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GE 110: Business Logic

BUSINESS LOGIC 1. People who use the system, including

accountants, managers, and business
Is the link in an information system between a user analysts.
interface and a database. Typically, it contains formal 2. Procedure and instructions are the ways that
rules, translated into computer programs that control data are collected, stored, retrieved, and
how data will be processed to achieve the objectives processed
of the information system. 3. Data including all information that goes into
an AIS.
4. Software consists of computer programs
In general perspective, an information system will used for processing data
typically contain the following components: 5. Information technology infrastructure
includes all the hardware used to operate the
 Hardware: computer–based information AIS
systems use computer hardware, such as 6. Internal controls are the security measures
processors, monitors, keyboard and printers. used to protect data.
 Software: these are the programs used to
organize process and analyze data, eg. USER INTERFACE
databases. The user interface is the point of human computer
 Users: different elements of an organizations interaction and communication in a device. This can
need to be connected to each other, include display screens, keyboards, a mouse and the
especially if many different people in the appearance of a desktop. It is also the way through
organization use the same information which a user interacts with an application or a
system. website. The growing dependence of many
 Procedures: these describe how specific data businesses on web applications and mobile
is processed and analyzed in order to get the applications has led many companies to place
answers for which the information system is increased priority on UI in an effort to improve the
designed. user’s overall experience.
Accounting information system Types of user interfaces
is a formal process for collecting data, processing the The various types of user interfaces include:
data into information, and distributing that
information to users. The purpose of an accounting 1. Graphical user interface
information system is to collect, store, and process 2. Command line interface
financial and accounting data and produce 3. Menu-driven user interface
informational reports that can managers or other 4. Touch user interface
interested parties can use to make business decisions. 5. Voice user interface
Although an Ais can be a manual system, today most 6. Form- based user interface
accounting information systems are computer-based. 7. Natural language user interface

Functions of an accounting information system Examples of user interfaces include:

Accounting information systems have three basic 1. Computer mouse

functions. 2. Remote control
3. Virtual reality
1. The first function of an AIS is the efficient 4. Atms
and effective collection and storage of date 5. Speedometer
concerning an organization’s financial 6. The old ipod click wheel
activities, including getting the transaction
data from source documents, recording the DATABASE
transactions in journals, and posting data
A database is a systematic collection of data. They
from journals to ledgers.
support electronic storage and manipulation of data.
2. The second function of an AIS is to supply
Databases make data management easy.
information useful for making decisions,
including producing managerial reports and Types of database
financial statements.
3. The third function of an AIS is to make sure Distributed database: is a type of database that has
controls are in place to accurately record and contributions from the common database and
process data. information captured by local computers. In this type
of database system, the data is not in one place and is
Parts of an accounting information system distributed at various organizations.
An accounting information systems typically has six Relational databases: This type of database defines
basic parts: database relationship in the form of tables. It is also
called relational DBMS, which is the most popular  A formula rule allows employees to
dBMS type in the market. Database example of the maintain calculations in a no code format
RDBMS system include Mysql, Oracle, and similar to creating formulas in ms excel.
Microsoft SQL server database. Once a formula is defined, it can be reused
as appropriate in multiple process designs. If
Object-oriented database: This type of computers
the formula needs to be updated, only the
database supports the storage of all data types. The
formula itself needs to be changed without
data is stored in the form of obj3ects. The objects to
requiring an end user to manipulate code or
be held in the database have attributes and methods
individually adjust each applicable process.
that define what to do with the data. PostgresSQL is
 A decision table rules, is a powerful feature
an example of an object-oriented relational DBMS.
that lets non developers represent related
Centralized database: it is a centralized location, and conditional decisions or if-then logic in
users from different backgrounds can access this data. concise manner as a spreadsheet style table.
This type of computers databases store application Decision tables use column as the
procedures that help users access the data even from conditions, while rows specify the
a remote location appropriate outcomes. Approvals,
application acceptance criteria, and loan
Open-source databases: This kind of database stored eligibility checks are all general examples
information related to operations. It is mainly used in where decisions tables can be applied and
the field of marketing, employee relations, customers owned by a domain expert themselves.
service, of databases.
Cloud databases: is a database which is optimized or
built for such a virtualized environment. There are so is a sequence of tasks that processes a set of data.
many advantages of a cloud database, some of which Workflow occur across every kind of business and
can pay for storage capacity and bandwidth. It also industry. Anytime data is passed between humans
offers scalability on-demand, along with high and or systems, a workflow is created. Workflow are
availability. the paths that describe how something goes being
undone to done or raw to processed.
Data warehouse: is to facilitate a single version of
truth for a company for decision making and Software
forecasting. A data warehouse is an information
is a collection of data or computer instructions that
system that contains historical and commutative data
tell the computer how to work. Based on the goal,
from single or multiple sources. Data warehouse
computer software can be divided into:
concept simplifies the reporting and analysis process
of the organization. 1. Application software: is a type of computer
program that performs a specific personal,
Personal database: is used to store data stored on
educational, and business function. Each
personal computers that are smaller and easily
program is designed to assist the user with a
manageable. The data is mostly used by the same
particular process, which may be related to
department of the company and is accessed by a
productivity, creativity, and/or
small group of people.
Functions of Application Software
In general, business rules define specific instructions
Application software programs are created to
or constraints on how certain day to day actions
facilitate a variety of functions, including but not
should be performed. For example, business rules can
limited to:
1. managing information
1. A decision-making approval structure for
2. manipulating data
invoice processing where only certain
3. constructing visuals
managers can sign off on invoices totaling a
4. coordinating resources
specific amount.
5. calculating figures
2. Calculations in which a formula may be
used to calculate revenue or expenses. Examples of Application Software
3. Policies where an organization requires its
employees to work with a preferred list of The most common application software programs are
vendors. used by millions every day and include:

Common types of business rules. 1. Microsoft (Office, Excel, Word,

PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.)
To account for different types of policies and 2. Internet browsers like Firefox, Safari, and
decisions, business rules can be modeled in multiple Chrome
ways. Two common types of business rules are 3. Mobile pieces of software such as Pandora
formula rules and decision table rules. (for music appreciation), Skype (for real-
time online communication), and Slack (for  Time Management Software: A type of
team collaboration) business software that tracks how an
individual’s digital systems are used,
Business application software
including how long the user spends working
is a subset of the application software. These in certain applications.
programs are built to facilitate certain business  Educational Software: A type of software
functions, improving the accuracy, efficiency, and that facilitates the teaching and learning of
new content, concepts, or processes.
effectiveness of operations. Business application
software programs achieve measurable objectives
such as saving work time and enhancing productivity.
Below are some popular examples of business
applications that are commonly used by Popular Application Software Add-Ons
1. Word Processor: a piece of application
 Enterprise Resource Planning: A type of software that allows the user to create edit,
business software used by companies – format, and print written documents
usually via a bundle of integrated 2. Scheduling Software: a type of business
applications – to solicit, review, store, software that helps an organization allocate
manipulate, and analyze data derived from a resources, assign shifts, and understand
variety of business operations. exactly who is working and what individuals
 Customer Relationship Management: also, are paid for that work
to manage customer interaction and facilitate 3. Spreadsheet: a computer-based document
the sales process and relevant partner that displays data in a grid format and allows
relationships. the user to enter and manipulate data, and to
 Database: An electronic arsenal of data that perform accounting functions.
a user builds in order to later access, review,
2. System software: is a type of computer program
and update particular pieces of information
that is designed to run a computer's hardware and
in a rapid and coherent manner.
application programs. If we think of the computer
 Project Management Software: A type of
system as a layered model, the system software is the
business software designed to plan and
interface between the hardware and user applications.
execute projects, and to manage the
The operating system is the best-known example of
resources associated with those projects. PM
system software. The OS manages all the other
software assists users with functions such as
programs in a computer. System software is used to
scheduling, assigning tasks, managing
manage the computer itself. It runs in the
budgets and costs, documenting progress,
background, maintaining the computer's basic
and reporting results.
functions so users can run higher-level application
 Business Process Management: Designed to
software to perform certain tasks.
facilitate rapid development and automation
of strategic processes. Uses web-based Types of system software
modeling, rule creation, and a simple
interface to enable the user to perform System software manages the computer's basic
business functions more quickly. Usually functions, including the disk operating system, file
optimized for mobile devices and offering management utility software and operating systems.
total visibility into operations, BPM Other examples of system software include the
software is helpful in managing and following:
analyzing complex data, content, and A complete picture of the software stack. System
processes across the enterprise. software includes the firmware through the OS levels
 Productivity Software: Helps users do their of this model.
jobs more efficiently and complete work-
related tasks in a timely manner. Categories  The BIOS (basic input/output system) gets
include document creation, database the computer system started after it's turned
management, accounting and collaboration. on and manages the data flow between the
Applications that an organization uses for OS and attached devices, such as the hard
overall productivity are sometimes referred drive, video adapter, keyboard, mouse and
to together as a software or application printer.
stack.  An assembler takes basic computer
 Resource Management Software: A type of instructions and converts them into a pattern
business software that facilitates the of bits that the computer's processor can use
management of multiple projects and to perform its basic operations.
resources and ensures that everything is  A device driver controls a particular type of
allocated effectively in real time device that is attached to your computer,
such as a keyboard or mouse. The driver
program converts the more general I/O Other types of user interfaces can include:
instructions of the OS to messages that the
device type can understand.  Form-based user interface: Used to enter
data into a program or application by
Operating systems offering a limited selection of choices. For
example, a settings menu on a device is
The computer's OS is a well-known example of
system software. Widely used operating systems
 Graphical user interface: A tactile UI input
include Microsoft Windows, macOS and Linux.
with a visual UI output (keyboard and
Important tasks performed by the operating system monitor).
 Menu-driven user interface: A UI that uses a
The main responsibility of the operating system is to list of choices to navigate within a program
manage a computer's software and hardware or website. For example, ATMs use menu-
resources. It is the computer's main control program. driven UIs and are easy for anyone to use.
The OS controls and maintains a record of all other  Touch user interface: User interface through
programs on the computer, including both application haptics or touch. Most smartphones, tablets
and system software. The OS creates an environment and any device that operates using a touch
that all other computer programs run within and screen use haptic input.
provides service to those other applications.  Voice user interface: Interactions between
Five of the most important ones are the following: humans and machines using auditory
commands. Examples include virtual
 File management and process scheduling: assistant devices, talk-to-text, GPS and
The OS allocates resources and prioritizes much more.
which programs should receive the resources
and in what order. Why is user interface important?
 Processor and memory management: The It is important to meet user expectations and
OS allocates the computer's memory to a support the effective functionality of your site. A
process when needed and deallocates it well-executed user interface facilitates effective
when the process is finished. interaction between the user and the program,
 Error detection: The OS detects, tracks and app or machine through contrasting visuals,
debugs errors in the computer's other clean design and responsiveness.
 Security: The OS uses passwords to protect More specifically, here are the most important
the computer's programs and data from overarching elements of a great UI:
unauthorized access.
Information architecture: The functionality of a
 Control and management: The OS use site is built according to the IA. Structuring and
