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Writing and Game Design:Christopher Pinch, Jordan Richer
Project Management:Ricardo Evangelho
Original Story:Peter Wingaard Meldahl
Art Direction:Ole Ivar Rudi (Olli)
Illustration:Ole Ivar Rudi (Olli), Petter Amland, Aslak Helgesen
Graphic Design:Ricardo Evangelho



Teslagrad: Campaign Setting is Copyright © 2020 Hit Point Press Inc., 1175 Brookfield Rd East, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1V0C3, Canada. All rights reserved. Based on the indie videogame Teslagrad by Rain Games, used
with permission. The world of Chroma, its group of individuals, its elements, its distictive characters, and its
locations are the sole property of Rain Games.All other characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of
Hit Point Press Inc. in Canada, US and other countries. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material
or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express permission of Hit Point Press Inc. Reference to
other copyrighted material in no way constitues a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material.
Hit Point Press, The Deck of Many and its associated logos are trademarks of Hit Point Press Inc. Telsagrad,
Rain Games and it's associated logos are trademarks of Rain Games. First Printing. Printed in Canada.
the teslamancer
Raising the plasma globe of her metal staff, a raven-haired texts, this is to avoid attracting attention from Elektropian
woman in ornate robes sizes up a nightmarish grue while her police. On the other hand, students of Tesla Tower are taught
companions look on in silent awe. As it pounces, she flicks a to keep what they know safe from foregin spies. Few disci-
hidden switch on the staff’s hilt, unleashing a brilliant arc of plines are as destructive as teslamancy, and in the wrong hands,
blue lightning that sizzles the creature’s flesh, smiting it before the power they wield can be catastrophic. Some speculate that
its claws can reach her. teslamancy may have destroyed the ruined civilization to the
Poring over a set of blueprints in complete focus, a west. Even those who doubt this claim remember Solomon’s
bespectacled man pushes away the wild strands of hair that colleague Galvan, whose reckless experimentation gave rise to
fall in front of his face as he scrawls notes upon the schematics, the undead horrors known as draugr.
brows furrowed in concentration. Here, deep in his labora- Teslamancers are generally aloof and quiet around those
tory, electricity crackles along large copper coils tipped with who aren’t initiated, and wary even of each other. One never
silver spheres. He pays them no mind, turning to adjust a half knows when they have met someone who somehow got their
finished device with two precise twists of a wire. As he closes hands on forbidden knowledge. However, teslamacers who
the circuit, the device begins to levitate and the man grins have proven themselves trustworthy are part of an elite circle.
wide, hastily recording the results of his test. Fellow scientists are a valuable resource, and teslamancers will
Upon reaching an imposing metal wall in the ancient gladly share their research with those they trust.
technoruins, a heavily robed person with sharp features and
close cropped hair reaches into their bag. They reveal a large KNOWLEDGE FROM THE PAST
compass-like device, and use it to scan the wall, watching Although they shroud themselves in mystery, Teslamancers
closely as its many needles dance to an invisible current. When are scientists first and foremost. At their core, they seek to
the needles spike, the robed figure pauses, double checking the uncover and understand the principles behind the powerful
device’s readings, before cautiously extending their hand to electrical technologies created by earlier civilizations. Despite
the barrier. The holographic wall fizzles where their arm passes having made many advances since the time of Solomon Tesla,
through, and they beckon a team of archeologists to follow teslamancers still don’t know everything about how electricity
their lead to the other side. works and what it can do. Their studies and experiments are
Teslamancers are perhaps the strangest and least well driven by their search for scientific truth.
understood of all the scientists in the eastern nations. Masters The holy grail of teslamancy involves unlocking the secrets
of electricity, they keep their knowledge almost as well hidden behind the technorelics, and many teslamancers would risk
as the invisible forces they command. With the help of their lives for good data or a sample device to experiment on.
ingenious devices inspired by ancient technology from far off While there are those in Tesla Tower who seek this power
lands to the west, teslamancers perform feats such as levitating, for its own sake, for others, learning how to replicate
casting bolts of lighting, creating electric holograms, and even ancient technologies is an opportunity to create
teleportation. These appear to some as sheer wizardry. In truth, advancements for the good of the
much of the knowledge teslamancers possess is incomplete, world. Others still are invested
and though great strides have been made, few have been able in learning what part tesl-
to match the wonders of the old technorelics. Their studies amancy played in the
have been a great boon to the nation of Elektropia, whose destruction of this
capital, Teslagrad, is powered by gigantic spires arrayed around ancient civilization,
a massive stone and metal pillar known as Tesla Tower. Inside to prevent history
of Tesla Tower, teslamancers study in secrecy within lecture from repeating itself.
halls, libraries, and laboratories where they learn to build and
maintain the marvels that bathe Teslagrad in electric light.

Teslamancy was created by Solomon Tesla back before the
king of Elektropia was deposed. Even in the days of monarchy,
their scientific knowledge was a closely guarded state secret,
but since the revolution, books and papers penned by the tesla-
mancers of Solomon’s day have gone missing from Tesla Tower.
Now, teslamancy is a secret that is imperfectly kept at best.
Whether or not they are loyal to the Tower, all teslamancers
tend to keep knowledge of their art to themselves. For those
who have gone rogue or discovered teslamancy from forbidden

To quickly build a teslamancer, you can use these help-
TESLAMANCER ful tips. To begin with, your Intelligence score is the most
Teslamancers are students of secret knowledge and have important of your attributes and should be highest, followed
seen things that most people would struggle to comprehend. by Dexterity to increase your armor class, or Constitution
Whether out of altruism or fear of exposure, you must guard to increase your hit points. Next, choose a background that
your knowledge carefully. fits with your character, anything that focuses on research or
How did you come to study teslamancy? Were you a natu- tinkering would be a good fit. Finally, choose a teslamancer’s
ral prodigy, or did you need to work to advance in your stud- staff with the ionizing set of properties as part of your starting
ies? Are you a student of Tesla Tower or are you self-taught? equipment, and add the following level 1 teslamancy effects
What is your relationship to the Elektropian community to your teslamancer’s journal: feather fall, magic missile, and
of teslamancers? mage armor.
What took you away from your lab and into the field? Do
you seek to unravel a mystery of teslamancy? Do you wish to
innovate and improve upon your craft? Or do you simply wish
to test your latest invention?

