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Chapter 4 1


S R Bellamy, C I House and C J Veal

BP Research Centre, Sunbury-on-Thames,Middlesex

INTRODUCTION recovering gold from a beach sand deposit in New

Coal gold agglomeration (CGA) is a new concept
in gold processing. It involves the recovery of The area from which the samples were taken
oleophilic (oil-loving) gold grains by causing consists of quarternary interglacial marine,
them to adhere selectively to the surfaces of coal lagoonal, fluvial and eolian deposits. The heavy
oil agglomerates. Under optimum conditions very minerals present are predominantly ilmenite and
high recoveries of gold can be achieved. The garnet and small concentrations of gold. In
agglomerates are recycled to build up gold loading certain locations the sands and gravels are
to typically 1000 - 5000 g/tonne. Bullion can be consolidated by a limonitic cement. In the 19th
produced by burning the loaded agglomerates with Century some parts of the deposit were mined and
subsequent recovery of gold from the highly loaded the ore processed using stamp milling and gravity
ash either by dissolution/electrowinning or concentration. Gold recoveries were low, probably
smelting. below 50%, due primarily to the fine size of the
gold grains, the flaky nature of the gold and also
A wide-ranging programme of laboratory testwork imperfect liberation by the stamp mills.
has been performed to investigate the response of
different ore types to the process. This has Our laboratory testwork was divided into three
shown CGA to be most applicable to ores in which parts :
the gold is liberated or easily liberatable,
relatively coarse (ca 500 pm) and fine (<5 pm) i) Preliminary studies on an initial sample to
gold grains being recoverable with equal ease. assess the feasibility of treating the ore by
The best opportunities for CGA seem to be:
ii) Extended studies on further samples from
placers containing fine gold not recoverable by various locations in the deposit to confirm
gravity concentration predictions from (i)

low grade gravity concentrates to avoid multiple iii) Conventional gold recovery techniques.
magnetic/gravity separation stages and
free milling ores where the gold can be
liberated at a reasonable ore particle size eg All CGA tests were performed by agitating a
>d,, 50 pm slurry of ore in water in a 0.6 dm3 pyrex beaker
fitted with four vertical baffles. When required,
tailings past or present from gravity potassium amyl xanthate collector was added and
concentration plants. the slurry conditioned for 5 min. Coal (ex BP
Coal Australia's Tahmoor Colliery) previously
CGA testwork ranging in scale from laboratory ground to a dso 50 pm was added followed by a
to pilot plant on tailings produced by gravity commercial grade of gas oil (density 840 kg/m3).
concentration in the 19th century Australian gold The agglomeration time was 30 min. The
rush has already been reported (Bonney, C F, 1988; agglomerates were separated from the tailings by
House, C I. Townsend, I G and Veal, C J , 1988). screening, both were then dried and analysed for
An economic appraisal for a Canadian free milling gold by fire assay. This test procedure provides
gold ore has also been published (Buckley, S A, a reasonably accurate estimate of gold recoveries
House, C I and Townsend, I G , 1989). that might be expected from our 1 tph pilot plant.
This paper describes results of a detailed Ore samples were ground either dry in an agate
laboratory programme to assess CGA as a means of ring disc mill or wet in a steel batch tumbling
348 'WORLD GOLD'89'

ball mill with steel grinding media. Particle Table 1

size distribution of mill products was measured
using a laser diffraction size analyser. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS BY X-RAY FLUORESCENCE

Attrition scrubbing was performed using a Element Sample 1 Sample 3 Sample 5

Denver Dl2 agitator fitted with dual opposed- % % %
pitch, axial-flow impellers. Slurry pulp density
was 70% solids and agitation was performed at 1500
rpm (equivalent to a tip speed of 5.3 ms-1) for 30
min. Commercial attrition scrubbers operate under
similar conditions of pulp density and tip speed.

