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Name uzma ashiq

Reg 1441_320001
6  What is nonverbal communication and why is it important?

Non-Verbal Communication

 When we talk about ‘communication we often mean ‘what we say’ the words that we
use. However, interpersonal communication is much more than the explicit meaning of
words, and the information or message that they convey.
 It also includes implicit messages, whether intentional or not, which are expressed
through non-verbal behaviours
 Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, the tone and pitch of the voice,
gestures displayed through body language and the physical distance between the
 These non-verbal signals can give clues and additional information and meaning over
and above spoken (verbal) communication. Indeed, some estimates suggest that
around 70 to 80% of communication is non-verbal
 Nonverbl is important communication
  It gives us valuable information about a situation including
 How person might be feeling,
 How someone receives information
 How to approach a person or group of people.
why it is important

Convey empathy and emotions

Non-verbal communication is used to show emotions like happiness, anger, sadness, interest, curiosity,
hurt, annoyance, anxiety, embarrassment, pleasure, hope, etc. People show these emotions
unconsciously most of the times.

They express their empathy through non-verbal communication too. People do not unconsciously fake
non-verbal communication but only sometimes do it deliberately. When you communicate, you must
compliment what you say with your gestures and body language. You should also work to notice the
non-verbal cues of the people you are interacting with.

Proper interpretation
Interpretation of non-verbal signals us not very easy at all times as it differs from person to person and
culture to culture as well as non-verbal communication does not have fixed meanings and is different
acording to contexts.

But noticing and interpreting it properly gives you an advantage over the other person. We learn to do it
since childhood and we try to interpret consciously when we need it. Misinterpretations can destroy
relationships and creates problems.

Instinctive nature

As non-verbal communication is based on instinct mostly, people speak truth. We should believe non-
verbal massages more than verbal messages if there is a conflict between two people. They show non-
verbal cues as an instinct and accompany verbal communication.

Non-verbal communications are mostly natural like crying or laughing or having a personal space. Not
only humans, some animals also show this kind of behavior.

Workplace Efficiency

Non-verbal communication makes work in offices better. It can also help in interviews and businesses.
Many other professions like teachers, jourrnalists, lawyers, doctors, etc. need to communicate in regular

If their non-verbal communication is not up to the mark, then their work will suffer. For example, eye
contact in interviews and meetings show confidence and interest. While eye contact shows those things,
it can also show over confidence. It also shows trustworthiness and accuracy of intentions.


Non-verbal communication increases understanding of messages. When verbal and non verbal
communication are similar, it esteblishes better perspective on the message being sent. The sender of
message as well as receiver gets what is the intended meaning of the message and can act accordingly.
Process of sending and receiving of message is successful and gets desired results.

Effects of Non-verbal communication


Non-verbal signs are important as it puts more emphasis and reinforcement to the things being said.
When you are angry and your body language also shows you are, then the person who is being scolded
will feel afraid. If body language is different, then the scolding won’t work.


Many times, non-verbal communication take place instead. Sometimes silence also communicates
better than words and it is contextual. Traffic signals can make people do things without words.
Similarly, signals in games also denote different things which are established and everybody

Q.4      What is thinking and what is structuring ideas? Also

describe the three guidelines of the thinking Process.

 What is Thinking?

 Thinking is the ultimate cognitive activity, consciously using our brains to make sense of the
world around us and decide how to respond to it.
 Unconsciously our brains are still 'thinking' and this is a part of the cognitive process, but is not
what we normally call 'thinking'.
 Thinking is simply about chains of synaptic connections. Thinking as experienced is of
'thoughts' and 'reasoning' as we seek to connect what we sense with our inner world of
understanding, and hence do and say things that will change the outer world.

