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Feature Articles

Soft Drink Vending Machines in Schools:

A Clear and Present Danger
James Price, Judy Murnan, and Bradene Moore


This paper examines the availability of soft drinks in schools (“pouring rights contracts”) and its effects on the
growing nutritional problems of American youth. Of special concern is the prevalence of overweight youth, which
has been increasing at alarming rates. There has been a direct relationship found between soft drink consumption
and overweight in youth. Soft drinks account for as much as 20% to 24% of the calories consumed by youth. Higher
rates of soft drink consumption are seen in youth from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. School administrators
play a negative role in the health of students when they allow commercialism (advertising and selling of products to
students) in their schools. Soft drink companies have been at the forefront of commercialism in schools. These
“pouring rights contracts” have helped encourage student addictions to high-calorie soft drinks, while at the same
time making school administrators accustomed to the financial gains. Yet, many school administrators do not per-
ceive pouring rights contracts as jeopardizing the health of students. Banning the sale of soft drinks on school cam-
puses must be a higher priority for those concerned about the health of youth.

bottlers who represent 85% of the bottlers. impact on overweight youth. The final sec-
American Beverage Association Presi- Local bottling companies are independently tion of this paper offers several potential
dent and CEO Susan Neely announced owned and are free to ignore their national points of intervention (local, state, and na-
the organization’s policy recommenda- organization’s recommendations. Thus, tional) for reducing the role of ubiquitous
tion that vending machines stock only there is a continuing need to educate com- soft drinks in schools.
bottled water and 100% juice in elemen- munity leaders, parents, and school person-
tary schools. Middle school students nel regarding the contribution of soft drink
would have access to additional drinks, vending in schools to the growing youth
like sports drinks, no-calorie soft drinks, obesity problem. James H. Price, PhD, MPH, is professor of
and low-calorie juice drinks. She indi- This article explores the growing prob- Health Education with the Department of Pub-
cated the industry needs to help fight the lem of soft drinks readily available in lic Health, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
increasing rate of childhood obesity. schools. More specifically, it examines the 43606; Email: Judy
– Olympia, WA August 16, 2005 –— epidemic of overweight in youths followed Murnan, MPH, PhD, is assistant professor of
Associated Press by the role of soft drink consumption con- Health Education, University of Cincinnati,
tributing to the overweight youth problem. Cincinnati, OH 45221. Bradene Moore, JD, As-
The aforementioned American Beverage This is followed by a section on commer- sociate Professor of Legal Studies, Dept of Le-
Association policy recommendation is just cialism and the more specific component, gal Specialties, Mailstop 119, University of To-
that: a recommendation to its membership pouring rights contracts in schools and its ledo, 2801 W. Bancroft, Toledo, OH 43606.

306 American Journal of Health Education — September/October 2006, Volume 37, No. 5
James H. Price, Judy Murnan, and Bradene Moore

Table 1. Nutrient Compositions of Soft Drinks, Frozen Orange Juice (OJ)*, and Milk
Nutrients Coca-Cola Pepsi-Cola Mt. Dew Dr. Pepper OJ Milk (1%)
Calories (kcal) 144 160 170 150 168 153
Sugar (g) 38 40 46 40 40 18
Vitamin A (IU) 0 0 0 0 291 750
Vitamin C (mg) 0 0 0 0 146 3
Folate (micro/g) 0 0 0 0 164 18
Calcium (mg) 0 0 0 0 33 450
Potassium (mg) 0 0 0 0 711 352
Magnesium (mg) 0 0 0 0 36 51
Phosphate (mg) 60 55 <1 45 60 353

*Made from concentrate; all servings are based on a 12-ounce serving.

Source: Personal contact with soft drink companies’ consumer information lines on March 17, 2005 and Nestle M. Soft drink “pouring rights”: marketing
empty calories to children. Pub Health Rep. 2000; 115: 308–319.

