Gupta2021 Article TrustEstimationInPeer-to-peerN

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Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (2021) 14:888–897

Trust estimation in peer-to-peer network using BLUE

Ruchir Gupta1 · Yatindra Nath Singh2 · Antriksh Goswami3

Received: 2 March 2020 / Accepted: 11 December 2020 / Published online: 11 January 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC part of Springer Nature 2021

Free-riding is a major problem in peer to peer networks. One of the ways to resolve this problem is by using a reputation
management system. Each node provides resources to nodes with higher reputation, as he himself gains in reputation in
proportion to the receiver’s reputation. So, free-riding becomes a non-optimal strategy as there is no resulting reputation gain,
and hence no available resources over time. An efficient and accurate trust estimation method in the reputation management
system is needed for effectiveness of this strategy. The existing trust estimation methods generally do not consider the
uncertainties in the inputs. In this paper, we propose a new trust estimation method using BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased
Estimator) that also takes into account the uncertainties in the input variables. The results show that using the proposed
estimation method, effective trust estimation is achieved in the peer-to-peer resource sharing systems. Thus the free-riding
can be countered more effectively.

Keywords Reputation · BLUE · Free-riding

1 Introduction to the community by contributing some resources. These

transactions, happening independently, tend to balance
Peer-to-peer systems have attracted considerable attention each other over a long duration in a stable system. In
recently as these systems are more scalable than the real systems, nodes behave in a selfish manner and try
client-server systems. However, the distributed nature of to maximise their utility. This selfishness may result in
peer-to-peer networks brings in many challenges for the their non-cooperative behaviour unless appropriate control
system designers. These networks are generally designed mechanisms are implemented. This phenomenon is best
considering the fact that every node in the system is explained by famous Prisoners’ Dilemma, in which Nash
honest and cooperative. It means, that if a node takes some Equilibrium (NE) [1] is achieved when both prisoners
resource from the community, it will also reciprocate back deceive each other. Similarly, considering nodes in a file-
sharing network as players, it turns out that none of the
players shares the resources under Nash equilibrium [2].
 Ruchir Gupta
This tendency of nodes to draw resources from the network
and not giving anything in return is termed as ‘Free-Riding’.
Yatindra Nath Singh An Experimental study [3] on the Gnutella network in 2005 also confirmed free-riding by showing that the number of
free-rider nodes in the network is as high as 85%. Such
Antriksh Goswami
antriksh type of problems also exists in e-commerce systems like e-
bay. In e-commerce portals like e-bay, buyers and sellers
generally do not know each other and, hence the possibility
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian
of cheating or providing a product or service of inferior
Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, 221005, India
quality always exists. To avoid this, e-bay uses a rating
Electrical Engineering Department, Dean of Infrastructure
based reputation system. After every transaction, the user
and Plannning, Chairman CEMMC, Indian Institute
of Technology, Kanpur, U.P.-208 016, India gives a feedback rating to his counterpart and based on these
3 ratings, reputation is decided. This reputation score helps
Computer Science & Engineering Department, Indian
Institute of Information Technology Vadodara, Block-9, the buyer to decide about carrying out the transaction (http://
GEC, Sector - 28, Gandhinagar, 382028, India
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2021) 14:888–897 889