compilers, assemblers and interpreters to organizing your website's content in a logical
control and manage other programs on the way is important to help users navigate the site
computer. with minimal effort. Components of IA include
Difference between system software and application three main types of organizational structures:
software hierarchical (level of importance), sequential
(logical order of steps) and matrix (in which the
System software and application programs are the user chooses the organization of the content they
two main types of computer software. Unlike system see).
software, application software -- often just called an
application or app -- performs a particular function Example: Navigation elements (buttons, tabs,
for the end user. Some examples of application icons), labels (terminology), search features
software include the following: (search bar) and organization systems
1. web browsers
2. email clients Interactive design: Elements of ID aim to turn
3. word processors passive readers into active participants by
4. spreadsheets presenting instances of user input. Keeping the
user in mind while creating the UI will help to
System software and application software are also improve the interactivity and execution of
triggered differently. System software is generally specific behaviors that satisfy user needs.
triggered when a computer or device is turned on, and Additionally, efficiently-designed interactive UIs
it remains on until the device is powered down. can 'learn' to anticipate and remedy any problems
Application software is triggered by an end user after that may come up before they negatively impact
the computer is turned on. Application software the user's experience.
needs system software to function, whereas system
software can run independently of application Example: Social-share features, toggles, buttons.
Visual design: The importance of your site's Definition of business rules
aesthetic value cannot be underestimated.
Effective design utilizes color, contrast, font,  A business rule defines or constrains some
video and photo elements to attract visitors and aspect of business and always resolves to
make it easy for them to read and works with the either true or false. It specifically involves
content, rather than around it, to create a logical, terms, facts and rules.  
intuitive flow of functionality.  intended to assert business structure or to
control or influence the behavior of the
Example: Contrast, color, white space, business. 
typography, mobile optimization.  describe the operations, definitions and
constraints that apply to an organization. 
What is the difference between user interface and
user experience?  can apply to people, processes, corporate
behavior and computing systems in an
User interface and user experience are related organization, and are put in place to help the
and equally important to the execution of a organization achieve its goals. Even though
project, but the specifics differ. Mainly, UI is a system of strategic processes governs
designed around the intended look and feel of business rules, business rules are not
strategic themselves; they are directive. 
the site, app or program while UX spans the
entire process of conceptualization, development
and delivery. Additionally, UX can be referenced
in relation to nearly any product, while UI can For example:
only pertain to digital products.  A business rule might state that no credit
The main differences between UX and UI are: check is to be performed on return
UX revolves around the purpose and customers.
functionality of the product, while UI focuses on  Requiring a rental agent to disallow a rental
the quality of the user's interaction with the tenant if their credit rating is too low, or
product. requiring company agents to use a list of
preferred suppliers and supply schedules
UX involves components such as market  A decision-making approval structure for
research and identifying user needs, while UI has invoice processing where only certain
more artistic design components relating to the managers can sign off on invoices totaling a
look and feel of the user's experience. specific amount
UX focuses on overall project management from  Calculations in which a formula may be
used to calculate revenue or expenses
ideation through development and delivery,
while UI more specifically focuses on the design  Policies where an organization requires its
of the finished product. employees to work with a preferred list of
Designing a user experience begins by  A series of required questions that if an
identifying the pain points of the target users and answer is no, a certain vendor is excluded
figuring out how to meet the needs of said users. from a particular partnership opportunity
This includes details such as logical flows or  Calculations to determine bonus potential
steps to take to reach a goal. Once the interface is and payouts for sales personnel
programmed to be useful, the prototype is sent to
a user interface designer, where the processes are A business rule may be informal or even
made visually appealing. unwritten, documenting the rules clearly and
making sure that they don't conflict is a valuable
Developing a user experience includes: activity. When carefully managed, rules can be
used to help the organization to better achieve
1. Overall execution and goal-tracking goals, remove obstacles to market growth, reduce
2. Coordination with developers and UI costly mistakes, improve communication,
designers comply with legal requirements, and increase
3. Integration and analytics customer loyalty. Business rules can also be
4. Content or product strategy applied to software, like computing systems.
5. Wireframing, planning, prototyping, This software helps business organize and
development, testing achieve their goals by using business rules
and business logic.
Developing a user interaction includes:
Business Rules vs strategy
1. Look and feel of the site/app/program
2. Branding and design research Business rules tell an organization what it can do
3. Responsive adaptation in detail, while strategy tells it how to focus the
4. Interactivity, animation business at a macro level to optimize results. Put
5. Implementation differently, a strategy provides high-level
direction about what an organization should do.
Business rules provide detailed guidance about
how a strategy can be translated to action. Constraints (also called "action assertions")
Every enterprise constrains behavior in some way,
Business rules exist for an organization whether and this is closely related to constraints on what data
or not they are ever written down, talked about or may or may not be updated. To prevent a record from
even part of the organization's consciousness. being made is, in many cases, to prevent an action
However, it is a fairly common practice for from taking place.
organizations to gather business
rules. Derivations
Business rules (including laws of nature) define how
Gathering business rules is also called rules knowledge in one form may be transformed into
harvesting or business rule mining. The business other knowledge, possibly in a different form. Real
analyst or consultant can extract the rules from world applications and obstacles Business rules are
IT documentation (like use cases, specifications gathered in these situations:
or system code). They may also organize 1. When dictated by law
workshops and interviews with subject matter 2. During the business analysis
experts (commonly abbreviated as SMEs). 3. As an ephemeral aid to engineers