Proficiency Craft
Level Innovation Features
Bonus Dice
1st +2 1d6 3 Teslamancy, Quick Recharge
2nd +2 1d6 3 Disciplinary Specialization
3rd +2 1d6 3 -
4th +2 1d6 3 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 2d6 4 -
6th +3 2d6 4 Disciplinary Specialization feature
7th +3 2d6 4 -
8th +3 2d6 4 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 3d6 5 -
10th +4 3d6 5 Disciplinary Specialization feature
11th +4 3d6 5 -
12th +4 3d6 5 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 4d6 6 -
14th +5 4d6 6 Disciplinary Specialization feature
15th +5 4d6 6 -
16th +5 4d6 6 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 5d6 7 -
18th +6 5d6 7 Signature Teslamancy
19th +6 5d6 7 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 5d6 7 Flawless Circuits

Innovation Multiplier
As a teslamancer, you gain the following class features.
Small 1×
HIT POINTS Medium 2×
Hit Dice: 1d6 per teslamancer level Large 3×
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier Huge 4×
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution
modifier per teslamancer level after 1st If a project requires more innovation than you could spend
in one day, then the project dictates the number of days (and
PROFICIENCIES long rests between them) required to complete it: 6 innovation
Armor: None requires two days, 9 requires three, etc.
Weapons: Daggers, quarterstaffs, and spring pistols An entire day’s allotment of innovation equates to 8 hours
Tools: Teslamancer’s supplies, and your choice of either alche- of work. Crafting times in smaller increments are determined
mist’s supplies or tinker’s tools by the GM. Most crafting is completed in extended periods
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom of downtime, but innovation can also be used on the fly in
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, dungeons to make repairs to existing gadgets, jury-rig small
Investigation, and Nature teslamancy devices capable of producing a rudimentary
level effect (see Level 0 Projects in Step 2 of the Crafting
Technology section for more details), as well as other applica-
TESLAMANCY tions based on your class.
The science of teslamancy involves the generation and Teslamancers Supplies
manipulating of electric currents to achieve a variety of incred-
Teslamancer’s supplies contain tools for working with
ible effects.
metals, crystals, and glasswork, as well as conductive wires,
CRAFTING switches, and charge monitors used for creating electri-
At 1st level, you can make and use teslamancy devices. cal circuits.
Teslamancy devices are any technological item that creates
a teslamancy effect. To craft these items, you need access to
teslamancer’s supplies, or a teslamancer’s laboratory, along with
any other relevant materials (decided by the GM).

Primary Media:
Metals (specifically magnets and conductive metals)
Secondary Media:
Crystals (specifically glass tubes and insulating ceramics)

Depending on their focus, teslamancers may also have

basic familiarity with small mechanical parts (such as those
used in clockwork devices) or alchemical substances (such as
those required to make chemical batteries).

Starting at level 1 you gain a total of 3 innovation, which is
expended whenever you work on a project at a rate of 1 inno-
vation per Difficulty Level multiplied by the project size, at
a minimum of 1 (see the table below). Innovation represents
the creative spark that pushes you onward, as well as the
amount of mental energy you have to design and create a
piece of technology. Your innovation is fully replenished
at the end of each long rest. Your total daily innovation
increases at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

Teslamancy devices can generate a wide range of useful effects. These range from altering electrical charge to create attraction
and repulsion, firing bolts of electrical energy, or generating holograms and other visual projections. Though based on spells
from the 5e core rules, these effects do not have any required verbal, somatic, or material components other than the teslamancy
device made to create them. Any effect that requires concentration also requires that the character using it has the device causing
the effect in their possession while concentrating. Losing possession of a teslamancy device while concentrating on one of its
effects immediately ends that effect.
The list of effects here are suitable for teslamancy devices, but you are free to create your own effects (with the GMs approval)
to add to your journal, and design teslamancy devices around them.
A teslamancy device created or upgraded by you can’t have more rudimentary effects than 2 + Half your teslamancer level (up
to a maximum of 5).
A teslamancy device created or upgraded by you can’t have more effects of 1st level or above than 1 + your Teslamancer level.

Rudimentary Effects: Level 4 Effects (available at 7th level):

• Dancing Lights • Fire Shield
• Light • Freedom of Movement
• Magnetic Ward* • Resilient Sphere
• Produce Flame Level 5 (available at 9th level):
• Sacred Flame • Arcane Hand
• Shocking Grasp • Flame Strike
Level 1 Effects (available at 1st level): • Planar Binding
• Burning Hands • Hold Monster
• Color Spray • Telekinesis
• Faerie Fire • Teleportation Circle
• Feather Fall • Wall of Force
• Floating Disk Level 6 (available at 11th level):
• Guiding Bolt • Chain Lightning
• Mage Armor • Globe of Invulnerability
• Magic Missile • Programmed Illusion
• Magnetize* • Sunbeam
• Shield • Wind Walk
• Thunderwave • Word of Recall
• Unseen Servant
Level 7 (available at 13th level):
Level 2 Effects (available at 3rd level): • Arcane Sword
• Arcane Lock • Forcecage
• Branding Smite • Project Image
• Heat Metal • Reverse Gravity
• Knock
• Levitate
Level 8 (available at 15th level):
• Mirror Image • Repulsion Field*
• Misty Step • Control Weather
• Scorching Ray • Sunburst
• See Invisibility • Power Word Stun
• Shatter Level 9 (available at 17th level):
• Spider Climb • Ion Storm*
Level 3 Effects (available at 5th level): • Time Stop
• Blink • Magnetic Barrier*
• Call Lightning • Power Word Kill
• Daylight
• Fly *- An effect based on a new spell outlined on pg. X.
• Lightning Bolt
• Major Image
• Tiny Hut
• Water Walk
• Wind Wall