Gravity concentration was performed using a

Mozley laboratory separation table fitted with a
flat deck. Gold recovery by cyanidation was
investigated in bottle roll tests, 65 hours
duration at pH 11.0 - 11.5 adjusted with lime and
with 3.2 kg of sodium cyanide added per tonne of
ore. At the end of each test the pulp solids were
filtered and washed. The combined washings were
analysed for gold by atomic absorption
spectroscopy, and the dried solids by fire assay. D - Detected
ND - Not detected
Flotation tests were carried out in a Denver
Dl2 flotation cell. The pulp was conditioned with
220 g/t potassium amyl xanthate collector, 30 - GOLD DISTRIBUTIONS
40 g/t Dowfroth 250 frother and agitated at
1200 rpm. A succession of concentrate fractions The samples were all wet screened at 150 pm.
was taken, up to a total flotation time of 30 min. The undersize and oversize fractions were dried,
weighed and assayed for gold. The results are
given in Table 2.
Table 2
The samples from the different sites varied
considerably in appearance. In particular the GOLD DISTRIBUTION IN ORE SAMPLES
sample colour varied considerably due to differing
levels of iron oxides and ilmenite. No Scrubbing
Sample Pretreatment Pretreatment
As-received, Sample 1 was mainly composed of No
fine light sand but also contained some darker Mass % Gold % Mass % Gold %
aggregates with a stratified colour variation. -150 pm -150 pm -150 pm -150 pm
This lamination, characteristic of marine
deposition and consolidation is due to light
coloured quartz/feldspar and dark ilmenite/garnet
minerals. Quartz was the most abundant mineral
with significant amounts of muscovite, mica and
feldspar. The majority of the coarser material
consisted of aggregates of smaller particles held
together by brown coloured cement. The average
particle shape observed was angular and not well
rounded as is common in most beach sand ores. ND - Not determined

Samples 5 and 6 contained coarse siliceous The data for all samples are similar in that
gravel and large pebbles up to 10 mm in size, there is a preponderance of % gold over % mass in
whereas Sample 4 contained none. the -150 pm size fraction. However the absolute
values of per cent mass and gold vary
Microscopic examination of all of the samples considerably.
indicated that the modal particle size of the sand
was the same in each sample being 200 - 300 pm. The effect of attrition scrubbing o n gold and
mass in the -150 pm size fraction is also shown in
The chemical composition of Samples 1 , 3 and 5, Table 2. For Samples 2, 3, 4 and 6 the vast
as determined by XRF, are given in Table 1. The majority of the cemented aggregates were broken up
most significant differences are in the Ti and Fe and more than 9 4 % of the gold released into the
contents, reflecting differences in proportions of final size fractions. The relatively small
ilmenite and iron oxide slimes. There is also a increase in per cent mass after scrubbing confirms
correlation between Au (determined by fire assay) the natural grain size of the sand at >150 pm.
and Ti which would be expected since the beach Sample 1 appears atypical perhaps because the
sand has already been subjected to a degree of cemented aggregates are more strongly compacted in
natural gravity concentration. this part of the deposit or perhaps the gold is

genuinely more coarse. Several other samples, not majority of the aggregates had been broken up and
reported here, have been assessed and confirm the further grinding resulted in general particle size
atypical behaviour of Sample 1. reduction. The decrease in recovery with fine-
grinding may be due to the reduction in
Thus preconcentration of the ore by attrition hydrophobicity of the gold caused by embedding of
scrubbing and size splitting at ca 150 pm appears gangue particles or the deformation of the soft
to be a technically viable method for processing metallic flakes.
the deposit and worthy of further testwork. This
route would have a major impact on the economics The effect of wet ball milling was very similar
of the project. to that produced by dry grinding (Figure 1).
Optimum gold recovery (>85%) occurred for d,,
sizes of between 200 and 90 pm.
Thus, only a mild treatment is required for
The Effect of Grinding gold (up to 90%) to be liberated from gangue
particles. A grinding pretreatment could
In CGA the prime factor which affects the therefore simply consist of a rotary scrubber or
recovery of gold grains is their state of pebble mill followed by attrition scrubbing to
liberation. In the preliminary work, which was disperse the aggregates. Size reduction of the
carried out, on Sample 1 , the main variable primary sand particles should not be necessary.
investigated was grind size.
Results with Scrubbed Material
Gold Recovery (%) Six small-scale CGA batch tests were performed
on each sample that had previously been attrition
scrubbed and screened at -150 pm (Table 3). The
operating parameters investigated were:

Agitation speed during ore/ 750 and 1500 rpm

agglomerate contacting

Collector addition 0 , 200 and 500 g/t

Agitation speed during 750 and 1500 rpm

collector conditioning
50 - b
Operating conditions which gave tailings grades
40 - less than or equal to 0.04 g/t were identified for
four of the samples (Nos 2, 3, 5 and 6). The
30 -
single exception was Sample 4 where tailings
grades did not fall below 0.13 g/t. Possible
20 - reasons for this apparent anomaly are (i) the
attrition scrubbing conditions, which were not
10 -
optimised, were not sufficiently severe to break
down all the cemented aggregates or (ii) the
attrition scrubbing failed to remove iron oxide
'0 5
!b 1b0 140 2bo 240 3h coating of the liberated gold grains. Sample 4
contained a smaller proportion of coarse (+0.5 mm)
Size dSO ( v m ) material than the other samples.

In many of the CGA tests gold recoveries well

Fig 1. Effect of Grinding on above 90% were achieved. Gold recovery is a
function of the tailings grade and the head grades
Gold Recovery by CGA of the test sub-samples (calculated from grades of
agglomerates and tailings). The calculated head
grades varied considerably within a test sequence
for a given sample, owing to the small size of
The results from dry grinding the ore in a ring sub-sample available for each test. In addition
disc mill are shown in Figure 1. Decreasing d,, the calculated head grade varied throughout the
from 250 to about 180 pm increased the gold five samples indicating considerable variation
recovery from 40 to 90%. However, with a longer across the deposit.
grinding time (d,, 20 pm) the recovery fell to
about 60 per cent. The initial increase in the The results are in good agreement with those
gold recovery is attributed to the breaking up of with Sample 1 for which gold recoveries of 90% on
aggregates which released the adherent or cemented a head grade of ca 0.8 g/t were achieved. The
fine gold. A decreasing number of strongly bonded light grind on Sample 1 and attrition scrub on
aggregates in the finer ground samples was Samples 2, 3, 5 and 6 appear to have had the same
observed under an optical microscope. Under effect.
optimum grinding conditions (da, 130 pm) the

Table 3


Sample Tsst Impsller KAX Addition Conditioning Calc Hsad Tails Grade Gold
No No Speed Spsed Recovery
rpn kglt Ore rP glt &It X

*Sample 5 scrubbed but not screened at 150 pm

since insufficient undersize for all testwork

The ore samples showed considerable variation Results with Unscrubbed Material
in their response to CGA even after attrition
scrubbing. In the case of Samples 3 and 6 Some experiments were carried out on Samples 2 ,
excellent recoveries were achieved in all tests 3 and 5 that had previously been screened at
independent of the operating parameters within the 1.7 mm but had no scrubbing or milling
ranges investigated. In contrast, Samples 2 and 5 pretreatment. The results are presented in
gave no significant gold recovery in the absence Table 4 together with data from tests under
of collector even at high agitation speed. The indentical conditions on scrubbed samples.
degree of agitation was however, influential in
increasing gold recovery in the presence of Table 4
collector either during conditioning or during
ore/agglomerate contacting. EFFECT OF ATTRITION SCRUBBING ORE -1.7 mm ORE

