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Serquillos, Christian A.

Curriculum Development in Nursing MANS110

Long Quiz #1

Question 1. In our educational system, relevant reforms are undertaken to improve the curriculum. What
reforms were made to address the teaching learning needs of students.


Restructuring the Philippines’s basic educational system through the K to 12 Program is a tough but
strategic move by the government to ensure that it produces competent graduates who can serve as the
backbone for a highly skilled and employable work force.

Introduced in 2011 by the Department of Education (DepEd), headed by Secretary Armin Luistro, FSJ,
the K to 12 Program made kindergarten a prerequisite to basic education. It lengthened basic schooling to
include a two-year senior high school and offered technical and vocational courses to students not
planning to go to college, thus giving them more chances of getting employed in blue-collar work.

The program replaced the 10-year basic education curriculum, which consisted of six years in grade
school and four years in high school that concentrated on the English language and Filipino, the sciences,
arithmetic and mathematics, and the social sciences.

It also incorporated these basic lessons to include basic science and technology, engineering,
mathematics, accountancy, business and management, humanities and social sciences, and general
academic courses such as technical-vocational-livelihood, arts and design, and sports.

Question 2: There are many types of curriculum implemented today. If you are to choose, what are these
types and why you selected it (top 3 of your choice).


If I were to choose, here 3 the types of curriculum that I would like to be implemented today:

SUPPORTED CURRICULUM -The supported curriculum is about the implementation of the written
curriculum. Whatever is being taught or activity being done in the classroom is a taught curriculum. So,
when teachers give a lecture, initiate group work, or ask students to do a laboratory experiment with their
guidance, the taught curriculum is demonstrated. This curriculum contains different teaching styles and
learning styles to address the students’ needs and interests.

ASSESSED CURRICULUM-When students take a quiz or the mid-term and final exams, these
evaluations are the so-called assessed curriculum. Teachers may use the pencil and paper tests and
authentic assessments like portfolio and performance-based assessments to know if the students are
progressing or not.

LEARNED CURRICULUM- This type of curriculum indicates what the students have learned. The
capability that students should demonstrate at the end of the lesson can be measured through learning
outcomes. A learning outcome can be manifested by what students can perform or do either in their
cognitive, affective, or psychomotor domains. The test results can determine the learning outcome, and
the students can achieve it through learning objectives.
Question 3 Differentiate VMGO and its importance in the planning phase of curriculum development.


Vision Statement

A vision statement is created as a compelling verbal image and forms a mental picture of the future. It
should define what we seek to become as an organization, yet describe something that is realistic. The
vision should generate human energy and engagement. In other words, it should provide direction and
focus for the organization.

To develop a vision statement, ask yourself these questions:

What is your dream or vision of the future?

What is the loftiest picture you can imagine?
Then, convince others of the value of that vision. Express it in a way that aligns with their best interests.
Encourage them to buy into your purpose for the organization. Keep the statement brief and memorable.
Use it to focus your activities.

Mission Statement

Your mission is the business reason for your organization’s existence. It is an element of the charter. It
doesn’t describe a specific outcome and contains no time limit or measurement. The mission statement
provides the basis for setting your goals and is used to allocate resources.

To define your mission, begin by describing why your organization exists. Identify your scope of
products and services. Identify your customers and the audience for your offerings. Then, write a brief
and succinct mission statement.

Goals and Objectives

Goals are conditions to be achieved in the future. They must be defined consistent with your vision,
mission, and strategic directions. Goals guide your decisions and actions. However, they usually do not
involve measurable results, and therefore, do not change as often as objectives.

Objectives are focused on critical issues and milestones. They describe the activities and targets to
achieve your goals. They identify the dates for completing the activities. They are measurable in terms of
being achieved, or not.

Question 4. Cite some curriculum development models introduced by early curriculumnists and its
relevance to education.

There are three models of curriculum design: subject-centered, learner-centered, and problem-centered
Subject-centered curriculum design -revolves around a particular subject matter or discipline, such as
mathematics, literature or biology. This model of curriculum design tends to focus on the subject, rather
than the student. It is the most common model of standardized curriculum that can be found in K-12
public schools.

Teachers compile lists of subjects and specific examples of how they should be studied. In higher
education, this methodology is typically found in large university or college classes where teachers focus
on a particular subject or discipline.

Teachers compile lists of subjects, and specific examples of how they should be studied. In higher
education, this methodology is typically found in large university or college classes where teachers focus
on a particular subject or discipline.

Subject-centered curriculum design is not student-centered, and the model is less concerned with
individual learning styles compared to other forms of curriculum design. This can lead to problems with
student engagement and motivation and may cause students who are not responsive to this model to fall

Learner-centered curriculum design-, by contrast, revolves around student needs, interests and goals. It
acknowledges that students are not uniform but individuals, and therefore should not, in all cases, be
subject to a standardized curriculum. This approach aims to empower learners to shape their education
through choices.

Differentiated instructional plans provide an opportunity to select assignments, teaching and learning
experiences, or activities that are timely and relevant. This form of curriculum design has been shown to
engage and motivate students. The drawback to this form of curriculum design is that it can create
pressure to form content around the learning needs and preferences of students. These insights can be
challenging to glean in a largely online learning environment. Balancing individual student interests with
the course’s required outcomes could prove to be a daunting task.

Problem-centered curriculum design- teaches students how to look at a problem and formulate a
solution. A problem-centered curriculum model helps students engage in authentic learning because
they’re exposed to real-life issues and skills, which are transferable to the real world. Problem-centered
curriculum design has been shown to increase the relevance of the curriculum and encourages creativity,
innovation and collaboration in the classroom. The drawback to this model is that the individual needs
and interests of students aren’t always accounted for.

By considering all three models of curriculum design before they begin planning, instructors can choose
the model that is best suited to both their students and their course.

Question 5 In the nursing curriculum in particular, what are your observations and what will you
recommend to be enhanced?


The subject of continuous improvement in the quality of nursing education programme is an extremely
sensitive issue worldwide, particularly in the Philippines where a high number of trained registered nurses
are exported to both developed and developing countries. The assessment of the quality of nursing
education programme is usually measured using pass rates in licensure examinations by several
government organizations. However, few studies have indicated that various categories of faculty
members view the quality of nursing programmes differently, this study probed further and determined
whether the quality of nursing education programme differs according to the profile of faculty members
in Philippines colleges of higher education.

Question 6 What are the resources to be upgraded in curriculum revision to further improve the learning
process of students?

The World Health Organization emphasized vision as a key requirement for the quality of nursing
education as part of the global standards for the education of professional nurses and midwives. In a study
on quality assurance in higher education, mission/vision/goals/objectives were rated higher as the driving
force for the quality nursing education programme.

Even though, many studies have emphasized on the importance of clinical experience on the quality of
nursing education programme clinical experience and type of faculty did not show a significant
difference in the quality of nursing education programme in all the eight quality matrix in this study. This
implies that the quality of nursing education programme will be the same throughout all the nursing
colleges in the Philippines with regards to clinical experience and job category of instructors.

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