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Immunomodulators in traditional Indian health care

Table 2 Pharmacology of immunomodulatory activities from putative medicinal plants

Plant/Family name Dose administered Type of solvent In vitro/in vivo model Mechanism involved and observation
Ocimum sanctum Linn. 200 mg/kg p.o. Aqueous/alcoholic HA titer Extract shows increased DTH to sheep red blood cells SRBCs.
(Labiateae) Alcoholic extract was more potent than aqueous in producing
delayed type hypersensitivity response. Both extracts have
marginal stimulatory effect on humoral immunity.12
3 mg/kg, i.p. Seed oil HA titer Oil shows significant immunomodulatory effect, increase in
SRBCs antibody titer and a decrease in percentage histamine
release from the peritoneal mast cell of sensitized rats
(humoral immune responses); also a decrease in footpad
thickness and percentage leucocyte migration inhibition (cell-
mediated immune responses) is observed.13
Morus alba Linn. (Moraceae) 100 mg/kg,1 g/kg, Methanolic HA titer, carbon clearance Extract affects humoral immunity as shown in the indirect
p.o. assay, cyclophosphamide hemagglutination test, serum immunoglobulin levels and mice
induced neutropenia and lethality test. It also affects cell-mediated immunity, showing
neutrophil adhesion test significant increase in the neutrophil adhesion, carbon
clearance and a reduction in cyclophosphamide induced
Panax ginseng Wall. 100 mg, p.o. Liquid ginseng Double-blind, placebo- Blood samples collected at baseline and week four. At week
(Araliaceae) extract controlled eight-week study eight examined PMN cell chemotaxis, phagocytosis, total
lymphocytes, T-helper and T-suppressor cells, and NK-cell
activity. Groups receiving ginseng experienced consistent
improvement in immune system activity at week four and
statistically significant differences at week eight, evidenced by
improvements in PMN cell chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and total
number of T-helper and T-suppressor cells.17
Achillea millefolium C. Koch 100 mg/kg, i.p. Alcoholic DTH, HA titer Extract exhibits significant stimulatory effect on both humoral
(Compositae) and cellular immune functions in mice. Aqueous extract of
plant shows significant increase in the delayed type of
hypersensitivity response at a dose of 100 mg/kg. In the
hemagglutination test, plant extract shows stimulatory effect
in all doses.34
Aloe vera Tourn.ex Linn. 100 g/mL Hydrogel Mouse macrophage cell line, Acemannan (primary polysaccharide from Aloe vera gel)
(Liliaceae) RAW 264.7 incubated on special type of mouse macrophage cell line, RAW
264.7 for 24 h causes immunostimulation due to activation of
Andrographis paniculata Nees Dose dependent Alcoholic Mitogen induced Andrographolide acts as inhibitor of TNF-a and induces
(Acanthaceae) lymphocyte proliferation significant stimulation of both “antigen specific” and “antigen
nonspecific” types of immune responses in mice, showing
effectiveness against a variety of infectious and oncogenic
(cancer causing) agents.22
(continued on next page)