Overall the results suggest that the gold Sample Impsller KAX Calc Tails Gold
No Speed Addition Head Grads Recovery
surface properties vary considerably in different rpn kglt Ors glt glt X
ore samples probably due to the presence of iron
oxide staining and increased surface 2 Scrubbed 1500 0.2 1.82 0.04 98.0
hydrophilicity. Some of the variations in surface Unscrubbed 1500 0.2 0.27 c0.03 D89.1
properties might have been due to differences in -

the effectiveness of the scrubbing technique used. 3 Scrubbed 1500 0.2 2.03 0.09 95.6
Unscrubbsd 1500 0.2 1.02 0.30 71.0
It was possible to overcome variations in
surface properties in 4 of the 5 samples examined 5 Scrubbed 1500 0.2 0.28 0.04 85.6
Unacrubbsd 1500 0.2 0.61 0.22 63.7
by adding collector to increase surface
oleophilicity and using relatively high agitation
rates which increase the energy of interparticle In the case of Samples 3 and 5 gold recoveries
collisions and chances of successful adhesion of were better on scrubbed materials, reflecting
greater liberation of the gold grains. The
the gold grains to the coal oil agglomerates.
scrubbing made little difference with Sample 2.

With such a heterogeneous ore with widely The extreme flakiness of the gold grains was
differing degrees of consolidation the scrubbing also thought to adversely affect the performance
stage would have to be incorporated into the final of gravity concentration.
flowsheet as an insurance. The improvement in
recovery potentially achievable would almost Assuming the shape factor f from Gy's formula
certainly justify any increased cost. (Otley, D H, 1966) to be:

mass of particle
GOLD RECOVERY TECHNIQUES (particle diameter)3 x density

Gravity Concentration then the f value for observed grains was only 0.01
compared with a value of 0.2 more usual for flaky
Gravity concentration of gold from a -150 pm alluvial gold.
fraction screened from as-received Sample 1 was
reasonably effective (Figure 2) with 71.4% It is unlikely that better results could be
recovery into 20 per cent mass, to produce a achieved on industrial equipment as the Mozley
concentrate grade of 7.2 g Au tonne-1. A final table is more suited to the recovery of fine
concentrate had a grade of 30 g Au tonne-1 but particles than, for example, spirals or shaking
recovery was only 10%. tables. The overall process gold recovery would
be expected to be less than 70%.

Gravity concentration does not compare well

Mass & Gold Recoveries (96) with CGA where recoveries in excess of 90% should
be achievable. Also with recycle agglomerate
grades of 2000 to 5000 g/t will be obtained.


Samples 2 - 6 (-1.7 mm, unscrubbed) were

cyanided to give data on the percentage of
leachable gold and also lime and cyanide
consumptions. The results are presented in
60 , Gold Table 5.

In all cases very little gold remained in the

residue after leaching. Gold recoveries were
close to or above 90% except for Sample 4 (66.7%)
which was artificially low due to the low
calculated head grade of the test sample. Lime
requirements were high (7.1 - 13.1 kg/t) due to

Mass -.--.A
the acidic nature of the ore. Cyanide
consumptions varied from 0.24 to 1.10 kg/t in part
due to varying amounts of iron dissolution.

Gold recoveries by cyanidation and CGA compare

well for Samples 2, 3, 5 and 6. Comparison of
relative performance on Sample 4 is complicated by
Gold Grade (pprn) the low head grade of the cyanidation test sample.

Fig 2. Gravity Concentration of

-150 pm Size Fraction Table 5


Sample Natural NaCH Lime Gold in Gold in Calculated Gold

No PH Consumed Requirement Solution Residue Head Extracted
kg/t kg/t g/t g/t g/t %
352 'WORLD GOLD '89'