The Overweight Epidemic risk of becoming overweight adults.6,7 Fur- consumption of soft drinks is approaching
American youths are in the midst of an thermore, comorbidities traditionally ob- 60 gallons a year. This increase was, in part,
overweight or risk of being overweight epi- served in overweight adults are now com- the result of huge advertising expenditures
demic. Excess weight is the most common monly seen in overweight youths. Positive of soft drink companies and the omnipres-
health problem facing America’s youth.1 In associations have been found between ex- ence of soft drinks and sugar-enhanced fruit
the United States, youths with a body mass cess weight in youths and increased blood drinks in schools. For example, the com-
index (BMI) at the 85th percentile for age pressure,8,9 type 2 diabetes,10,11 increased bined advertising budgets of Coca-Cola and
and gender is defined as “at risk for over- cholesterol and triglyceride levels,12 respi- PepsiCo were almost $3 billion in 2001.
weight,” formerly termed “overweight,”2 ratory disease,13 orthopedic problems,14 There are a variety of concerns associ-
while the 95th percentile of BMI for age and gallbladder disease and sleep apnea.15 Over- ated with regular and frequent consump-
gender is defined as “overweight,” formerly weight children report a fivefold increased tion of beverages that contain primarily
termed “obese.” Obesity, which has tradi- risk of low health-related quality of life, sugar and little else (Table 1).22 Soft drinks
tionally been defined as excess body fat, has similar to children afflicted with cancer.16 have been referred to by some as “liquid
been replaced with the term “overweight.” Research also indicates that overweight chil- candy.”20 A typical 12-ounce soft drink serv-
Approximately one in every three of dren are more likely to exhibit poorer psy- ing contains about 150 kcal, equivalent to
America’s youths are at risk for overweight, chological outcomes such as poor self-es- 10 teaspoons of sugar. An examination of
and one in every six is overweight.3 Further- teem and depression, especially for the products purchased by soft drink manu-
more, the level of overweight in youths 6– overweight girls.17,18 Finally, the morbidities facturers indicates that the majority of
11 years of age doubled and more than associated with being an overweight youth manufacturers primarily purchase a variety
tripled among those 12 to 19 years of age has created a threefold increase in health of sweeteners to put in flavored carbonated
from 1976–1980 to 1999–2000.4 Overweight care costs in the past 20 years, reaching $127 water (Table 2).23 In addition, common
in youths also varies by race/ethnicity. Af- million a year.15 The health costs of over- serving sizes for soft drinks have been in-
rican American girls experience higher rates weight adults has escalated to $75 billion in creasing: 6.5 ounces in the 1950s; 12 ounces
of being overweight than do whites or His- 2003 dollars with one-half of these expen- in the 1960s; and 20 ounces by the late
panics.5 African American boys are more ditures paid for by Medicaid and Medi- 1990s.24 Depending on age, gender, and
likely to be overweight than whites, but less care.19 socioeconomic status, between 56% and
likely to be overweight compared to His- Soft Drink Consumption and Overweight 85% of school children consume at least one
panic boys. In addition, the relationship In 1997, Americans spent $54 billion on soft drink a day, with adolescent males con-
between socioeconomic status and over- soft drinks, and adolescents consumed the suming the greatest amounts. Approxi-
weight in youths is tenuous. The strongest greatest portion of those drinks.20 U.S. per mately 25% of adolescents drink more than
evidence of low socioeconomic status im- capita consumption of soft drinks increased 26 ounces of soft drinks per day.20 The lead-
pacting overweight in youths is a positive by fivefold from about 1950 to 2000.21 The ing source of added sugars in the adoles-
relationship for white females.5 Washington Post has reported (Washington cent diet is now soft drinks,20,25 accounting
Overweight youths are at an increased Post, March 23, 1999, z12) that per capita for as much as 40% of added sugars, and

American Journal of Health Education — September/October 2006, Volume 37, No. 5 307
James H. Price, Judy Murnan, and Bradene Moore