Reputation management systems are also employed in 2. We calculated the uncertainty in the offered service rate
peer-to-peer networks to overcome the problem of free- due to load variation at the service provider.
riding as well as to ward off different types of attacks. 3. An effective trust estimation formula is proposed
Trust or reputation is a central quantity in a reputation considering the actual service rate, willing service rate,
management system. It helps a node in predicting the feasible service rate based on the network congestion,
behaviour of any other node whom it is going to interact and requested service rate.
with and hence to minimise the possibility of misbehaviour.
In a peer to peer file sharing network, trust or reputation of The remainder of this paper is organised as follows.
a node measures its co-operative behaviour towards other Section 2 discusses the related work in reputation man-
nodes. A node seeking some resource from another node agement, and Section 3 describes the system model. In
measures the ratio of received resource to the requested Section 4, issues in trust estimation have been discussed.
resource after every transaction and updates the trust Proposed method explaining the estimator for trust using
value accordingly. Hence, the performance of a reputation BLUE is derived in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 presents
management system depends upon the methods for trust the numerical results and Section 7 concludes the paper.
A simple way to estimate the trust is the ratio of
received resources to requested ones. This simple method 2 Related work
has following issues:
Trust is directly proportional to the extent of cooperative
1. In peer-to-peer networks, peers usually ask for an behaviour of a peer. It can be measured as the contributions
excessive amount of resources so that their actual made by a serving node [5–8] or as the quality of service
demand, which is lesser in amount, can be fulfilled. obtained from the serving node [6, 9–15]. It can also be
The requester refuses the extra resource offered and this measured as the ratio of the resources received and the
extra resource does not contribute to the reputation of resources provided by a node [16–18].
serving node. One more approach is to calculate the ratio of the sum
2. Once the requesting node decides about the node from of resources received, to the resource requested by the
which it is going to take data, both of the nodes node for the last ten transactions [19]. Further, in [20],
decide about the data rate according to their upload and provider’s inbound bandwidth and requester’s reputation
download capacities to the nearest routers. But at the have been taken as input to a fuzzy logic method to calculate
same time, the underlying network may not be able to the incentives for sharing. This method also provides an
provide the agreed data rate because of congestion in incentive to avoid overloading problems for initial file
the network at different routers. So, even if the service providers. Suretrust [21] proposed the trust model for two
provider node is willing to give data, it may not be level p2p networks. Each subnet has one superpeer which
able to send it at the committed rate due to limitations is responsible for calculating trust of the peer in the subnet.
of the underlying transport network. This affects the The trust of the superpeer is correlated with the trusts of the
reputation assignment as reputation is assigned based peers in the subnet.
on the actual data rate. Eigen-Trust [12] uses the sum of positive and negative
3. If some node has already got too many requests, it will ratings, Peer-Trust [13] normalises the rating on each
not be able to provide the quality of service that it could transaction, whereas Power-Trust [14] uses the Bayesian
have provided with the lesser load. Due to this fact, approach to locally calculate the reputation.
the requesting node should estimate the reputation of Mengshu et al. [22] took the ratio of successful
the service provider node considering the load and the transactions to total transactions. PET [23] categorises
previous transactions with that node to avoid too many services qualities of different transactions into four types
requests being made to it. and then compute the total average of a node by giving
different weight to each category of transaction. In [24],
In this paper, we are proposing a trust estimation method different reputation scores have been calculated for different
using BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimator) [4] which types of resources. In Fuzzy-Trust [25], nodes performed
resolves the aforementioned issues and requires almost the fuzzy inference on the parameters to locally calculate the
same amount of memory and computation. The contribution trust score for another node ‘x’ and then aggregate it with
of the paper is as follows. trust scores of the node ‘x’ as received from other nodes
using their weights. In [26], peers maintain a binary vector
1. We propose a generalized formula for calculating the of m bits. After a transaction, one or zero is added at
willing service rate by any service provider. the most significant position of the vector after shifting
890 Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2021) 14:888–897

right all the previously placed bits once. This trust vector Further, Paper [33] showed that the reputation could be
is considered as an m bit binary number. To compute the distorted by the peers who mutually boost the reputation of
trust, m bit binary number is divided by 2m . This ensures each other.
that the trust value lies between 0 and 1. But none of the
above works considers the uncertainties in the input while
estimating the trust value. Recently trust estimation is used 3 System model
for providing the services by one application to another.
OPRE [27] and SCARE [28] are the methods proposed for In this paper, we are considering a peer-to-peer network in
trust estimation in Service-oriented architecture. which there are no dedicated servers. Peers in this network
Much recently, trust is also being measured and used in are rational, i.e. they are only interested in their welfare.
the P2P based applications like blockchain, social networks An access link connects them to a backbone link forming
etc. An order-driven trading service between a manufacturer the network as shown in Fig. 1. We are assuming that the
and a customer in the blockchain-based Industrial IoT network is heavily loaded, i.e. every peer has a sufficient
architecture is proposed in [29]. Authors measure the number of pending download requests. Hence these peers
reputation of the manufacturer by taking into account the are contending for the available transmission capacity. We
credibility and capability of the manufacturer. The proposed also assume that every peer is paying the cost of the access
method is customized to increase reliability and accuracy. A link as per the use. So, every peer wants to maximise its
blockchain based publisher-subscriber system is proposed download capacity and minimise its upload capacity so that
in [30]. The publisher publishes the topic on the blockchain it can get maximum utility for its spending. This leads to the
and subscriber adds his interests. After topics of interest problem of free-riding.
match, the publisher transfers the encrypted content to the This paper deals with the resource allocation part only
blockchain and subscriber obtains the content by decrypting and resource discovery is out of the scope of this paper. Still
the content. The subscriber marks the reputation of the for sake of clarity, we consider that each peer has a table
publisher based on the content. A new reputation-based which contains the IP addresses of the neighbouring nodes.
consensus protocol for blockchain is proposed in [31]. In Whenever a peer is unable to fulfil its requirement from its
this work, the reputation of a node is calculated based on neighbouring nodes, it makes a query request. As a result of
its assets, transaction activity, and consensus participation. query resolution, peer receives the IP address of the peer that
In [32], more weightage is given to the reputation provided has the required content. Then, it directly sends request to
by a more trustworthy peer, i.e. a peer having high the owner, given that the resource transfer can happen from
global reputation, in reputation aggregation process. It any peer to any other peer in the network.
helps in identifying peers as good peers or malicious Further, every node maintains a reputation table as shown
peers. in Fig. 1. In this table, a node maintains reputations of the