Charges and Appraisal steps of the crafting process). This optional
Teslamancy devices are powered by electrical currents and strategy can result in a higher quality device, but any player
only have a limited number of charges that are expended to who wishes to do this must also accept any flaws incurred as
create teslamancy effects. These charges can only be restored normal. Unlike normal crafting, boons gained as a part of
through recharging, which can be done over a long rest, this roll can be used to remove (or downgrade) existing flaws
provided a teslamancer has access to either their teslamancy possessed by the device.
supplies or a laboratory. Any teslamancy device you create
can have a number of charges up to twice your teslamancer QUICK RECHARGE
level. The amount of charges a teslamancy device has, should At first level, you have learned how to create a simple
be decided between the player and the GM during the generator, which you can use to recharge devices powered
Blueprints step of crafting a teslamancy device. by electricity. When you finish a short rest, you can spend
Teslamancy effects expend a set number of charges from 2 points from your daily innovation to restore a number of
a device based on their level. Rudimentary level teslamancy charges equal to your teslamancer level, divided as you choose,
effects do not consume charges from a device you create. among any teslamancy devices you have access to. Unlike regu-
Teslamancy effects of 1st level expend 1 charge for each use. lar recharging, this doesn’t restore the use of teslamancy effects
Teslamancy effects of 2nd and 3rd level expend 2 charges for of 6th level or higher.
each use. Teslamancy effects of 4th and 5th level expend 3 At 15th level, your quick recharge can restore one use
charges for each use. Teslamancy effects of 6th level or higher of a single teslamancy effect of 6th level or higher. Doing so
only consume 1 charge, but each of these effects can only be requires that you spend a number of charges equal to the level
used once between recharging the device. Attempting to use of the effect to restore its use.
such an effect again before recharging shorts the teslamancy You can’t use this feature unless you have access to your
device, rendering it inoperable until it is repaired. Teslamancer's supplies, or a teslamancy lab during your rest.
Any effect based on a spell that can be made stronger by
casting it using a higher level spell slot can be charged up in SIGNATURE TESLAMANCY
the same way by spending additional charges determined by At 18th level you achieve mastery over your Teslamancy.
the level of the effect. For example, to charge up a 3rd level Choose a 1st level and a 2nd level teslamancy effect you have
teslamancy effect, it would cost 2 additional charges of the access to. You can add these to any teslamancy device you
device for every spell slot level above the base level of the effect. create, without increasing the Difficulty Level of the craft.
A teslamancy effect cannot be charged beyond the level of the These effects do not consume charges to use at their base level,
highest level teslamancy effect you currently have access to, though using them at higher levels requires they be charged
decided by the equivalent spell slot level required to cast the up as normal. They are otherwise treated as rudimentary level
stronger version in the core rules. effects for you.


Teslamancers rely on their devices to have access to their
At 20th level, your skill with crafting electrical devices
class skills and abilities. You begin play with a teslamancy
is such that you can ignore small setbacks, or improve your
device of your choice, and can automatically upgrade a tesla-
creations beyond normal skill. Whenever you craft a tesla-
mancy device you possess with new properties each time you
mancy device you gain two boons which you can use to negate
gain a level. This represents the result of incremental work and
flaws in your crafting, or add additional features to your
tinkering during your adventures.
crafted technology.
A teslamancy device upgraded in this way gains 2 addi-
tional charges, and one additional effect from your journal, up
to the highest level you have access to. Each time you upgrade DISCIPLINARY
a teslamancy device, you can choose to replace one of its
effects with another teslamancy effect in your journal, up to
There comes a time when each teslamancer must choose
the highest level you have access to.
which discipline of their science to specialize in, and this
Teslamancers can also create new teslamancy devices during
shapes the path a teslamancer will take. Though students of
their downtime. This follows the rules outlined in Crafting
different disciplines often compete to advance knowledge in
their field, each one represents a facet of teslamancy rather
Variant Rule: Upgrading with Boons than an exclusive school. Though every teslamancer has a basic
understanding of each discipline, the most fantastic insights
and Flaws in teslamancy have been gleaned thanks to the efforts of such
At the discretion of your GM, you can choose to take a dedicated specialists.
Craft Action as a part of upgrading your device, rolling up to
your maximum number of crafting dice. Dice returning a roll
of 6 will upgrade your item with a new boon, while each roll
of 1 will give the new item a flaw (just as in the Fine-Tuning

You focus your study on ionization, the science of creat- Starting at 14th level, you can increase the power of simple
ing, storing, and releasing electrical charge. While the most teslamancy effects. When you activate a damage dealing tesla-
straightforward application of ionization is to unleash arcs mancy effect of 1st through 5th level, you can deal maximum
of powerful lightning, the underlying principles can also be damage with that effect.
applied to create particle barriers, attractive or repulsive effects, The first time you do so, the device suffers no adverse effect.
and even the teleportation of matter. You also learn secrets that If you use this feature again before you finish a long rest, roll
make you more effective at generating charge, allowing you to 1d4 for each level of the effect you used immediately after you
recharge your devices more quickly. use it. Each time you use this feature again before finishing a
long rest, roll an extra 1d4 per level of the effect.
Ionization Specialist If the result is 15 or higher, the device breaks, and cannot
Beginning when you select this specialization at 2nd level, be used again until it is repaired.
you gain access to a series of ionization effects you can apply If the roll exceeds 20, the device explodes, dealing 10d10
to any teslamancy device you create. These are added auto- lightning damage to you and each creature within 10 feet of
matically to your journal once you reach the chosen level, and you. Creatures caught in this area can make a Dexterity saving
count as teslamancy effects for you. throw against your Device save DC to take half damage from
Teslamancer Ionization this effect, but you cannot.
Level Effects
3 Misty Step, Spider Climb ELECTROMAGNETISM
5 Hypnotic Pattern, Water Walk Your area of study is electromagnetism, the art of creat-
7 Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement ing devices which use electricity to generate or manipulate
magnetic fields. These can be used to exert limited control
9 Antilife Shell, Flame Strike over metal objects, or create strong magnetic fields to shield
11 Chain Lightning, Disintegrate yourself or your allies from harm. Magnetism can also be used
13 Arcane Sword, Teleport to disrupt metal machinery or other teslamancy devices.