does not enter the brain and therefore does sweet drink (soft drinks, high-sugar fruit
Table 2. Ingredients Purchased
not give an equivalent satiety signal even drinks, and high-sugar fruit juices) con-
by Most Soft Drink Manufacturers
though calories are being consumed (stealth sumption averaged 2.9 drinks per day.31 The
or Juice Processors in 2004
calories). In addition, once inside cells, fruc- consumption of one or two sweet drinks per
Percent of tose is more easily changed than glucose to day significantly increased, by a factor of
Companies long-chain fatty acids, which can be more two, young children becoming overweight
Purchasing easily stored as fat. Thus, the consumption if they had been at risk of overweight at the
Ingredient Product of calories from HFCS in soft drinks and fruit start of the study or it caused them to re-
drinks is not compensated for in the diet and main overweight if they had been over-
Soft Drink Manufacturers
usually represents an intake of additional weight at the beginning of the study when
Sweeteners/Blends* 80
Caramel Color 73 calories added to calories consumed from compared to children who consumed less
Caffeine 73 solid foods, indicating a serious potential than one of these drinks per day. In other
Juice/Concentrates 67 mechanism for helping to create the current words, soft drink consumption was most
Sugar* 67 overweight epidemic in youths. likely to harm those already susceptible to
Corn Sweeteners* 67 There have been at least half a dozen becoming overweight.
Sucralose* 67 studies that have found a relationship be- Using the 1994 U.S. Department of Ag-
Aspartame* 67 tween soft drink consumption and over- riculture (USDA) Continuing Surveys of
Juice Processors weight. These studies have included both Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII), which
Juice/Concentrates 84 regional and national samples, and have included 1,810 youths ages two to 18 years,
Flavors 73 included preschool, elementary, and high researchers examined soft drink consump-
Sweeteners/Blends* 57
school students. A study of 504 students in tion and its nutritional consequences.32
Citric Acid 54
grades four through six found those stu- Compared to students who did not drink
Sucralose* 51
dents in the highest one-third of sweetened soft drinks, those who drank soft drinks
*Sweeteners were the ingredients purchased beverage consumption consumed about consumed 188 kcal more per day, and con-
most often. 330 kcal extra per day when compared to sumed far less milk and fruit juices. Those
Source: Penn C. 2005 R & D Survey: new students who did not consume sweetened who were White (rather than African
drinks include a health benefit in ’05. beverages. In addition, students of color American), male (rather than female), and
Beverage Industry. 2005;96(1):46.
(Hispanics and African Americans) had the adolescents (rather than elementary grades)
highest sweetened beverage (soft drinks and were the highest consumers of soft drinks.
combined with fruit drinks they constitute fruit drinks) consumption. Furthermore, A group (>10,000) of predominately
more than 50% of added sugars.26 The con- students whose parents were less well edu- white nine- to 14-year olds were followed
sequences are excessive calorie consumption cated (high school or less) had higher sweet- for three years to assess the effects of con-
and tooth decay, with no nutritional value.27 ened beverage consumption than students suming sugar-added drinks (soft drinks,
An additional concern with soft drink with better educated parents.29 These high fruit drinks, and fruit juices) on weight
consumption has been the changing sweet- sweetened drink consumers were found to gain.33 During those years, self-reported soft
ener composition over the past 35 years. In consume 62% less fruit than did those who drink consumption increased significantly
1970, companies introduced high-fructose were in the lower one-third of sweetened and milk intake declined significantly. There
corn syrup (HFCS) to the world by using beverage consumers. Another study of 385 was a linear association between number of
enzymes to convert the inexpensive sweet sixth- and seventh-grade students examined sugar-added drinks consumed per day and
corn-based sucrose syrups to a mixture high self-reported behaviors that were related to weight gain in boys. Girls who drank one
in fructose and glucose.28 HFCS is the domi- students who were overweight.30 Two vari- or more servings per day of sugar-added
nant sweetener in soft drinks and fruit-fla- ables were significantly associated with be- drinks gained significantly more weight
vored drinks. HFCS now represents a little ing overweight: watching two or more hours than girls who did not drink such bever-
more than 40% of calorie sweeteners added of TV per night and consuming three or ages, but the relationship was not a straight-
to American foods. The digestion and me- more soft drinks per day. Hispanic students forward linear relationship as seen in the
tabolism of HFCS differs considerably from were significantly more likely than non- boys.
glucose. Glucose requires insulin to get in- Hispanic white students to consume more The final study in this series examined
side cells, whereas fructose does not need soft drinks. whether a school-based educational pro-
insulin to enter cells.28 Glucose can easily In a study (n = 10,904) of preschoolers gram aimed at reducing soft drink con-
enter brain tissue and help provide a “sati- ages two and three years who were enrolled sumption could prevent excess weight gain
ety” signal to the brain, whereas fructose in a state WIC program, the amount of in children seven to 11 years of age

