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Department of Physics

Research Article

Supervisor : Sir Hafiz Waqas khan

Submitted by : Asmaa siddiqa

Sap ID : 73 Semester-VI
Quran (A book of lifestyle)


A book of lifestyle means how to live a better life following all of these rules. It guides us in all
aspects of life. The book of lifestyle are the giving ideas about the ways and state of affairs in
which people live. The book discuss the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic
level or social class. Quran describes all the ways of life. Quran is the key to success. There are
many other religions in the world many other books of lifestyle but Islam is the perfect religion.
Quran is the perfect book which is written by the creator of the whole world. Quran explain each
and every matter of life how can we deal with different problems.
Renewable, Allah said in Holy Quran that
" A complete explanation of everything.1
A Quran teaches us how to be pious,how to be patient, how to be grateful and how to live our
whole life by giving the real life examples of Prophet's life. So this can help in treating different
types of affairs in our life.
We should respect all the religion.
"Allah does not forbid that you be kind and just to those who did not fight against you on
account of religion, nor drove you out of your homes, surely Allah loves those wo are
equitable" 2
Then there's a strong emphasis on forgiveness in Islam.
God says, in the holy Quran: “ let them forgive and show indulgence . Yearn ye not that Allah
may forgive you? Allah is forgiving, Merciful" (Al Noor, 22).
Allah loves the person who forgive. One of his name (Al-Ghaffar) The Forgiver. Forgiveness is
very pleasing in sight of Allah.
“Show mercy and you will be shown mercy. Forgive and Allah will forgive you…” 3
Spreading corruption, hurting anyone,and being abusive forbids in Islam. We should not abusive
to anyone. Allah says in the Quran:
"Eat and drink from what Allah has provided to you, and don't be abusive on the world,
spreading corruption. 4
In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty says to show great respect and hospitality to the guests. There is a
lot of emphasis on human rights ( Haqooq Al-Ibaad) in Islam. Allah has given priority to the
rights of humans over the "Haqooq Allah" Allah has even said that unless the servant forgives, I
will not forgive either. Talking in vain is forbidden in Islam and gossiping is highly undesirable in
Allah has strictly forbidden arrogance.Man is mortal, so he has to be obey the Immortal and
don't be proud of whatever blessing he is having. Indeed, pride hath a fall. Waste of
sustenance is strictly forbidden in Islam.
" O adam children, put on your adornment at every time of prayer,and eat drink, but not
excessively. Verily, He dislikes the wasteful. 5 We should good to our parents and parents
should also good to their children. We should not disrespectful towards our parents. We should
respect them.

Daily practices and priorities:

Islam has many rules towards daily life. Islam describes all the things about what a muslim
daily life routine should have from sleeping to waking up. Islam describes that how can we deal
with human relationships. All the rules are exist in Quran hadith and real life examples of
Prophet's life.
In Islam everything which is harmful to humans is considered to be (haram) forbid and whatever
is beneficial is considered to be (halal)
Islam prohibits Muslims from pork, mind-altering drugs. Islam considered butchered meat
"halal". Muslims are also prohibited from killing, lying, stealing, cheating, oppressing and being
abusive to others. Islam also forbidden being greedy or stingy, engaging in sex outside of
marriage, disrespecting parents, mistreating relatives, orophans or neighbors.
Muslims should pray the sunnah prayers with full consistency.
Should recite the Qur'an at least 20 minute daily. Manage our time and should memorize Qur'an
daily. Before going to bed we should recite even its only an ayah. And also getting out of bed we
should read Qur'an. We should learn about the Islamic history understanding deeply about the
Islamic concepts. If we learnt anything about Islam we should share the information with friends
and family. Helping other people around us. A muslim should start his day with Fajar. Should
woke up early so that it can helps our productivity and concentration level.
We should constantly reflect on our actions we should not point fingers on others if someone is
doing good or wrong this is not our matter leave the judgment to Allah. Forget what other people
are doing we just focus on ourselves and try to be a better human. We should be kind to people
around us. Should spread positivity. Joy, and be a source of somebody happiness. As a muslim
we should donate everyday even if it it only 10.
Forgiving others is quality of good Muslim. Respecting parents and elders and show love
towards the little ones. We should Be kind to people and animals. Should have patience in
adversity. Should maintain justice. No one should be treated unfairly. Should be honest to
everyone. And the most important thing is managing the anger. Priority can be divided into
three categories first is ( the assentials), (the complements) and (the embellishments)