15 Control Weather, Sunburst Electromagnetic Specialist

17 Time Stop, Ion Storm* Beginning when you select this specialization at 2nd level,
you gain access to a series of electromagnetic effects you can
Additionally, any teslamancy device you create which apply to any teslamancy device you create. These are added
includes at least one ionization effect can be completed in half automatically to your journal once you reach the chosen level,
the time it would normally take to produce. and count as teslamancy effects for you.
Charge Direction Teslamancer Electromagnetic
Beginning at 2nd level, you can create pockets of relative Level Effects
safety within your teslamancy. When you activate an effect of a 3 Blur, Invisibility
teslamancy device that affects other creatures that you can see,
you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the effect's level. 5 Protection from Energy, Slow
The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving 7 Greater Invisibility, Resilient Sphere
throws against the effect, and they take no damage if they 9 Arcane Hand, Wall of Force
would normally take half damage on a successful save.
11 Blade Barrier, Globe of Invulnerability
Potent Teslamancy 13 Reverse Gravity, Forcecage
Starting at 6th level, you learn how to unleash the full
15 Magnetic Field*, Control Weather
devastating potential of your teslamancy devices. When an
effect created by a teslamancy device deals lightning or radiant 17 Magnetic Barrier*, Meteor Swarm
damage to an opponent, add your Intelligence modifier to Additionally, any teslamancy device you create which
one dice roll of the effect. You can only benefit from this extra includes at least one electromagnetism effect can be completed
damage once per turn. in half the time it would normally take to produce.
Improved Charging Magnetic Pulse
Beginning at 10th level, you can instead spend 4 points Beginning at 2nd level, whenever you activate an effect of
of innovation during a short rest to restore all charges to a your teslamancy device, you can spend a bonus action to cause
teslamancy device you have access to. At 15th level, this also your device to release a magnetic pulse that attracts or repels
restores the uses of each effect of 6th level or higher that the an item composed partially or entirely of metal within 30 feet
device has expended. of you. When you activate this effect, you choose whether
You still require your teslamancer's supplies or access to a the pulse attracts or repels the item. The item is then either
lab to do this.
pulled towards your device at a speed of 30 feet per round, or new bioelectrical fields in dead tissue, allowing for the creation
repulsed at the same speed until it is 60 feet away from you. of electrically animated zombies known as draugr. Though
Any creature holding or wearing the magnetized item can the creation of draugr is forbidden in practice, it can allow a
make a Strength saving throw to resist the effect. On a failure, skilled teslamancer to give dead flesh the semblance of life, or
they are pulled or pushed along with the item. A creature hold- to extend life spans artificially using specialized devices. The
ing the item can let go of it instead of making a saving throw manipulation of living bioelectric fields can also be used to
to avoid being moved. disrupt the basic functions of life. In the hands of a skilled
teslamancer, this knowledge is deadly.
Force Shield
Starting at 6th level, as a reaction, you can expend a charge Bioelectric Specialist
from a teslamancy device wielded by you to create a protec- Beginning when you select this specialization at 2nd level,
tive field of magnetic force around you or an ally you can see you gain access to a series of bioelectric effects you can apply
within 30 feet of you. This magnetic field grants a +2 bonus to to any teslamancy device you create. These are added auto-
AC and resistance to lightning damage against a single attack. matically to your journal once you reach the chosen level, and
This can potentially cause the attack to miss. If the attack was count as teslamancy effects for you.
made with weapons or projectiles made partially or entirely
Teslamancer Bioelectric
from metal, the attacker must repeat their attack roll. If the
Level Effects
new roll is lower than their initial attack roll, the attacker uses
that roll instead, otherwise they retain their original roll. 3 Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement
5 Animate Dead, Vampiric Touch
Disruptive Field
Beginning at 10th level, you have learned to create even 7 Blight, Death Ward
more powerful magnetic fields. The range of your magnetize 9 Hold Monster, Raise Dead
effect is now 60 feet, and objects that you repel are pushed 11 Circle of Death, Create Undead
until they are 120 feet away from you. Additionally, if the item
you magnetized was a teslamancy device or a technological 13 Finger of Death, Resurrection
item composed partially or entirely of metal, you can make 15 Feeblemind, Power Word Stun
an opposed Intelligence check against the item's wielder. On 17 Power Word Kill, True Resurrection
a success, you disable the device for as long as it remains
magnetized. Additionally, any teslamancy device you create which
includes at least one bioelectric effect can be completed in half
Field Generator the time it would normally take to produce.
Starting at 14th level, you can use your teslamancy devices
to create strong bursts of magnetism that can potentially save
Charge Siphon
your life. When you are hit by an attack, you can spend 5 Beginning at 2nd level, you learn how to siphon off charge
charges from a teslamancy device wielded by you (costing no from a living creature’s bioelectric field at the moment of their
action) to take only half of the damage the attack would deal, death, to create a charged barrier around yourself. Once per
or no damage at all if the attack deals lighting, radiant, or turn, whenever you kill a creature with a teslamancy effect,
force damage. you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you dealt,
or twice the damage dealt if the effect you killed the creature
Additionally, all creatures within 10 feet of you must make with dealt lightning or necrotic damage.
a Strength saving throw when you activate this ability, or be Residual Field
pushed away by strong repulsive force. On a failure, creatures
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to add a bioelec-
are knocked back 30 feet and land prone. A creature that is
tric field detector (BFD) to a teslamancy device you create.
prevented from traveling 30 feet by a solid barrier, stops when
Treat this as an additional effect of the device that doesn’t add
they hit that barrier, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each
to its Difficulty Level. The BFD allows you to create one of the
5 feet they didn't travel.
following effects by expending a certain number of the device's
BIOELECTRICS charges (listed for each effect). Each effect lasts up to 10
You have begun delving into research materials penned by minutes, as long as the user maintains concentration to keep
disciples of the rogue teslamancer Galvan, which deal with focused on adjusting the device's field sensitivity and power
manipulating the electric fields generated by living things. output levels.
Bioelectrics can be used to create devices that can detect or
record the faint impressions left by a bioelectric field. It can
also be applied to siphon electrical charge from living beings
or to record and detect residual bioelectric fields from those
who died. Those skilled in this discipline can even generate

