Liberalism and Expansion Guide

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First partial L&E guide

Social sciences: Studios of focus in human behavior in/ with Society.

Politics: Study of the system of government in society
History: Study of the past that helps understand Society
Economy: The story of wealth of society and countries
Democracy: That resides on people through vote

Systems of government

● When the king is all the political and economic power
● the church is a fundamental ally to the king
● Centralist power
-Federal republics:
● Each state follows their constitution as they see fit
● three different powers: judicial, federal, and executive
-Central Republic:
● Power in one place
● the center the sides for every District
● Political ideology
● equality is the main idea
Europe in the world 1550- 1800

-Scientific Revolution:
During the 15th and the 16th centuries because new theories were
developed. These developments encouraged new ways of thinking
because of mathematics and science. The scientific method was
invented, and some of the most important scientifics were:
Copernicus ( heliocentric conception), Kepler ( planets orbits were
elliptical), Galilei, Newton.

The Old Regime

Political belief that one brother should hold all the power ( divine
power) within boundaries of a country.

● Religious and territorial conflicts ( need to provide security)
● growth of armies ( need to raise taxes)
● growth of national kingdoms ( centralization of authority)
● growing middle-class supported by monarchs power of king
● Decline of church Authority
● feudal Lord

- Theory of the Old Regime

● Divine right, which means coma God created the monarchy
and they acted as God's Representatives
● government was made to keep order ( Leviathan 1651 )

➢ Henry IV from 1598 to 1610
➢ Louis XIII from 1610 to 1645
➢ Louis XIV from 1643 to 1715
➢ Louis XV from 1715 to 1774

-Great Britain:
● Limited monarchy
● power of Parliament
● birth of Constitution and Bill of Rights

Industrial Revolution

Refers to an increased input of machine-made goods. Use of steam


● Scientific Revolution:
➔ Read definition of established Notions of how the cosmos operated through
observation and mathematical proof
➔ Scientific method
● Great Britain have natural resources ( charcoal), an expanding
economy and political stability

● Industry
➔ Textile industry
➔ transportation industry: proper boats and railroads were made to transport
➔ industrial cities: people migrated to industrial areas due to factory system
● Living conditions
➔ Cities grew with no development plan
➔ bad living and working conditions
➔ new classes like the bourgeois and working class
● New Philosophy about the role of the state
➔ Laissez-faire (Offer and demand without the state collaborating) economy
government regulations only interferes with the production of wealth ( agriculture)
➔ capitalism ( Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776). economy Liberty
guaranteed economy forces Market forces are driven by an invisible hand and the
natural laws of economies: law of self-interest, law of competition, Law of supply
and demand
● Positive effects
➔ Wealth of Nations, technological progress and invention, standards of living and
hope of improvement in people's lives


Philosophical movement that protect the old red gym and the family of
the use of reason. It was considered a French phenomenon, although it
was a Trans-Atlantic phenomenon.

● Reason: Truth could be discovered through reason or logical
● Nature: The thinkers believed that nature was also good and
● Happiness: Rejection of the notion that people should find joy and
● Progress
● Freedom: The thinkers called for the liberties that English people
had won
● Locke: Aristocrat, Commission of trade. Main idea: the laws of nature.
Effects: influenced American Declaration of Independence and USA
Voltaire: France, upper middle class, arrested and exiled several
times. Main idea: Everyone should have freedom of speech.
Effects: exploring knowledge.
● Montesquieu: Noble from France. Main idea: division of power (
1748) (from: “ the spirit of the Laws”). Effects: French Revolution,
American Revolution, U.S Constitution.
● Roseau: General, middle class. Main idea: “The Social Contract”
human beings are born good by nature, society corrupts them. Good
government was formed by people and guided by the general will of
society. People should be educated. Because of the way he thought
his book was banned. Effects: French and American Revolution,and
the USA Constitution.
● Diderot: France, Jesuit. Main idea: “Laissez faire laissez passer”
economy (Let it do, let it pass). “Don’t push business, just let them


● Political movements:
- Philosophers encouraged political reforms.
- Their ideas inspired French and USA revolution.
● Belief in progress:
- New discoveries in physics, biology and mechanics gave people the confidence
that human reasons could solve social problems.
● Secular outlook:
- People began to question openly their religious beliefs.
● Importance of the individual:
- People looked to themselves and they emphasized the relevance of the
individual in society.
● Enlightenment despots:
- Some monarchs embraced the new ideas and made reforms that reflected the
Enlightenment spirit. They supported the philosophers’ ideas, but they also had no
intension of giving up any power.
- Objectives: to make their countries stronger and their own rule more effective.
- Frederick the II Prussia, Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II of Austria and Catherine
the Great of Russia.

