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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Program : VII (Tujuh)
Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 11 September 2020
Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00 (90 menit)

1. Tulislah terlebih dahulu Nama dan Nomor tes Anda pada lembar jawab yang tersedia!
2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan cermat!
3. Kerjakan semua soal dan dahulukan soal-soal yang paling mudah!
4. Telitilah terlebih dahulu pekerjaan Anda sebelum Anda serahkan kepada pengawas!
1. Untuk soal no 1 s.d. 40, berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C atau D yang
merupakan yang paling benar pada lembar jawaban.
I. Pilihan Ganda

1. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Farida will go to school. She says … to her parents.
a. Good morning, Farah
b. Good afternoon, Farah
c. Good evening, Farah
d. Good night, Farah

2. Fira : …. I cannot return the book today, Mam.

Librarian : No worry Dear. You can do it tomorrow.
a. Thank you
b. Thanks a lot
c. I am so sorry
d. Good bye

3. Raihan : I’m so sleepy Mam. ….

Mother : Ok Dear. Have a nice dream.
a. Good night, Mam
b. Good afternoon, Mam
c. Good evening, Mam
d. Good morning, Mam

4. Sabrina : Thanks for helping me this morning Zahra.

Zahra : You are welcome, Sabrina.
The underlined utterance expression is … .
a. expressing of parting
b. expressing of saying thank
c. responding of greeting expression
d. responding of saying thank

5. Arif : Hello, Raihan. …?

Raihan : Great. And you ?
Arif : I am fine too.
a. How are you
b. How do you do
c. What’s your name
d. Where are you from
6. Doni : When will we say good bye ?
Deni : When … .
a. we make a mistake
b. we leave someone
c. we meet someone
d. we help someone

7. Andri : Rin, may I use your phone to call my father?

Karin : Sure, here it is.
Andri : ….
Karin : That’s ok.
a. I am fine
b. Thank you
c. I am sorry
d. You are welcome

8. Mita : After breaking Mia’s ruler, you have to ask her for ….
Vera : Ok. Thanks for your advice.
a. helping
b. thanking
c. apologizing
d. greeting

9. Teacher : I think it’s all for now, any question ?

Students : No, Sir
Teacher : All right, then. See you next Tuesday.
The underlined utterance expresses ….
a. congratulation
b. apologizing
c. greeting
d. leave taking

10. Budi : Can you help me ?

Yuli : I am so sorry , I can’t.
The underlined expression expresses ….
a. expressing apology
b. responding apology
c. asking help
d. giving help

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 11 and 12)

Librarian : Your library card, please?
Student : …. I forgot to bring it.
Librarian : So, you can’t borrow this book.

11. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….

a. How come
b. I am sorry
c. I am sad
d. I am fine

12. The underlined word has the opposite meaning with ….

a. return
b. collect
c. lend
d. card
13. Tegar : I’m Tegar. How do you do?
Fira : …. I’m fira Nasution
a. What do you say
b. How do you spell your name
c. What is your name
d. How do you do

The following dialogue is for the question no 14 to 17

Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a movie. Suddenly they meet Andi. Faiz’s friend
outside of the cinema.
Faiz : Hello Andi, Good afternoon.
Andi : Good afternoon, Faiz. (14) ….?
Faiz : I’m fine thank you. And how about you?
Andi : (15) ….
Faiz : Oh, this is my friend, Rizqi
Andi : Hello Rizqi, my name is Andi. (16) ….
Rizqi : Hi, my name is Rizqi. Nice to meet you too.
Faiz : Well Andi. I think we have to go now, the movie is started to play.
Andi : Okay. (17) ….
Faiz : See you.

14. a. Nice to meet you

b. Where are you
c. How are you ?
d. Glad to see you

15. a. See you later

b. Nice to meet you
c. Good to see you
s. I’m fine too

16. a. How are you?

b. Good afternoon
c. Glad to see you
d. Nice to meet you

17. a. See you later

b. Where are you going?
c. How are you?
d. Nice to meet you
Complete the following dialogues below !

18. Raisa : Do you bring my book?

Tasya : …. I forget to bring it.

a. Thank you
b. I’m so sorry
c. No, problem
d. With pleasure

19. Faris : This is your new bag , friend?

Sapta : Wow, …, my best friend.
Faris : Don’t mention it.

a. Don’t worry
b. It’s OK
c. Thanks a lot
d. Forget it
20. Rina : Salma, this is a present for you. I hope you like it.
Salma : Oh, this is so wonderful. ….
a. I like it very much
b. Thank you very much
c. You are welcome
d. Don’t mention it

The following dialogue is for the question no 21 to 23.

Mr. Adi : “Rio, please, introduce yourself to your classmates!”
Rio : “Yes, Sir. Well, good morning, everybody!. … (21) I am Rio Ariawan. You can
call me Rio.”
Fatah : “Where are you from, Rio?”
Rio : “I come from East Java. We move here because my father works in this town
Indra : “Welcome in our nice class, Rio. It’s nice to meet you.”
Rio : “Thank you. Nice to meet you too.”

21. The best expression to complete the dialog above is …

a. I am happy to meet you.
b. Let me introduce myself.
c. May I introduce my friend.
d. Let me introduce you to the audience.