Detect Fields. You detect the bioelectric fields generated Electronecromancy
by creatures within 120 feet of you. Based on the reading from Starting at 14th level, you can integrate various teslamancy
your device, you can pinpoint their direction and distance devices into undead you create or creatures you revive from
from you, as well as their creature type. death. Whenever you activate a teslamancy effect that creates
At any time while you maintain concentration on the effect, one or more undead creatures, you can choose to empower
you can spend an action to analyze the readings of a particu- them. Empowered undead gain an additional +1 bonus to
lar creature to discern their mood and become aware of any their AC from natural armor, and their Constitution and
actions they are currently performing. Dexterity scores increase by 2 each, to a maximum of 22.
This effect cannot penetrate through any material that is Empowered undead are immune to lightning damage, and
more than 5 feet thick. deal an extra 2d8 lighting damage when they hit with their
This costs 2 charges to use. attacks. This effect doesn't add anything to the activation
time of teslamancy effects which create undead creatures to
Reassemble Field. By spending 1 minute analyzing a fight for you.
single corpse, you can use this effect to reconstruct the bioelec- Additionally, you can apply this knowledge when you
tric field of the deceased creature. This creates a blue, faintly use any effect that resurrects slain humanoids to augment
buzzing electrical hologram in the shape of the creature. This them, though the process takes longer. This requires 5,000
effect otherwise works like the speak with dead spell. gold pieces worth of materials and a week's worth of time to
This costs 3 charges to use. assemble, and requires access to teslamancer's supplies, or a
teslamancy lab.
Improved Siphon A creature augmented in this fashion gains the same
Starting at 10th level, when you activate your Charge bonuses as your empowered undead creatures. In addition, the
Siphon, you can restore 2d6 + 2 charges divided as you choose augmented creature no longer needs to eat or sleep, they no
among any of your teslamancy devices. longer age, and their type changes to undead. The augmented
At 15th level, you can spend these charges to restore the creature can still take short and long rests as normal, though
use of a teslamancy effect of 6th level or higher, following the they recover hit points as the machinery inside them regen-
same rules as your Quick Recharge ability. erates their bioelectric field, rather than from sleep. A crea-
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you ture can only be resurrected in this fashion once. If they are
complete a short or long rest. destroyed in this form, there is no way to recover them.
For the same amount of time and resource investment,
you can choose to augment yourself in this way, becoming a
techno-organic undead creature. This is irreversible.

NEW SPELLS Alternatively, you can shape the barrier into a sphere up to 30
feet in diameter centered on a point you choose within range.
These spells were designed to be used as effects for devices
The barrier remains in place for the duration. When you
created by teslamancers, but they have been written here in
cast this spell you choose the direction of the magnetic force
full for use in other 5e settings. They are included on the
which forms the barrier, deciding which side will damage
Sorcerer and Wizard spell lists.
those trying to move past it. If you position the barrier so
Ion Storm that it passes through a space occupied by a creature, you
9th-level conjuration must choose which side of the barrier the creature is moved to
when the barrier is placed. Creatures in its path take 5d8 force
Casting Time: 1 action damage when shunted to one side of the barrier or the other.
Range: Sight The barrier sheds bright light out to a range of 60 feet and
Components: V, S dim light for an additional 20 feet, but only from the side you
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute choose to be harmful to move through. If another creature
that can see the barrier moves to within 20 feet of this side
An eerie glowing storm cloud forms, centered on a point of it, or starts its turn there, the creature must succeed on a
you can see and spreading to a radius of 360 feet. Lightning Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute.
flashes in the area, thunder booms, and strong winds roar. Creatures on the other side of the barrier can pass through
Each creature under the cloud (no more than 5,000 feet it, however any who do so are immediately caught in the
beneath the cloud) when it appears must make a Constitution magnetized field and propelled forward 60 feet by the barrier's
saving throw as the glow flares up, bursting with a blinding repulsive force. Projectiles (or other objects) thrown or fired
intensity. On a failure, a creature takes 2d6 radiant damage through the barrier are similarly affected, having their range
and is blinded for 1 minute. doubled and do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls made
Each round you maintain concentration on this spell, the out to their maximum range. Other ranged attacks made from
storm produces additional effects on your turn. this side of the barrier are not affected.
Round 2. The shockwave from the energetic burst reaches Projectiles or thrown objects cannot pass through the
those below. Each creature beneath the cloud takes 2d6 thun- damage dealing side of the barrier, nor can any effect that
der damage. deals lightning damage, or that is generated by a teslamancy
Round 3. You call six bolts of lightning from the cloud to device. When a creature attempts to reach into or pass
strike six creatures or objects of your choice beneath the cloud. through this side of the barrier, it must face the full brunt of
A given creature or object can't be struck by more than one the barrier’s repulsive force. Creatures cannot teleport through
bolt. A struck creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. the barrier, and even creatures that are out of phase with
The creature takes 10d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or reality (thanks to etherealness or a similar effect) are subjected
half as much damage on a successful one. to its force. Passing through the wall takes 5 rounds, and each
Round 4. Shrapnel is stirred up by the raging winds round spent doing so causes a creature to encounter stronger
beneath the cloud. Each creature under the cloud takes 2d6 resistance. For every round spent moving through the barrier,
piercing damage. a creature must make a Constitution saving throw or be
Round 5–10. Gusts, debris, and intermittent lightning affected as described below.
bolts surround the area beneath the cloud. The area becomes Round 1-2. The creature's body is repulsed by strong
difficult terrain and is heavily obscured. Each creature there magnetic force, taking 10d6 force damage on a failed save, or
takes 1d6 lightning damage. Ranged weapon attacks in the half as much on a successful one.
area are impossible. The wind and debris count as a severe Round 3-4. The creature's body is wracked by magnetic
distraction for the purposes of maintaining concentration on forces that begin to tear it apart, taking 10d8 force damage on
spells. Finally, gusts of strong wind (ranging from 20 to 50 a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. On a failed
miles per hour) automatically disperse fog, mists, and similar save the creature is restrained and must repeat this step again.
phenomena in the area. If it fails this save twice in a row, the creature is repulsed 60
feet away from the wall.
Magnetic Barrier Round 5. The creature faces electromagnetic forces so
9th-level abjuration strong their body begins to atomize, taking 10d10 + 40 force
damage on a failed saving throw or half as much on a success-
Casting Time: 1 action ful one. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it
Range: 60 feet is disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is
Components: V, S wearing and carrying are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust.
Duration: 1 minute If two magnetic barriers are cast overlapping one another,
a safe zone is created in the spaces where they overlap. If cast
A shimmering plane of magnetic force forms a vertical completely overlapping another magnetic barrier, both spells
transleucent barrier--up to 90 feet long, 30 feet high, and immediately end.
1 inch thick--centered on a point you can see within range.