Software technologies designed to capture A practical approach that can be used to define
business rules through analysis of legacy source business requirements for business rules and
code or of actual user behavior can accelerate the decisions. It focuses on 3 aspects that you need to
rule gathering processing. define as a requirement for a business rule: How,
where and what.
Types of business rules
Step 1 How: How should the business rule work?
There are several assertions to be kept in mind This first step is to gather the relevant knowledge
when one is trying to define types of business sources that can help specify how the decision is
rules: made and how the business rule should work. For
 A structural assertion is where facts are example: policies, regulation, sources of expertise
portrayed as the structure of an and best practices on which the business rule is
enterprise and are used to make based.
 Action assertions outline constraints and Step 2 Where: Where does the business rule apply?
conditions that control the actions of the The second step is to define where the business rule
business in some sort of way. applies. This question should be answered from a
 A derivation is additional knowledge business perspective. Therefore, the best way to
that stems from original knowledge determine this requirement is to indicate as part of
about the business. which business process (step) the business rule needs
to be described.
Keeping these assertions in mind, business rules can
be divided into one of three types: Step 3 What: What information is necessary to
 Coordination rules: rules set in place that are execute the business rule?
a general requirement that has to be met The final step is about data. A business rule is based
before continuing. The rules are geared to on a combined set of information or data elements.
make sure the company keeps progressing For example, the business rule for whether an
without re-work. insurance claim is accepted, depends on the amount
 Qualification/disqualification rules: these claimed and the payment behavior of the customer.
rules are used to determine which subjects
should be included and which ones should Next steps
not. It's basically filtering and preventing If you describe these three aspects together, this
wasted time and effort. forms a complete set of requirements for the business
 Decision rules: this rule is used when a rule. A business rule designer can use this
subject need to be sent back for more information as input to make a detailed design of the
information, approved, or rejected. business rule.

