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Classroom Procedures: First Grade

(1) Student’s entering the classroom:

The procedure for entering the classroom will
be that students will walk in quietly and they
will remove their backpacks in its designed
area, they will get their folders out of their
bags and make their way to their desk and
begin working on their warmup of the day.

(2) Quieting the class

The procedure for quieting the class will be
clapping out a rhythm such as “clap once if
you can hear me, clap twice if you can hear
me”, and students will know that they need to
quite down.
Another procedure that can be used to quite
the class is by using a saying such as I will say
“Avengers” and the class will respond with
“Assemble” and the class will know to quiet

(3) Start of the lesson.

The procedure for the start of the lesson is that
the class will start with circle time and get
their morning thoughts out and then the class
will go over the warmup and from there we
will drive into our lesson.

(4) Student’s movement around the class

The procedure for when students move around
the classroom, they must walk when moving
around no running within the classroom and
when students will know that when they move
around the classroom, they know that they
must stay quiet and respectful.

(5) Picking up papers/assignments

The procedure for picking up papers is that
when student walk into the classroom in the
morning and they will look at the student’s job
list for the day and when the students see their
name on the list that when the teacher says its
time to pick up papers, they will know it is
their job to pick up the papers.

(6) Passing out papers/assignments

The procedure for passing out papers is that
when student walk into the classroom in the
morning and they will look at the student’s job
list for the day and when the students see their
name on the list that when the teacher says it
is time to pass out papers the students will
know it is their job to pass them out.

(7) Taking attendance

The procedure for taking attendance is that
each morning the students will move the clip
with their name on it to the part of the chart
that says present and when I check the chart
and clips that have not been moved, I will
know that they are absent.

(8) Student’s requesting makes up assignments

(make up for absences)
The procedure for students who are requesting
make up assignments for when they are
absent, is that they will have to get their work
from the designated absent folders and from
the time they get that work they will have two
days in order to turn it in.
(9) End of period/class dismissal
The procedure for the end of period/ class
dismissal is that the students will finish up the
last bit of their work and turn it in to the
proper bin, then students will clean up their
desk and then they will grab their backpacks
and wait at their designated spot for dismissal.

(10) Student’s leaving the room.

The procedure for students who are leaving
the classroom on there own must first ask the
teacher for permission first and once they have
the okay to go, they will grab a buddy and a
hall pass to go with them. If the students are
leaving the classroom, they would all line up
quietly and calmly and wait with their hands
to their sides until the teacher lets them leave
the class.

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