Fig. 1 System architecture

Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2021) 14:888–897 891

nodes with which it has interacted. Whenever it receives modified one such method where a node estimates the trust
a resource from any node, it adjusts the reputation of that by
node accordingly. When a node asks for the resource from
this node, it checks the reputation table, and according to Zijk
tijk = . (1)
the reputation value of the requesting node, it allocates Rijk
the resource to that node. This ensures that every node is
facilitated from the network as per its contribution to the Here Rijk represents the amount of resources requested
system and free-riding is discouraged. by node i from node j for k th transaction; Zijk represents the
We model the progress of our system in the periods of
amount of resource received by node i from node j in k th
equal and fixed time units. Peers decide the data service rate
transaction. In other methods also, the uncertainties have not
that it is willing to contribute for this period. We consider
been generally considered. So they can also be modified for
qw,j i [n] as the willing service rate from peer j to peer i for
estimating trust from the observables.
the time period n.
In the estimation of trust value by such a method, a few
important points are missed out. These points are as follows.
4 Issues in trust estimation 1. In peer-to-peer networks, when a peer asks for some
resource (i.e. data rate), it is not guaranteed that it will
In a stable peer to peer networks, the download should be get the asked resource. So, generally, the peer asks for
equal to upload for a node [34]. It looks like there is no a larger amount of resource than needed, and when it
gain in this condition. But, even in this scenario, the node is offered more resource than its requirement, it refuses
gains due to interaction with others which leads to wider the extra offered resource. Also, it does not give any
availability of content along with a good quality of service credit for this extra offer.
because of the increase in reputation of the node. Further, 2. Once requesting node decides about the node from
in any society, even when resources are given and taken are which it is going to take data, both of the nodes
the same for each participating entity, they have a better decide about the rate of data according to their upload
chance of survival compared to a community where there is and download capacities. But at the same time, the
no interaction. Thus, the interaction itself is an incentive for underlying network may not be able to provide the
all the peers as it increases their utility. agreed data rate because of congestion in the network
A node will usually try to get the content and avoid at different routers. So, even if the service provider
uploading it as this maximises gain for it. Therefore, node is willing to give data, it may not be able
free-riding becomes an optimal strategy. So a reputation to send at the committed rate, due to limitations
management system needs to be enforced to safeguard the of the underlying transport network. This affects the
interest of every node by controlling the free-riding. reputation assignment as reputation is assigned based
In reputation management system, every node maintains on the actual data rate.
a reputation table. In this table, the node maintains the 3. If some node has already got too many requests, it will
reputations of the nodes with which it has interacted. not be able to provide the quality of service that it could
Whenever it receives a resource from any node, it adjusts have provided with the lesser load. Due to the above
the reputation of that node accordingly. When a node asks fact, the requesting node should estimate the reputation
for the resource from this node, it checks the reputation of the service provider node considering the load and
table, and according to the reputation value of the requesting the previous transactions with that node to avoid the
node, it allocates the resource to that node. This ensures distortion.
that every node is facilitated from the network as per its
contribution to the system and consequently, free riding is
discouraged. 5 Proposed method
For using such a reputation management system, a node
needs to estimate the trust value of the nodes interacting To resolve the above issues, node will use Eq. 8 for
with it. This estimation can be made based on requested calculation of trust value (tij ).
and actual transfer rates and other parameters after every Let the data rate qr,ij is requested by the node i. At the
transaction. As shown in Section 2, estimation of trust has serving node j , qw,j i , the willing service rate from node
been done by a number of ways in the literature. We have j to node i, is decided according to point 3 mentioned
892 Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2021) 14:888–897