Definitions of business terms Why is rule independence important to you? Because

rules entangled in procedural code won’t ever be
The most basic element of a business rule is the agile. Rules change all the time- and in a digital
language used to express it. The very definition of a world the pace of change is always accelerating. How
term is itself a business rule that describes how you can stay on top of it is the central question in
people think and talk about things. Thus, defining a business agility.
term is establishing a category of business rule.
Terms have traditionally been documented in a Decisions- suppose you want dynamic pricing, taking
Glossary or as entities in a conceptual model. into account multiple factors about the customer, the
product, the current demand and supply, size of the
Facts: can be documented as natural language order, etc. What better way to organize the business
sentences or as relationships, attributes, and logic than as a set of rules?
generalization structures in a graphical model.
Case management- businesses often organize The term we use to describe the organizing and
activities around concepts that have predictable policing of your data is Business Logic. The business
stages or states. A classic example is the medical case logic of your system is made up of business rules.
of a patient. The same thinking, however, pops up in Each business rule is a constraint or rule imposed on
a great many situations-for example, products your data for application functionality that is a result
developed in stages, orders that progress through of real-world business requirements.
predictable states, complaints, inquiries, break
downs, purchases, etc. The Four Pillars of Business Logic
Business logic can be divided into four different
Data quality- if you want high data quality, it must categories. When designing your business logic,
reflect business results produced correctly int he first consider how these four pillars apply to your business
place. Business rules help ensure that happens by rules.
guiding business behavior. Think about it this way:
processes only ensure you do the correct things; Data Consistency
business rules ensure you do those things correctly. This is where the classic transactions belong. When
one value changes, other changes to maintain
Digitalization- Even in today’s world, many gaps consistency. The example is a bank transfer: when
remain in processes where manual intervention is still money is removed from one account, it needs to be
required, sometimes as basic as simply moving data deposited into another account. The consistency also
from one form or format to another. It the past few means that if the deposit into the second account
years, robotic process automation has stepped up to fails, the money removed from the first account needs
this challenge by offering effective rule-based to go someplace, most likely back into the first
solutions. account.

Communication. In a day and age when IT is also View Control

central to running business, it’s simply unacceptable You don’t want all your users to see all the data. That
that communication gaps still exist between the is where view control comes in. View control
business side and IT. business rules regulate what data users can see.
Generally, this comes down to limiting users to
Knowledge retention. In traditional companies, specific rows and columns in tables. A user might
retirement of key subject matter experts is a hard only be allowed to see the rows relating to their sales
reality. In newer companies, the turnover rate of data, but not the columns that track information only
workers is unprecedented. How do you capture core visible to their manager.
knowledge in such form that it is not lost when Modification Control
workers walk out the door? Most likely, not all users will be allowed to modify
all the data in your system, or even all the data they
Mystery of business rules can view. For example, your end users should
Unfortunately, business rules often are a mystery in probably not add or modify states or countries. It is
business. Most of time they are undocumented and typically much easier to restrict user’s modification
worst they are a figment of someone’s imagination- control based on tables, but it gets more interesting
no basis. when you need to restrict modification control for
specific rows or columns in a table. For example, if a
Quality = testing=business rules user can only modify sales records in their assigned
Business rules are the basis for informing the quality region.
of requirements and processes. Quality unfortunately
is invisible, but testing makes quality visible. Testing Secondary Actions
is how we validate that the business rules, constraints, When one action leads to another, that is a secondary
obligations, and decisions, are enforced. Without action. In database speak this is a trigger. A common
testing the quality of the product or process remains example is logging – if you need to keep
in question. track of each change.

Challenging business rules Implementing Business Logic

Business rules are like perishables, they need to be The great thing about all these business rules is that
checked for freshness and validity. Few rules are they change frequently. Some of them more often
eternal like, you don’t… than others. One solution is storing all the business
 Spit in the wind rules in the database. This has the advantage of being
 Pull on superman’s cape able to change them without deploying a new client,
 Yank off the lone ranger’s mask it has the disadvantage that
any interactions of the client require a round trip to
Most rules need to be challenged because their basis the database to know if they are legal. Additionally,
may not be valid and the fact that ecosystem changes having a database system robust enough to handle the
and therefore business rules may be outdated. Besides kind of business logic necessary for a real-world
that, the changing of the business rule may allow you application is usually really expensive to license and
to gain an improvement without a process or software maintain.
change, let’s amplify this point via another more
detailed example.

The Importance of Business Logic

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