Importance of justice & Patience:

Justice is a concept of moral rightness based ethics, rationality, law, religion, equity and
fairness, as well as the administration of law. Justice is important to victims Islam teaches that
we should always maintain justice.
As Quran says about justice that
Justice is tool to maintain balance Be ye staunch in justice, witnesses for Allah, even though it
be against yourselves or (your) parents or (your) kindred, whether (the case be of) a rich man or
a poor man, for Allah is nearer unto both (them ye are). So follow not passion lest ye lapse
(from truth) and if ye lapse or fall away, then lo! The Prophet's stand up for justice throughout
his life. The Qur'an considers justice to be a high virtue. This is the main purpose of Islam to
such an extent that it is next to the special worship of God (Tawheed) and the belief in the truth
of the prophecies of the Prophet of Islam (SAW).
The fact that the two attributes of God are closely linked to justice, apparently, underscores the
importance of providing justice to all. The two attributes are just and just. (Destination)
The Qur'an states, "Allah commands justice, goodness, and homosexuality and kinship, and
He forbids all shameful acts, injustices and rebellions: He guides you so that you may be
In one of his famous sayings, Hazrat Muhammad merely emphasized the importance of rulers.
"There are seven kinds of people whom Allah will shelter in His shadow on the day when there
will be no shade except Him.
The Qur'an warns believers against individual factors or personal feelings that could lead them
away from the path of justice, which is also the path to Islam, but it weighs heavily on those who
decide disputes or other Matters need to be decided. .
“O you who believe! Stand firm for Allah and be a witness only and do not let enmity and
hatred towards others deprive you of justice. Do justice: this is close to piety and fear Allah.
God is aware of what you do."6
Muslims have also been called upon to rise above social evils such as nepotism and nepotism.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Stand firm for justice as
witnesses of Allaah, whether it be against you, your parents or your relatives. The poor, Allah is
the best Protector of both. So do not follow your desires, lest you avoid justice. And if you distort
your witness or deny it, Allah is Aware of what you do."7
A distorted society suffering from danger and disturbance, injustice and distress, does not
provide any protection for its spiritual development from any other human persecution. A
person who is always concerned about the safety of his family deviates from the remembrance
of Allah, just as one who has done injustice and has to struggle to get rid of the feelings of anger
and resentment. Injustice destroys the brotherhood and brotherhood of believers, which is an
essential element of an Islamic society.
There are two aspects to patience and abstinence. One has to do with this worldly life is death
before our life. The second relates to the Hereafter of the world, that is, to the age after our life.

Our worldly life is full of challenges. The world we live in now is because of a world where
everyone is free. This freedom creates competition and challenges that lead to constant
problems. We know very well that we cannot take away the freedom that Allah has given to
man. Therefore, no human being has the power to end a situation that causes competition and
challenges.Patience is the culture of the prophets. A Way of the Prophets A way of the
prophets. This is a very high standard. This is the culture of the mission man. All the prophets
adopted a culture of patience. Qur'an says: "Be patient, then, as a steady in front of you." 8. Put
patience like prophets. Patience is the culture of prophets; One way of the prophets; A way of
prophets is this a very beautiful quality. This is a man's mission culture. All the prophets
approved the patience of patience and conflicts. Without patience, not able to avoid anybody, no
one can be able to achieve valuable success. This is a law of nature, and Allah's creation is not
to change." 9
One of the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) talks about
believers (the belief on Allah ) believes in a patience. He patience or Sabbar does his divine
slope. To explain how to see the nature to see nature to see nature and just scattered to see
nature who can be a divine slope.

Way of Jannah & Way of Jahhanam:

In Islam, polytheism is a sin of idolatry or polytheism (ie, depravity or worship of anyone or

anything other than Allah). Islam teaches that God does not share His divine attributes with any
partner. According to the Islamic doctrine of Tawheed (Tawheed), sharing with God is not
allowed. Morkin polytheists (Brahmi Eastern polytheists) are those who practice polytheism,
which literally means "association" and means to accept God as well as other gods and
deities.The Qur'an considers shirk to be a sin from which a person dies without repentance and
cannot be forgiven. Allah says in Holy Qur'an that: And do not eat of that on which Allah's name
has not been mentioned, and surely This is rebellion. And of course the devil advises his
friends to fight you. And if you obey them, you will most certainly be polytheists.
Muslims are forbidden to go beyond these limits because the Qur'an has the same precious and
natural rights as humanity, which is why human rights are enjoyed just because they are human
beings. The rights given to human beings in the Qur'an include the right to life and peaceful life,
as well as protection from the property of Islamic economic jurisprudence, their protection and
their right. The Qur'an includes the rights of minority groups and women, as well as the rules of
human interaction with one another as long as prisoners of war are to be treated.
Whosoever kills a human being without (any reason like) man slaughter, or corruption on earth,
it is as though he had killed all mankind.10
You shall not kill any person - for God has made life sacred -11 except in the course of justice. If
one is killed unjustly, then we give his heir authority to enforce justice. Thus, he shall not exceed
the limits in avenging the murder, he will be helped. If we make a mistake, we should always
ask Allah for forgiveness. Because he the greatest Forgiver "Al-Ghaffar".
There are no special rules for going to heaven or hell. Whoever pleases Allah for any deed,
Allah will send him to heaven. The Qur'an also mentions many deeds due to which a person
can enter Paradise.
Whoever says: "I am pleased with Allah as my Rabb, and Islam as my religion, and with
Muhammad as my Prophet, Paradise will be obligatory for him." 12

Whoever builds a mosque on his behalf for the sake of Allah, Allah will make a similar
place for him in Jinnah. 13
O people, spread peace, feed the hungry, and offer prayers. When people are asleep,
peace will enter Paradise. 14

A person who goes to a sick person or one of his brothers to seek Allah's pleasure, an
announcer (angel) cries out: "Be happy, have the happiness of walking, and be honored
in Jinnah. The location should be given. " 15

Anyone whose soul leaves his body and is cleansed of three things will enter Jinnah:
arrogance, the spoils of war, and stealing by stealing. 16

I saw a man walking (and enjoying) in Jinnah instead of cutting through the middle of the
road, a tree that was bothering the Muslims. 17

Conclusion & Recommendations:

The effects of the Qur'an in different areas of the Qur'an: The Qur'an has a great impact on our
daily lives and in order to become people of productivity, people of knowledge and people of
integrity, we must adhere to the principles of Islam. 1400 years ago by our beloved Prophet
The key message brought by the Qur'an is to believe in one God and not to associate with Him,
to stay away from sins and to live a life of pleasing God. All the prophets taught the afterlife and
gave the good news of heaven to those who obeyed God, but to those who chose to disobey it
after escaping punishment in hell.
Influence of the Qur'an in various walks of life: The Qur'an has a profound effect on our daily
lives and in order to be productive, knowledgeable and integral, we must follow our 1400
principles. Don't investigate the impact of the Qur'an on our daily activities through our beloved
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) years ago.
The Qur'an has had many other beautiful and divine effects on human life. Indeed, Allah has
sent down the Qur'an without any other reason to guide mankind towards success and victory.
If we are Muslims, then we should consider ourselves the "blessed" one who chose us and gave
us the opportunity of a beautiful and perfect religion, which has no name or symbol, which is
called Islam.
If a person follows the ways described in the Qur'an, his life will be peaceful and prosperous. Do
justice and work with patience. Control your anger and learn to forgive.
We Understand the Holy Qur'an and read it along with translation and commentary. Don't
believe the hearsay. Some people are spreading falsehoods on social media, so we should read
the Qur'an with translations.

Islam360 is an great application i am personally using it. In this app you can learn anything you
want to learn related to Islam. In it you will find the translation of the Holy Quran along with
translation and (Tafseer) and it contains the translations and commentaries of many scholars.
You can listen to whomever you want.
I recommended this app.


1. The Qur'an [17:12]

2. The Qur'an [60:8]
3. [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 380]
4. The Qur'an [2:60]
5. The Qur'an [7:31]
6. The Qur'an (Al-Ma'id ah: 8)
7. The Qur'an (Al-Nisa ': 135)
8. The Qur'an (46: 35)
9. The Qur'an (30: 30)
10. The Qur'an .[5:32]
11. The Qur'an [17:33]
12. (Sunan Abu Dawud)
13. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
14. (Sunan Ibn Majah)
15. (Jami 'al-Tirmidhi)
16. (Sunan Ibn Majah)
17. (Muslim)

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