Magnetic Ward Repulsion Field
Abjuration cantrip 8th-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self Range: Self (10-foot-radius sphere)
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a pinch of powdered iron or
Duration: 1 round iron filings)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You summon a magnetic field around yourself that repulses
metal. Until the start of your next turn, any attack made A 10-foot-radius invisible sphere of magnetic force
against you with a weapon or projectile made partly or entirely surrounds you. Within the sphere, teslamancy devices lose
of metal has disadvantage. their power, and any mechanical object made partly or wholly
of metal locks up, becoming unusable. Creatures within the
Magnetize field take only half damage from attacks and other effects that
1st-level transmutation don’t deal psychic damage, and attacks can’t be made with
a weapon that is either partially or wholly metal within the
Casting Time: 1 action field. All other attacks within the field are made with disadvan-
Range: 30 feet tage. Projectiles made either partially or wholly metal remain
Components: V, S, M (an iron nail) outside the sphere and can't penetrate into it.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Until the spell ends, the sphere moves with you, centered
on you. The spheres created by different repulsion field effects
You magnetize an object made partly or wholly of metal don't nullify each other.
within range, and can manipulate it freely. For the duration, Targeted Effects. Any effects that deal lightning or radiant
you can use a bonus action to move the magnetized object up damage, or generated by a teslamancy device, that target a
to 30 feet in any direction. The object can be no more than creature or an object in the sphere have no effect on that target.
5 cubic feet in size, and weigh no more than 15 lbs. An item Areas of Effect. The area of an effect that deals fire,
being held or worn by a creature pulls its user along with it force, radiant, or lightning damage, or any effect caused by a
unless they succeed on a Strength saving throw to resist the teslamancy device, can't extend into the sphere. If the sphere
effect. A creature can choose to drop a held item instead of overlaps an area of such an effect, the part of the area that
making the saving throw to avoid being moved. is covered by the sphere is suppressed. For example, a blade
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell barrier ceases to be harmful within the sphere, creating a
slot of 3rd level or higher, the spell can affect an object that gap in the wall if the overlap is large enough. While an effect
is 5 cubic feet larger in size, and up to 20 pounds heavier for is suppressed, it doesn't function, but the time it spends
every two slot levels above 1st. suppressed counts against its duration.
Teleportation. Teleportation fails to work in the sphere,
whether the sphere is the destination or the departure point for
such travel. A portal to another location, as well as an open-
ing to an extradimensional space, temporarily closes while in
the sphere.

These technological items employ teslamancy to create This compass-like device has two charges. By spending a
various wondrous effects, and they require special skill to charge, you can use the device to detect electrical currents and
make or to use effectively. Unless specified, they do not func- magnetic fields within a 30 foot cone. This effect can be used
tion for anyone without the ability to use teslamancy devices. for up to 10 minutes, as long as the user maintains concentra-
The difficulty level (DL) determines the amount of effort tion to keep focused on adjusting the device's field sensitivity
required to build the devices. and power output levels, otherwise the effect ends.
Choose one of the following upgrades (chosen
TESLAMANCER'S STAFF (DL 1) when crafted).
This metal staff with a glass orb at its top can be used to
create the shocking grasp rudimentary effect. Choose one of
the following upgrades (chosen when crafted). The staff has Creates the message effect, though a recipient must wear a
two charges. special receiver to hear the message and reply. These receivers
count as difficulty level 0 crafts (though they are not destroyed
Dazzling after each use), and choosing this upgrade means your device
Creates the light effect. When you activate your light comes with three of them.
cantrip, an enemy of your choice within 20 feet of it must Additionally, the device can create the color spray effect
make a Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on (1 charge)
their next attack roll.
Additionally, the device can create the following effects:
Built-in Dynamo
• color spray (1 charge) Creates the light effect. When you activate your light effect,
• faerie fire (1 charge) an enemy of your choice within 20 feet of it must make a
Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on their next
Ionizing attack roll.
Creates the light effect. Can make shocking grasp attacks at Additionally, the device can create the shield effect
a range of 30 feet. (1 charge)
Additionally, the device can create the following effects:
• color spray (1 charge)
• shield (1 charge)

Creates the mage hand effect, but can only be used on
metal objects.
Additionally, the device can create the following effects:
• mage armor (1 charge)
• guiding bolt (1 charge)

