some filters, on the task list there is extra icon with red cross funnel that indicates that the task list is filtered. To clear the filters user can go to filter settings and click .Clear” button or simply by clicking red cross funnel button. Tasks Click on task item to go to the task details view, which contains: “General tab Task description tab “Customer tab Equipment and services tab Notes tab ‘Attachments tab om -Incident details tab a History tab Routing details tab ne Specific product attributes tab ©) Task-General Tab oo co Can wo Can 3 i ie} cerra cu err Creer i cacao Paste) Peery oes eet Pet So eee er) es Seat! Dts eer) Perens peer a) 2 rat 6 ( Tasks - Customer tab Task - Equipment and services tab juipment and services tab consists of two sections: ervices and Other equipments. ee ther equipment tab contain all equipments related to sk, Red coloured equipments are equipment nnouncements. User may delete the announcement or noose an equipment to that announcement Tasks - Equipment and services tab In order to add equipment to announcement user has to click Add” button. User can search for an equipment by filling the form with a desired values and clicking , Download from server” button. Tasks - Equipment and services tab Server will return a list of equipments that will be presented in form of list. If user sees equipment that he wants to choose, then he clicks it ‘And the popup with question appears: Is equipment cha Tasks - Equipment and services tab User sees two extra button below the equipment list: + Add equipment to order + Add existing hardware Tasks - Note tab User can add a new note at any time. Above the Notes tab there is a note-plus icon that starts the composing window. User can write a new note and add it locally to the task with OK button. User can also choose a text from a history. By clicking a notepad button from the action bar, user sees his previously added notes. When he clicks it, it is pasted into the input field and he can further edit it. Tasks - Attachment tab User can add a new attachment in two ways. When user clicks icon on the action bar there are two options: ,Add file" and ,Add photo’. The ,Add file” function will start file explorer view which enables [were browsing file system for choosing desired file. Add file Possible attachment statuses: Toupload To download + Queued to upload Uploading Uploaded + Downloading Downloaded Blocked Tasks - Attachment tab - Limits File size limitatation Task - Change status User can change task status by clicking a Task a status icon and choosing new status. Status can = be changed either in online or offline mode. ee When online the status change request is sent ie to server immediately, but when offline the status change is queued and will be synchronised as soon as the internet connection becomes active Tasks - Charging form (On charging form user sees If user selects Yes to ,1s modem ‘two questions: provided?” then ,Add chargeable equipment” button appears: Coil Tasks - Charging signature When user clicks ,Add signature” button, the customer must put his signature. os MF Mw cc ( ‘asks - Customer task signature Customer may put his signature or may decline. In case of disagreeing Customer fills the form questionnaire Reason for refusal’ Tasks - Customer task signature If user agrees to put his signature, three satisfaction smiles ‘When user clicks one of the smiles, a popup with appear: question appears Tasks - Marketing survey Marketing survey is for customer. Depending on a previous step whether customer agreed to fill the survey or not one of the two view is visible The actual marketing survey Or info about refusal to fill in the survey Inquire module Incorder to display Inquire module user should click Inquire" button in the user dashboard Inthis module user can choose fone of three available data types: Task, PMS, LOCNET. ( Inquire module Extra tasks Extra tasks a carrey In order to display Reschedule module user should click "Reschedule" button in the user dashboard. To see current list of tasks which are available to assign user must click refresh button. ts caren a fore Extra tasks cents poner Pe If user click on particular task from the list, detail of chosen task Bogdan pablo will be displayed. Fees) oles ara og feriees a Extra tasks Realization time agreed by rate User can reassigned particular task to him Sooner py clicking on reschedule button and fill on realization time agreed by customer, ze iar) Praag Mobile functionality for supervisor Supervisor In order to display Supervisor module user must be logged as Supervisor and click "Supervisor" button in the user dashboard. Supervisor eee penn ey User can download or refresh list of technician by clicking on refresh icon. Supervisor can filter the list of technician using the filters: + Type of work orders/task + Work order/task with specific flag Kuch Tom + Number of scheduled/completed task Cem Supervisor When user clicks on chart icon, he can see a pie chart shows number of technicians which are late, finished, started or not started work Supervisior When user clicks on single employee refresh button, he can see the list of all today’s subordinate tasks. If user can click on a particular task, details of this task will be displayed. Supervisor a la > can add note for the task visible in the supervisor view. patch een! FS ea = va Poe @ Supervisior User can see reports by clicking on reports tab. Reports are in the form of pie chart shows status of subordinate tasks. Supervisior User can see reports by clicking on reports tab. Reports are in the form of pie chart shows status of subordinate tasks.

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