22. Based on the dialogue above, we know that Rio is ....

a. a teacher
b. a librarian
c. a new student
d. a new teacher

23. What is Rio doing in front of the class?

a. He is introducing himself to his classmates.
b. He is introducing his friend to others.
c. He is welcoming his new friend.
d. He is telling about his father.

The following text is for the question no 24 and 25

Hello, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sheza Ramadhani.

I am from Jogjakarta but now I live … Jepara, … Jalan Pemuda. To be
precise, I live at 7 Jalan Pemuda. Thank you.

24. What are the suitable prepositions to complete the following text?
a. in - at - on
c. on - at - on

25. By saying “I am from Jogjakarta” Sheza wants to tell about his …

a. Family
b. Nick name
c. Home address
d. Place of origin

…? I live at 25 Jalan Soedirman.
The best expression to fill in the callout is …
a. How’s life
b. Where do you live
c. Where are you from
d. With whom do you live

27. Dino : Hi, What’s your name?

Tanti : My name is Artanti Hapsari. You can call me Tanti.
Dini : …?
Tanti : /ti – ei – en – ti – i/

a. Do you call me
b. Is it your full name
c. What’s your nick name
d. How do you spell your name

28. Ratna : What is your favorite food, Vita?

Vita : My favorite one is satay. What about you?
Ratna : Oh, I don’t like meat-filled food.
Vita : Really? So are you a vegetarian?
Ratna : Yes, I am.

What food might Ratna like?

a. Steak
b. Satay
c. Meat ball
d. Vegetable soup

29. I have friend. … name is Bagus Alfiando . He was born in 2010. He comes from
Bandung. He loves playing football. He is a good football player.
a. My
b. His
c. Her
d. Your

The following text is for the question no 30 and 31.

Name : Lidya Arista
Address : Pecangaan
Hobbies : cooking and singing
Favorite colour : yellow
Favorite food : fried rice
Favorite drink : orange juice

30. From the text above, we know that…

a. Lidya has only one hobby.
b. Lidya doesn’t like orange juice.
c. Lidya’s favorite colour is orange.
d. Lidya likes to eat fried rice when she is hungry.

31. The word “drink” here has the closest meaning with ….
a. beverage
b. interest
c. juice
d. snack
The following text is for the question no 32 and 33

Hi, my name is Sherryl Sheinafia.

I am a student of SMP N 8 Batang.
I live with my parents in Kecepak, Batang.
My father is Mr. Rahmat. He is a farmer.
He works in a rice field to plant paddy.
My mother is Mrs. Kinanti. She is a housewife.
Swimming is my hobby. I like doing it in Tirta Ria
swimming pool on Saturday.
While my favorite food is fried chicken.
Nice to meet you.

32. What is the text about?

a. Sherryl’s hobby
b. Sherryl’s parents
c. Sherryl’s identity
d. Sherryl’s activities

33. What does Sherryl do in her weekend?

a. She swims in Tirta Ria swimming pool.
b. She helps her mother to clean the house.
c. She makes fried chicken as her favorite food.
d. She plants paddy in the rice field with his father.

The following text is for the question no 34 and 35

Hello, I am Ge Pamungkas. I am a student of SMP Negeri Tunas Bangsa. I am twelve
years old. I live at 46 Jalan Serai, Bandung. There are five people in my family. They
are my father, my mother, my younger brother, my little sister and myself. My father is
Mr. Ginanjar. He is a doctor. My mother is Mrs. Hastuti. She is a teacher. My younger
brother is Fahri. He is still in kindergarten. My little sister is Akila. She is in playgroup.

34. Where does Ge’s mother work?

a. In a school
b.In a hospital
c. In a playgroup
d.In a kindergarten

35. From the text, it can be concluded that Mr. Ginanjar and Mrs. Hastuti are Ge’s ….
a. brothers
b. children
c. parents
d. siblings

The following picture is for the question no 36 and 37

36. From the picture, we know that ….
a. Elena is Juan’s aunt
b. Eva is Isabel’s sister
c. Ana is Clara’s mother
d. Carlos is Pablo’s niece

37. Based on the picture, Mr. Luis has two grandsons. They are ….
a. Pablo and Miguel
b. Pablo and Elena
c. Juan and Carlos
d. Isabel and Eva

The following text is for the question no 38 to 40.

My name is Melisa Nasrida. I am 14 years old. I live in a small town with my family.
My family is a simple family. I have one older sister and one younger brother.
My father’s name is Hendra. He is 49 years old. He is a policeman. My mother’s
name is Ema. She is 48 years old. She is a housewife who manages family finances. My
mother is not very modern. My older sister, Liana is 17 years old now. She is a senior high
school student. She is a smart student. My younger brother, Rangga is 12 years old. We are
junior high school students and we go to the same school.
My siblings and I have different hobbies. Liana likes reading a book. Every weekend
she always goes to a book store with my mother to buy some books. My hobby is singing. I
always sing a song when I take a bath. It’s an interesting thing for me. My brother has the
same hobby with me, but he can play a guitar too. His voice is so good, I like to hear his
voice, it’s so nice.
That is my family. I love them more than anything.

38. How many people are there in Mr. Hendra’s family?

a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six

39. “Every weekend she always goes to a book store with my mother to buy some books”.
What does the word “she” refer to?
a. Liana
b. Melisa
c. Rangga
d. Mrs. Ema

40. The topic of paragraph 3 is about ….

a. The children in the family
b. The children’s hobbies
c. The jobs in the family
d. The parents’ hobbies

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