The world of Teslagrad is a steampunk fantasy setting This is the first stage of any crafting attempt, during which
where magic doesn’t exist. Yet, in its place, fantastic technolog- you’ll communicate exactly what it is you’re hoping to make,
ical inventions can create similarly wondrous effects. Crafting including the properties you want your creation to have. Each
technological items is something anyone can do, from a crafting attempt creates one item, unless it’s an item that is
common city mechanic to famed teslamancers operating in traditionally found in sets, such as a pair of gloves or boots.
secret laboratories. Following these rules, anyone can use it The item itself can be anything, limited only (at the GM’s
to bring their ideas to life, provided they have access to the discretion) by the scope of your class’s ability: from something
right tools, knowledge, and skill sets. The rules we suggest as simple as a wrench to as complex as a motorbike.
for making weird and wonderful gadgets in this game are Depending on the complexity of the proposed project, the
an altered version of the domestic magic rules found in GM may need time to consider its scope and return an appro-
Witch+Craft by Astrologo Press (used with permission). priate challenge rating. You can use this time to get ahead on
step 3 if you wish.
Crafting rolls require only a d6 and six steps:
Once the project has been proposed, the GM must now
1. Blueprint. You propose a project.
determine the project’s Difficulty Level. This imposes a DC
that you’ll need to beat in step 4. Determining the difficulty
2. Challenges. The GM imposes a Difficulty Level based on
requires some communication but ultimately the GM is the
the specifications of the
final arbiter of this stage, and everything that comes afterwards
project. They will also list the base materials required to make
depends on the difficulty that has been set.
the crafting attempt at all.
For classes that have the ability to create machines with
spell effects built into them, like the teslamancer, the difficulty
3. Preparation. You may prepare for the project in order to
level should correspond to the highest level spell effect present
improve your chances of success.
as one of the object’s properties. These classes, unlike simple
traders, have access to unique skills and training that allow
4. Craft Action. You begin the project, rolling to qualify
them to create extraordinary items at lower difficulty levels.
your success.
The difficulty is set based on the following levels:
5. Fine-tuning. After the rolls are in, you may choose to
expend bonuses to alleviate any Level 0 Projects
potential flaws. There are some projects so simple that even novices can
complete them without fuss. For these projects it's acceptable
6. Appraising. When all is said and done, the item is created, to assume immediate success, though no boons can be added.
and its features and flaws known. Common examples include making a simple wedge, or sharp-
ening a stick.
Also covered under these rules, small teslamancy devices
MAKING IT WORK can be slapped together by teslamancers. These devices should
The most important part of any crafting attempt is negoti-
produce no more than rudimentary level teslamancy effects
ation. What is possible, and what you’re
and require that the creator has teslamancer’s supplies and any
permitted to attempt, must always be worked out in
necessary materials handy. These jury-rigged items require the
communication with the GM—and the GM should always
crafter to spend 1 point of their daily innovation to make, and
remember that with this system, creating shouldn’t be gated
are destroyed after their first use.
to anyone. Making simple items is fun, making complicated
items is rewarding, and crafting always becomes easier if the Level 1-2 Basic/Simple
project receives help from someone else. Items of this difficulty are simple or routine items that
However, a GM may require that you respect the limita- even an apprentice should be able to tackle, such as a metal
tions of your chosen class: only a teslamancer has the kinds of wheel, a simple smith’s apron, a horseshoe, or a simple
special knowledge and skills to create teslamancy devices. distilled chemical.
That said, even when you’re operating well within the
limitations of your class, powerful items Level 3-4 Intermediate/Advanced
require extraordinary feats of preparation. If you wish to Items of this difficulty require time, technique, and expe-
craft a truly remarkable item, it’s not unusual for a GM to rience to synthesize. For example: a resilient smith’s apron, a
propose an entire adventure around the acquisition of the crossbow, or a complex, but harmless, chemical compound.
appropriate materials.
Level 5-6 Complex/Master
These items demand a commitment of time and energy,

require a master’s hand, and may produce effects on par with Assistance. You recruit a fellow player or an NPC of an
magic. Attempting this project without the relevant proficien- appropriate complementary skill to lend a hand or provide
cies or even trade classes is likely impossible (at your GM’s guidance in the effort. The NPC must be different from your
discretion). For example: a spring gun capable of repeated fire, mentor (if you have one) and the skill cannot be identical
welding goggles that protect the wearer from being blinded, or to your own.
a magnificent airship. Projects of DL 5 or higher can only be
created one at a time (i.e. one glove, one boot) regardless of Sacrifice. You willingly sacrifice something of personal
convention. value in order to improve the quality of the craft. Think of this
less as the demands of your work and more as your priorities
Level 7+ Exemplary/Legendary changing as your character develops and matures. The severity
These items require cross-disciplinary training unattain- of the sacrifice should match the level of the challenge.
able by most tradespeople. The base materials themselves are
difficult to acquire, and the project requires a certain amount You may choose to acquire one or all of these prepara-
of preparation or high-quality materials as part of its base tion advantages before you begin your craft action. However,
materials. you can only earn each advantage once per project (unless a
A collaboration between at least two masters is a necessity, technique provided by your trade class states otherwise). In all
and each of you must make and succeed on the craft action cases, the GM is the final arbiter of what warrants a prepara-
checks independently of the other (though you may share tion benefit die.
resources in your respective preparations). Furthermore, a GM may choose to award 1d6 for inspi-
ration to any crafter who goes the extra mile to find creative,
Setting the DC immersive solutions to crafting problems. Inspiration d6s
The DC of a project is determined by its level, and is cannot be sought and crafters should only possess one use of
calculated like so: inspiration at a time. GMs who use inspiration dice in role-
playing may prefer to allow crossover usage, in which case the
(Difficulty Level × 5) + 5 typical inspiration d20 would translate to a d6 when used for
crafting. Similarly, GMs may choose to limit the inspiration
Therefore, a DL 1 project will have a DC of 10, and a DL die’s applicability to a crafter’s current project, or allow it to
7 project will have a DC of 40. apply to any project of the crafter’s choosing.
Base Materials STEP 4: CRAFT ACTION
All crafting efforts require base materials to even begin the Once the preparation is underway, you can now begin the
attempt: gears can’t be made without sheet metal and cold saw, crafting attempt. To do so, you must beat the crafting DC
and a pair of goggles can’t be completed without glass lenses. as determined by the GM in step 2. Your goal is to beat this
GMs are, however, encouraged to take this step with as much DC using a d6 and whatever advantages you’ve earned from
dramatic license as pleases your players: ultimately, go with the preparation.
level of detail that works for your group. All crafting attempts by default start with a base 1d6 +
Acquiring these items does not grant any extra dice for a related tool kit modifier and proficiency you might have.
the craft action. These materials should be appropriate for Successfully beating this DC creates an item; failing to do so
the difficulty imposed: Basic/Simple crafting materials can be destroys your materials. If you’re playing a trade class, or a
easily scrounged from a scrapheap or acquired affordably in scientific class like the teslamancer, then your base crafting d6
shops, while Complex/Master components are likely more pool increases along with your crafting tier. If you're playing
challenging to acquire. another class, you’ll want to consult the “Crafting Generalist”
Whatever the project level, all players should still be given rules in With + Craft to determine the appropriate base craft-
the opportunity to go above and beyond the call of these base ing dice for your level.
materials in order to prepare, as explained in the next step. Each advantage that you gained from the preparation
stage grants an additional d6 which may be added to your roll,
STEP 3: PREPARATION significantly improving your odds of success.
Once the challenge has been set, you can begin to prepare.
You may roll these d6 all at once, or one at a time, stop-
Preparation falls into the following categories:
ping when you beat the DC if you so choose. Once a die has
been rolled it can’t be removed from your crafting attempt.
Knowledge. You study the subject in advance, either from
source materials or an NPC mentor (either of which may be STEP 5: FINE-TUNING
difficult to access). There is, however, a catch. Any d6 that lands on a one
introduces a flaw, and likewise, any d6 that lands on a six
High-Quality Materials. You spend time finding introduces a boon. Flaws and boons can stack to create unin-
high-quality materials that can’t be easily acquired from a shop. tended (and potentially dangerous) side effects of your crafting
attempt and should therefore be considered carefully. The

