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Genetalia Hygiene is an act of maintaining hygiene and health of genitals for physical
psychic welfare


A. DEFINITION of action performed by a nurse to clean the outer male genitals
B. PURPOSE of maintaining self-hygiene especially genital perineal part preventing
infection giving treatment gives a sense of comfort
C. INDICATION of patients with decreased awareness of patients who will be attached to a
catheter patient with a problem in Genetalia
D. PATIENT PREPARATION gives an explanation of the intent and purpose of the
position of the patient as needed by
E. PREPARATION TOOL of sterile Kom containing cotton savlon/cotton sublimate
Gloves Pinset anatomical Korentang Perlak BengkokPispot
F. How to work close the tools adjust the ithotomy position off the hand wash wear gloves
Install the Perlak and potty left hand holding the penis with gentle. In patients who have
not been grafted drag preputium so glands penis is seen. Delay the action when the patient
is erection. With the right hand grab cotton sa…

3. Did you ever take care of the patients who need medical action of genital hygiene ? explain
case of the patient.
Never, in the case of patients with Stoke. Will certainly experience a self-care deficit,
especially the treatment of genetalia tools. Because in patients stroke automatically care
himself less, so he needs care that total care. Start from head to toe. Due to the fact that the
patient is very vulnerable to his physical and psychoic condition, therefore we are as a health
team should be able to provide education and good service in patients with the case.
4. Make a conversation between nurse and patient who need medical of genital hygiene
"Good Morning T? How does T feel today? " Good..! The schedule of its activities..? " "We
will talk about how to do good berak and urine?" Approx. 20 minutes yes... Q. And where are
we seated? Good... Work for male patients: "Where is Tono Berak and pee?" "True Tono,
Berak or pee is good at the toilet, the bathroom or other places are closed and there is a drain.
So we do not Berak/pee at any place yes..... " "Now, try Tono explain to me how Tono
cebok?" "It's good that Tono, to keep in mind when Tono Cebok is Tono clean the anus or
the pubic with clean water and make sure no stools/urine is still left in Tono body". "After
Tono has finished cebok, do not forget the stools/urine that is in the Kakus/WC cleaned. How
to flush the stool/urine with enough water until the stool/urine is not left in the Latins/WC.
"How does T feel after we are talking about a good Berak/pee?" "Try T retell about how
CHAPTERS are? Good TUB. " Good...! "For the next T can do the ways that have been
described earlier". " Nach... Tomorrow we meet again, to see already a one that T can do a
schedule of its activities. "

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