Table 2 (continued)
Type of solvent
Plant/Family name Dose administered extract In vitro/in vivo model Mechanism involved and observation
Asparagus racemosus Wild. 100 mg/kg body Aqueous HA titer Aqueous extract showed immunoadjuvant effect on
(Liliaceae) weight experimental animals when immunized with diphtheria,
tetanus, and pertussis vaccine. Reduced mortality coupled
with overall improved health status was observed in treated
animals, indicating the development of a protective immune
Murraya koenigii (L) Spreng. 250 and 500 mg/kg, Methanolic HA titerDTH, NO assay, Extract showed immunostimulation in vitro and in vivo.
(Rutaceae) p.o. phagocytic activity Significant increase in NO production by mouse peritoneal
macrophages is detected in cultures. Supernatants indicated
increase phagocytic activity of macrophages thus increase in
phagocytic index by rapid removal of carbon particles from
blood stream.24
Couroupita guianensis Aubl. 100e200 mg/kg, Aqueous, In vitro phagocytic activity, Extract showed immunostimulation in vitro and in vivo and
(Lecythidaceae) p.o. methanolic HA titer, hypersensitivity increased phagocytic activity thus an increase in phagocytic
response index and in DTH.25
Tinospora cordifolia Miers. p.o. Aqueous, In vitro phagocytic activity, Improves the phagocyte function without affecting cell-
(Menispermiaceae) methanolic HA titer, hypersensitivity mediated and humoral immune systems and also causes
response, inhibition of inhibition of C3 canvertase of the classical complement
allogenic transplant pathway, hence acts as immunomodulator.26
Lagenaria siceraria Mol. 23 mg/kg ,i.p. Ethanolic HA titer, DTH Extract showed immunostimulation in vitro and in vivo by
(Cucurbitaceae) increasing the DTH.27
Terminalia arjuna Roxb. 400 mg/kg, p.o. Aqueous, alcoholic HA titer Plant showed immunomodulation by increasing the secondary
(Combretaceae) immune response as evidenced by an increase in Anti- SRBC
antibody titre (ASRBs) antibody titer but failed to modulate
primary immune response.28
Bauhinia variegata Linn. 250e500 mg/kg, Ethanolic Carbon clearance test and Increase in macrophage stimulatory activity, neutrophil
(Caesalpiniaceae) p.o. neutrophil adhesion test, adhesion and hemagglutination antibody titer confirms its
HA titer immunomodulatory potential.29
Urena lobata Linn. (Malvaceae) 5100 mg/mL Methanolic Phagocytic activity, Extract showed immunostimulation in vitro and increased
phagocytic activity thus increases in phagocytic index.30
Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. 25 mg/mL, 50 mg/mL Aqueous Neutrophil locomotion and Extract showed significant immunomodulation at all
(Asclepiadaceae) and 100 mg/mL chemotaxis test, concentrations in various in vitro models by exerting
phagocytosis of killed a stimulating effect on phagocytic activity, neutrophil
Candida albicans and locomotion and chemotaxis.31
nitroblue terazolium tests

D. Kumar et al.
Cordia superba Cham. and 100 mg/mL Methanolic NO assay, Extract showed a significant immunomodulation by stimulating
C. rufescens A. DC. lymphoproliferation assay, the NO, IFN-g and lipopolysaccharide.32
(Boraginaceae) cytotoxicity assay, Myxed
lymphocyte reaction
Immunomodulators in traditional Indian health care
Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora Different Diethyl ether, ethyl Chemiluminescence and T- Strong inhibitory activity of P. scrophulariiflora towards the
Benth. (Scrophulariaceae) concentrations acetate, aqueous, cell proliferation assay, DTH classical pathway of complement, chemiluminescence and T-
methanolic cell proliferation assay was observed for the diethyl ether
Heracleum persicum Desf. 50, 100 and 200 mg/ Aqueous DTH, HA titer Stimulates both humoral and cellular immune system, also
(Apiaceae) kg stimulates the production of interleukin-6. Aqueous extract of
plant shows significant increase in DTH at doses of 50, 100 and
200 mg/kg. In hemagglutination test, plant extract showed
stimulatory effect in all doses.34
Cissampelos pareira Linn. 75 mg/kg, p.o. Aqueous, ethanolic HA titer, DTH Stimulates immune system, affects humoral immunity as shown
(Menispermiaceae) by its effect in the indirect hemagglutination test, serum
immunoglobulin levels. It also affects cell-mediated
Abutilon indicum linn. 200, 400 mg/kg Aqueous, ethanolic HA titer, DTH, neutrophil Stimulates immune system, affects humoral immunity as shown
(Malvaceae) adhesion test and carbon by its effect in the indirect hemagglutination test, serum
clearance test immunoglobulin levels. Also affects cell-mediated immunity,
showing significant increase in neutrophil adhesion and carbon
Chlorophytum borivilianum 100-200 mg/kg Ethanolic Azathioprine-induced Observed an increase in DTH, % neutrophil adhesion and in vivo
Sant. (Liliaceae) myelosuppresion, DTH , % phagocytosis by carbon clearance method after treatment with
neutrophil adhesion, carbon extracts, proving its potential as an immunomodulator.37
Alternanthera tenella Colla 50, 100 or 200 mg/ Aqueous Plaque-forming cell assays Immunostimulation through modulation of B-lymphocyte
(Amaranthaceae) kg, i.p. and enzyme-linked functions was achieved using aqueous extracts of A. tenella.38
immunosorbent assay
Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) 12.5, 100, 400 mg/ Aqueous, ethanolic, Cytokine assay (TNF-a, IFN- Induction of cytokine (TNF-a, IFN-g) by Ganoderma suggests its
P. Karst. (Polyporaceae) mL ammonium oxalate, g) immunomodulatory potential.39
sodium hydroxide
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis 50, 100, 150 and Ethanolic HA titer, DTH Potentially stimulates immune system and affects both
L. (Oleaceae) 200 mg/kg humoral immunity as well as cell-mediated immunity as shown
by its effect in the indirect hemagglutination test and serum
immunoglobulin levels.40
Actinidia macrosperma 250 mg/kg Aqueous Lymphocyte proliferation Acts as immunomodulator by lymphocyte proliferation
(Actinidiaceae) assay, NK cell cytotoxicity stimulation and by activating NK cells.41
Acacia catechu (Leguminosae) 5 mg/kg and 50 mg/ Aqueous Neutrophil adhesion test, Aqueous extract affects humoral immunity as shown by its
kg, p.o. mice lethality test, carbon effect in the indirect hemagglutination test, serum
clearance assay, immunoglobulin levels and mice lethality test. It also has
cyclophosphamide induced effect on the cell-mediated immunity, showing significant
neutropenia, serum increase in the neutrophil adhesion, carbon clearance and a
immunoglobulin levels and reduction in cyclophosphamide induced neutropenia.42
the hamagglutination test
Boswellia spp. (Burseraceae) 100 mL/mL Oil Lymphocyte proliferation Stimulatory effect on lymphocyte proliferation.43
(continued on next page)