308 American Journal of Health Education — September/October 2006, Volume 37, No. 5
James H. Price, Judy Murnan, and Bradene Moore

(n=644).34 The students were divided into tors claim they gain economic resources to sumer base. A strategist for a marketing
a control group (n=319) and an interven- maintain a better school environment by company noted, “One of the reasons kids’
tion group (n=325). The intervention group being able to buy new band uniforms, ath- marketing is different than marketing to
received a four-hour anti-sweetened car- letic equipment, computers, and travel for adults is because kids have so many rituals
bonated drink program, touting the ben- student groups, just to name a few and behaviors that we can latch on to and
efits of drinking water to help reduce den- examples. Unfortunately, the leaders of connect with.”43 Soft drink companies have
tal caries. At the end of 12 months, the in-school marketing have been soft drink captive populations available by the mil-
intervention groups consumed a little more companies, snack foods, candy, and fast lions in schools in which they can create an
than a serving less in soft drinks and the food manufacturers. A recent state study of omnipresence to develop a brand loyalty
percentage of overweight and at risk of principals’ perceptions of commercialism early in the life of youths. If you were head-
overweight decreased by 0.2%, whereas the found that three-fourths (76%) indicated ing a soft drink company, would you want
control group had a 7.5% increase in over- there was very little to no negative public- to try to convert a young adult Coke drinker
weight and at risk of overweight students. ity concerning commercialism in schools.40 to a Pepsi drinker or would you prefer to
The aforementioned studies indicate the In other words, they perceived that parents gain the brand loyalty of 10 year olds who
danger of soft drink consumption result- really did not care about commercial com- have another 65 years of purchasing life
ing in excessive calorie intake and contrib- panies going into schools and seducing ahead of them? After all, youths spend about
uting to the secular trend of weight gain by their children into buying specific products $24 billion of their “own” money each year
youths. However, another significant delete- for the economic improvement of schools. and directly influence another $188 billion
rious effect of soft drink consumption is the Furthermore, 57% of the principals claimed worth of purchases.44
less obvious impact it has on decreased milk even if funds were available to pay for the Parental influence is the primary deter-
consumption and lowered calcium intake activities that were funded by commercial minant of children’s dietary intake, yet en-
during many of the peak years when bone activities they would still support these vironmental factors such as school environ-
mass is being established. Milk is consumed commercial entities involvement in their ments whose vending machines and soft
by about 78% of 12-year old girls, but as schools. The principals overwhelmingly drink sales are becoming more common-
they increase their soft drink consumption (95%) claimed there were no negative place also significantly influence what chil-
milk intake drops to only 36% of girls by effects of commercialism on the objectives dren consume. In fact, the only other ma-
age 19.35 Such reduction in calcium intake of their schools. In addition, the majority jor change in young children’s (ages 6–11)
may result in a 5% to 10% reduction in peak (74%) did not believe that corporate adver- diets from the late 1970s to the late 1990s,
bone mass, and such a reduction in bone tising in schools unduly influenced students. other than the major increase in soft drinks,
mass may be responsible for a 50% greater A recent study of California school has been a tripling of the intake of chips/
risk of hip fracture later in life.36,37 Research board members’ perceptions of factors in- crackers/popcorn/pretzels.45 Schools have a
indicates that physically active girls who fluencing school nutrition policy found that responsibility to encourage and model
drink soft drinks are three times as likely as the majority (56%) of school board mem- healthy behaviors.46 Indeed, schools have
girls who do not drink soft drinks to suffer bers felt inadequately prepared to develop been delegated the authority to act in loco
bone fractures. Furthermore, if the soft sound nutrition policies.41 In addition, 51% parentis, and thus have the responsibility to
drink is a cola, the risk of fracture increases did not feel adequately prepared to provide act as a reasonable parent in making deci-
by a factor of five.38 community leadership in communicating sions for the students in their care. Schools
Commercialism, Pouring Rights and supporting school nutrition policies, have a duty to protect children when they
Contracts, and Youth Overweight and 53% did not feel adequately prepared once arrive on school grounds. Further-
Over the past 30 years, schools have to monitor, review, and revise nutrition more, this physical custody results in the
taken on more responsibilities and they policies to ensure effectiveness. 41 school’s duty to provide a healthy environ-
have become increasingly strapped for The principals’ and school board mem- ment.47 Without providing healthier alter-
funds since public financial support has bers’ perceptions seem to be inordinately natives, such as water or low-fat milk at the
waned. Such financial shortfalls have made uninformed for youths well-being. Brand price of soft drinks, the widespread avail-
school administrators more willing to sac- awareness begins very early in life. At 24 ability of unhealthy beverages in the form
rifice the long-term health of students for months of age children can identify vari- of soft drinks could be perceived as a viola-
the school’s financial gain. ous brands, and by six years of age start us- tion of this duty.
The claim is often made that school ing brands to identify preferred products.42 Today, many school districts have under-
commercialism, product marketing for fi- Companies have only two major ways to mined compulsory education laws by en-
nancial gain, is a win-win situation for increase the sales of a product; entice con- tering into contracts giving exclusive adver-
schools and students.39 School administra- sumers to switch brands or grow a new con- tising and selling of products to students

