Jerry and Helen 1

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Jerry and Helen

(Jerry enters, carrying a fresh portion of chips)

Jerry: Ooh, their right beauties, they are…

(Helen is sat on the curb, sobbing away. Jerry notices her)

Jerry: Hey, you alright there luv’?

Helen: Oh, don’t mind me...I’m just being a bit silly, really.

Jerry: Well, my mother always said, “try to put a smile on everyone’s faces”.

Helen: You’ll have your work cut out here, then

Jerry: Always up for a challenge.

(He sits next to her)

Jerry: So c’mon, tell me what’s up.

Helen: Well, I did something I’m not really proud of.

Jerry: What was it?

Helen: I invited this young lad in. He was very handsome so I offered him a bit of supper and
something t’drink. But I think, the whole time, I just wanted to get me leg over him.

Jerry: Oh, I see what you mean. It’s not the worst thing you could do though

Helen: But he was just so young. I just saw him as me little play thing. It’s the only way I can
just get them to be with me.

Jerry: ‘ere luv’, have a chip.

(Jerry offers Helen a chip, she takes one)

Jerry: You just want someone to be with, don’t you?

Helen: Yeah, I do. But none of these men seem to get that.

Jerry: I do.
Helen: Really?

Jerry: After I joined the National Service, I ended up losing my best mates. Then I retired and
that madness in the Falklands started up so I went off there. After that, I came here and found I
had no one to talk to.

Helen: Oh luv’...

Jerry: What’s your story, if you don’t mind my asking?

Helen: Me? I’ve just gone through life pushing people away. It’s me own bloody fault really…

Jerry: Why’s that?

Helen: I’ve had a few blokes in my time and every time I do, I only ever seem to want just them.
No one else. Then everyone else starts to leave. Problem is, the poor buggers I’m with leave
me in the end too.

Jerry: They clearly weren’t the right men for you. Otherwise, they’d have made the effort to stay
with such a lovely lady…

Helen: Oh, you’re sweet one, aren’t ya? I ain’t as lovely as you think. My life is full of things I
ain’t proud of. I’ll never forget that one bloke who paid me…

Jerry: Paid you for what?

Helen: Well, he wanted to get into bed as well. It was the first time in ages a man actually paid
attention to me.

Jerry: Sounds like you ain’t had it easy.

Helen: Neither have you.

Jerry: Well, as they say, “A good destiny is when two people find each other without looking”

Helen: I suppose…

(Jerry places his coat around Helen)

Helen: You’re a very kind man.

Jerry: It’s just nice to talk to someone who gets what I’m saying.

Helen: I know what you mean, luv’...

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