in Section 4. As qw,j i will change according to qr,ij , an Here Cj i,1 is the ratio of the total request made by
q i
estimate of qw,j
is desirable. the node to the download capacity of the node, i.e. how
Assuming that reputation of node i for node j is rj i , we much node over requested, and Cj i,2 is the ratio of total
can see that, capacity shared by all the nodes to the total requests made
in the network by all the nodes. Cj i,2 is statistically the
qw,j i = f (qr,ij , rj i , νj ).
average upload capacity against the unit request made by
Here, νj is an arbitrary constant chosen by node j and will a node in the network. Multiplying Cj i,2 with Cj i,1 will
range from 0 to 1. Normally, the value of νj will be equal to give us the average upload capacity per unit download
1. One possible way to decide qw,j i can be, capacity of the node. We have assumed that uncertainty has
identical distribution for every sample, and all the samples
qw,j i = qr,ij · (rj i )x · νj .
are independent, i.e. the noise samples are i.i.d.. Hence,
Here x is a reputation exponent. Nodes can decide we expect every sample to have the same variance. Let us
individually on the mechanism of computing qw,j i . assume this variance be σ . Estimate for qw,j i i.e. q̂w,j i is
Generally with higher rj i and qr,ij , a higher qw,j i should derived in Section 5.1.
be chosen. After deciding willing service rate for all the Once a node gets a offer from some node, it may act in
requesting nodes, two different conditions are possible, three ways, first, it may completely accept the offer, second,
 it may partially accepts the offer or third it may not accept
qw,j i ≤ Bj ,
the offer as mentioned in point 1 in Section 4. So
=⇒ ∀i, qo,j i = qw,j i . qo,j i = qij,ay + qij,an . (7)
or Here qij,ay and qij,an are accepted and not accepted data

qw,j i > Bj =⇒ qo,j i ≤ qw,j i rates respectively. The reputation must be given on the basis
i of qij,ay and not qo,j i as it is most likely the actual transfer
such that rate. It is given by,
qo,j i = Bj . qa,j i q̂w,j i
i tij = × . (8)
min(qij,ay , qf,j i ) qr,j i
Here Bj is the shared bandwidth of node j and qo,j i is the
Here qa,j i is actual service rate i.e. the average rate at
offered service rate from node j to node i.Thus we can write
which receiver receives the data, qf,j i is feasible service rate
qo,j i [n] = qw,j i [n] − wj i [n] (point 2) i.e. the rate at which the TCP algorithm can get the
qo,j i [n] qw,j i [n] wj i [n] throughput via underlying link with packet loss probability
=⇒ = − (2) p. For the analysis and simulation purpose, we take TCP
qr,ij [n] qr,ij [n] qr,ij [n]
reno algorithm. With this algorithm, the feasible service rate
qo,j i [n]
Here n is time instant. qr,ij [n] is observable quantity and can be computed using the expression [35].
wj i [n]
is the uncertainty due to demand variation on node j
qr,ij [n] ⎛ ⎞
in the network. Equation 2 can be written as, ⎜ Wmax 1 ⎟
qf,j i ≈⎜
⎝ RT T ,   ⎟.

Qo,j i [n] = Qw,j i [n] − Wj i [n] (3) RT T 2bp
+ T0 · min 1, 3 8 p(1 + 32p )

qo,j i [n] qw,j i [n]