more flaws an object has, the worse; and the more boons, the Sometimes, you may prefer to keep your flaws and boons
better. For more all together. In such a case, the GM may flavor your flaw
info, see the “Flaws and Boons” section below. Flaws can and boon as complementary of one another: two sides of the
be negated by spending a boon to cancel it out. This can be same coin.
done as many times as desired and does not remove the value Variant Rule: Desperate Measures
of the die roll from your total against the DC. Sometimes a project is so close to coming together. With
this variant rule, you can
STEP 6: APPRAISAL take a flaw or lose a boon during the fine-tuning step in
On Success exchange for +3 to your craft roll. You can only do this once
Once the dice are rolled and any flaws or boons canceled per crafting attempt.
out, it’s time to appraise. The GM will
officially grant the item any qualities it inherently possesses
The above crafting system can also be used to repair exist-
and allow you to describe its finished state. However, it
ing, but damaged, items—
will also possess any flaws or boons it may have gained in
whether they be of your own or someone else’s construc-
the rolling.
tion. Doing so will follow
On Failure the same process as crafting from scratch, except that the
If you fail to meet the crafting DC, the item is a failure, components of the damaged item will be counted among its
and the base materials required to make it are lost. It is up base materials. Simple repairs should set the difficulty one
to your GM to determine whether any of your preparation level below
(including high-quality materials) can be “reused” on a subse- what would be the item’s crafting difficulty—except for
quent attempt, or whether this failure indicates insufficient DL 7+ Legendary/Exemplary projects, which, when damaged,
preparation and you’ll need to go back to the drawing board. have a repair challenge rating equal to their crafting challenge
at minimum, and may even be more difficult to repair if the
Flaws & Boons item was originally crafted by someone else.
Flaws & boons vary widely depending on the scope and If an item is created with flaws, then repairs cannot
difficulty of the project at hand and are up to GM discre- remove them.
tion. More specific flaws and boons can be found in the
Witch+Craft book by Astrolago Press. UPGRADES
Unless canceled out and negated, flaws & boons always The crafting system can be used to upgrade existing
stack: one flaw rolled is a minor flaw, while two flaws rolled gadgets, whether they are of your own or someone else’s
makes a substantial flaw. When four or more ones or sixes are construction. Upgrades require time and experience with an
rolled and item to understand its workings and learn how to improve
left without being canceled out, then the flaws and boons them, so upgrade attempts should be limited to once per level
begin to multiply: four flaws rolled become one dangerous for a given item, and should only be allowed on items that a
flaw and one minor flaw; five flaws become one dangerous character has used or studied frequently.
flaw and one substantial flaw; six flaws becomes two danger- This otherwise follows the rules for repairing an item,
ous flaws, and then a new stack is however the difficulty level should be the same or higher than
made again. Likewise, the same is true of sixes when they the original item, depending on how much more powerful the
become boons. new item is.

Stack Value Effect Example

1 Minor Non-mechanical, The wrench is ugly (flaw)
typically cosmetic The vehicle’s chassis gleams (boon)
2 Substantial The object has mechanical The spring-gun’s barrel is poorly striated, attacks against armored
features that make it perform targets have disadvantage (flaw)
better or worse than expected The scalpel never rusts and is immune to acid damage (boon)
3 Dangerous The item performs as The teslamancer’s staff works, but is prone to wild discharges,
(Flaw) expected but with possi- dealing 1d10 lightning damage whenever you critically fail on
bly harmful consequences an attack roll (flaw)
for the user
3 Groundbreaking The item performs as The adrenaline shot also provides the benefits of a potion of fire
(Boon) expected and has a surprising giant’s strength on consumption (boon)
benefit or alternative function

If an item is created with flaws, you can forego
any other benefits of an upgrade to remove a
single flaw present in the item. If this is done, the
crafting difficulty of the upgraded item will always
be one higher than the base item—except for DL
7+ Legendary/Exemplary projects, which have an
upgrade challenge rating equal to their crafting
challenge at minimum, and may even be more diffi-
cult to upgrade if the item was originally crafted by
someone else.
Failing to upgrade an item does not ruin it. A
character can stop after spending half of their total
crafting dice to restore the item to its original state
at no penalty. However, if a character fails to meet
the crafting DC to upgrade, the item remains the
same and any flaws (but not boons) accrued during
the crafting rolls are added to the original item.
A damaged item must be repaired completely
before it can be upgraded.

Workspaces vary in size and complexity, with
some projects requiring bulky equipment: station-
ary drills and saws for machining, forges for
smelting, or specialized laboratories for teslamancy.
When necessary, workspaces are considered part
of the base materials needed to begin a craft-
ing attempt.

For more inspiration and ideas about crafting
rules, trade classes, and generalist crafting for
all classes, see the rules outlined in the
Witch+Craft book by Astrolago Press.

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