American Journal of Health Education — September/October 2006, Volume 37, No. 5 309
James H. Price, Judy Murnan, and Bradene Moore

Figure 1. The Nuts and Bolts of Soda Contracts

Pricing: Unhealtful beverages, such as soda and sugar-added juices, are often priced lower than water or 100% juice. Studies
show that price influences student choice.

Commissions: Product sales determine the profitability of the contract. The contracts aim to increase soda consumption. If the
school district does not meet its quota, then it does not receive the full allocation. This puts the school district in the position of
needing to increase sales of sodas to students.

Contract Length and Opt-out Clauses: Contracts are often established for 5 to 10 years and, in many cases, do not have an “opt
out” clause. Therefore, the school district is responsible for reimbursing the soda company for money lost if the contract is

Placement: Contracts can contain stipulations that the machines with soda and other sugary beverages be placed in high traffic
areas and at eye level. Healthier beverages are often placed in vending machines below or above eye level and in areas that are
less frequented by students.

Control Over Healthy Options: Contracts can contain stipulations that allow soda companies to control the quantity and type of
beverages sold. Often, there are limited slots for healthy beverages. As a result, the healthier drinks sell out more quickly. This
limits the school district’s ability to consistently offer healthier options.

Product Size: Contracts stipulate the size of beverages sold and the amount of commission received by the district on each size.
It has become increasingly popular to sell 20 oz. bottles of soda in the majority of the machines – increasing profits as well as
calories from beverages of minimal nutritional value.

Lack of Alternatives: Products other than those the soda company offers are not allowed on school grounds or at school events,
including sporting events and dances. Contract stipulations may also prohibit donations of competing products.

Advertising: Contracts can stipulate that the soda company may advertise on soda machines, scoreboards, and posters. Some
contracts have even allowed soda company representatives to address students at games or school assemblies.

Incentive Items: Contracts can contain provisions that provide the school with free incentive items such as cups, T-shirts, posters,
and drink bottles. This provides yet another opportunity for advertising and developing brand name recognition for unhealthy

Source: California Project LEAN. Taking the Fizz Out of Soda Contracts: A Guide to Community Action. Available at:

within school buildings. These contracts, Data from the 2000 School Health Poli- chines, five machines dispensing other bev-
referred to as “pouring rights contracts” cies and Programs Study (SHPPS) found erages, and two snack machines.50 Health
have a variety of attributes that appeal to that food and beverage items were sold to educators/school nurses and others must
schools and students alike (Figure 1).46 students from vending machines or school consider whether students perceive soft
School systems usually get upfront money, stores in 98% of secondary schools, 74% of drinks and snacks sold in vending machines
often in the millions of dollars, get commis- middle schools, and 43% of elementary as implied endorsements from trusted pro-
sions on the amount of soft drinks sold with schools.48 A more recent state-wide study fessionals and an institution, their teachers
escalating revenues for greater quantities of of Minnesota secondary school principals and their school.
soft drinks sold, placement of soft drink found that 77% reported having vending These pouring rights contracts, permit-
machines in high traffic areas, and have machine contracts with soft drink compa- ting the sale of soft drinks through vending
lengthy contracts (5 to 10 years) without nies.49 Another study of Minnesota high machines, simply offer students empty and
“opt out” clauses. schools found a median of 11 vending ma- excessive calories. Indeed, these soft drinks,