 Our ability to think develops naturally in early life. When we interact with others, it becomes
directed, for example when we learn values from our parents and knowledge from our teachers.
 We learn that it is good to think in certain ways and bad to think in other ways. Indeed, to be
accepted into a social group, we are expected to think and act in ways that are harmonious
with the group culture
 What is structuring ideas
 Structure refers to the order of ideas; the progression of your writing should feel
smooth with similar points linked together. Structuring your work is a key aspect
of good academic writing ensuring that related sections are linked together and
that the ideas and arguments progress in a logical and orderly manner
 The most important guideline of thinking process is critical thinking

 Critical thinking is clear, reasonable, reflective thinking focused on deciding what to

believe or do. It means asking probing questions like “How do we know?” or “Is this
true in every case or just in this instance?” It involves being skeptical and challenging
assumptions rather than simply memorizing facts or blindly accepting what you hear
or readcal thinking

 Normal thinking

 Normal thinking is a normal thing where we think about our daily routine e.g our dresses our
foods.where we wants to go or which kind of foods we have to eat

1 What is Communication? Why is it important in general life and

particularly in business organization?
Communication is simply the act of transfeerring information from one place, person or group to
another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient. ... These
include our emotions, the cultural situation, the medium used to communicate, and even our location.

.Importance in general life,:

Communication drives workplace sucess. Although the detriments of poorly communicating with others
may not be apparent in the short term, it has a crippling effect on the workplace in the long-term. Here
are some signs of bad communication:

Lack of specific communication

Using the incorrect mediums to convey important messages

Passive-aggressive communication

Lack of follow-through and consideration

Blaming and intimidating others

Failing to listen

An example of poor comunication would be the RadioShack layoff notices in 2006.

In business organization:

Effective communication is a vital tool for any business owner. Your success at getting your point across
can be the difference between sealing a deal and missing out on a potential opportunity.

You should be able to clearly explain company policies to customers and clients and answer their
questions about your prducts or services. It is crucial to communicate effectively in negotiations to
ensure you achieve your goals.

Communication is also important within the business. Effective communication can help to foster a good
working relationship between you and your staff, which can in turn improve morale and efficiency.

This guide will explain the key aspects of both verbal and non-verbal communication, how to listen to
and understand others, and how to make the best possible first impression on the people you encounter
in and around your business.
Q.2      What is organization analysis? Elaborate the concept and
types of goals, people work for in the organization.

Organizational analysis is the process of apraising the growth, personnel, operations, and work
environnment of an entity. Undertaking an organizational analysis is beneficial, as it enables
management to identify areas of weakness and then find approaches for eliminating the

 Organizational goals are strategic objectives that a company's management establishes to

outline expected outcomes and guide employees' efforts.

There are many advaantages to establishing organizational goals: They guide employee efforts,
justify a company's activities and existence, define performance standards, provide constraints
for pursuing unnecessary goals and function as behavioral incentives.

For the goals to have business merit, organizations must craft a strategic plan for choosing and
meeting them.

Importance of organizational goals

Goals help define a company's purpose, assist its business growth and achieve its financial
objectives. Setting specific organizational goals can also help a company measure their
organization's progress and determine the tasks that must be improved to meet those business

How will you overcome the blocks to good listening?

Effective communication is a valuable skill in the workplace, and listening properly is the most important
part of effective communication.
Poor listening skills definitely make a huge, negative impact on team morale and productivity. This
situation usually results in conflicts and misunderstandings among team members, and it creates a
negative environment.

Fortunately, listening skills can be learned. The first step is to identify the barriers to listening. The
second step is to consciously implement the tips provided here to overcome those barriers.

Excessive Talking

Good conversational skills are an asset, and a person with these skills are more likely to achieve
professional success. However, talking more than necessary is a barrier to effective communication.
People hesitate to interact with a person who talks excessively without listening to them. They may also
get bored, and excessive talking may be perceived as aggression.

Try these tips to overcome this habit:

Think before you speak, and don’t speak if you have nothing important to contribute.

Practice self-control. Allow the other person to speak.

Avoid interrupting when the other person is speaking.

Be aware of indulging in useless talk for the sake of talking.

Be brief while conveying your thoughts.

Observe your listener’s reactions while speaking.


Prejudice is a preconceived opinion of feeling, which is usually irrational. Prejudice is very dangerous and
has the potential to bring animosity into the team and to break team spirit. The reason for a prejudice
may be the speaker’s race, religion, age or appearance. A prejudiced person will not make any effort to
listen and understand.

The four main types of distractions are physical, mental, auditory and visual. Here’s how to avoid this
common barrier:
Face the person who is speaking.

Maintain eye contact while the other person is speaking.

Ensure that you are comfortable.

Switch off the cell phone.

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