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Nelson College London


Candidate Rina Das


Dr. K. Santayana
Unit / piece of evidence

Please list the units, learning outcomes and assessment criteria which were covered by this
activity and explain how each one has been met

Dear Rina

Thank you for the efforts. I truly appreciate your devotion. Your work, prima
facie, looks fine. You would pass by this Assessment. Here 4151 words are
used. You may go up to 4400 words net. However, the advice you should follow

1) For the Portfolio, ensure to incorporate the attachments (at least one in
each LO).

2) Fill the Cover Page with necessary details.

3) Use contemporary literature to have a fresh flavour in your Research.

4) Use Harvard format in References.

5) Rectify the linguistic and grammatical mistakes including the

punctuations. (The org. is McDonald's).

6) Use diversity but for Diagrams add the references. Also, you should take a
post as per the Brief.

(Brief - Assume that you are employed in a UK based Business organisation as a Business
Advisor. You may choose any similar but realistic/sensible position of your chosen
organisation. You are advised to prepare a ‘Portfolio’ based on the following questions. You
are welcome to design your own structure for this Portfolio).

7) Your work is more descriptive. For better Grade, it needs to be much more
evaluative and analytical.
Nelson College London

8) Please make the application through McDonald's, find the challenges,

suggest a solution and apply theory / formula/ strategy where possible
(highlight those).

9) It would be worth to follow the Guidance I have sent you.

Good luck!

Show me again please, but highlight by red colour the new works, so that I
can understand which parts you add.

Good luck!


Comments from Tutor to candidate

Comments from candidate

Any further actions? (Please initial and date once actions have been completed)

Nelson College London

 Incorporate the Attachments to make a Portfolio.

 Make the changes in red in.

Good luck.

Candidate Signature: Date:

Assessor Signature: K. Santayana Date: 19 April 2021

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