Revolutions of the 19th century

From 1752-1850 : Profound restructuring of the world power due to political
and economic changes of the American Revolution.
New ideas: Freedom,trade, democracy, representation in government,
popular sovereignty, idea of nation.
➢ British Colonies in North America: Sense of identity but still
belonging to GB.
➢ Economic control from GB: Colonist could only sell products to GB.
1651 Navigate Act.
➢ Seven Year’s War: GB got into a huge debt after the war.
➢ Taxes: Currency Act (1764), Sugar Act (1764), Quartering Act 1765. “No
taxation without representation.” They wanted representation in the
➢ Enlightenment: Colonist wanted same rights as the English, so they
were justified in rebelling against the tyrants who broke the social
❖ 1773: Boston Tea Party
❖ 1774: First Continental Congress to protest against the treatment of
❖ 1775: Second Continental Congress Independence
❖ 1756: Declaration of Independence ( Founding fathers: George
Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander
Hamilton, Samuel Adams, John Hancock)
❖ 1778: Participation of France in the war
❖ 1783: Treaty of Paris, recognition of the USA

American Republic:
● Article of the Confederation
➔ The 13 individual states ratified a Constitution
➔ Republic
➔ the Congress didn't have the right to collect taxes or regulate trade
● New constitution
➔ In 1787
➔ federal system with legislative judicial and executive power
● Bill of Rights
➔ 10 first amendments were included

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting

the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a
redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of
the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment III

No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of
the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants
shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless
on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land
or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public
danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in
jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness
against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of
law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public
trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been
committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the
witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his
favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
Amendment VII

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars,
the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be
otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules
of the common law.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and
unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to

deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by
it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.


France was the most advanced country in Europe. It had a large

population, and was foreign trade center of the Enlightment. There was
unrest in France cost by the bad harvest, high price, high taxes and
questions raised by the Enlightenment ideas.


● General estates:
1. Firs Estates: Clergy. No taxes, had 10% of the land.
2. Second Estate: Nobles. No taxes, 2% of the population and 20% of the land.
3. Third Estate: 97% of population. Bourgeoise, peasants and workers.
● Enlightenment
● Economic problems
- Crop Failure
- Debt
- French support to American Revolutionaries.
● Weakness of Louis XVI
● Marie Antoinette was unpopular.

National Assembly (1789- 1791):

➢ Constitutional monarchy established

➢ feudalism abolished
➢ Declaration of the Rights of Men and the Citizens ( 1789)
➢ the third state became determined to wield power and insisted that
all three states meet together
➢ General States became National Assembly
➢ 20-06- 1789: Tennis Court Oath
➢ 14-07-1789: A mob searching for gunpowder and arms stormed the
➢ The creation of two political parties; Jacobins and Girondins

Legislative Assembly (1791-1792):

❖ Constitutional monarchy undermined.

❖ Mob forced king to flee to the safety of the Legislative Assembly.
❖ War declared against Russia and Prussia.

The First Republic and the Convention (1792-1795):

❏ France declared a Republic (Spt. 1792)

❏ France ruled by Committee of Public Safety.
❏ Radicals (J) overcame moderates (G).
❏ Terror used to execute “enemies of the regime.”
❏ Robespierre executed (3000 people).
❏ The Directory (1795-1799)
❏ Five directors ruled as executive.
❏ Coups detat attempted by radical and conservative forces.
❏ Napoleon overthrew the government with a coup d´état.

Consulate (1800)

● 1800 Napoleon was elected first consul.

● 1802 He became consul for life, easier transition to Emperor.
● Reforms: tax collection, national baking system, no corruption and
public education.
● Church: Concordat with Pope-Pius VIII/ majority of people catholic.
● Napoleonic code: Justice although it eliminates certain freedoms.
Principle of equality of citizen before the law. Promoted religious
tolerance, abolished serfdom and citizens could choose their own

Expansion during the empire

● Grand Empire composed of 3 major parts:
- French Empire (France, parts of Prussia and Italy).
- Dependent State (Spain, Netherlands, part of Italy, Swiss, Republic Dutchy of
Warsaw and Confederation of Rhine).
- Allied states (Sweden).
● American Territories:
- Although Napoleon wanted to reassert the French power in the Americas,
Napoleon lost control of Haiti.
● Europe:
- Nap. Annexed Netherlands, Italian territories, Switzerland.
- Naval defeat by the British in the Battle of Trafalgar ensured the supremacy of GB
and forced Napoleon to give up his plans of invading England.
- 1812. Control over Spain, Grand Duchy of Warsaw and German Kingdoms in
Central Europe.
Nationalism: The unique cultural identity of people based on common
language, religion and national symbols. Napoleon is the first nationalist.

End of the Empire

● Napoleon decided to conquer Russia in June, then winter comes.
Alexander I (Sar of Russia) burned all the towns from the border to
● The co-allition: 1st system of Alliances (Prussia, GB, Russia, Austria)
(Congress of Vienna or Matternich System).
- Send Napoleon to Elba Island after Napoleon army surrenders in the Russian
border (1814).
- The co-allition put Lousi XVII as king of France.
- Scapes from Elba and goes back to France. Napoleon fights on Waterloo for the
last time against the co-allition.
- Napoleon dies in Santa Elena.

Congress of Vienna (Nov 1814-June 1815)

★ Goals

1. Establish lon lasting peace in Europe. (Achieved from 1815-1914).

2. Prevent future French aggression.
3. Restore the balance of power (stablish boundaries, level economy and trade in 4
4. Restore the Royal Families to Thrones.
5. Reorganized the European boundaries for at least 100 years.

- Confederation of Rhine (Territory of Austria and Prussia).

- Poland is part of Austria, Prussia and Russia.
- Italy were 5 independent states.
- Free ports for the UK.

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