Table 2 (continued)
Type of solvent
Plant/Family name Dose administered extract In vitro/in vivo model Mechanism involved and observation
Hibiscus rosa sinensis Linn. 75, 150 and 300 mg/ Hydro alcoholic Carbon clearance, HA titer Stimulatory effect on both humoral immunity as well as cell-
(Malvaceae) kg, p.o. and footpad swelling mediated immunity by stimulating phagocytosis, increases in
method DTH.44
Cleome gynandra Linn. 50, 100 and 200 mg/ Ethanolic Carbon clearance, HA titer Stimulatory effect on both humoral immunity as well as cell-
(Capperdiceae) kg, p.o. and footpad swelling mediated immunity by stimulating phagocytosis, increases in
method DTH.44
Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit., 50, 70 mg/kg Alcoholic HA titer and % paw volume Potentially suppresses immune system affecting both humoral
(Lamaceae) determination immunity and cell-mediated immunity as shown by its effect in
indirect hemagglutination test.45
Randia dumetorum Lamk. 100 mg/kg Chlorofom, DTH, cyclophosphamide Modulates immune system depending upon fractions and
(Rubiaceae) petroleum ether, induced mylosuppression mechanism involved in stimulation and increase in DTH
methanolic model response.46
Allium hirtifolium Boiss. 100e1000 mg/kg Hydro alcoholic SRBC induced footpad Increase in footpad thickness due to immunomodulatory
(Alliaceae) thickness, activity .47
Citrus natsudaidai Hayata 100, 200 or 400 mg/ Oil lymphocyte proliferation Immunostimulatory effect on lymphocyte proliferation,
(Rutaceae) kg, “p.o.” assay, cytokine induction of cytokine (TNF-a, INF-g).48
DTH Z delayed type hypersensitivity response; HA Z hemagglutination; IFN- g Z interferon-g; i.p. Z intraperitoneal injection; NK Z natural killer; NO Z nitric oxide;
PMN Z polymorphonuclear; p.o. Z per ossa; SRBC Z sheep red blood cells; TNF-a Z tumor necrosis factor-a.

D. Kumar et al.

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