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April 13

Let me know if there is too much for you guys to do. I tried to balance out the completion of the
business plan with other assignments (such as Jason and Khiet taking charge of the other
sections of the business plan). We’ll also be transitioning into completing our google slides
presentation. Other than that good job team. It’s crunch time.

- Complete the second round of comments on the business plan for your assigned
section. I’ll be popping around and helping where I can with Section 8 and 9 on the
business plan along with finishing Section 6 before tomorrow’s meeting
- On the financial model, I’ll help Jason with Section H. By Friday.
- I will begin formulating our pitch presentation while cross-referencing it with Michelle and
Ethan’s. The presentation should be concise, simple, and mainly comprised of diagrams
(much like how Mrs. Leslie likes her presentations in BE). I’ll probably get this done by
- Complete the second round of comments on the business plan for your assigned
section! Good job, the executive summary looks good. Mrs. Leslie wants to include an
extremely short product description in the executive summary, can you do this? Work
with Khiet to work out the kinks! Preferably before tomorrow’s meeting.
- Finish your section C and section D of payroll services. Before tomorrow’s meeting?
- Since your sections are pretty much finished, can you create diagrams for Na-No
Carbon? Once again work with Khiet to develop a concrete diagram and model on how
our system works. For now just a simple diagram of where the system will be placed
along with the smokestack (at its base). By Friday?
ssions-monitoring << here’s a good model. Be sure to mention the need to separate
particulate matter from gaseous!
- Complete the second round of comments on the business plan for your assigned
section. We need to pick it up in the Personnel section Daniel. Please take time to look
at Mrs. Leslie’s comments! Where are your sources as well? Be sure to include brackets.
Be concise but descriptive! Preferably Before tomorrow’s meeting.
- Please work with Khiet on SECTION K in the financial model. Khiet will be busy doing
other things so please communicate with her in order to determine which other annual
costs we have to consider! By Thursday?
- With SECTION K, make sure to start funneling ideas into sections 8 and 9 in our
business plan. WE DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS PART YET, but it would be extremely
helpful in the long run if you can simultaneously do the financial model with the business
plan By Friday?
- Complete the second round of comments on the business plan for your assigned
section. Good job Khiet! Please look at the comments left behind. For the product
section, it would be a good idea to mention that we want everything to happen on-site,
including the production of carbon nanotubes. Begin combining the supplementary
product description you have under that section! Also maybe be slightly more concise on
the science behind the product, but more of the big picture of the product. Where will it
be located on the smokestack? How will we communicate with our vendors? It’s a
system, so we have to clarify where everything takes place :) Please complete Before
tomorrow’s meeting.
- You are EXCEPTIONALLY good at determining cost prices and finding resources with
that, can you please work with Daniel on the financial model Section K! By Friday?
- I also told Allie to work with you in terms of creating diagrams. You don’t have to create
diagrams quite yet, but it would be great if you could point Allie in the right direction.
- Complete the second round of comments! Amazing job with the market study and patent
costs Jason. Please complete any comments if there are new ones! Could you start
writing for section 8 in the business plan? Possible with some good numbers before
tomorrow’s meeting? Khiet, Daniel, and I will be simultaneously working on the costs
presented in the financial model as well, so be sure that everything is consistent!
- Can you begin filling in Section H while doing the business plan (same as section 8 but
mapped out). Hopefully by Friday?
- Let me know if you need any help and I can distribute anything.

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