310 American Journal of Health Education — September/October 2006, Volume 37, No. 5
James H. Price, Judy Murnan, and Bradene Moore

offered in the halls outside school cafete- on board to help make personal contacts Adequate nutrition education might help
rias, are referred to as “competitive foods.”51 with school board members to encourage inoculate children against excessive con-
These empty calorie products compete with and educate the school board members to sumption of soft drinks. The 2000 SHPPS
nutritious foods offered by school cafete- understand the health implications of survey found that 55% of schools reported
rias and undermine the limited amount of readily available soft drinks in schools. This offering nutrition and dietary behavior
nutrition education offered at schools. coalition would also need to alert the local counseling.57 Of the schools that offered
To date, no court has had an opportu- media regarding the role of soft drinks in health education, they averaged about five
nity to review pouring rights contracts.52 childhood overweight and the effect of soft hours per year on nutrition and dietary be-
However, in other court matters involving drinks on nutritional changes in youth’s haviors.58 In addition, 26% of states re-
review of a school district’s decision to en- diets. This coalition would also need to edu- quired height and weight or BMI to be mea-
ter into commercial activity, courts have cate its members and supporters regarding sured, while 61.5% required parental
been hesitant to curb a school board’s deci- the importance of attending school board notification of the child’s weight assess-
sion. Certainly, school districts could de- meetings and speaking in a professional ment. In Massachusetts, parents of over-
cline to enter into pouring rights contracts, manner regarding the one or two things weight children who received health report
and could even ban the sale of soft drinks they think are most important to convey to cards from their child’s school which ad-
in their schools, as has been done by some the board members.54 If a coalition is suc- vised them of the weight of their children
school districts and some states. cessful at blocking pouring contracts, then were more likely to begin seeking help for
Curtailing the Sweet Deals they need to be sure to publicly commend their overweight child.59 Child weight infor-
Schools have three options in dealing the school board members who helped vote mation sent home is essential since research
with soft drinks in schools: minimize the down the contract. indicates that only about one in 10 parents
hours during the day when soft drinks are The Child Nutrition and WIC Reautho- of overweight children perceive their child’s
available to students, improve the nutri- rization Act of 2004 requires all school dis- weight accurately.60
tional quality of beverages available in vend- tricts with federally funded school meal The aforementioned approach to cur-
ing machines and lower their prices to en- programs to develop and implement tailing soft drink consumption in schools
courage students to purchase them, or have wellness policies that address nutrition by is a local approach. It requires coalitions
a complete ban on the sale of soft drinks in the start of the 2006–2007 school year.55 As forming all across the United States,
schools. According to the American Acad- part of this wellness policy, schools should partnering with school boards one case at a
emy of Pediatrics, the preferred method for insist that soft drink companies replace their time. However, schools most likely to be
dealing with soft drinks at school would be “foods of minimal nutritional value” with desirous of soft drink money are economi-
to ban them from schools.53 Such an ap- beverages of improved nutritional quality. cally disadvantaged school systems, usually
proach would take a concerted effort by a A new publication, Making It Happen— residing in low socioeconomic environ-
dedicated group of individuals.46 This coa- School Nutrition Success Stories, provides ments. To the extent that school profession-
lition of individuals would hopefully in- evidence that when students are offered als and parents in such school systems are
clude school district staff such as health healthful foods and beverages as a substi- already overextended putting out “more
teachers, school nurses, and food service tute for “junk foods” they will buy them and immediate fires,” the less likely they will
directors at a minimum. They would have schools will make money from selling more have the time, resources, and know how to
to be vigilant regarding school board an- healthful options. In fact, of the 17 school be adequately involved in coalitions to
nouncements for new contracts with out- districts who reported income data after eliminate pouring rights contracts. In other
side agencies. Once a request for a proposal changing their offerings, 12 school districts words, the students most likely to be at risk
to provide soft drinks was detected, then increased their revenues and 4 reported no for overweight are the ones most likely to
this dedicated group would need to swing changes to their revenues.56 Such a change be recipients of pouring rights contracts.
into action. They would need to seek sup- in beverage offerings should also include Thus, another approach to reducing soft
port from local health professionals (e.g., pricing healthful beverages lower than less drinks in schools might be to intervene at
physicians, public health professionals, hos- healthful beverages. Typically, water in the state or national levels.
pital administrators, etc.); support from vending machines costs about twice as Public education is a state responsibil-
PTA members and other parents willing to much as a can of soda. ity which state legislatures delegate to state
be vocal regarding their opposition; support Additionally, school health services and departments of education and their state
from local students who can vocalize their school health education need to play criti- boards, which subsequently delegate their
beliefs about why soft drinks do not need cal roles in monitoring and educating stu- authority to local boards of education.
to be advertised and sold in schools; and dents regarding being overweight, its pre- Thus, to intervene at the state level to elimi-
local community leaders need to be brought vention, health effects, and how to treat it. nate soft drink pouring rights will require