Here Qo,j i [n], Qw,j i [n] and Wj i [n] are qr,ij [n] , qr,ij [n] and (9)
wj i [n]
respectively. We can see that
qr,ij [n] Qw,j i [n] = (rj i )α
· νj
will remain constant over the time, so it can be replaced by Here qf,j i is the feasible service rate as a function of packet
Qw,j i . Let us assume that mean value of Wj i [n] is Wj i and loss probability p; Wmax is the maximum window opened
the ratio of Wj i and Qw,j i is Cj i given by by the receiver; RTT is the round trip time between the two
 nodes; T0 is the time-out period and b is the number of
1 − Cj i,1 ×C
, if Cj i,1 × Cj i,2 > 1. packets acknowledged by a single acknowledgement.
Cj i = j i,2 (4) 1−ηi
0, otherwise. qa,j i
Here the factor min(qij,ay ,qf,j i ) ensures that node
Here is not playing a game by offering more data rate and not
total datarate request made by the node serving it. Value of ηi will decide the amount of penalty in
Cj i,1 = (5) case of cheating by the offering node. This means that node
download capacity of the node
will be punished for offering more and actually providing
total capacity shared by the nodes in the network less. The ηi = 0 means maximum punishment whereas
Cj i,2 = . (6)
total capacity requested by the nodes in the network ηi = 1 means that no punishment is given to the node for the
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2021) 14:888–897 893

difference in the offered and actual provisioning. The ηi can So

be decided by a node based on its experience with network.  
Wj i
To compute the value of ηi , node i can take the exponential S = 1− 11×M . (13)
qa,j i Qw,j i
moving average of the ratio min(qij,ay ,qf,j i ) , i.e.,
Here 11×M is a 1 × M matrix of 1s i.e. [111111.............1]T .
βi (n − 1) + ηi (n − 1)
ηi (n) = . (10) The covariance matrix
2 ⎡ 2 ⎤
 q i (n)  σ 0
Here βi (n) = ( j min(qij,aya,j(n),q )/ j 1 and ηi (1) = ⎢ 0 σ2 0 ⎥
f,j i (n)) ⎢ ⎥
βi (1). This value of ηi ensures that if the total download Cov = ⎢ . . ⎥ , (14)
⎣ .. .. ⎦
of the node is high than the penalty imposed should be
low i.e. if the node is already getting benefited from the 0 σ 2 M×M
network then it should not decrease the reputation of node
with more penalty. If node will not accept the offer, the Cov = σ 2 IM×M . (15)
qa,j i
value of qij,ay will be taken as a limiting case of 1 as both As we know that the BLUE [4] is
qa,j i = min(qij,ay , qf,j i ) = 0. Process of trust estimation
is explained in Fig. 2. St Cov−1 Qo,ji
Q̂w,j i = (16)
St Cov−1 S
5.1 Uncertainty estimation substituting the values,

Wj i
Based on observed values of trust, exact trust value can be 1 − Qw,j i
1t σ12 IM×M Qo,ji
estimated using some estimator. We have used Best Linear Q̂w,j i = Wj i

Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) [4] for this purpose. Taking 1 − Qw,j i
1 t 1 I
σ 2 M×M 1 − Qw,ji 1
expectation in Eq. 3 solving, we get
E[Qo,j i [n]] = E[Qw,j i ] − E[Wj i [n]], 
= Qw,j i − Wj i . (11)
M Qo,j i [k]
k=n−M Qo,j i [n]
Q̂w,j i = Wj i
= Wj i
so the scaled mean will be 1− 1−
Qw,j i Qw,j i
E[Qo,j i [n]]
S[n] = (12) So, we can see that we need to compute the sample

mean of all the samples and the the ratio of noise mean and
where  = Qw,j i is the parameter to be estimated
parameter mean.
Qw,j i − Wj i Wj i This formulation have a problem that it is difficult to
S[n] = =1− .
Qw,j i Qw,j i compute the sample mean when the number of samples is

Fig. 2 Process diagram

894 Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2021) 14:888–897

600 iterations. For homogeneous network, it is same for every

Aq. P. = 0.1 node. Whereas, it is different in the heterogeneous network.
= 0.3 Requested node will transfer the data to the requesting node
Average absolute change in reputation

