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VO2 Max Protocols

● The bruce protocol was designed in 1963 for aerobic endurance
● It is used for strength, endurance, agility,speed, and power
● Is able to determine how much oxygen the athlete is using while
running at different speeds
● Maximal exercise with athletes were two completely exhausted as
the treadmill speed increases every three minutes constantly
● Formula for the bruce treadmill
● For Men VO2 max = 14.8 - (1.379 x T) + (0.451 x T²) - (0.012 x T³)
● For Women VO2 max = 4.38 x T - 3.9
● The test is performed by the le monde turbo
● Person will be hooked up to the equipment, a mask and a
heart rate monitor on the bike.
● Intensity will increase 1 to 2 intervals in watts to raise
oxygen consumption and heart rate
at different time speeds
● The test will take about 20 minutes
● You are only allowed to have 2 minutes to recover
● At the end of the test you will receive a report ofthe vo2
max heart rate, aerobic and anaerobic testing
Step -
● The Harvard step test is an aerobic test and was made by
Brouha et al in 1943
● The person goes up and down on a flat surface of
approximately 30 steps per minute
● The actual time will take about 5 minutes until you are
feeling tired
● This can also be a short form to figure your VO2 max test

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