Flotation agglomerate grades would be 2000 - 5000 g/t or

higher and after combustion the ash would contain
Flotation tests were performed with Samples 3 2 to 5% or more gold.
and 4 , attrition scrubbed but not screened at
150 pm. The results are shown in Table 6. In CGA performance was superior to gravity
both tests the pulp frothed well before adding any concentration, the fine, flaky nature of the gold
reagents. After addition of frother (Dowfroth leading to relatively low gravity recoveries (ca
250) the froth was around 10 mm deep. In 15 - 70%) into concentrates containing only ca 7 g/t.
20 min the froth became thin and Dowfroth 250 Although giving gold recoveries similar to CGA
(0.01 kg/t) ore was added. flotation also produced low grade concentrates
which would require extensive further treatment to
Table 6 produce bullion. CGA performance was also similar
to cyanidation but would be expected to be
RESULTS OF FLOTATION TESTWORK considerably cheaper to operate and would have the
environmental advantage of not entailing the large
Flotation Cumulative Cumulative Recovery scale use of cyanide.
Sample No Time Weight Gold Grade
min 2: &It 2:

5 0.89 77.82 >95.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

10 1.33 52.48 >95.5
(Scrubbed -1.7 m) 20 2.39 29.31 >95.9 The authors wish to acknowledge contributions
3 30 3.00 23.35 >96.0
Tails ~ r a d e <0.03 to the work from Dr H A Bustamante,
Calc head 0.73 Mrs E A Crathorne, Mr A R Goddard, Mr K D Pearse.
Permission to publish this paper was given by the
5 0.85 8.24 b66.7 British Petroleum Company plc.
10 1.40 5 25 b69.9
(Scrubbed -1.7 mn) 20 2.62 2.86 b71.6
4 30 3.48 2.18 >72.4 Note: Readers of this paper will be aware that BP
Tails grade g0.03 has sold most of its mineral operations, until
Calc head 0.10
1989 handled by BP Minerals, to RTZ Corporation
plc. Commercial enquiries regarding CGA should be
The gold in both Samples 3 and 4 was addressed to Dr C J Veal, BP Research Centre,
sufficiently hydrophobic for flotation because Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames,Middlesex or to
after 30 min the tailings grades had fallen below Dr D J Westlake, BP Ventures, Worcester House,
0.03 g/t equivalent to recoveries of >67% and >96% Langley Quay, Waterside Drive, Langley, Slough,
dependent on calculated head grade. SL3 6EY.

The final concentrate grades were 23.35 g/t for

Sample 3 and 2.18 g/t for Sample 4. If the REFERENCES
flotation feed had been preconcentrated with
removal of the +I50 pm material then the float Bonney, C F , 1988, Coal Gold Agglomeration - A
concentrates would have been higher in grade but Novel Approach to Gold Recovery. Randol Gold
probably not much higher since it is the fines Forum 88, Scottsdale, Arizona, 23rd - 24th
which tend preferentially to become entrained in January.
the froth. Therefore the flotation concentrates
would need a considerable amount of subsequent House, C I , Townsend, I G , Veal, C J , 1988, Coal
processing to produce bullion. Gold Agglomeration - Pilot Scale Retreatment
of Tailings Randol International Gold
In the case of Sample 3 CGA and flotation Conference, Perth, Australia, November.
compare well in performance. With Sample 4
flotation gave lower tailings grades than CGA due House, C I, Townsend, I G, Veal, C J , 1988, Coal
either to the lower flotation gold head grade or Gold Agglomeration, International Mining
to the surface properties of the gold being September.
sufficiently hydrophobic for flotation but not for
agglomeration. As noted earlier further better Buckley, S A, House, C I , Townsend, I G , 1989. A
understanding of Sample 4 is thought likely to Technico-Economic Assessment of the Coal Gold
lead to improved CGA recoveries. Agglomeration Gold Recovery Process, The
Canadian Mineral Processors Conference, Ottawa,
Otley, D H 1966, Gy's Sampling Slide Rule, World
The performance of CGA on samples from a beach Mining August 1966, 40 - 44.
sand deposit in New Zealand was extremely
encouraging. A processing flowsheet involving
attrition scrubbing, size classification and CGA
on the undersize is thought to be the best route
for treating this ore. Low tailings grades and
high gold recoveries were achieved and almost
certainly can be improved still further with more
optimisation. From previous experience the CGA

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