500 Old after the negotiation of resource transfer rate. At the end
of the slot, each node updates its reputation table as per
the quality of the transaction. First 50 iterations have been
400 taken as acquaintance period, i.e. a node will allocate their
bandwidth without referring to the reputation table.
We have plotted the average absolute change in
reputation estimation with increasing number of iterations
up to 500. Here, absolute change in reputation (t) is
t (itr) = |ti,j,itr − ti,j,itr−1 |. (19)
Here, ti,j,itr and ti,j,itr−1 are the reputation of node j after
iteration itr and itr − 1 respectively, as estimated by node
0 i. The N is total number of nodes.
0 100 200 300 400 500 In Fig. 3, t is plotted by taking the average of
Iteration last ten measurements as proposed in [19] and according
to our proposed reputation estimation method for the
Fig. 3 Average absolute change in reputation for homogeneous
network homogeneous network. In Fig. 4, t has been plotted for
the same methods but for heterogeneous networks. For the
above simulations, we have considered 200 nodes once with
large. We can use moving average to estimate Qo,ij [n] as,
α=0.1 and then with α=0.3. Homogeneous network means
Qo,j i [n] = α · Qo,j i [n] + (1 − α) · Qo,j i [n − 1]. (18) that all the nodes have the same download capacity and are
Here α depends on the rate of change of behaviour of nodes. ready to provide resources to the same number of nodes.
Initially Qo,j i [1] = Qo,j i [1]. Whereas by the heterogeneous network, we mean that nodes
Value of Cj i,2 is estimated regularly based on its have different download capacities and are ready to serve
download capacity and total requests made. The value of different number nodes.
Cj i,2 is difficult to find as it is defined for the complete
network. So, we use the following heuristics to find it out. 350
We consider that nodes will gather the capacities shared and Aq. P.
= 0.1
requests made by their neighbouring nodes. Based on this = 0.3
Average absolute change in reputation

data nodes will evaluate the value of Cj i,2 locally and then Old
exchange this value with its neighbours. The values received
from different neighbours will be averaged to get a better 250
estimate of Cj i,2 . This process will be done periodically.

6 Numerical results
Performance of estimation method proposed in this paper
has been evaluated for 200 node network. We had 100
considered the discrete time instants for measurement and
estimation in the simulations. Every slot is termed as an
iteration. In each iteration, every node queries for some
resource, and after getting the reply, it requests the resource
from the replying nodes. A node asks for the resource, 0
from the nodes having the resource, as per its download 0 100 200 300 400 500
capacity. Requested nodes allocate their bandwidth as per Iteration
their reputation table in a probabilistic manner [36]. The Fig. 4 Average absolute change in reputation for heterogeneous
number of requests that a node will serve is fixed over all network
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2021) 14:888–897 895

1 heterogeneous networks of 200 nodes for α = 0.1 and 0.3

respectively. It is evident from the figures that utilisation of
0.9 resources increases with the proposed trust estimation. This
again establishes the usefulness of the proposed method.

7 Conclusion
Utilization Level

= 0.1
= 0.3 In peer-to-peer networks, free-riding is a major problem that
Old can be overcome by using a reputation management system.
0.4 For any reputation management system, trust is a central
quantity. But, generally, it has been estimated through naive
0.3 methods in reported reputation management systems. These
methods do not consider certain important points. In this
0.2 paper, we have proposed an estimation technique using
0.1 BLUE. The proposed trust estimator considers uncertainties
Aq. P. in the trust estimation. The algorithm has also been tested
0 for a homogeneous and a heterogeneous network of nodes.
0 100 200 300 400 500 The numerical results show that the average absolute change
Iteration in trust values in the trust table of nodes is considerably
Fig. 5 Network utilisation by a homogeneous network of 200 nodes
less compared to any other older techniques. It implies that
reputation could be estimated more accurately using this
estimator. Better estimation of reputation also leads to a
This is evident in both Figs. 3 and 4 that using estimator better measure to counter the problem of free-riding in a
the change in reputation is less. This implies that by use peer to peer system.
of proposed estimator, reputation can be estimated more
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Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2021) 14:888–897 897

Yatindra Nath Singh received Antriksh Goswami received

the BTech degree from REC the BTech degree from Uni-
Hamirpur and the MTech and versity of Rajasthan, MTech
PhD degrees from IIT Delhi. degree from IIITM, Gwalior
He is a professor in the Elec- and PhD degree from IIITDM,
trical Engineering Department Jabalpur. He is a faculty mem-
at IIT Kanpur. He had been ber at IIIT Vadodara. His
a chairman IEEE UP section. research interest include Dis-
He was given the AICTE Young tributed Computing, Applied
Teacher Award in 2002-2003. Game Theory, Computer Net-
He has supervised seven PhD works, and Peer-to-peer Net-
students. His research interests working.
include optical networkspro-
tection and restoration packet
and circuit switching, opti-
cal packet switching architec-
tures, overlaid multicasting, technology development for e-learning
and e-education, peer to peer networking, and optical communication
systems and theory. He is a senior member of the IEEE, a fellow of
IETE, and a senior member of ICEIT.

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