Crypto Daku Robin Hooders (AMA) - 20/08/2020

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Crypto daku robin hooders (AMA) - 20/08/2020

Q1 Many AI projects Raven, Deepcloud etc... are struggling and most of them already far
from developing anything, how did you maintain the momentum and still working ?

Humayun Sheikh,
We solve this problem with the Multi Agent Framework (MAF). MAF is like a layer 2 solution
which gives the ability to deploy ML and AI and also connects the stakeholders together. We try
to deliver commercial projects as we develop technology. Toby has posted many use case links
and these are working and operational commercial projects.


Q2 What is fetch going to contribute in the field of defi ?

We have Mettalex being launched very soon. Mettalex will enable derivatives trading for the
commodity and crypto market. The next DeFi project is Atomix which enables you to borrow
against traditional and Physical assets.

Q3 What is your mission and vision for the next 3 years in terms of development?
Keep shipping.

... and make people's day to day lives easier by using autonomous agents to solve your
problems before you know that you have them. We're taking the pain out of your life. We're
bringing solutions directly to you, and we're increasing the use of the assets that the economy
has. Less wasteful, particularly with data. And to make better use of AI and ML, to combine the
little bits of smart-ness out there to generate genuinely useful insights that help us get things

Q4 Team can you tell how are you going to work for real adaption since all blockchain
are just limited with small partnerships and few dapps,where do you see yourself in true
For us, it’s all about demonstrating utility. Decentralised solutions are coming to revolutionise
the way we live, not because it’s convenient for us as a company, but because everyone around
the world stands to benefit economically from this change which will enable people to spend
more time doing the things they want. As more companies realise they need to be utilising
blockchain technology to keep up with their rivals, and as more industry collaborations take
hold, the momentum behind the technology will grow into mainstream adoption.

Our aim is to bring adoption in the traditional and real world. Our ML and AI solutions are now
being tested for healthcare, and the supply chain financial sector. Our first defi project Mettalex
is attracting commodity traders from the $13Trillion market. This is all real adoption and it is

Q5 Please explain about the UTILITY of Fetch the real life use case and application.

Yup, Fetch is a utility token. Amongst many other things;

* It is the fuel for smart contracts

* It is the unit of value exchange between agents
* It allows agents to perform computationally expensive search and discovery operations
(exploring the digital environment)
* It provides access to collective learning and more

As the population of agents continues to grow, there are more and more cases where the token
is required in order to get access to the collective power of the network.

Q6 How is FET token uses for? How to keep motivation for holding FET tokens for the
long term?

FET is the fuel for deploying solutions in the network, and as such it is integral to the
use cases outlined on the website: DeFi, transport and mobility,
energy and supply chains are just some of the use cases for our technology.
For example, in the case of Mettalex (the upcoming metals and commodities exchange powered
by, FET tokens will be used as a percentage of collateral required for the creation of
commodity tokens.

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