3° Trimestre - Ficha de Trabajo #6

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3° Trimestre - Ficha de trabajo #6

Docente: Germán Vadillo Soltero

Grado: 1° Grupo: ___ Estudiante: _________________________________________
Tema: Learning how to summarize
Aprendizaje Esperado: Selecciona información. Lee información
Ámbito: Académico y de Formación
Fecha de entrega: Viernes 21 de Mayo del 2021.
Enviar evidencia: What’sApp 3123399549 / email:theteachergerman94@gmail.com

Activity 1. Summarizing ideas. Read the article “The world’s largest mammal” Then answer the
questions that follow in your notebook. You can underline the answers in the text to guide yourself.
Actividad 1. Resumiendo ideas. Lee el artículo “The world’s largest mammal” Luego contesta las
preguntas que siguen en tu cuaderno. Puedes subrayar las respuestas en el texto como guía.

The world’s largest mammal

Did you know that a full-sized elephant needs to eat over 100 kg of food every single day? An elephant
must eat almost non-stop in order to get all the food it needs to survive. They eat mostly plants such
as grasses, plants, roots, tree bark and leaves. Elephants must use their tusks to rip the bark off trees
in order to consume it. Elephants also need to drink a great deal of water in order to survive and they
use their trunks to spray the water into their mouths. Because they need to drink so much, elephants
are normally found close to water. Luckily, elephants are able to survive in a wide range of locations
because they can eat many different types of food. They often move from place to place, in order to
follow the foods that grow in these areas at different times of the year. Many elephants living in Africa
are protected in parks to try to increase their population.
Elephants like to roam and therefore need plenty of space to wander around. Keeping them in small
zoo enclosures or making them perform circus acts can be extremely cruel. Elephants need wide open
spaces. They are extremely intelligent animals and are even thought to be ranked equally with dolphins
for their solving abilities.
1. What does the elephant eat?

2. Describe the habitat of the elephant.

3. Why is it cruel to keep the elephants in the zoos?

4. Write down two facts about the elephants.

Activity 2. Writing a summary. Once you got the answers to questions in activity 1 your will gather them
into a summary following the template bellow.

Actividad 2. Escribiendo un resumen. Ya que tengas las respuestas a las preguntas de la actividad 1
vas a incorporarlas en un resumen. Usa la plantilla para organizar tus ideas.

The world’s largest mammal

Elephants have a diverse nourishment, they ……………………... Elephants habitat is special
because…………………..This mammal cannot live in zoos due to ………………Finally these
animals can ……………………………….

Activity 3. Record your reading. Once you have your summary you will record yourself reading it. You
can send a what’s app voice note to your teacher to do so.

Actividad 3. Grabando tu lectura. Ya que tengas tu resumen, vas a grabar tu voz leyéndolo. Puedes
mandar un audio o nota de voz de what’s app para cumplir con esta actividad.

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