My Philosophy

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[Last Name] 1

Erika Orta


Practice Education


I believe that students should be self- discipline. It helps kids to organized and be more

prepare. “Self-discipline helps kids delay gratification, resist unhealthy temptations, and tolerate

the discomfort needed to reach their long-term goals. From choosing to turn off the video game

to work on homework, to resisting an extra cookie when Mom isn't looking, self-discipline is the

key to helping kids become responsible adults.” (Morin) It does not matter how smart the

student is.

What is really important is how the students uses it. In my opinion teachers must guarantee a

climate of discipline, so that their students can schedule study time and free time with balance. It

is necessary that students have clear rules they can do and what not. I believe when kids start

developing discipline it will help them a lot. Life for them becomes easier not only school but in

other aspects of their life.

I will like to be a facilitator teacher. I see myself as a backbone because when I was reading

the definition they sound so welcoming and that they are caring but with structure that will helps

students for their future. “ We see four characteristics that define a backbone Teacher; they are,

first and foremost, outstanding teacher; they have the inclination and capacity to generate

knowledge of and for the teaching profession; they are part of a networked community; and they

are leaders in the profession.” (Gillespie)

[Last Name] 2

I think in creating the rules of the classroom I should be the one taking control of that because I

will already know my limits and what I tolerate. I want to discipline my students. Yes I believed

the teacher should take time at the beginning of the year teaching about the expectations of the

classroom. That way students when they first come to class they are already familiar on whats

expected on them. It favors of us with communication, respect in both ways.

I believe in rewarding good behavior absolutely. In my opinion when teacher just tell me how

proud of me they are it motivates me to keep going. I believe in encouraging each other. “

Provide positive attention and praise whenever your child demonstrates self-discipline. Point out

the good behavior you want to see more often.” (Morin)

The point of classroom management is to set up a environment for success. It creates a space

where it produces the magic of learning. The student and the teacher feels comfortable and safe.

Having a space to encourage student independence so the classroom can flow. That’ the point of

classroom management a structure benefits the teacher and the student.

It is important to say that teacher must not only know their students but must first know their

weaknesses and strengths. Seeing how do the work how do they learn best in my opinion is

important because we all learn different. Teaching is not easy and those who has choose this we

know it has the greatest satisfaction, we are helping and preparing the next generation.

Works Cited;
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