American Journal of Health Education — September/October 2006, Volume 37, No. 5 311
James H. Price, Judy Murnan, and Bradene Moore

directly from the pockets of students and

Table 3. Soft Drink Company Top 10
parents, many of which cannot economi-
Market Share and Quantity Sold (2004)
cally afford such consumer pressure. When
Brand (Company) Rank Market Cases Sold the income from soft drinks is divided up
Share (%) (millions) * across the entire student body, the per-stu-
dent/per-year contract is not as lucrative as
Coke Classic (Coke) 1 17.9 1,832.7
it may seem initially.
Pepsi-Cola (Pepsi) 2 11.5 1,179.5
Diet Coke (Coke) 3 9.7 998.0
Mt. Dew (Pepsi) 4 6.3 648.0 REFERENCES
Diet Pepsi (Pepsi) 5 6.1 625.0 1. Strauss RS, Pollack HA. Epidemic increase
Sprite (Coke) 6 5.7 580.5 in childhood overweight, 1986–1998. JAMA.
Dr. Pepper (Cadbury) 7 5.6 574.1 2001;286:2845–2848.
Caffeine Free Diet Coke (Coke) 8 1.7 170.0 2. Styne DM. Childhood and adolescent obe-
Diet Dr. Pepper (Cadbury) 9 1.4 140.1 sity – prevalence and significance. Pediatr Clin
Sierra Mist (Pepsi) 10 1.4 138.8 North Amer. 2001;48:823–854.
3. American Academy of Pediatrics, Com-
*Case volume is 192 ounces per case.
Source: Sicher JD. Beverage Digest/Maxwell ranks U.S. soft drink industry for 2004. Beverage Digest. mittee on Nutrition. Prevention of pediatric
March 4, 2005, 2pp. overweight and obesity. Pediatrics. 2003;
4. Ogden CL, Flegal KM, Carroll MD,
much larger coalitions with broader con- cal action committees (PACs) of these com- Johnson CL. Prevalence and trends in over-
nections to state legislators and the panies have considerable resources to bring weight among U.S. children and adolescents,
governor’s office. It will also require greater to bear on such an issue. It has been esti- 1999–2000. JAMA. 2002;288:1728–1732.
resources to compete with soft drink com- mated that in 2004 the soft drink business 5. Crawford PB, Story M, Wang MC, Ritchie
panies, and vending machine manufactur- was worth $65.9 billion, with the top 10 soft LD, Sabry ZI. Ethnic issues in the epidemiology
ers, and those who would perceive them- drink brands owned by just three compa- of childhood obesity. Pediatr Clin North Amer.
selves next in line to be restricted, no doubt nies; Cola-Cola Company, PepsiCo, and 2001;48:855–878.
the candy bar and snack foods manufactur- Cadbury Schweppes (Table 3).62 Thus, these 6. Guo SS, Chumlea WC. Tracking of body
ers. Such a lengthy and expensive fight three companies will be the leaders in the mass index in children in relation to overweight
would be worth the effort to help improve fight to maintain pouring rights contracts. in adulthood. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;70(Suppl):
the well being of an entire state’s children. Some opponents of pouring rights con- 1455–1485.
The most appropriate level for banning tracts may perceive their best solution will 7. Whitaker RC, Wright JA, Pepe MS, Seidel
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